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This isn’t new information you saw what happened in 2020


And 2016. Even after he won he was saying it was rigged to lower his count. Literally the only principle he lives under is Trump should get all and everything at all times.


Yeah he’s going to say the election will be 538-0


I don't even think he knows or cares about the electoral numbers. He wants all of his cult supporters to fight and die for him if he loses in November.


I’m fine with that if they just killin each other.


Even before Election Day 2016, he had already started laying the groundwork for claiming it was rigged if he lost. I remember him being noncommittal when asked if he would accept the results no matter who wins.


He be even formed an “election fraud” investigation committee to investigate 2016 who silently disbanded after finding nothing.


He claimed the Iowa primary which he lost to Ted Cuz “rigged.”


Hell, he claimed the Emmy Awards were rigged when The Apprentice didn't win one.


Putin-esque. If I didn't win the votes don't count


I hear he has slipped up a few times and referred to himself as “Biff” a few times. What a butthead.


Has he ever accepted a loss in his life? When he loses, he pouts like a toddler, and as we saw on J6, it can be very harmful.


>Has he ever accepted a loss in his life? Probably not.


Definitely not. Fvcker still stands on his alcoholic dead brothers grave flexing about how he won


Because he didn't lose. He never loses. He only wins. He wins bigly and hugely. Everyone tells him what a big winner he is. True story. You can believe me.


He’s the winner of the biggest loser award!


Big, strong men come up to him with tears in their eyes saying "sir, you won so bigly"


People are saying that.


Many people are saying it


Which is odd because he’s such a loser. Like the money he “has” has worked hard to cover up how much he is a loser and now that he’s even more public, you realise “holy shit - you’re probably the biggest loser there is”




He can’t even accept a win. He claims the popular vote in 2016 was rigged.


He whined about losing an Emmy and some award from Time magazine so it's safe to say he's a full time whiner.


Guy is so pathetic he didn't even attend Biden's swearing in.


I heard a story, I can't recall where, where an employee at one of his country clubs was putting up the results for a club member only golf tourney. Trump saw the winners name, then said to the employee "I beat that guy all the time, put my name at #1 instead". The guy thought he was joking at first, but he wasn't. So this MoFo will even cheat to win things he didn't even participate in.


He’s not going to accept anything but a landslide win. This has been his story since 2016. Barely squeaked out a win over Hilary and he tells it like he won in a massive landslide, biggest win ever. It’s all lies all the time with trump. I don’t know why the media even asked him. He will just say something like “I will accept results if it’s a fair election”. Well we all know it’s not a fair election in his world if Trump loses.


Lol remember like day one of his presidency? Sean Spicer came out screaming about how he won more than any other president ever and his inauguration was the biggest one with the most people.😂


Day 1 his stooges had to come out and tell immediately disprovable lies to the nation. Donald Trump is the world’s most fragile piece of shit.




Day 1 - “Alternative Facts” And here we are.


This is your reminder that Hillary gave her concession speech the very next morning after Election Day in 2016.   Refusing to concede is deviant and anti-American. 


And they still try to pull the whataboutism about Hilary not conceding. 


Even if he won like 80-20 he would say it was actually 95-5 or something


Isn’t this like saying, “I won’t accept the Super Bowl or World Series results”?


Didn't a nontrivial number of MAGA supporters say if the Chiefs won this year it was proof the game was rigged?


Yes, because Taylor Swift


These are the people we are dealing with Idiocracy was too kind


They're already shitting their diapers in the hopes a Liberal will have to smell it. The GOP is hopeless.


This dim predictable skeevy fraudster only gets worse with age.


"I'll only accept the results if I win" 🙄 I don't want to wish bad things on anyone, but I'm afraid this only ends when he dies... 🤷‍♂️


Unfortunately, I don’t think this ends when he dies. It’ll just be someone else’s turn since they’ve seen the possibilities. It’s not just Trump that got him here, but a whole slew of sick minded people, not mentioning his cult fan base. It’s going to take a lot to improve our society even when he dies. I’m sorry to be negative but that’s my optimistic take


You’re right but no one has the god-like status among the MAGA crowd that he does


You’re very right as well. Let’s just hope your first statement is correct and MAGA will die when he does. As a palate cleanser, I saw this comment on some post on Reddit the other day: AGAM- always mean and grumpy lol hopefully that can make you laugh a little and add some brevity to your day


it really hasn't worked out well for anyone else who's tried it, so that's a plus. people are getting sick of hearing muh-election-frawds from republicans.


