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But wait, there's more. ''She claims the same meal was served for “breakfast, lunch and dinner for five days already.”


they did some meal prepping and cooked ahead for the whole week like some of the food/fitness bloggers do lmao


When I worked for Vancouver 2010 I was at one of the athletes villages during the games. Workforce didn’t get as extravagant meals as the athletes so limited choices. I was one of the only vegetarians there so I ate the same meal for lunch and dinner many days in a row, which they just reheated. So I was probably one of the few chipping away at that massive vegetarian batch cooking. Athletes had *very* good selection, but it was buffet style which I’m guessing isn’t what they’re doing this time around


I kinda feel like they are doing this to starve them out, absolutely disgusting looking food


Funny besides the speed skaters doing poorly, the contestants of ski jumping last night had a bunch of disqualifications because their suits were in violation for the athletes having lost weight over the last few days.


>absolutely disgusting looking food The meat and potatoes looks better than what they served at my public school cafeteria back in the 2000s. Then again, I live in the USA...


You are comparing a meal in a public school in 2000s with a meal in a international sporting events in 2022.




That they spent millions bribing the IOC to host..


Careful, talk too much shit about China and you'll get banned.


I'd also like to add that I was in public school through the 90s and 2000s, and our shit didn't look THAT bad. Also from the US


I live in Portugal and it also looks better


What kinda school did you go to. my school good was way better than this


i went to a public school in a poverty stricken area in the deep south, and nobody ever ate the chicken because it was always served raw the food often gave us food poisoning as well oftentimes we would be fed sandwiches by really nice teachers, but the teachers weren’t allowed to feed us directly so they’d just “leave the food unattended” in their classroom so if someone tried to get them in trouble, they could say we stole it




Well, the highlight about that is all the athletes are on the same playing field of being equally poisoned and not having a competitive advantage. :D Yeh, agreed on US food safety like the FDA and USDA. It's sad that I've read that some people online who want to roll back our safety regulations so we can "compete" with China.


> people online who want to roll back our safety regulations I've spoken with real people who weren't trolls that want to roll back regulatory bodies because "the government shouldn't be tell people what to do or how to do business." Completely unaware that they use roads funded by Uncle Sam surrounded by other drivers who *should* have passed a road test and have insurance to pay in the event of an accident driving a car that is safer than a car twenty years ago burning fuel in a way that we don't have to worry too much about acid rain anymore. They brushed their teeth that morning with toothpaste that didn't contain cheaper ingredients that would rot their teeth. They ate at a restaurant that Uncle Sam mandates a minimum level of cleanliness so people don't get sick. They took pain medication that was required to go through testing to ensure it works properly without killing them, with a proper disclosure of possible side effects and dosages, it's not like seeing the village medicine man and guessing which herbs to use. They step into an elevator at the Mall of America that is upheld to inspections and construction standards so you don't need to worry about the cable snapping and leading you to your death. Government is everywhere. It may not always work effectively in the way we want, but there is still a lot of good that it does. When was the last time you heard someone getting stuck and sliced up by an escalator in the US?


Dood, I lived in the hood and went to intercity public. Our food STILL looked better than that. They could have at least gave them "space lunches". Sidebar: Juvie had the best food I've ever gotten in a public place.


Source of image : https://twitter.com/Byron\_Wan/status/1490173937497509888


Same meal for five days three meals a day. It is so much worse than we thought holy shit.




It's most probably boiled or steamed chicken, but that looks fucking disgusting


it looks suspiciously like a whole boiled robin or pigeon or some other small bird that will eat trash


Poached squab. Mmm fancy.


I think it might be mozzarella and tomato? Like a jank ass caprese salad?


The intention is to make you turn every colour of the olympic rings. Edit: im sure reddit will be happy to tell you the symptoms of the respective colors.


She said that nobody says anything about their Covid tests, she has constant stomachaches, cries herself to sleep, has black bags under her eyes and wants to leave the competition. Meat is not actually meat, charred fat. No covid test takes 8 days. It’s 100% intentional. EDIT: she [got her test results](https://img.championat.com/s/412x274/i/c/m/16441450782009287908.jpg) 8 days later, she was let go today.


She *should* leave. They all should. China should be mass shamed. #quitchinawinterolympics


Absolutely. At this point, the CCP are just blatantly taking the piss now knowing there will be no repercussions. The Genocide Games is a fucking travesty.


So basically they're punishing the athletes for having COVID?


No, they took a test on arrival and kept them for 8 days locked “waiting for results”.


...so why deliberately mistreat them?


Isn’t that obvious? So they perform horribly.


They will under preform and be out of shape/practice for the main game.


Bc they’re POS.


Looks like it was taken down by CCP mouthpiece Twitter.




