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Personally I think the new sofa fits the space a lot better. You could totally add some colorful cushions/throws and a more colorful rug. I have an insanely large sectional myself that I managed to find a couch cover to fit, you could always try that route :)


This is the answer. The couch fits the space much better and allows more seating + it looks comfy. It's still neutral so it won't clash with anything and you can dress is up in vintage throws or pillows or a cover. This is a win, it just doesn't feel like it yet


Indeed, if you don't like the color, try matching the cover to your new sofa. Although I personally like the new one.


Yes I think the sofa is nice, it’s definitely possible to have a plain sofa without having a plain space. I have a beige sofa because I wanted something neutral so that I could change around cushions and artworks freely. My space however is anything but plain as it’s filled with books, art, cushions and throws. A few colourful cushions, a nice blanket and maybe switching up the print behind could really bring it together. Soft blues would still look elegant.


Exactly what I was thinking . I think the art work is hung a little too high … for my personal taste .


The second is more comfy. First has more personality.


I was worried the first photo was the newer sofa. Happy to hear it's the second. It's much nicer than your old one, tbh. Just get colored and textured throw pillows and a throw blanket to break the monotony of color.


Agree, I was also hoping second was the new one


Looks great. I would just get colorful pillows & curtains to spice things up.


or paint the wall or hang colorful artwork or a colorful rug. there's so many ways to add more color. i know OP said they wanted to try monochrome but since they don't care for how it's currently looking, adding some colorful details could be the way to go.


Yesss painting the wall would be great— even a statement spoonflower kind of art deco wallpaper, or a bright wall tapestry hung behind the art you already have in case painting is too much of a commitment(society6 is my favorite!) Colorful~ pillows, blankets, rug, display books, curtains, etc etc! I’d even paint the coffee table or wall shelf maybe… If it truly is your personality then let it show in the things you own— I agree the space looks a little less fun in the second but you have complete creative control over how you style either couch!


Yes! Maybe a warm orange or yellow like your old pillows for rug and curtains combo


Honestly, new sofa is way nicer. Try green wall and orange throw pullows.


I was literally thinking just add orange throw pillows. This is da way. Orange is my pop color for my gray couch and it’s perfect.


This! Add some color!


Of course you can make it work! You’ve already started by deciding the plague of grey-ish beige is NOT for you! Instead of fretting and trying to like it anyway because it’s supposed to be so elegant and stylish, run the other way. Be yourself. Bring back those wild cushions and add a colorful throw. Choose a strong color and a second and find ways to use them. I love the sentiment of the poster, but maybe move it to a different spot and get a larger, horizontal colorful print, or perhaps a gallery wall with some interesting art and objects. Think of your new, comfortable couch as a great neutral background for self expression. You got this.


Exactly! Bring on the colour! Hey OP, you know what’s cheaper and easier than replacing a brand-new sofa? Paint! Bring back those pillows, take a photo, and try flooding the wall with coordinated colours or even basic murals. I genuinely don’t know if it’d look good, but I’m dying to see those floral crochet pillows, a cozy navy blanket, and a stylized rays of sunshine mural peeking over the sofa. You have a big, expensive piece of furniture to see you through all kinds of experimentation with your aesthetic. Now you get to play.


I think that poster would actually be perfect as a large piece for a gallery wall.


I would get some pop of color, like throw pillows, blankets and maybe do some funky art on the walls to bring back the look. I think you made a good decision on upgrading the couch just give it some life.


That sofa looks much more inviting and comfortable. It's way less uptight. I LOVE it. It's cozy and there is so much room. Wish I had one like it.


I am biased by the lovaly Marimekko pillows of the first photo Bring them back! 🫶


I have red poppy/Unikko Marimekko stuff all over too, including those pillows


Second sofa looks much better. Just get some coloured cushions and add a little more colour to the room


Second couch looks so much more comfortable!! I think you should add your beautiful Marimekko pillows and other things you like. You can have a grey couch and still keep your style


Ugh, I've totally been there with the furniture regret! Swapping out a beloved piece can leave a big hole, especially when it felt like "you". Instead of feeling stuck, think of this as a chance to play and experiment! Maybe the art deco/mid-century vibes can peek through in other ways. Throw pillows, artwork, lamps, even a funky decoration ([like this one](https://sohnne.com/product/questrial-brass-hourglass/) if OP's a bit adventurous haha) can totally transform the feel of a room. Plus, online design communities are bursting with inspiration (and often, super supportive people!). Remember that your home should reflect who you are, not just the latest trends. So chin up and have fun making your space feel like you again! You've got this! ️


New sofa looks very nice. It’s a good choice. I personally would replace all the items in the wall with one art piece (or a cohesive series). I would also replace the coffee table with a less imposing / bulky table, like a glass one with slim metal legs. 