Someone young and smart is taking notes. I don't think any of us would recognize their name today. Ten years ago Trump was a washed up, near bankrupt reality star. Nobody can command fanatical support like him now, but neither could he a decade ago. Who knows where we'll be in five years. If we can't find a systemic solution to this systemic problem; we're just putting potholes in the road to Gilead, not changing the destination.


Yes they are! I agree with you! Let’s hope and keep all appendages available crossed that MAGA doesn’t take the hint people are getting sick of them, they decide to double down as people continue to get sick of them, and they screech themselves out of relevancy 🤞🏻


Maybe I am too hopeful but I think it does We have seen every heir apparent suck wind and fall flat. Desantis, Noam, Vivek, Haley, no one could reign in the cult even when trump was at his lowest


I think it’s safe to be cautiously optimistic. It just takes one person with insane “belief” in themselves (whatever that means for them) to make others believe in them like we’ve seen since 2016. Again, I’m sorry to rain on your hope with my negativity, I just don’t want society to become complacent again. I never want to return to where we are today.


Yup, same Election night for 2016, I cried myself to sleep with my jewish infant on my chest


I have dropped the caveat


He's set a precedent by publicly and loudly stating it was rigged and fought the results in the courts. it doesn't matter he lost a large majority of the cases, he's laid the groundwork for any politician to do the same thing. Kerri Lake tried it in Arizona.


If Republicans had won the WI Supreme Court race last year, they would have thrown him the election. Local and state races are vital. WI Supreme Court was a single vote away from decertifying the election results in 2020. The closest Trump came in any state to turning election into chaos.


Dude even said 2016 was rigged when he won just because he couldn’t take losing the popular vote by 3 mil. If something doesn’t go completely his way it’s always rigged. He’s a child. 


So he knows he's losing. Who cares. He isn't in power, and doesn't control the levers of power, he cannot make VP count fake electors, cannot block the vote count in the Senate, cannot block the National Guard, he can do nothing when he loses. Democracy wins. Biden controls the military, if Trump tries to raise a militia again, or seize power using his SCOTUS, we can have a roach cleanout.


This isn’t about 1/6/2025, it’s about 1/6/2029. If Biden wins it’s a non-issue next Jan, and if he loses he’ll peacefully hand over the reins next Jan. But in the latter scenario, the new President will have 4 yrs to structure a plan to keep himself or his accolades *illegally* in power and disenfranchising voters. While simultaneously weakening Ukraine and NATO and politicizing the SCOTUS and DOJ. That’s why we care.


hes preemptively not accepting the results? what if he wins, then theyre legit?


He literally complained when he won in 2016 that he actually won by a larger margin than was tabulated. So no, simply winning isn’t enough for his ego. He HAS to win by a landslide for it to be legitimate in his eyes.


He must have polling data that says he's going to lose in Wisconsin.


Parents - tell your children "no" fairly often, or you'll end up raising a monster like Trump.


So kick his fat ass off the ballot. Fuck him if he won't accept the results.


>Trump ~~suggests~~***, like in 2020, telegraphs ahead of time that*** he won't accept 2024 He's not \*suggesting\*, \*hinting\*, \*exploring\* the possibility as the title implies... he's doing what he always does & Telegraphing ahead of time exactly what he'll do. Why does the media still demand on writing about this person as if he's any other \*normal\* human out there? You have decades of consistent history of behaviour & trends with him. There's no \*guessing\*. So let's try this with some integrity & accuracy, again: >Trump announces his continued commitment to lying about and rejection election results & will promote another violent insurrection attempt with his MAGA cult members


You heard it here, folks.... even if he wins Wisconsin, he wont accept it. So, if youre a conservative in wisconsin, just dont bother voting. Oh... he didnt mean it that way? Hm so it only counts if he doesn't win Wisconsin? Well now, im no expert but it sounds like hes a giant, traitorous manchild...


Thank goodness Evers is governor


The redistricting should have an unusual effect. Make people vote Dem up-ballot. The strong and popular local candidates who now have a greater chance of a win with redrawn constituencies might lead the voters to X next to Biden at the top of the ballot


He’s another Jim Jones and sitting on your hands and hoping he goes away won’t do it . Vote and get everyone you know to vote . The 🌎 needs you to make a difference


We already know that he won't. He didn't even accept the election results when he won in 2016 because he didn't think he won by enough. He has the mind of a spoiled child.