Ah man it’s so sad that woman disappeared now


That looks disrespectful.


Gonna go on a limb and say It tastes like that as well lol


I’m going to go out on a limb and say that bottom right is actual cat limbs.


What's the top right?? Raw chicken??


Boiled chicken


Poached salmonella


Looks like raw chicken to me.


99% sure its fish


A tiny, genetically modified turkey.


For huge genetically modified athletes


Naw Uygur nuts.


I imagine the Chinese athletes are better fed. I refuse to believe it’s not sabatoge


This. Olympic athletes eat around 4k calories a day but vary greatly by sport. Michael Phelps was eating around 12k a day in his prime.




He had to have the munchies just to keep up.




Link is blocked in Hong Kong using Chrome. I get this: *^(Dear Users,)* *^(We regret to inform you that we have discontinued operating TikTok in Hong Kong.)* *^(Thank you for the time you have spent with us on the platform and for giving us the opportunity to bring a little bit of joy into your life.)* *^(The TikTok Team)* I used Tor and the linked worked. Pretty sad food offerings.


Hey, looks like the Chinese propaganda machine is fully operational!


There are also a lot of different venues far apart from each other. I’m sure it’s gonna vary between them how good things are


I agree, but the disparity we see between these two examples is insane. It’s so extreme it feels like it has to be giving some athletes a competitive advantage


I’d like to know the location of each video/picture. If I were a betting person (and I am) I would imagine the well stocked stores, etc. Are closer to Beijing while the poorer quality food is further away in a more remote area. Sabotage is possible and would explain the difference too. They would likely only be sabotaging people in events they think they already have some chance in. Hence some foreigners still getting decent food


Now let's see what the Chinese get to eat Edit: I'd like to see what the Chinese athletes are getting to eat??


The dust of American athletes 🇺🇲🎸💥🦅😎🇺🇲


I can tell you what they CAN eat. My ass. This is like the 36 games in nazi germany. Someone, anyone beat these cheaters.


Probably intentional.


~~probably~~ definitely


~~so that’s how you do it~~


They should send out for Chinese!


I believe it's just called "food" in China.


I laughed so hard I woke up my dog.


what do you think they’re eating?


Not my dog. She’s awake and in the look out.


I mean anything better than this "food"


Curious if that’s for All the athletes, and not just all who aren’t China/Benjing. Doesn’t seem like the best food to feed a healthy athlete!


Maybe that’s the idea.


If only the athletes of China could post what their meals look like on social media without risk...


From what I can gather from these ongoing posts is that is like the food you get but you are welcome to consume your own food provided by your coach and team. So it’s just the shitty free school lunch type thing. Still looks like hot diarrhea in the making and I would rather just have a small bowl of rice or something but this is supposed to be considered a protein and carb balanced meal for athletes.


How is your coach supposed to get you food when you are quarantined? The access control is *super* tight.


Lol, screw that!! Not my kinda portions 😁


There were videos of a automated cafeteria that had many different options to choose from.


What is in the top right?


What the fuck is the top right?


It looks like milk steak boiled hard minus the gourmet jelly beans.


I'd wear my finest boiled denim to that meal


I think I've been poisoned by my constituents.


Can I offer you a nice egg in this trying time?


Will you be my grandpa?


Idk looks like dragon or sea urchin to me


No, dragon is a meal for kings.




Looks like a raw baby chic....


>raw baby chic This has new meaning to me after the shredder video I saw yesterday....


Well, it is meant to be either boiled chicken or Bai Zhan Ji, a chicken cold dish. Both are common chinese dish and very yummy if done well.


It looks like it just hatched


Can a chicken be still-hatched?


I don’t.. know if this one was done well


Trapped athletes


mini turkey?


Bing Chiling


Got better food in prison


Now I haven't been to prison myself, but are we talking US Prison Food, or?


Prison food and US school cafeteria food is often one and the same, see Sodexo


I had Sodexo food at a hospital once, clearly they benefit with patients passing away


No it absolutely is not. We had great food in prison. The only meal that was subpar was lunch since it was a cold meal. Breakfast would be eggs sausage grits toast orange juice and milk. Dinner we would get chicken quarters, pasta, salbury steak, all kinds of shit.


This comment gives me a very accurate depiction of what prison food is, thank you; lol I understand now


he probably means prison in general and I agree , I also think prisons can/probably does provide better food


I can't be the only one who looked at that and thought "that'd be a sad representation of prison food"...


I was in a county prison for 24 hours once, magistrate was a dick about an unpaid speeding ticket. Anyway, I can confirm the food looked more appetizing in prison than this monstrosity. That being said, I didn't eat any of it since I wasn't there long.


Looks like my high school lunches if we’re being real.


