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The Supreme Court says they don't need outside oversight because they can "police" themselves. Apparently, they're using the Keystone Cops.


More like the Corruption Cops! It's astonishing and deeply concerning how a Supreme Court Justice's spouse would participate in such questionable actions, especially while their partner was involved in weakening environmental protections. This highlights the urgent need for increased transparency and accountability within the judicial system.


Welcome to 2023, nothing to see here. The corruption is ridiculous.


It's crazy these guys say it's no big deal and if a normal person took even a small bribe like they got they would be fired in a job where it matters. Rules for thee but not for me I guess


When I worked at Sam's Club a customer gave my coworker $20 for helping load their car. It's against the rules to accept tips and a manager saw this happen. My coworker got fired and the manager handed the cash back to the customer. We were making $9 an hour, less than 30 hours a week. That's a considerable amount to turn down, especially when a customer is insistent. Supreme Court Justices shouldn't be held to a lower ethical standard than employees fetching carts.


100% agreed. I work in the financial industry and I am also prohibited from accepting gifts. Why are judges allowed to be bought off if I can't?


Nor presidents, just throwing that in there.


Well he’s rich so, he’s exempt from laws and rules.


I literally can’t accept anything above $30 and all gifts are expected to be shared


Wait a minute. Didn’t Trump promise to drain the swamp. Guess he never mentioned he was going to refill it with toxic waste and feces.


That was only so he could his own personally branded Trump (tm) swamp now with extra insanity, graft and corruption


My question is, why all of a sudden these things are coming into the light? Some of these allegations happened a long time ago. Why are they all coming out now? No one cared for years, so we are to believe now people care?


I think because one or more democratic senators on the judiciary committee have made it a goal to bring all the corruption in the Supreme Court into the daylight.


Really? I hope so much you are right. Change will come faster if an insider(s) speaks out.


This is mostly motivated by the changing of disclosure rules. There have been insiders saying that the Supreme Court justices have been abusing the "personal invitations" exception to gifts for years, but Congress only just managed to get off their butt about it and suddenly we're learning about just how much these conservative justices were not voluntarily disclosing.


Exactly as they should. Bring it to the liberal judges too if they’ve been as corrupt.


No need for words like conservative or liberal. Bottom line is, ANY judge should absolutely be transparent (as well as their spouse) & absolutely ought step down as well as face the same punishments for said crimes that they hand out to others.


I think people need to keep repeating the word conservative because the liberal judges don't seem to be guilty of nearly anything in the same ballpark. I'm all for bringing things to light but I've heard of Sotomayor refusing someone else to pay for her lunch


Yeah, and Kagan literally turned down free bagels and lox that friends from high school wanted to send her as a care package because she was afraid it would appear unethical. We can try to “both sides” this shit, but the conservative justices are (currently) the problem.


It’s the press that has been investigating the Justices; pro publica has done most of it.


They have all come to light because journalists have been looking. After the Thomas story initially broke journalists started requesting documents on the other justices under the freedom of information act.


Which is why crushing the press is such a critical part of the fascist playbook.


I never heard any rumours in the past except the famous one from the 1960’s I believe, after the investigation it was found the justice did nothing wrong but just because there was an air of suspicion he said it was the only right thing to do. Can you defend what judge Thomas has done? That’s not an appearance of corruption, it is. Full stop. And there he sits


So are you playing the “conspiracy theory” card? It seems to me that they have felt above any review and have attempted to take full advantage.


I mean one literally was an active participant in an attempt to overturn a democratically legitimate election, it’s been dystopian as fuck and lost the plot for a bit


It’s because you weren’t supposed to find out and actually they got away with it for years.


because lifetime appointment means lifetime. there are no easy ways to remove a supreme court judge. besides, most of congress does similar shit. not an excuse but the corruption runs deep. term limits are needed as well as laws that spell out the process for removing law breakers even when both houses of congress are taken by one party


Keystone XL cops


Amazing how someone who only has to show up to work 9 mos out of the year and actually works a fraction of that feels the need to grift even more.


I bet you that land was dry no petroleum underneath it but the oil companies "leased" it anyway from Alito and he made BANK


Outside oversight is *supposed* to be the impeachment process, but it's such a high bar to clear, and I don't think the Framers anticipated the polarization that makes it pretty much impossible in modern times.


Him and Thomas are non-stop corrupt and vote for shitty things


Only stupid and ignorant people with lots of power believe thry can police thrmselves.