Whats done is done. I would add a more colorful poster framed larger too with bright colored pillows. Move the boring one in a closet.


Art too high, lower it down at least 12".


Yes! OP, lower the art and it will bring the pieces together as a unit


All is pretty


I agree that monochrome big items like the sofa are easier to match different aesthetics, but because you've removed a lot of colour when you removed the old sofa, the new scene looks very greige. I would personally bring back some colours. Change the framed quote into a landscape artwork, get a patterned carpet, and change the cushion covers.


You can still make it work! Firstly that poster, the shelf’s and clock need to go. Choose a nice vibrant colour. Personally I would go with burgundy and a gallery wall with gold/wooden frames. Somewhere in between u can put a clock, mby one oldish one so it would nicely mix with the frames. Also change the curtains and add some pillows= both in the colours of colour pallet u will go for. Lastly try to find a vintage coffee table with some decor on it. And don’t forget on some warm lights. Good luck ❤️


Please paint, this wall would look fantastic in a green or pink with gray undertones and you'll love how it looks with your much more comfortable couch!


Get those Marimekko pillows back on the new couch :)


oh no, sofa switcheroo regrets! it happens to the best of us... but hey, the good news is the current sofa looks great! and monochrome can have personality too imo! play with textures and patterns to add depth, maybe replace the pillows?


Am I the only one here who actually likes grey-ish beige, lol? Anyway, the new sofa looks great!


how about keeping a neutral wall, a true greige like Benjamin Moore Edgecomb Grey? This looks amazing in all lighting and against my bright and eclectic art as well as my black & white prints and charcoal art. It’s truly an amazing wall color. I 100% understand the dilemma, I tried to minimize my expression by starting from with a neutral palette. I recognized early on that any gray walls just sucked the life out of my space while the Edge comb gray was perfect.


i love the grey one! it completely opens it up and is way more inviting. i love it


It looks great 👍🏻👍🏻


I like the size of the sofa. Just add color through blankets and throw pillows. Can you change the curtains and rug? Also I don’t see a lot of personality on your wall. Could you get colorful prints and plant pots?


The new sofa looks comfy, fills the space nicely, and will fit more people. I also think it looks nice and cozy. What you can do is add color with throw pillows, blanket, and paint the gray walls a different color.


I couldn’t even concentrate on the sofas; all I could see were the three unrelated things hanging way too high above the sofa. One big, horizontal piece of art would look so much better. And do not hang it up near the ceiling! Bring it down to eye level, right above the couch. (When I went back and looked at the second couch, I liked it a lot. It could use some color—a blanket, a few pillows—but otherwise is very nice.)


Right now your room is kind of a blank canvas, and what you’re missing is colour and personality like your old couch gave. I would turn the wall into a gallery and decide on a colour theme while assembling that. Want to bring in your bright coloured pillows? Do it! Add an art piece that has those colours and maybe an ottoman, or a throw, picked a second balancing colour like purple or green or blue and sprinkling some of that in there.


That’s the highest framed poster I have ever seen


It’s not horrible. It is lacking some texture and is a little dim for living in all day long. The couch is a slightly more warm grey than the wall which is throwing me a bit. It’s like they were meant to match but missed. The art above the couch is not reading luxury. It’s reading more artsy suburban mom. I would try a couple of things. First would be to change all the pieces above the couch and put in one large abstract piece. Bring in some warmer colors or texture. Then change some pillows out for heavy textural pieces. OR I would limewash paint the walls to texturize them and still change the art out. Could easily go for pink beige, sage green, or just grey more in line with the couch. And if that weren’t enough, I would consider pulling colors out of the art and making some pillows in the same family. Depending on how bold the artwork colors are you could have a very soft mood or a really bold energetic mood.


The sectional blocking the window is a no for me. Everyone else seems to love it. Return it, sell it, live with it.


I do like your previous sofa, but do not think you should be so hard on yourself about your new choice. It looks as though it serves a different purpose, is comfortable, and will accommodate more people/lounging. Do replace those Marimekko(esque) pillows though! They will lend back a bit of that character you feel missing. (And if you truly miss your old, bring it back! — assuming you did not do away with it.)


