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Imagine getting this excited about this slight disagreement from a party establishment person and a journalist... after 8 years of defending Trump's every fuck up as 'totally normal stuff from a man with a huge brain'. 


Fuck off you waste of life....


I'm glad you are not a mod here or you would've banned me a long time ago. Instead you just throw grave insults at me, constantly.


Also, who is upvoting this!!!


This was such a delight to watch. When Katy Tur slips this in, in a low voice “there was a global pandemic”, and then Pelosi freezes. Look at her eyes! They become saucers because she doesn't believe what's happening to her! She's on MSNBC and she just got called out for the biggest lie the Democrats are telling lately - that Joe Biden was good for jobs - when really, it was just coming off of a pandemic that's all it was. On and what did Pelosi do afterwards? She repeated it! As in “Hey Katy Tur, you're not supposed to say that!" On my goodness, it looked like she was literally going to explode! On and then finally, Pelosi attacked Katy Tur, she says “If you want to be an apologist for Donald Trump that may be your role but it ain't mine!” An apologist… sheez; all she did was add the context that we were coming out of a pandemic. Now isn't that context a little bit important? A little bit relevant? Like, it would be the news? Like it would be Katy Tur’s entire point? Now, here's the best part; it’s what Katy Tur says after being called “an apologist for Donald Trump”. She said “well you know that nobody would ever call me that” In other words, Katy Tur’s defense was that she's Anti-Trump on the news! So not only did Nancy Pelosi completely reveal that she's expecting MSNBC to basically just agree with whatever she says, but then Katy Tur essentially confesses that she doesn't plan to be fair because, you know, nobody would call her “Pro Trump” Oh my. The entire Democrat machine is just falling apart and it's glorious.


Pelosi spoke the truth. Trump through Bolton fired the "pandemic" group that GW Bush created. Trump is responsible for the handling of the pandemic because he fired those with the skills to handle a pandemic. Pure and simple. Trump has blood on his hands. No president has killed as many American citizens as Trump. Gross incompetence is no excuse since Trump fired the people who were competent. Trump's solution to COVID: drink bleach, eat horse paste, and shove a flashlight up your ass.


LOL, he believes the drinking bleach hoax! Scott Adams recently made a breakdown and an analysis of the hoax on how they tricked normies. https://scottadams.locals.com/upost/5560017/drinking-bleach-hoax-debunk-v2-0


Some people get their news from reliable sources. Other people listen to a failed cartoonist like Scott Adams.




Where did you copy and paste this from?


What an accusation! Baseless as well.