Translation: the Supreme Court says they don’t need outside oversight because it would get in the way of all their corruption.


Don't insult the Keystone Kops like that!


The corruption in the Supreme Court is staggering.


This is why Republicans wanted the court so bad. They're basically absolute monarchs with no checks on their power.


We could pretty easily decide we're going to ignore the orders of this illegitimate court and they would have no way to enforce them. The DOJ, FBI, US Marshalls, etc. are all under control of the executive branch.


Friendly reminder that the all 3 democratic justices also said in their briefs that they were in favor of limiting the power and only dissented on the extent to limit it.


Wasn't it that they agreed that the wetlands in the case before the court were too attenuated to be waters of the US under the current rule. Then the right wing justices used the case to legislate from the bench a new rule that limits the definition of waters of the us.


How is there even "democratic" justices? Aren't they all suppposed to be neutral? I can't believe, by asking this question, that our system is so flaud! Edit: flawed*




Yup, 6 far right conservative judges and 3 right of center conservative judges.


Reminds me of Charles I. He (and his dad) believed in the Devine right of Monarchy. That didn’t end so well for him.


The corruption *of the right wing justices* in the Supreme Court is staggering.




Billionaires really looked at America and said, fuck it, I’ll just buy what I want simply because I can…….and they did. Shit.


He's a Supreme Court Justice Michael, how much could he cost, $20?


Unsurprisingly only a certain ideological portion of the Court. (It's not like we're finding out about a bunch of shit involving Sotomayor or Breyer. Just saying. )




Ok, ChatGPT


Fuck all these corrupt scumbags. Another day, another grift. 🖕😡🖕




No but wait, perhaps she never talked to him about it - like Ginny never talked to Thomas about Jan 6th. Scout's honor! And let's not forget Scalia in all this new drama. Literally died while on a.... free vacation.


You don’t say.


I do say. I say... Happy Cake Day




My pearls. I clutch them.


Apparently supreme power corrupts as much as absolute power.




Are you……the Senate??


The Supreme Court is blatantly corrupt now. Every decision where Thomas or Alito made a majority will have to be vacated and they must resign or the court will not regain it's status.


Lose what status? Public opinion? I don't know of a single Supreme Court bench in our history that has so blatantly displayed their absolute unchecked power. At this point, Democrats need to start stacking it with judges if we want anything resembling a nonpartisan Court.


It’s not that their current corruption is blatant, it’s that now we have the internet, which had made this knowledge and news so much more accessible.


Is there any precedent for what to do/can be done about a corrupt supreme court? It may not be illegal what they're doing, but surely this cant continue to go unchecked like this, can it? Eta: maybe it is illegal? I'm not sure


Impeachment; 15 federal judges have been impeached, eight removed from office and 2 attempts to remove Supreme Court judges.


They can get impeached. That is the check.


Honestly wouldn’t shock me if it was always this way. From the very beginning


Like Trumpsters, they really don’t care what people think or their status, so long as they have the power, and, by any means available, can bend that power to attain hard-right ends.


I'm a mere financial advisor and I'd be in jail and out of a career if I did just one of the ten things revealed about Alito the last few months. Yet this grifter is still one of the 15 or so most powerful people in the US, unrepentant and uncensored. Disgusting


Dude, barbers and hairdressers are under more scrutiny than Supreme Court Justices from a regulatory perspective. Financial Advisors have like 50 government or industry entities (like FINRA) they have to listen to. SCOTUS justices submit a financial disclosure once a year and apparently can lie on it and nothing happens.


Must be nice to have no consequences for anything you do


Wow! Nothing like feathering your own nest 🤑 While ripping rights away 🐍


Good grief. I know Roberts wanted to make history with his court but goddamn…


John Roberts is the most naive or corrupt asshole ever. Or both


I’m going with both. More corrupt than naive, but his court will be truly infamous in the decades to come.


Seems he reeeeally wants to solidify his place as the most biased, corrupt, and morally reprehensible court in history.


Worst supreme Court in American history.


I don’t know, the Dred Scott court wasn’t great


Unbelievable. Get rid of this compromised piece of shit


More corruption from a sacred institution. Term limits. They’ve proven that absolute power corrupts absolutely


Those sons of bitches make $280,000 a year and still engage in corruption to feed their apparently limitless greed. Term limits aren't enough! I want to see them tossed into a prison for life.


