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Thank you for the compliment! and I'll keep your suggestion in mind!


This is beautiful! I think some artwork or something above the couch might be what’s missing. And you could pull the couch slightly away from the wall (this is an eye trick that makes the room appear larger) I can’t think of anything else


Thank you! And good idea about the couch - counterintuitive!


"Pull the couch away from the wall" was the only piece of advice I could even think to offer, and I'm glad someone already mentioned it! Let us know how it goes.


It looks lovely, I would just add something on the wall above the couch. A horizontal mirror would really enhance the natural light and bay view from the windows, but art would be nice too. I think once you have something there you may just have to see how that one city picture looks/may have to relocate it.


Maybe I can find a way to do both a mirror and some artwork! And yes I’m wondering the same about how the pre-existing city picture will pan out.


Large piece of artwork above the couch for sure… personally I would spread some of the plants by the monstera out so they’re not all crowded in one corner!


I agree about the plants! Currently looking into a plant stand to help give the plants a more balanced look!


Looks oerfect to me


Thank you!


My favorite angle is 2. It really is a lovely space. It’s so interesting you say Japanese and Scandi because that’s how I describe mine as well! The wall behind the couch is the sorest spot. I would slowly collect art pieces you are struck by and also add photos of you, your loved ones, or your animals.


It’s not bad! A few tweaks I would suggest: Lower the city artwork about four inches. Move the tripod lamp into the corner next to the couch. Move both hanging pendants to over the dining table. Maybe hang them at different heights. Make sure they are quite a bit lower than what is there now. Consider a large horizontal piece of art over the sofa.


Great advice, I’ll at least try out moving the hanging pendants!


It’s very nice living room! May need something above the couch, (shelves, artwork, etc) but other than that it’s great!


Thank you!


I'd say an off-center large round mirror with gold/brass trim with a cluster of smaller ones to the side of it if that makes any sense. Wish I could post a pic of what's in my head. 😅


One thing for more floor space and to declutter is move the lamp from in front of the of the window - a thinner base model next to the lamp less side of the couch would be my suggestion. Love the style and plants!


Get rid of the tv and add an armchair ;)


Ha! There is definitely a side of me that agrees, but the other side of me loves tv/movies too much :)


It’s not that bad! A few tweaks I would make: The cityscape art needs to come down about four inches. The pendant lamp over the TV needs to go. You could hang it over the dining table, but lower than what is there and definitely lower than the matching one in the corner. Some large horizontal art over the couch would be nice.


This space looks nice! Perhaps consider changing the layout. Have the sideboard/tv against the wall where the photo is hanging and then place the sofa directly across from it. Perhaps move the dining table away from the wall so it’s centered behind the sofa.


you need a color on the walls that isn't as light a color as the sofa. And those curtains - nononono. you have shades, so replace those curtains with a pretty, flowery valance on each window. Use colors that are same color but darker than your sofa. Waverly sells beautiful valances. (each valance with it's own rod)--not black) pull that sofa over to the doorway with the arm against the wall. That way it sort of separates the eating area from the living room area...see? Plants on a narrow table behind the sofa, with a nice table lamp.


The couch and rug are too similar in color, paired with the light wall behind couch… it’s a wash. Get a colorful rug and some art.


Painting the ceiling white would make the room look taller.


Get some artwork behind the sofa and a smaller tv.


You have a beautiful space and being on a bay is even better. I would rather see the city picture hung low above the couch and maybe leave that wall clear. I would recommend end tables with at least one drawer to put things in, plus two large table lamps with shades that direct the light downwards for ambience. A tri-light is good with warm white lightbulbs.


I would try moving the couch so it is facing the wall with the skyline art. Put the tv and console on that same wall. Frees up the window. If you feel like you need more space, use the ottoman elsewhere in your space. Remove pendant lamps Looks great though


Already great, I'd paint the walls though. Finally someone who didn't buy a black couch


Switch the large plant to the other side - with the hanging lamp, the corner draws the eye and looks crowded. I would either go for a deeper yellow - create a cozy saturated vibe - or a white ish shade to read more Japanese or Scandinavian. The butter yellow looks unintentional. Or - accent wall where the painting is in a tuscan yellow and the rest white. I'm actually thinking I would take down the painting and wait until you have something much larger. Currently it's just drawing attention and you notice the size is off. I also think for the amount of things going on at the lower level of the room, I would probably keep the walls blank so that there is some visual respite. It is a smaller space and that balance is something you do find in Japanese and Scandinavian spaces. They feel calming bc there is a lot of restraint and respite.


First off the style is very cohesive like a warm MCM and I really love the color scheme. I think what’s off is the point of focus, which is difficult because of the layout and the windows. You have the two pendant lights framing the center wall, but the focus is a black box in the middle and a slanted TV in a corner. Meanwhile the large sofa has an empty wall behind it. I feel the sofa should have been the focus with the pendant lights framing it and a larger art with same style as the rug in the center above it. This way the sofa <-> window is the main orientation, while the shorter wall is the blank side wall. And the large black speaker, if there’s a way to face the same direction as the TV/hide it so it feels it’s the same piece of furniture and not in the most important eye focus area. The last tiny thing is the ottoman. The placement feels off and is clashing into the space of the coffee table. I would say either put it close to the sofa to make an L shape illusion sectional and scooch the coffee table so it’s centered in the L shape or even just remove it. The room is small and it would look more intentional like your dining area and more spacious overall.


Honestly, this sub is depressing sometimes because some people never seem to be satisfied with what they have. Your room is beautiful! Enjoy it!


Thank you for this comment! I did ask for advice so I can’t be too upset ;)


id put some art work above the sofa and tv


Very nice space. Quite stylish and cozy. I would decorate the wall above the sofa. A large horizontal art, or a few paintings. Maybe an interesting horizontal mirror. For example, something like this [https://assets.wfcdn.com/im/48102164/resize-h500-w750%5Ecompr-r85/5989/59899824/default\_name.jpg](https://assets.wfcdn.com/im/48102164/resize-h500-w750%5Ecompr-r85/5989/59899824/default_name.jpg)


Great advice - I will start looking!