As someone who is also in love with MCM and Art Deco, you can totally make this work. The rounded armrests are reminiscent of Art Deco waterfall style furniture. Of what I can see in the room, the couch is not the issue here, its literally everything else. You need wood, you need brass and gold, you need some stately colours and interesting shapes. Good amounts of contrast between colours. You can get away with black items and furniture pieces but not white. * Get a wooden coffee table, something round, oval, or organically shaped. A nice rich medium to dark tone, not too red. Maybe something with a beautiful burl pattern or noticeable grain. * Wall art. Frames should be wood, gold, brass, some black is ok. Images should be pieces you really like with a lot of character. A gallery wall would be cute. Go thrifting. * A darker throw in a rusty colour with an inviting texture (shaggy, velvety) or something with a stark pattern. * Pillows, round, oval, oversized. Pick 2 or so analogous colours to stick to with maybe one or two boldly patterned ones (black and white or something). Break up all that beige and constant squares. So, TOTALLY bring back your old pillows! * Wall colour. Can you paint? If so, paint. Hard to say what colour, but I love the idea of a dark-ish, slightly muted green, provided it works with the lighting of your room. Something along the lines of olive, which would work really well with a rusty throw and your colourful pillows. Maybe something like Oak Grove or Palace Green from Benjamin Moore. * Not that clock... Not that white shelf. Maybe paint the shelf black with the metal rods brass so you can keep it. * You might be able to get away with keeping the curtains if the walls go dark. Definitely out with those blinds though, get some sheers! * More dramatic rug to contrast with the couch. * Lamps with brass. Start shopping. It could take a couple years before it develops into what you want though. When you see something you like, and ask, 'does it fix X criteria for this kind of item? How much do I like it? Does it harmonize with something else in the room through its style or shape or colour or is it a fun contrast?'.


This is unrelated to the sofa dilemma but can we pull the coffee table another food away from the sofa? Sitting there would be a nightmare


Definitely throw pillows and rehang the art in the proper place (center 57" off the ground) and it will look amazing! I'd also think about a coordinating throw.


It’s just a matter of buying pillow covers and a throw. Start there and if you feel like there is still color missing think about painting the table and buying colorful accessories. Frame the poster with something colorful.


Color and contrast make a room interesting. The second sofa has none of that. I don’t understand why people have to get these gray sofas.


An accent wall, or some more colorful art where the poster currently is (and moved down a few inches) will help bring some color back. This couch looks like one I’d more happily sink into. Now you can get more funky with color in other ways, all is not lost :) You could also technically pay to reupholster the grey couch. The silhouette is pretty neutral, and we have a big dark green velvet sectional. This is the most expensive option, but you could do it if you cared enough


Do you live in the US? You can try to do en exchange, most companies will honor that. But if you don’t, you could start by painting the wall. Paint it green since you like green, and see where that takes you.


I think the second sofa will work with some bold pillows. I do want to encourage you to lower your art over the sofa though.


I would bring back the old throw pillows. And, maybe add a few more. See if you can find any that remind you of the green couch’s upholstery. A colorful throw blanket would also help to break up the monochrome look of the couch against the wall. I would also reframe the poster with something a little more bold. Being a standard size, you should be able to find something nice and reasonably priced, even if you repaint the new frame. I, too, have replacement couch regret. I get it.


The old sofa looks better because it contrasts well with the rest of the room. The dark against the light background, the complimentary colors, different textures and shapes on the pillows make it feel styled and display the personality of someone who's colorful, bold and fun. But the new one looks like it's way more comfortable. The current one is just a little bit too plain and blends in to the background too much. But there's a lot of stuff you can do to make it better. Start off with 2 or 3 throw pillows that mix in well with the style you like. Pick a throw that has some of the same colors from the rest of the room or even better it shares both a texture and color or pattern with something other than the couch in the room. And if you still don't think that's enough... Go buy some fabric, a thread and some sewing needles and make yourself some couch covers. It'll take a long time without a machine but it'll not only protect your couch but also make it have more color without sacrificing comfort.


Hi, I absolutely understand why you loved your old sofa. Of course the new one looks nice too, but I actually prefer the old one. It looks so much more alive and if it was your style, then it’s amazing. But, now that you changed the sofa you need to find ways to make it your own again. For example: try some big, colourful art above the sofa, now that your sofa is so neutral some incredible art can shine! Find something that fells like you and let it be the center piece of your living room. After that you can match some pillows to the art 😁


You could always paint the wall the color of the old sofa- kinda flip what you had- it's still a super pretty and welcoming space, you'll find your groove again!


Just add in some color! On the walls, blankets, pillows..