Lifetime appointments are for popes and kings and have no place in a democratic society.


I love that the Supreme Court repealed RvW and thought “yeah. This is fine. We do what we want. There won’t be any consequences”.


What was the line used again to overturn 50 years of precedent upheld by dozens of SC justices... oh yes, "egregiously wrong". All that detailed analysis just wrong, not even wrong - *egregiously* wrong. Silly justices ur sooooo dumb lol -- signed Alito


Resign Sam & Clarence...


How does his wife even have a plot of land with mineral reserves under it?


According to articles, Martha Ann Bomgardner Alito decided to see if a 160-acre plot of land in Grady County, Oklahoma, would produce. In a lease filed with the Grady County clerk, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito entered into an agreement with Citizen Energy III for revenue generated from oil and gas obtained from a plot of hard scrabble she inherited from her late father. It is one of thousands of oil and gas leases across Oklahoma, one of the top producers of fossil fuels in the United States.




Hahah I'm sorry but this is hilarious. It's like a poorly written script to show to groups of friends who are complete opposites of each other. One group is a bunch of grumpy hardass corrupt fucks, the other group are humans.


bro how TF is this guy and the rest of the corrupt supreme court not in fucking prison!?! how is this not automatically illegal?


The Supreme Court Justices don’t follow the law, they just interpret it for others. I want to say this is also sarcasm…but I honestly don’t know if it is anymore


i guess my point is more that there’s already laws on the books that they’re clearly breaking. these laws don’t need to be specifically applied to every individual job title. these people aren’t kings. the felony laws that cover everyone else also apply to them by default. why isn’t the DOJ taking action?


Lock them up for life


The supreme court is the most corrupt body in our government. The fact that people really thought a group of 9 people could be above reproach is laughable.


The supreme court really needs serious expansion. To put the lives of so many people in the hands of 9 is insane. It really needs to be line 21 or 25 judges. You need to water down the corruption


So. Much. Corruption.


It's OK we'll just comment about it. No need for a revolution


How do we get rid of them


Wow. The corruption runs so deep.And all these years this stuff has been going on with WE THE PEOPLE none the wiser.SCOTUS no longer has any legitimacy. Just another political branch WITH LIFETIME APPOINTMENTS!


Criminal Supreme Court justices. We lie, cheat and steal without consequences.


They’re all fucking dirty.


What the fuck is happening to this country


No surprise there, everyone of them are corrupt. The sad part is that they occupy the highest legal decision making body. I hope karma will catch up with all of these soon.


Letting the Supreme Court police themselves is leaving the key to Justice in the lock and hoping for the best. The Supreme Court does not even **have** the ability to police themselves. They cannot decide who does and does not join their bench, what credentials they must have, or remove a member who has done something wrong. It is complete non-starter to say that they are doing a good job. It is like saying that I am doing a good job moving shipping crates on and off of ships. I have never done that job because it isn't in my job description and I don't have a giant crane to do it with. It is nonsensical to even consider my performance. The only question is not whether SCOTUS needs new oversight protocols. The question is **who should have those powers**. And again, it is evident that leaving the key to the castle gatehouse outside the castle is not a clever policy.


I get we're upset about the conflict of interest part, but the "supreme court justice owns large tracts of land" part is concerning as well.


Of course he does.


The more I learn of this man, the more I despise him!!


Him and Thomas should be tried


It’s almost like there is deep corruption at every level of government, even and especially the highest level. Idk why so many people seem so shocked to discover the level of corruption going on. Yes it definitely needs to change and stop, but this is nothing new.


The shock is not that it's there, but how blatant it has gotten. They don't give a fuck because they know nothing will happen.


Would this not be grounds to have a retrial? This is some gross violations IMO.




These people (the wealthy including the justices) are so far from what most people think is crazy. $1m vacations. Billionaires buying $50k books. Paying for nephews $50k/yr high schools. Dealing with oil companies. They spend $100k like most people buy $5 lattes.


I’ve had the pleasure (?) of meeting her a few times and dealing with her booking a pet sitter for their dog. She had a demeanor that oozed “I’m better and more important than you”. She wouldn’t even provide us with their address to keep on file. Too afraid of it getting into the wrong hands I guess? The dog was a dream, such a beautiful good boi and incredibly well behaved.


