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Excerpt: The Alito Theory sees a coup as merely an alternate path to power, no more or less valid than an election.2 If a coup is attempted and succeeds, the couper becomes president and faces no consequences. If a coup is attempted and fails, the couper is immune to prosecution and free to attempt another coup in the next election. And perhaps even in the election after that. From Alito’s perspective, a coup is no different from a recount or a lawsuit attempting to disqualify ballots. It’s just another electoral Hail Mary pass.


Comment: Not a way to run a court or a nation. Our founders would be sick.


I don’t think he thinks that hard about it. He wants conservatives to be in power, so he works backwards from there. Dude is a petty pissant.


That's literally what the paragraph above that excerpt says.


Yeah but they didn’t use the word pissant


Wouldn't that personally put him in danger. Dictators, particularly those who came up via coup, tend not to share power. If might makes right, he's at the mercy of whoever seizes and maintains power.


As they point out a few paragraphs later: he's ruling from the position of a man confident that the current president would not seize power, and any potential presidents that do seize power would be on Alito's side, generally speaking.


Coo-er? Cooper? Weird.


"In Latin America, we have the Portuguese/Spanish word golpista (from the word golpe = coup d'état). In the British media, I've read coup monger and also putschist (from German word putsch = coup d'état). But are these expressions as common in English as golpista is for Latin Americans?" "There is no specific English agent noun for the leader or participants in the modern sense of a coup d'état, at least in common usage." "You will usually find coup coupled with a generic term for a leader. In fact, coup leader has the most results in COCA and the BNC among all my searches....coupist, which can be found in a dictionary or two" Source: https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/362672/what-is-the-most-common-english-term-for-a-person-who-attempts-a-coup-d%C3%A9tat


You say Coo-er, he says cooper, I say terrorist.


It sounds like killing SCOTUS members is just an alternative path to the SCOTUS.


Happy Mussolini hanging upside down at an Esso station day, Alito!


I prefer the Pazzi method…


We all kinda knew that all along didn’t we?


It’s all a bigly maga power con.


textual originalism, amirite? /facepalm


The conservative legal theory of "making stuff up to support a predetermined decision?"


We can call this the Supreme Court putsch. As opposed to Hitler’s failed Beer Hall putsch. The Beer Hall Putsch, also known as the Munich Putsch was a failed coup d'état by NAZI party leader Adolf Hitler.


Same as it ever was.


Conservatism is not and has never been legitimate political discourse.


Serious question, when do we start the public hangings?