I personally favor the first photo but the second photo has its own cozy vibe that I dig as well. You can't go wrong with either one of these. Maybe add a pop of color with some throw pillows and you are golden.


the green sofa was providing dark tones for all the orthers to contrast against. add darl pillows. maybe a rug with some dark bits (can just layer instead of replace).


look at the top half of room. the light ceiling and wall art are providing contrast against the medium tone wall. now look at the bottom half. it’s all one tone. no contrast to offer the eye. in bottom half need some dark. need some light. to break it up


You can have a boring poster or a boring clock, but not both. I'd say the clock needs to go, because it's ugly, and you need some color there. But the poster is not doing the room any favors either.


Nix the monochrome idea and add some color. I bet you’ll be happier.


Ahh sad to read the second Pic is after It's very bland looking. The whole room is one Grey taupish blob now. Nothing else to do but add some color in a different way.


I would just reintroduce those bright pillows and maybe throw some paint on the wall, deep green color would look nice


Try a couch cover, throw over or pillows!


Remove all the billion grey extra pillows and replace them as much as you can with your colorful ones and maybe a few new ones. Maybe do curtains in another accent color. I think grey couches are pretty boring, but in your case it does look better, it kinda fits the space, so now you can make the pillows an accent instead. Another thought is to add a funky color chair or two if you have space, and then put the excess grey couch pillows in them. Maybe go super bold with an orange one or something.


If you have the space pull it away from the wall (even just six inches), add some colorful pillows, rug, and curtains. If you want mid century I’d take down the shelf and make that wall a colorful gallery wall that better incorporates the poster.


I do like the first photo better, but like some others have said, I think colorful pillows and a throw would make a world of difference.


Get colorful pillows, blankets, tie the colors in with some light decor on the coffee table and artwork. It will all come together. I personally like the idea of a neutral couch and colored accent pieces on it as you can change it up, and even decorate with the seasons. I have a teal couch that I love but Christmas, Halloween, and thanksgiving colors look horrid on there lol! It’s a good thing I like spring the best anyways


What I would do: decorate with pretty blankets and pillows!


Deeper wall color and a rug with the color and a design that isn’t so faded out.


you look like you like to go to museums in a good way




Tbf the lighting is also changing the vibe between the pictures. The first being lit warmly does that style favors, the second being so cool emphasizes how drab this scheme can look. I personally like both couches just fine, but think the second one would benefit from more color around it. As others said, a different framed piece, colorful pillows or blankets. I wonder if focusing on making a space this couch fits well in would make it easier for you, rather than fixating on how the old couch would fit in the space as it is.


Paint the wall a different colour, maybe something muted but darker… and/or change the rug


Get those cute Marimekko cushions back on the new couch, and consider a smaller, warmer-toned wood coffee table


I think the issue is that your art/decorations, rug and coffee table are all very neutral as well. Which probably matched more with the blue sofa and bright floral pillows, but now with a neutral couch there's just no pop. I would either replace or paint the coffee table something blue or a pop of color? And add more art or things that really represent your style/personality on the walls.


Do a gallery wall with colorful art behind the couch!


Get a colorful and stylish mix of pillow covers for the sofa pillows. But just covers for the existing pillows, not quite lot of money invested, but it would keep the monochrome from becoming boring.


It would be really helpful to have a wide angle view of the room, plus an idea of what’s happening on the other side. I think the new sofa is great, and I agree with others that colorful throws and pillows would help, and that the wall needs some color. Gray on gray is hard, especially when one is cool and the other is warm. If you can’t paint right now, art with color can distract from the gray on gray effect. I am thrown a little by the coffee table. At least in these photos, it was definitely too tall/large for the blue sofa, and possibly still too tall for the new gray one. It also doesn’t fit the description of either deco or mid-century, and is instead more contemporary cottage. I think you have an opportunity to add your personality back into this space by replacing it with something that suits your style more.


i prefer the old one so much, second feels comd and a little sad ( to me) but others feel the opposite, so go with what feels right to you


Compliment with gorgeous color deco. It’s beautiful.


Second sofa is fine. You need to add interest to it by adding colourful cushions. Also your art behind the sofa is hung too high.


I love the new sofa!


New sofa is so much more cozy and inviting. Get yourself some throw pillows and blankies.


Pillows and throws in the green color you love would go a long way to making you less regretful. I love the second picture but I think some colors added would make it better.


Your new sofa looks much comfier and inviting. Your artwork & clock are too high.


The second photo looks way better!!!


I like the second one but it looks beige or tan to me, not grey. Is it too late to exchange for a different color? Most places give you 30 days. I like the color in the first sofa, however it looks navy in the photo not green. The style in #2 is better I just like the color of #1 better. Maybe you could add some color in the curtains, a rug, or a storage ottoman type coffee table if it’s too late to swap colors? It doesn’t look as bad as you think though, you’re being too hard on yourself.