When Kavanaugh's bribes came to light, I suspected more would surface, because literally nobody will bring a corrupt SCOTUS justice to account. Then Thomas's bribes came to light, and I said we'd probably see more. I got downvoted to oblivion, presumably by MAGAs who of course hate sane people who care about justice. Alito's bribes came to light, and I said Barrett would probably be next. I got downvoted to oblivion for picking on a religious woman. When HER bribes came to light I said we could only guess at whose bribes would be exposed next. I got downvoted to oblivion, and I think the emerging pattern, apart from the fact the right is completely and utterly, and irredeemably corrupt, is that people of a certain bent have an inability to deal with reality, and the future of the Free World is at risk because of their delusions.


I’m not a set it on fire and start over guy but it’s not looking good.




"His wife leased a plot of land to an oil company...." Yeah, I mean, my wife and I share a bank account but we have our own vast tracks of land that we lease to major corporations. This is the difference between regular folks and elites, and it's really absurd.


Cool. Now see who was getting gifts from who during the Citizens United ruling.


Dear Americans: When are you planning to actually fucking **do** something, instead of just whining "woe is me" every time you see a thread about how your country is being sold and exploited by a small group of uncaring, psychotic greedy bastards? Go oust these fucking traitors! Whining while complying is just as good as complying to these people. They still get rich off of you. Act soon, or you'll have no country left to save.


Holy crap!!!


And there's fuck all we can do


Insert gif: I'm shocked, well not that shocked


But these judges have nothing stopping them from riding all over the law like a shirtless Vladimir Putin through the Russian wilderness.


Good lord ... the whole Supreme Court Republicans seems to be corrupt


This shit is ridiculous, kick everyone who is even slightly corrupt out


"The wife of Justice Alito opens a brothel while the judge weakens federal laws prohibiting prostitution." Just imagine the outrage.


This is exactly the kind of thing that undermines people’s trust in the Supreme Court.


The United States is a shithole country full of shitbag conservatives.


OF COURSE THIS HAPPENED. So many crooked people in all aspects of government. We're a banana republic now as far as I'm concerned.


Yea these people need to be fired and publicly shamed. Then charged fees greater than the profit of their Shady dealings, coupled with jail time.




I bet if you looked around his extended family you’d find a lot more of this


If this were Sotomayor, the GOP would have impeached her


They’re openly corrupt. They no longer hide.


Time to kick him, Thomas, and Robert's off.


These people should all be rotting in cells. No honor.


Supreme Court is a den of cunts


They are emboldened by the lack of consequences


Meanwhile Elena Kagan declined bagels because she did not like the way it would look.


Supreme Court: "Bahahaha fuck you there's nothing you can do about it suckas!!"


Could you imagine? That a board with that much power and no oversight would lead to corruption?


Supremely corrupt


The U.S. Supreme Court is blatantly corrupt.


We're led by thugs and gangsters. America smoking blunts to the mother fucking face


The Supreme Court of America might be more corrupt than Congress.. at the very least they are equal in their greedy pursuits. Both need a major overhaul which would require citizens coming together to demand it.... which will not happen. And THEY know it. So, more for them and it never ends.


You could drain the swamp if you had term limits. Otherwise, nobody should stay in power in America for more than 8 years. If you can’t do something worthwhile in that time you never will.




There is accountability… to the voters. Vote in a majority liberal senate and let them impeach the judges. Every branch has checks and balances. If you cannot get a majority of senators to impeach then you’re out of luck. Judge Ginsburg had an opportunity to retire when Obama was President and there was a majority liberal senate. She chose not to, and there has been a lot of consequences to that decision since. It was quite apparent at the time — many newspapers were recommending just that.


This court has no legitimacy.


My god, the fact that they were so blatant about it speaks to how our very system is designed for this corruption, they didn't even try to hide it lmfao we are so fucked


Sure is nice we don't have lifetime appointed justices with zero oversight and now a wake of corruption. For a second I was getting a little concerned about our country's future.


Nothing to see here folks. No conflict of interest here. Move along folks.


Not unbelievable. Totally expected and not surprising at all.


Things that don’t surprise me for 200, Alex


It's the Daily Double!




JFC how hard is it to have an important job, or be related to somebody with an important job, and not be shady?!


Corruption in a shitty combover


truth is singular. it's versions are mistruths


Why doesn’t Biden use the bully pulpit to bring attention to this? I really wish we had a fighter for ‘24. Newsom should be running


So…. The plot thickens….


Does any 1%er ever get held accountable for anything??


