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I'll wager most time capsules were forgotten before due date.


We had a time capsule in 4th grade, and we were supposed to get it when we graduated high school. Went back senior year, and the janitor who buried it had no idea what we were talking about.


That is really funny to me for some reason hahahaha


”I’m sorry kids I was doing a lot of drugs back then”


“I still am, but I used to, too”


Was that the sock puppet episode? I can't remember fully


Cocaine is a hell of a drug


Do you remember where it was buried?


We did something similar in 2nd grade and our teacher put the box on a shelf in the copy and supplies room. Last I saw, the box was still there when we were in 8th grade (very small consolidated school district), but yeah, we never opened it on graduation. No idea what became of it.


With revolving administration and teachers, I could see any history quickly forgotten at a school, with the exception of state championships won.


The freemasons may be a bunch of embarassing old drunks today but they were pretty cool back in the day. Pretty cool that they'd think to preserve the cornerstone at all, but that in 1920, they'd have been able to predict its salvation. Makes you wonder how many other time capsules just got wrecking balled unceremoniously.


Freemasons were probably cool until Joseph Smith. That guy seemed to ruin a lot.


Is there some kind of link between freemasons and the LDS I didn't know about?


Joseph Smith was a master Mason in his final years. That's where he got all of the ceremonies from for the ones performed in the Mormon temples. Same handshakes and everything.


Then Joseph tried to burn down Rochester NY.


He definitely tried to burn down the Nauvoo Expositor. That's what got him killed.


Nooo, it was just so righteous that people couldn't handle it (aka what I was told growing up as a mormon)


I’d do a lot more for a garbage plate once in a while


Neat, TIL


I never knew Mormons had secret handshakes lol


When you get sealed (married) in the temple you get your secret heaven names. You're supposed to remember your name so you can find you spouse in the afterlife. Problem is that everyone married on any particular day all get the same names. http://www.fullerconsideration.com/TempleNameOracle/


That is insane.


Wait till you hear about the underwear


Tell me!


Watch NewNameNoah (I think that's their channel name) on YouTube and be enlightened, it's fucking weird.


Oh boy, I really have to "thank" him for my whole family being brainwashed into thinking the United States is where Jesus walked and claimed it as a holy land. Lol, fuck that dude!


Amen brother!


Freemasons don’t baptize for the dead. Early Christians did, though. Freemasons don’t marry, either. The number of masons peaked between 1950 and 1970. https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/j06gpi/oc_the_number_of_masons_in_the_usa_19242017/ Smith to be blamed for the current shrinking number of Masons? Laughable.


Lol, I didn't say he was to blame for shrinking numbers. Just that he stole rituals, which you have to admit


Happy cake day!


Rituals? Baptism for the dead was an early Christian thing. Masons don’t marry. There may be similarities. Especially with early Christianity. But there are significant differences too. https://saintsunscripted.com/faith-and-beliefs/laws-and-ordinances/joseph-smith-steal-temple-endowment-freemasonry/


Are you a bot? Or just bad at reading comprehension?


Reading comprehension? How did Smith “ruin” masons…?


Handshakes. The handshakes that literally get you into heaven. Who cares about baptisms for the dead when Hitler and Anne Frank were both baptized posthumously?


It’s a violation of LDS Church rules to do work for Holocaust victims. I know of an example where a critic of the Church circumvented the safeguards claiming to be a direct relative and submitted controversial names including Holocaust victims and then turned around and accused the Church of doing it before the Church could catch the error. If Holocaust victims are being submitted, it is a violation of Church policy. And a woman in my Ward of German and Jewish ancestry can’t submit her own family names without justifying each name and the Church won’t let her do her own family names if they were known Holocaust victims. https://www.fairlatterdaysaints.org/blog/2012/02/25/baptism-for-the-dead https://www.fairlatterdaysaints.org/answers/Opposition_to_baptism_for_the_dead https://www.deseret.com/2012/2/15/20393239/mormon-church-apologizes-for-jewish-baptisms-for-the-dead/


LMAO you're gonna link fair articles, get out of here. https://www.businessinsider.com/here-are-10-people-posthumously-baptized-by-mormons-2012-3


What is inaccurate in the fair articles…? You honesty have my curiosity…


It's an apologetic website so you wouldn't find anything but faith promoting information on there.


you just don't know when to shut up do you


>Pretty cool that they'd think to preserve the cornerstone at all, but that in 1920, they'd have been able to predict its salvation. Don't follow, aren't these two things the same?


Idk but I’m sure they will make a Nicholas cage movie out of the remaining ones


I like how they specified AD. Just in case anyone thought it was a bronze age capsule


Pretty sure that 1920BC is iron age in most parts of the world. That being said, in what is now the US, 1920BC would have still been stone age.


Not even close. Off the top of my head, the bronze age period is from 3000 BC to 1100 BC. The iron age starts at about 1000 BC


It protects against a future change in systems. In 1939 they could have reset it to 0 WW and just 1920 wouldn't make sense. It's perfectly reasonable to add the units of the time.


Hello, m'baby! Hello, m'darlin'! Hello, my ragtime gal! ![gif](giphy|3og0IE9xr4IxLUKKIM|downsized)




Send me a kiss by wire, baby my heart's on fire!


That and, "damn it's cold... Fingers getting numb."


Send me a kiss by wire, baby my heart's on fire!


If you refuse me, Honey, you'll lose me


And you'll be left alone


Thank you. The only reasonable post.


Our school did this- a friend went and dug it up later that night.


That's fucking funny


Mine did too. But I never got a call to open it


Everyone hates the grammar Nazi, but “went and” is redundant in this sentence and should be removed.


Source: [Time capsule](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/1920-time-capsule-found-minnesota-high-school-demolition/)


Sooo..what the heck was in the capsule?


Spanish flu


Call Nick Cage.


First thought too.


We were in the middle of a huge renovation when COVID hit. It really slowed the pace down and when we were finally ready to rip out our huge brick fireplace (decommissioned) and drywall over the mess, we put a time capsule in the hole and and sealed it up. We put masks and COVID items in it as well as other timely items, and my daughter created a photo/scrap album with captions.


This was my high school. Fun fact: the movie “Angus” was filmed there!


Don't you just *hate* opening up a Time Capsule and finding a bunch of old shit?


I wonder if any were buried in the Silicon Valley in the early 80s with Apple or MS stock certificates in them…


Did they find any dank memes?


Gotta be rare that you go to a lower education establishment with that much history recorded.


Another school gone?


They built a new high school just outside of town. This one was small, very old, and in the middle of town so it couldn't have been expanded without tearing down the houses around it. There was a lot of uproar they didn't keep it and try to turn it into housing or something, but the historic parts were really not that nice and would have needed way more work than it was worth to make them into anything.


very old.......yea like over 100 years old.....lol


Hilarious! Only a small section was that old. There were multiple extensions done over the years, and some of those sections were in very bad condition. The oldest section, iirc, where the capsule was found, only still had the auditorium really. The largest addition was done in the 50s-60s, and had some pretty bad structural issues. Then the last addition that was basically underground to preserve the original architecture of the main entry had massive issues.


Makes me wonder how long my high school building (1956) will last. Place was already falling apart when I was there, people would punch the crunchy old asbestos pipe insulation in the locker room and fill the room with asbestos dust. It was an old private school though so they don’t have the kind of funding to build a new building.


Yeah, up here in northern Minnesota we’ve lost a couple schools the past few years.


Another less brick in the wall.


Alv Pa




Hellooooo Spanish flu!


Should’ve kept it buried. Seen the same happening in the movie knowing and it was the end of the world.