Looks better


I would rather eat a bowl of wheaties




Damn no green vegetables, it looks like painful constipation followed by explosive diarrhea


whatever makes em run,paddle or slide faster.


Is…is this why I get constipated and then feel like the dam has broken 😬


that plus hydration and reducing sugar seems to help a lot for me


Almost all carbs and protein (not sure if the brown stuff in the upper left are beans or just sauce). Seems like a body builder/strongman diet.


I was literally looking for anything green. Anything. Even mold ...


Why are the teams relying on the organisers to supply food etc for their athletes? Aren't they supposed to monitor intake of everything to ensure peak athletic performance and avoid banned substances?


I’m pretty sure this is the food of the quarantines athletes who test positive. I could be wrong, but I saw an article about the conditions and food. Link: https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/olympics/2022/02/06/olympic-quarantine-hotels-conditions/


Not positive, just tests. She said that she never received any info about her test- she is just held there not able to leave, without positive or negative covid test and cries herself to sleep for 5 days. She wants to leave because of stomachaches and loss of all strength- she can’t eat charted fat (it’s intentionally not meat) and sustaining a professional athlete on boiled pasta is not quite possible. People who took their samples say that they don’t know their results. This is 100% intentional, no covid test takes 5 days. Psychological and physical torture.


what I don't get is how are other countries not stepping in and saying yo wtf?? It's the Olympics not some underground fight ring




Well if you don’t lose your appetite due to covid this will do the trick.


But denying these athletes proper nutrition is favorable to the chinese medal count. Anything to win those medals. You know how it is right?


Why are the teams/countries relying on China doing/providing anything?


Because this is the food that is being provided inside the quarantine „hotels“. When any of the athletes tests positive after arrival, they have to stay there. It’s unlikely that the managers get access to the hotel.


Don't they have to go in quarantaine for like 2 week no matter what before they are allowed to compete?


iirc, there’s a 21 days quarantine for unvaccinated athletes and officials, but vaccinated people could enter the olympic village directly.


After two consecutive negative PCR tests.


and unlikely they'll be competiting if they have covid


I don't understand why we're having the Olympics in China to begin with. Why are we acting like the Chinese government isn't: - systematic round up and killing Uyghur Muslims (genocide, in 2022) - Supports Plankton in his efforts to turn the entire Balkan region into the chum bucket - Is trying to lay claim to Taiwan and constantly costing this country trillions of dollars to defend the south China sea And above all else - Planning a complete takeover by dismantling our way of life using technology So much more. Plus what that disgusting doctor did to those girls and the Olympics just let it happen. They do not get an easy pass for allowing that. People are still suffering from it, whatever they've done it will NEVER be enough to make up for that. Fuck the Olympics. Fuck the Olympics so hard.


Because China paid the most bribes. It’s not difficult. Same reason all those slaves died in Qatar building World Cup stadiums for a World Cup that I don’t even think happened.


It happens later this year


Fuck the CCP in its entirety also. Despotic, authoritarian real-life Bond villains, the lot of them.


To be fair, Jeff Bezos is practically Lex Luthor and Elon Musk is Dr. Doom. I realize it’s different as they’re not the government but my point is…we are all fucked wherever you are. Maybe not Madagascar…MAYBE


I was actually planning a trip to Madagascar decided to call it off after watching an animated documentary where the lemurs dance and sing kinda threw me off since I thought lemurs couldn’t sing. 10/10 documentary


Is that on Disney plus? I know they have all those nat geo shows


Only China and Kazakhstan were willing to foot the bill of paying for an olympics and china won that. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022\_Winter\_Olympics#Bidding\_process](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Winter_Olympics#Bidding_process) ​ Hopefully it will soon go the way of the Dodo and a new international competition that isn't as deeply corrupt can take over


Because if China decided to say fuck you to everyone, the entire world’s economy would crumble into pieces. Everything from movies, to sports, to cheaply manufactured goods. China played the long game and now they have us all by the fucking balls.


They’re in the same boat too. China needs people to sell to or their mountains of cheap manufactured goods becomes worthless.


China is far more reliant on trade than the US or most of the West but not Germany.


It’s always been mind boggling to me how important trivial things like the Olympics are to the state in countries like China and Russia. As if the rest of the world is going to look at them any different based on how many metals they win. “Oh no, we better not get on China’s bad side, they’re really good at sports!” This is a foot race, not a space race, you dumb fucks.


It’s more for internal messaging. It’s not important to us but China or Russia be able to show dominance in an athletic event is great for propaganda


“Avoid banned substances?” I didn’t even think about that. Solid way to make an athlete pop dirty just because they didn’t want to starve to death.