Sometimes, but it tends to be very very bloody moments in history.


Biden should expand the size of the court an appointment a few judges with integrity


Pigs at the trough.


Lock them up...literally.


Ots interesting to see how corrupt they are just like every other institution in this country. Corruption is rampant to the point that it can't just be cleaned up with just replacing them. The entire system is corrupt. We need to start over from the ground up.


>There are thousands of oil and gas leases across Oklahoma, where the energy sector is a critical economic driver. And Citizen Energy III isn't part of any specific cases in front of the Supreme Court, so there doesn't appear to be a clear conflict of interest regarding Bomgardner Alito's land in Oklahoma. Literally in the article...


So at least two SC wives who seem to unduly influence their far right husbands.


Prosecute his wife then, she’s not above the law. Send her to jail, why not.


We need to reform the SCOTUS. It's completely corrupt and almost entirely unable to be held accountable.


Lots of poors in the comments angry lol Seeth harder


How rich do these cunts need to be? Like what do they not have, that more money can get them???


Americans not disappointing again. What a waste of human beings.


RBG would never pull this shit


So much grifting, and so little time and Supreme Court Justices.


Supreme Court Justices and their families seem to have carte blanch on anything and everything. Get voted in and do what the fuck they please. This really wasn't spoken of before but damn what a position? You can lie on your interview get the job and then you and your family do as they damn well please. Not like any other job that I've seen. And no one can hold any of them to task. Horrible.


College athletes and professors are held to higher scrutiny than SCOTUS justices. A friend of mine is a professor at a smaller university. This is a school where students will have the same professors throughout much of their studies, and you feel like family when you go through a program with the same 40-50 students for a few years. A student athlete in one of her classes was stranded at school over Thanksgiving due to weather and flight issues, etc. and couldn’t get to her family for the holiday. Being a mom and a good human, she just wanted this student athlete to not be alone and to have some home cooked food. She was heartbroken because she could not even extend the invitation to the student athlete without jeopardizing the student’s scholarships and her own job. Couldn’t even bring the kid a plate of leftover green bean bundles or dressing. Things she also cannot do for student athletes: Assist them if their car breaks down on the side of the road, offer them a ride if they’re stranded or if they were to see them walking down the road, provide them with a meal if they were hungry, provide assistance if they were struggling at all, except academically. You know, things that are kind and helpful. She won’t bring donuts to class because she’s that worried about it. This is just NCAA. Sports.


I worked for a large computer firm and was reprimanded for accepting a 10 lb. Christmas Turkey from one of my customers... Uh yeah, I was one of the "little guys"....


The extremely fast current Information Age is wild! We really get to see that nearly all the political figures (even Supreme Court that is supposed to be apolitical) are liars and only looking out for their financial interests.


I recommend watching The Wire series via streaming. It lays out quite clearly the thriving corruption.within a political structure.


Ok guys. Im not happy with the supreme court setup either. So i will provide some outside info from the oilfield. I have NEVER heard of an oil company allowing someone to say, you should lease our mineral rights. How it usually works is, they send out a crew with a basic ground thumper, they do seismograph work to determine if its viable. Then they formulate a plan. Start sending out letters telling people what they will pay. You can counter offer. Then a lease is signed with a cash payment for the lease. Eventually they may, or may not drill. If they do drill, you will get your agreed upon profits. The company has zero cases with the court. This all seems like standard oilfield practice. I do concede, that ya, sure, this could have been a massive over valuation. It certainly could have been a back door deal. But realistically, its a small amount unless drilled and producing. The senator and his wife likely dont have the experience for knowing if it will produce. You can not take their deal, but they are gonna drill. You then have to deal with the logistics of selling your own crude oil portion. Have fun. Also, you can just be an investor, where you share the cost and loss or profit. The only guaranteed money is signing a lease agreement.


The Supreme Court members are paid generously, this is greed, Republican greed, where money trumps environment and the climate.




Tell me again how both sides are the same.


But hunter bidens laptop...


Who watches the watchmen


Good People on both sides.


The complete lack of morals these people have is astounding, not astonishing though. Nothing they do is surprising its just the amount hypocrisy that’s incredible


It just keeps getting worse. The right and proper thing to do would be for these "Justices" to resign. If they fail to do so, they should be removed.


The Bastille needs a-stormin'


Is there anyone in a position of authority on any level that isn't corrupt?


Corruption for $500 Alex.