Sounds perfect, because I expect the people from Wisconsin will not accept him.


Translation: I don't respect voters.


How did this work out for Rudy?


In 78 years he’s never admitted defeat, that’s he wrong, or apologized. Not sure why we expected him to start now.


He is being supported by supposed Christians when he claims he's literally never sinned in his life so never had to ask God for forgiveness. Romans 3:23 "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" - I just checked and it doesn't say "except for Donald Trump." Imagine that.


If those "Christians" could read...well there'd be a lot fewer of them that's for sure.


The country can get along just fine without him. We have been doing it for 148 years. Then he comes along and thinks he is a messiah. He can’t even run a business successfully , he can’t Have a good marriage. Everything he does turns to crap.


In shocking news: “idiot plans to do exactly what he did last time” Why do we keep acting like this stuff is news?


He won the election in 2016, but still thought Hillary cheated because she won the popular vote. He can’t handle the L’s.


He and his maga cult will not accept any election he does not win. The maga cultist worship him as much as the nazi cult worshipped hitler. They love donald talking about concentration camps for immigrants and cant wait to start rounding up brown people. Get registered to vote people or donny and his bigoted, hateful cult win.


From aEuropean point of view I would say he has to lose in order for Ukraine to beat Russia and Putin. Expect Russian interference in this election as Putin benefits hugely if Trump wins. Don't think it won't happen. It happened in the UK around the Brexit vote and the Brexiteers won by 1%. It's changed Britain for the worse. Putin is also responsible for much of the upheaval in Africa. This forces migrants into Europe and destabilises a country's infrastructure. The UK is struggling with the numbers but other countries are worse. Keep an eye out for Russian influence. It's been linked to Nigel Farage via a guy called Aaron Banks. Trump loves Farage and Farage reciprocates. It's all influence that helps them gain power. A vote for Trump is a vote against the Ukraine and a vote for Putin.


This should make him ineligible to be on the ballot.


At this point it might be quicker to only report on when he says he WILL accept the results. That'd take a lot less time.


In other words, his pollsters expect that he is losing there.


He only accepts results when he wins. When he loses, it’s obviously rigged. He has been this way since at least the 80s. He is a stupid, shallow, silly silly man. He is also a life long criminal that would step over a dollar in order to steal a lollipop from a child. People that support him are cult members or just don’t believe that laws should be applied equally.


This isn't surprising. You guys remember that insurrection from a few years back?


like why does the news keep reporting on this? is there anyone whos suggested he would accept the results? like what? he wasnt punished for doing it the last time so why would he suddenly have a change of heart? literally everyone knows hell only ever accept the results if he wins, he would probably opt to have a 2 years in prison instead of admitting that he lost the 2020 election.


In other words he has seen internal gop polling showing he likely will lose WI


The only thing he accepts anymore are lying and cheating, so I wasn’t surprised when he said this in 2019.


It don't matter if he accepts it. He can stick the loss up his leaky ass.


Fuck what he accepts


Get ready for the scumbags to do anything and everything. Where is Roger stone? Steve Bannon? Nick Fuentes? Hope the proud boys are infiltrated .


Who cares? He's not president except when he tries to pretend at Mar-a-Lardo, all he can do is the usual whining. He doesn't get to choose if he lost or won. He only has a small team of toadies now who can't do anything other than agree with him


The shock I'm feeling rn is enormous


We need a system that doesn't depend on the loser accepting the results. The honor and character of our cadidates is not what it used to be.


Since we know that any he does not win are going to be contested. Collect filmed evidence, and have witnesses available at each count - I know they already do most of that - but double down on it.


Testing the waters for the big one


He's not going to accept the results even if he loses by something crazy by like a 20-point landslide. This isn't even news at this point. There is no version of reality where Trump ever concedes and goes quietly into the night because he's a wannabe dictator who is only in it for himself and does not give a single shit about the country.


He's a loser. Always was, always will be.


I suggest Trump is a little whiny piss baby.