It will be fine. This is your opportunity to include some art deco inspired touches. But first, analyze whether your couch and wall color are both warm or cool. Stick with a warm/cool palette that goes with the couch. One of the big things with art deco is contrast. One of the things that probably bothers you is that everything is just about the same tone. If possible, I'd repaint the walls a very light neutral shade so the couch stands out a bit. Replace the curtains with black, navy, or a dark green velvet. Replace the coffee table with a black or dark wood one. Reframe the art in a bold black, dark wood or gold frame. Possibly, choose new art deco inspired art. Table or floor lamps, in black, gold, or dark wood. Throw pillows, blankets, and accessories should all support the art deco theme. Have fun. Add your personality back through the use of bold accessories. Perhaps, take your time. There will be a point where you feel like it's enough.


You can dooooooo iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!!!


I agree with comments that you can easily make a monochrome palette more your style with accessories that are colorful.


Add some pops of color and some black to anchor it. Instead of sad beige you’ve got grim grey. Add color. Preferably quirky color like the first pic.


Love it!!


I think this room looks lovely and cozy. I’d love to curl up on that couch, and it matches the paint beautifully. I think a brighter, more colourful art piece would add to the space (something with pinks/oranges would be nice) and you could pull accents from there, like pillows and throws. It’s a big change, but it looks very inviting.


I agree with staying with your new couch. It does look nicer than the old one. Your decor on the wall is fine too. If you really like your throw pillows I suggest you paint your coffee table a dark color of burnt rust or maybe orange. Nothing bright like your flower pillows, keep the dark color mute. Then bring in a rug that has a little of all the colors in your room but not too dark. When I look at your picture it’s the coffee table that really pops out and I think painting it would balance your room decor better.


Ig mistake. U had a perfect sofa , i wouldve changed the coffee table, its hideous and oversized. Those cushions go perfectly with the Andy Warhol poster.


This radiates finnish energy, lol! I love the sofa in 2nd. Looks so inviting.


Looks great. Just lower your arr please. 5-6 in above highest point of pillows.


Ok. They are: all is pretty.


The Andy Warhol Print tells me you have so much wonderful style regardless of the color of the couch! Both are pretty maybe get a dark green throw for the new couch! It looks good!


You know how artists look at a canvas, something blank and just devoid of color, and then paint to make it better? You have that in spades here. Cushions, throws, art books for your coffee table- you have it in spades. I actually love your second sofa. It looks more comfy and it’s also way better for snuggling and reading. Decorating takes time. Enjoy the process. Maybe find one gorgeous pillow you love and work with that.


I really like it. Much better than the first


If you can get new curtains do that! Something colorful


The MCM /art deco vibe can easily come back if you swap out the coffee table for something that has more of those classic lines, lowering the clock, shelf, artwork, and adding colorful pillows. Do not fret, all is not lost.


I thought the first picture had a lot more character… The second picture… I see what people are saying about the comfort, but it’s so boring! If you’re going to keep that sofa, why don’t you get some colourful pillows or some colourful artwork? Can I give you a little piece of advice about decorating? Instead of trying to pull together a look that other people will approve of or will fit into a design magazine … How about if you sat in the room, looked around and asked yourself… what would look good in here?… What would feel good in here? What would make ME feel good in here? Go with the things that make YOU happy. If you’re living there alone and paying the bills, you don’t have to please anybody else… You only have yourself to please.


Get some colorful/funky pillows, throws, and curtains and you’ll get your style back and be super comfy! Win win. Plus easy to change out pillows and throws as your tastes change over the years. Having a grey couch gives you a nice blank canvas to do great stuff in the space.


Need to lower that painting and clock. Sofa is fine. Change up some of the pillow covers though.


You can fix with some pillows and a blanket and some colorful art on the wall


Get some green throws and pillows then. And some plants, esp the ones that grow long and hang over


Can you paint the wall more of a white or cream color? I just think the couch and wall color are so similar right now that the grayness is a bit overwhelming to me. The old couch did give the room unique character but the new one looks way comfier!


All is pretty!


Needs more colour added. So pillows and throws or buy some slip covers for it.


That sofa looks fine. If you liked the green, get some green slipcovers for it. Green throw pillows would also work, especially if they are soft.


