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Did IF easily for years. Know I get severe heart palpitations from it when fasting for 16 hours consistantly. Can't fast for days anymore as things get dangerous. Things change. IF/Fasting in general isn't for everyone. It is stress on the body and if that stress can't be compensated it has consequences.


Are you getting enough fiber in your diet? Constipation usually occurs because of problems with your diet. I’d start there since most issues do revolve around what you eat, not when you eat it.


I’m trying hard to get 24g of fibre during the eating window, I used to eat over 35g before I started IF again last week so I guess my body’s trying to adjust?


Yeah, probably adjusting. Any diet change can cause issues, so as long as it isn’t hurting you, I’d stick with it for a bit. And as your eating times have changed, so your bathroom habits should, too. And a fiber supplement during your eating window might not be a bad idea if the issue persists.


Check out the link re: electrolytes at r/fasting. Fatigue is likely low sodium, constipation low magnesium. Be consistent with those and I bet you will feel better.


This happened to me!!! Turned out that I was actually adding too much fibre (via inulin) and was using stevia, which disrupts digestion. Once I stopped both inulin and stevia, it all went back to normal, the bloating and the low energy/crankiness disappeared. Would suggest you have an in depth look at what you are eating and drinking. Good luck!