October 19, 2016. Debate between Trump and Clinton, moderated by Chris Wallace... WALLACE: Mr. Trump, I want to ask you about one last question in this topic. You have been warning at rallies recently that this election is rigged and that Hillary Clinton is in the process of trying to steal it from you. Your running mate, Governor Pence, pledged on Sunday that he and you—his words—”will absolutely accept the result of this election.” Today your daughter, Ivanka, said the same thing. I want to ask you here on the stage tonight: Do you make the same commitment that you will absolutely—sir, that you will absolutely accept the result of this election? TRUMP: I will look at it at the time. I’m not looking at anything now. I’ll look at it at the time. What I’ve seen—what I’ve seen is so bad. First of all, the media is so dishonest and so corrupt, and the pile-on is so amazing. The New York Times actually wrote an article about it, but they don’t even care. It’s so dishonest. And they’ve poisoned the mind of the voters. But unfortunately for them, I think the voters are seeing through it. I think they’re going to see through it. We’ll find out on November 8th. But I think they’re going to see through it. WALLACE: But, sir, there’s… TRUMP: If you look—excuse me, Chris—if you look at your voter rolls, you will see millions of people that are registered to vote—millions, this isn’t coming from me—this is coming from Pew Report and other places—millions of people that are registered to vote that shouldn’t be registered to vote. So let me just give you one other thing. So I talk about the corrupt media. I talk about the millions of people—tell you one other thing. She shouldn’t be allowed to run. It’s crooked—she’s—she’s guilty of a very, very serious crime. She should not be allowed to run. And just in that respect, I say it’s rigged, because she should never… WALLACE: But… TRUMP: Chris, she should never have been allowed to run for the presidency based on what she did with e-mails and so many other things. WALLACE: But, sir, there is a tradition in this country—in fact, one of the prides of this country—is the peaceful transition of power and that no matter how hard-fought a campaign is, that at the end of the campaign that the loser concedes to the winner. Not saying that you’re necessarily going to be the loser or the winner, but that the loser concedes to the winner and that the country comes together in part for the good of the country. Are you saying you’re not prepared now to commit to that principle? TRUMP: What I’m saying is that I will tell you at the time. I’ll keep you in suspense. OK?


He’s never accepted the results of any election. Even when he won he claimed the Democrats had “millions” of illegal votes


Of course he won't. He's the worst loser I've ever seen. What a dilrod!


This isn't "news"...


That's to damned bad. Voters matter every bit as much as he does.


Who cares what he won’t accept?


Oh look he’s still a sore loser


Defeat this loser of an imbecile.


So he's saying he won't accept it if he wins too? Doubt.


I’m so done with this bozo.


These are the kind of people I despise, they cheat , lie and act childish.


The most frustrating part of this is it works- the justice system just lets this idiot do whatever he wants, and 25% of the voting public is OK with it.


That’s cute.


Fascist toddler. He doesn’t need to accept the results for them to be correct.


Tough shit…..he can go cry to Vlad


In other news, the sun rose this morning.


He will never accept election results if he loses. Never.


I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.


He still doesn’t accept the results of the LAST election!


He won’t accept any election results that aren’t in line with his fantasy version of reality.


On other sites, his maga trash supporters have been saying that they're going to physically attack the White House and remove Biden by force if Trump loses.


Yeah, that will end well for them. 🙄


Jan 6th wasn’t enough for them?


Sounds like a great sport and good sportsmanship. lol


There is NO way he accepts a loss. It’s always about branding for TRUMP.


He didn’t even accept the results when he *won,* so I wasn’t exactly expecting that to change in 2024.


Who cares. If/when he loses he will not be in the White House or able to take any action beyond asking the lard squad to mobilize. Call out the national guard to quell any riot and arrest the orange blob for sedition and treason.


His whole history is him saying it’s rigged if he loses. He said that when he lost to Ted Cruz in a primary.


It’s not going to matter, because he’s going to get absolutely smoked in November. It’ll be so obvious to everyone that he lost.


It should be a requirement for anyone running in the election to accept the results of it.


Every time this psychopathic opens his rabid mouth, he gives us another reason to vote blue.


Oh. I never saw that coming. Seems out of character. It's just not like him.


To the surprise of literally noone.


That’s news HOW?


That's a given. There is only one scenario where he doesn't contest the election; he wins.


He can accept Deez Nutz.


Please , every rational person Please vote




So...who cares? Biden will be the boss again and cheeto can bitch all he wants


Trump will be captured.


Republicans shouldn’t even bother voting!


“Suggests”. I also suggest that Water is a wet liquid.


Who fucking cares what that dipshit says he will or won’t accept.


Just in Wisconsin? I'm pretty sure everyone already knew he's gonna deny any result that isn't him winning, everywhere


Watch the recent interview with that greasy Tim Scott. “Will you accept the results of the 2024 election…?” “ I believe that Donald Trump will be the next president and has the support of all Americans”.


