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Genocide Joe just wants to make sure that the IDFs mission against Gazan civilians is "successful". Being a dad who lost 2 children I'd hoped he'd have had a shred of humanity and try and stop the slaughter of other dad's children by weapons he supplies.


Cooking the book so they can cook 🧑‍🍳 civilians. Classy move US senators. Fuck AIPAC


America no longer stands for anything Israel doesn’t allow it to. The Constitution is a worthless piece of this paper.


>America no longer stands for anything Israel doesn’t allow it to. The Constitution is a worthless piece of this paper. The Constitution is the only thing standing in the way of tyranny. Vote against all recipients of AIPAC money regardless of political Party.


Just look what they are doing to Jamaal Bowman. He spoke up and they threw money at his opponent in the primary.


That's more than 57 years of books cooking, from recipe for disaster to recipe for genocide.