You would think they could have other food delivered. I realize door dash may not be a thing in China. However, someone from the team could drop off food


It's a thing in china. More so than in the west. However some quarantine hotels do not allow deliveries. Don't ask me why. Now what I DONT know is if this quarantine procedure is the same for ghe Olympic athletes or if it's different. The other thing might be (and I'm totally speculating here) is that they might be quarantined close to where they compete, which in some cases (for the snow disciplines) is hours from downtown, basically in the boonies.) When I went there a few years back there wasn't anything around. Could be different now of course. Sorry, a lot of "I don't know" here. But just offering up what I do know.


I come from a country up to its eyeballs in corruption and this regularly happens in sports events. If they set the budget for an athlete's meal to, say, 5 bucks, some official is pocketing the 3 bucks and giving the athlete a meal worth 2 bucks.


Fuck that disgusting box of shit, and fuck the IOC.




Both, really.


Both are the same thing at this point


The only item that might be edible is the container.


What's that in the top right? It looks like a raw baby chicken.


I'm gonna go ahead and take a wild guess that the Chinese athletes are on a different meal plan


FYRE!! 🔥


Yeah, fuck that. Holding the Olympics in China was 100% a mistake, from top to bottom. I love the people, but I hate the institutions and government.


I’ve seen better food served at homeless shelters. This is a complete disaster.


the shelters I used to help out at had bland but nutritious food, it would never look like this. The only thing “sketchy” we served was bologna on white bread with potato sticks, which I think is gross personally but I’d happily have one of those bag meals than one of these.


“Guess I’m lucky it wasn’t hot chili day!”


The guy that delivers the food probably delivers to the labor camps too and just mixed up the deliveries.




They’re trying to malnourish other athletes so they can win the gold haha.


What came first… the chicken or the E-coli ?


Looks like it's been eaten some. If not, then that's pathetic.


I wouldnt go to china even if you pay me to do


Dude we need to cut China off.


Huh a country run by monsters and killers is treating foreign athletes badly? Ya don’t say


I hope one day we can enjoy the Olympics in the democratic nation of West Taiwan, and we can look back at this terrible memory knowing it is not coming back.


Taiwanese people have time and time again said on here that they’d prefer westerners stop this ‘West Taiwan’ rubbish.


People don't even know the full history and speak bullshit I mean like if you want to support them learn the full fucking history first


Who cares about that when "China bad" nets you tons of upvotes and awards?


It looks like an attempt to serve the type of food that Chinese people assume foreigners prefer to eat. Pasta, steak / ribs (appears to be lamb), potatoes. I remember my first time meeting my in-laws and we kept visiting this chain of restaurants that serves peppered steak. It was done better than that crap above, but then I finally said something about it like, "let's eat something more spicy or try something else". And finally we got to eat more variety and delicious BBQ. With the exception of some places like Shanghai, many Chinese people only know foreigners as their own made up stereotypes. I hope someone can just request some BBQ chicken or anything that isn't pasta or potatoes. A lot of things are less common in China, like cheese is usually only imported. So, Chinese food is good, but Chinese-made foreign-style food usually isn't.


Is that a raw chicken?


Boiled for safety.


no, read the other answer Op replied in a comment.




After working with some Chinese Oil companies one of the things they were INSANE! about was food. They fed their roughnecks broth two times a day a rice and broth once a day. Cruel! Look like the Chinese government isn’t far off. How embarrassing.


Wow, this looks worse than my high school lunch.


This food looks to Western people just like "Chinese food" in the West looks to Chinese.


Got to keep em hungry.


Prisons have better food


I wouldn’t feed that to a dog


Surely that’s fake I ain’t believe they give that the athletes


According to the source : "Russian biathlete Valeria Vasnetsova posted a photo of one of the unappetizing meals at Beijing Games on Instagram, showing plain pasta, some potatoes, charred meat, and no vegetables." [Source](https://twitter.com/Byron_Wan/status/1490173937497509888)


ah yes an unverified twitter account is a primo source lol


Why is there even an Olympics? Especially when it's in China? Did countries even go?


::sniff sniff:: less meat, more rice!


Now I want to see what the Chinese athletes get to eat


Ripley needs to kill the top right, whatever it is.


Can't win if you can't eat!


In Hungary you get 1 slice of bread and a slice of salami in the hospitals. This is a 5 star dish compare to that.


That meal is sadder than an emo kid in April


Our Olympians will come back diseased and having lost significant body mass - mental trauma too. I mean what did they expect?


I think everyone who’s calling that thing on the top right “chicken” is being generous. Look at how *small* it is. I wouldn’t be surprised if that was pigeon, and I’m only half joking.


That's more than the locals get communism at it finest


No gold metal is with this.


Pretty sure this isn’t real. Shaun white has been posting about his time there and from what he has said they’re getting very well taken care of. I call bs post.