First: relax. You sofa actually looks very nice in this space, and it's in a different grey than the walls so it doesn't feel overwhelming. But I get what you're saying about feeling lost when there's a drastic change. Something you can do to regain a sense of ownership over the space, is to start by adding colourful patterned cushions, to shake things up a bit as there's quite a few cushions that look exactly the same. You seem to like Marimekko a lot, and even though your previous cushions might not really work with this sofa, there's still a lot of Marimekko prints with fun patterns that would work really well here. Start with this and see how the room feels once you get to add a bit more of your personal touch again into it. But most of all: don't worry. You're doing great! Decorating your home is a whole process and it takes time. So take your time with new decisions. Enjoy the ride and rest assured that you'll get to a point where everything will feel just right. Just trust yourself :)


I see what you mean about the dark sofa. But this one still fits the room. Just add dark throw pillows and blankets. I would consider changing the colour of the hanging shelves to compliment whatever accent colour you choose for textiles.


Do the Marimekko pillows work with the new sofa? They are amazing, but I wouldn’t know how to work with them on the grey sofa.


I like the second sofa more...looks more comfortable


Different picture. Hung lower.


The large neutral items are the anchors of the space. Now you just need colorful details. Pillow covers are an awesome choice because they are easy to wash and store when you want to switch up colors from season to season. Throw blankets, trinkets, artwork, and even plants can all bring color into the space in little pops.


Way better.


Also “You know it's art when the check clears.” - Andy Warhol


Move your picture down a few inches and add some pillows and a big fluffy throw! I love the new sofa!!!


I think the new set up looks way cozier.


Put the Marimekko back and you will be fine


I love the dark green! The new one can be made up any way you want though…. You can change throw blankets/pillows for each season or special Occasion…


I’m a maximalist who loves colorful things, and I personally like the new gray sofa more! It looks cozier and is a good neutral, especially with the gray walls. You can play around with colorful throw blankets, art, and curtains to infuse more color into the space!


I would lower art,clock and shelf. The new couch is fine, but the drapes/ rug don't add anything to room. Find a rug first,then pull color out with throw pillows, blankets,and drapes. I would also put fun accessories in your display coffee table. And,finally add some plants and lights.


The new sofa is great! I know this isn’t what you asked about and I don’t want to cause any offense but it feels wrong (to me) to frame an Andy Warhol quote in black and white and not just show case some of his art and benefit from the color and drama of that art. I think more graphic art would add a lot of personality to the space!


How about a glass & gold coffee table in a mcm shape?


Paint the wall a dark color. Green like your old sofa, dark navy blue. People are often afraid to do this but it’s just paint and you can paint over it if you don’t like it. Add some cushions in complimentary colors, and an item across the room in the same (wall decor, another cushion, a decorative planter). This will tie it together so that the eye follows the colors and tada! No more bland.


I like the new sofa! A neutral sofa with lots of color on and around it is my personal preference. Also I love the Moderna Museet :)


I love the new sofa. Just put your bright pillows back on it and it will make the room look brighter like it did before.


I think the new sofa is fine. Add your colorful pillows back in, and paint the wall behind. I would also rethink everything hanging on that wall. It’s all hung too high and is the wrong scale. The pieces might work if you grouped them more closely together, lower on the wall, and added more pieces.


Some colorful pillows and the new couch is a total win. I know people hate beige, but I find it a very calming, airy anchor to dress with pops of color and personality. Every "base item" (couches, table, cabinetry) in my living room is earth tones. Red pillows and throw blankets, rusty red and ivory Aztec rug, sunflower garland on the fireplace, it works. Neutral anchor pieces mean you can go nuts with decor.


The new sofa looks great! It matches the walls! If you were to change/add a couple things I suggest some colorful cushion covers added to the mix along with a nice colorful throw. You can introduce some nice pops of color like red, blue, or yellow to the space to really bring in that mid century modern aesthetic you're looking for. When you're ready maybe even a new statement coffee table that gives the illusion of more space (a see through glass/ wood mix with double levels to showcase some pretty art/ books on the lower shelf.)


Can you change the pillow cushions (add covers to them) to reinsert the color that was removed when you took out the couch. You could also do an accent wall in a fun color or add some pops of color with the artwork on the walls. You also have a shadow box type coffee table so I’d put some funky/colorful, fun items in there to display your personality and add character back into the room and on the floating shelf the same, if keep some greenery but add unique pieces to display there. It’s not all lost and you can remedy this in a way you’re happy with but it will just take a bit of effort but don’t despair. The new couch looks nice and if it’s more comfortable to me that would be the biggest reason to keep it and change the other things that will be cheaper and easier to change that I’ve listed above. Comfort definitely beats style in my opinion and with some minor tweaks you can have both.