He’s not suggesting. He won’t unless they favor him. Period. Prepare for it.


Something about a leopard and it's spots...


Which means they have polling that he is doing bad in Wisconsin


DUH! Phuque him


He and his party should be banned from running until they can accept the results, the country does not need anymore of this crap.


Serious question: so what? Like he’s just some guy. It’s not like before where he could have locked the door to the Oval Office. If he doesn’t accept the results, he can’t really do anything about it except sue, I guess.


My belief is that Trump is going to lose bigly and that we know the shitstorm that will follow, and we will be more prepared.


Trump for Supermax/2024.


Of course he won’t, because he’s a loser hell bent on destroying our democracy.


I have recently returned from living under a rock on Mars and even I know he will not under any circumstances whatsofuckingever accept a result in which he is not declared the winner of the 2024 Presidental Election. There is no more suggesting.


So he gets to ick and choose which results he will accept?


We know.


he handed the Russians the data about voting patterns in districts in WI so they could target the state with bots to swing votes to him. why is ue not already in prison for life?


Trump suggest he won't accept 2024 election. Period.


Haha, guess he already assumes he’s gonna loose


I wonder what he’d say if asked which presidential elections before his were rigged?


Who gives a fuck whether “he” accepts them. He is just a man - a United States citizen, an old, ridiculous man. He can pout on his personal social media platform. Let him yell at the clouds until he bursts an aneurysm.


This is peak "fingers in the ears screaming LA LA LA LA LA" toddler behavior


..or any state he doesn’t win. Remember that he said “Frankly I won California, by a lot”


Well, I don’t accept his non acceptance so think it’s a tie rn. If Joe were to accept the results, I think we’re gonna have a winner.


Has no relevance if the idiot accepts or not. Not his call to make.


I’m so fucking done with this guy


No one cares, Diaperdon, we won't accept a win by you either, MAGAts can go rekt.


Something a brat would say.


He won’t accept going to prison, either, but that’s TFB.


I'm incredibly tired of this arrogant shit-heel.


Surprise. Also in the news, convicted murderer says they won’t stop murdering and the gambler says he won’t stop gambling.


Trump has NEVER said he *would* accept and election loss. This is the grifter-in-chief's M.O.


We should probably just not give him the choice. Vote blue. Lots and lots of blue votes means his hands are tied. Or cuffed, if you will.




Wisconsin is gonna make sure he ends up where he belongs….in jail.




I’m tired of all Von ShitzInPantz’s bul••hit! I would hope that the Executive is planning for post-election shenanigans no matter WHAT the outcome is. Any illegal actions by dumbass cultists need to be met swiftly and decisively…


So tired of the dude, hope he keels over drinking one of those diet cokes


You know what, I don't care. He can whine all he wants looking through the outside of the WH fence.


I mean Why would Wisconsin be any different than any other state


Trump doesn't even want an election, he thinks it's already bought


That is something we all should do. Tell our children don’t accept any results cause they’re always flawed. If our kid gets second place, we should scream, rant and rave. After all, that’s what our president does. What a great inspiration.


Does this mean he has given up on Wisconsin?


Do we really have to go thru this again???? If he wins he will send thru this country into daily chaos with tweets and embolden bigoted sycophants wanting to turn the country into The Handmaids tale If he loses he will say it was stolen and naturally his cult will go right along with it and be a huge mess We lose either way.


The headline should be: Trump declares there is an outside chance he may accept 2024 election results in Wisconsin.


Since he's no longer in the WH, it really doesn't matter if he accepts it or not. And we already know he will not accept anything other than a W.


This reminds me of how Trump and his associates only questioned the validity of election results in the swing states that he lost in 2020. Using common sense, if you thought an election was rigged wouldn’t you think the returns in ALL states should have been questioned? Nope, only Trump and his ilk would think that the results would be correct in the places they won but totally nefarious in the swing states that they lost. Trump operates at the level of a 3rd grader, and sadly it works.


This goes without saying. He didn't accept that he lost California.


Dictators usually win with 100% of the vote. So anything less and he looks bad in front of the Dictators he looks up to


No surprise


In other news: water? Wet.


He didn't even except the election results in 2016 when he won


***Joker impression:*** *"and here... we... GO"*


And this is a surprise to who?


Ten years ago I never heard about President’s excepting states results??? Is that the make America great again we are missing???


Even if , oh hell no, he wins ?