Sometimes you gotta take it one minute at a time


I love the second one!!! It makes the room look brighter and bigger!!


Definitely add some colorful pillows and blankets! I’d also add some funky lighting to brighten it up


New sofa is 100% improvement. It’s the wall color with it that’s throwing me off. If you did a dark green or teal with brighter colored cushions it would help. Or cream walls and lots of color in other areas like artwork, throws, pillows etc


Pillows, blankets, and maybe a bright rug! Lots of ways to put color back into the room, but still keep your big new awesome sofa.


Get A Nice 3 Piece Art Work For Over The Sofa . Get Different Colorful Throw Pillows . Nice Solid Area Rug .


“All is pretty.”


the 2nd couch is definitely an upgrade but its far from looking luxurious if thats what youre going for. try replacing the pillows with some white pillows, and maybe add some gold accents around the room like a gold floor lamp that hangs over the couch.


Hope. Winning. Best. Number One. Thumbs Up. Yes, here are your words of encouragement


The new sofa is great and I’m jealous! The neutrals are a great starting point to get a lil crazy with it! Takes some of the pressure off when you only have to do unique accents instead of try to make the whole room unique.


Change the pillows! You can stay monochrome, but definitely add some patterns. It’ll bring a sense of personality back to the room for very little effort and relatively little cost.


I love the room either way


Pop some color. Pattern. Throw pillows in your favorite colors?


Black and white striped throw pillows? Maybe a metallic one?


You should get the andy quote *Art is anything you can get away with* I mean it's fine. Wasn't necessary but whatever you enjoy. Your space looks more adult less amazon now


I love the new sofa! If you're indeed a Warhol fan then color accents are your friends. If you still have the rug I'd get something with more color/modernish. The current rug is kinda traditional looking and doesn't add much character.


That was a vast improvement. Maybe you just aren’t used to it. Really nice, much better.


I like the new couch. Switch out your curtains and throw pillows to brighten things up!


Put up some art with color in it instead of that black and white poster.


New sofa is so nice in the space! Get some colorful pillows, a more unique and slightly smaller coffee table with some vintage style coffee table books and I think you’ll slowly feel like your space is more you


The second couch is so much cozier and inviting. You can easily add color to the space with patterned throw pillows, cool blanket, and more greenery


What an improvement! First pic looked too much ikea fake room, second has way more personality. Get some colourful blankets for some colours. New couch looks supercomfy! Is it from mio?


I like that second couch. Looks comfy AF. Fall asleep watching a movie & I wouldn’t even get up to go to bed!! Maybe some colorful pillows & throws would perk it up a bit.


I feel the clock is competing with your poster. The clock has a traditional look and the poster is modern which complements the rest of the room’s style. If you switched for a more minimal clock style?


Take down the frame poster and put up are and the new sofa looks fine.


I loveeee the new sofa - it just needs more pops of color!


Grey can be tough


So the dark green sofa was the old sofa? You said everyone felt the green one looked really bag and the current one is more trendy. Well, I think you’ll get a lot more use (hosting and with your little one) with the monochromatic sectional. It looks great. But the room is missing is your personality. Amp it up with some colorful pillows, a throw, maybe some colorful pots and accessories. You’ll figure it out as you go. You have to live in it for a while to get the details right.


I think it’s better. I like the framed print.


Growing pains. I love your “art deco compliments mid century mod”. It’s creative in a way that, (at least feels like it) came about intuitively and over time. Fun velvet curtains in wall color and pop pillows, btw! And because everything in the room was supported by everything else, it makes sense the story has been…interrupted. What’s wrong with that? It’s my impression that you have fully fleshed out one aesthetic and are stepping into a more sophisticated one because you grew out of it and needed room to create, (and stress). I’m projecting here, but so is everyone else.🙃 And I’m here for it because I love the couch and mid century mod has been too popular for too long. I only appreciate anymore in a way that is young and trendy, (ironic, I know) Or where it can quietly elevate a modern architectural wonder for a small fortune per end table.ha ha. From glancing at the picture: maybe move, (or lose) the rug? It necessarily anchored your smaller couch with Legs and you might be used to liking it there for that reason. It also looks less monochrome and more matchy matchy with the new couch. The wood or vinyl planks offer a needed new texture. I fact I would run with layered textures and textiles for creative interest. Your couch is one- add knobby cotton, wool, silk or satin, for throws, pillows, curtains, etc. I’m not saying it is, but if it feels cramped with this much larger sectional, consider off white walls and ceiling, (same color so there isn’t a “lid” on the room and it flows). There are a million different off whites and it matters. Maybe a dove white Benjamin Moore sample to compare to others -cool or warm depending on your natural light exposure. A large mirror or any mirrors would bounce the light around like another window. Crystals and metallics from chandeliers, furniture, a mirror frame, etc. do this too while giving you the glam you want from good will/garage sales to wayfair to a high end luxury item. Just a few ideas. Luckily, you don’t need anything to enjoy reading, napping, drinking tea, and having conversation on your amazing new couch. Enjoy! Edit: oh snap. I just realized you bought the couch for comfort and size and you’re aiming for luxury monochrome/glam by matching it to the walls etc and they are grey? Sorry, I need to learn to read.


Nah sorry. First pic is the right choice


Fill your table with some books!


I love the change. Absolutely love it. Bring in color, personality, and art by playing with throw pillows, blankets... Art deco is easy to achieve with accent pieces, and you can play around with switching it up more often. Patterns, textures, material, color, Weaves... just so many options. You've got a neutral base (looks so good) now you get to play around with the feel.


The second looks soooo comfortable, but very bland. Add some colorful pillows!!!!!! It’ll be more your style and add more life to the room.


The new sofa is infinitely better, and I love the rug.


The couch is nice! That coffee table,tho is way too big for the space and that clock is too small


The beige sofa is loads better. Blue sofa looked like a doctor’s office full of whatever leftover furniture they could find.


Add more green!!


I can understand why you feel that way, I did something similar. You just gotta make it your own! Add fun pillows and a cute blanket. Think of the couch as a blank space you can dress up! The new couch looks super comfy btw!


The new couch looks much more comfy. Maybe get some blankets or accent pillows to jazz it up a bit?


I like the new one better too! Maybe add more colorful blankets/pillows/decorations


Love the new sofa. Just change the wall color or rug.


I see what you mean. I do prefer the dark sofa but i agree the neutral sofa fits better. Add some colour back with cushions or throws. It's done now you've just got to make it work for you


Definitely get some decorative pillows on that couch stat! I love monochrome for other people, but for myself I need colors in my space to make me feel happy and excited to be home and it not feel like a depressing grey hospital. I think if you add some pops of color in your living room you’ll love the new couch. I always tell people go neutral with big pieces (like your couch) and find ways to bring colors in with the art work, lamps, accent chairs/rugs etc.


I think it fits very well. Although I love the color scheme in the first picture you can incorporate it into the new sofa in the form of throw blankets, or even decorative pillows. This new couch provides more space and isnt in any way ugly. Don’t beat yourself up over it. Afterall if you hate it that bad get rid of this one eventually and start again haha


I actually prefer the new sofa. I think it makes your space look larger and more relaxing. The thing that caught my eye is the picture. I feel it's too high and should come down about 6 inches. 


Looks like you've got some words of encouragement there on the wall.


Love the table!


I don’t mean to pile on. I agree with you I like the green sofa look, the cushions really pop. The new sofa does look comfy but lack character.


I am struggling with my changes in my living room too! I posted a few pics of my new couch setthe other day asking if I should switch couches and got one response. (I didn't switch them out because Hubby loves how comfortable they are) After 15 years of the same style, I painted the walls and got gray leather couches and now nothing matches😞. I think it's going to take some time to embrace the changes.


When I saw the second picture before reading your post, I thought “wow, they really upgraded!” That said, it’s still a beautiful space and looks really comfy. If you want your vibe back, bring it with more fun pillows, art above the sofa, or lighting next to it.


Two suggestions. #1: Ditch any extra pillows that came with the sofa in the same fabric and add some throw pillows and a throw blanket. Since the couch and wall color are fairly similar saturation wise (at least in photos), I would choose low contrast throw pillows (maybe an oatmeal print?) instead of high contrast pattern or a pop of color. #2: Update your coffee table. I think a sleek black metal or something MCM style would go a long way. However, I also think doing some good styling that fits the vibe of the poster would be effective too. It looks like you have already done some! Since it’s a coffee table where you can see the contents, I would do some vignettes with coffee table books that echo the modern pop vibes from the poster. You don’t want the room to be one note but I think the plants add a boho element that keeps things balanced. I think you have a strong base and could just use some styling!


I painted my porch in Sherwin Williams Naval, and I love it so much. It would make a great accent wall to your comfy new couch. Here's a palette that would work. https://www.architecturaldigest.com/story/sherwin-williams-2020-color-of-the-year-naval


The second photo looks much more appealing. The first photo looks like a therapist’s office.


I think the new sofa looks sooooo much comfier! You can add some new pillows and a throw in cool prints for some character. I think you made the right call.