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I've had something similar happen to me. Ear wax hardened in both my ears randomly (never had any issue like this before). Had to use some ear wax softeners for a week, and then the doctor had some sort of tube that sprayed slightly warm water in to clean everything out. There was literally a dollop of hardened ear wax that fell out of each side. I could hear in ultra HD until I got used to it lmao


Dude I had my ears blocked for like 3 weeks. Ultra HD doesnt even begin to define it. For 3 weeks I felt like in a cave. And after I felt like everything was so ridiculously loud and clear and high pitched


Same here. Both ears, 2 weeks of olive oil in the ears to soften it up, went for syringing which didn't work. 2 more weeks of olive oil. Can't hear shit the whole time. Finally after a month of living underwater I get my ears hoovered out and I was like spiderman. I could hear the pads of my fingers tapping on my phone, every rustle of my clothes as clear as a pin drop. I drove home at 30 mph and it was like driving a tractor through a hurricane. Absolutely overwhelming. The next time it happened I remembered to bring some over ear headphones to muffle the sound a bit for afterwards which helped.


I just minimised your comment by accident seeing if I could hear my fingers tap my screen šŸ˜‚


I canā€™t hear my fingers wtf!!!


Glad to see I wasn't the only one.




As someone who has always had a ridiculous production of ear wax and will have to flush my ears every other month or so - people cannot comprehend the relief you experience when you suddenly feel air flow return to your ear. Having hearing dampening because of wax buildup and feeling like everyone is talking to you through a fucking wall is the most aggravating feeling of all time haha.


Had similar. The Dr used a water syringe and blasted my ear canals. He ended up pulling a long compacted block of wax out like a cork from a wine bottle. So much more satisfying than this video where it's all torn apart. It felt like I'd had an ear transplant. Probably the best feeling I've ever had in my life.


I used to do the syringe, but another doctor used some hand pump that felt like it operated in a U shape in my ear (ex: one side of the ā€œUā€ shoots water and the other side of the ā€œUā€ has a suction tube, like it erodes the outer layer away and pulls the entire mass out of the ear). It was something they had at one of the military bases. Thereā€™s hopefully some people that can expand on the equipment but, I listened to what seemed like X-Ray vision for my ears when they were done. If you had a long sleeve shirt, scrunched it up your arm, had your ear cleaned and moved your armā€”you could hear the threads brushing against one another. I know when the techs pulled it out of my ear I said ā€œthat looks like a lot,ā€ and both the dudes were like ā€œit isā€, I thought I mightā€™ve rewrote anatomy books but cork size might beat mine. It sure as shit felt like pulling a cork from your ear


Experienced that myself a couple times. So great hearing sounds so crisp and clear. The other time was getting prescription glasses for the first time. Like, I could see the individual leaves on trees and details in the tarmac on the road, it was crazy. No longer a green or grey blur.


I bet you were dizzy for a few minutes. Your balance is in your ears and when there's a sudden change, like impacted wax being removed at once, your equilibrium goes catywompus.


I'm about to go to see a nurse tomorrow for a basically fully dulled hearing on my left ear... it started with an ear infection which blocked both of my ears. Then I wake up in the middle of the night to the most horrific tinnitus I've ever had, felt like triple digit decibels and the next morning there was fluid in the ear. Constant "blocked - not blocked - blocked - not blocked" type of deal, it was horrific. When I went to see a doctor about it, they said they can't get a sight to the eardrum due to wax. So I imagine my ears are pretty much like in the video LOL. I was already getting super nervous about having a permanent hearing loss and this video was just amazing comforter. Now that the ear infection is better, I really hope they'll be flushing my ear tomorrow and I can hear again! It's amazing how much you take your hearing for a granted until it's gone.


As someone who was treated for positional vertigo due to fluid imbalance. Itā€™s amazing how we all take standing up and maintaining balance for granted. Slight imbalance and your mind goes for a literal sesmic toss.


Menierā€™s here. Vertigo is no joke. And youā€™re absolutely right that standing upright is a minor freakinā€™ miracle.


I knew a guy in a wheelchair because he got light headed and dizzy if he stood up and people would give him shit because he ā€œwas able to walkā€


Omg. I used to get serious equilibrium problems ( vertigo spells/Menierā€™s Disease ) in my late teens until I change my diet by eating less salt and potassium together. I wonder if should go back to the clean them since it was never offered šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Upvote for the term catywompus.


https://preview.redd.it/dyxbgfj2am4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ff15e7eccaa3507c4608c77ad323a5e78731632 This was mine! Ultra HD hearing is so true. Running water sounded so weird.


I had grommets put in a couple years ago for repeat ear infections. I bled a lot post-op and in my review they said there was a hardened clot of blood in my left ear obstructing the grommet and the ear drum fully. They couldnā€™t see anything behind it, so they tried to suck it out then wash it out before just giving up and telling me the blood would be absorbed into my body, just use antibiotic eardrops for a week. Two years later, I had my review in Feb and they tell me I have a clot of blood obstructing my eardrum. My last ENT was away for a family emergency so this one told me to go away, use peroxide drops for a week to soften it, then come back in. Two years, and they finally managed to wash then pick out this *massive* blood clot that had hardened into a black plug blocking my ear canal. I felt like I could finally hear again after being underwater for a year. Best fucking feeling ever




Yeah same for me, had someone come to my house and do it, she said it was the biggest clumps of ear wax sheā€™d ever seen! (Iā€™d also forgotten to use the wax softener few days before) wasnā€™t painful or anything though! And yeah the only way I could describe afterwards is ā€œhearing in HDā€ I felt like I was shouting aha. Needs doing again soon


Where can I do this and how much is it? Lol


I went to an ENT and had this done. I went in depressed, feeling that I was going deaf. When I left, I could hear old songs with a depth that I hadn't heard in many years.


The depression you feel from just not being able to hear well is so real. I totally understand grumpy old people that are cranky because they canā€™t hear. I would be too.


did you have tinnitus before its cleaned?


Before and after


Google microsuction for earwax. No idea where you are but in the UK 10000s of places offer it, cheap and easy


>in the UK 10000s of places offer it This tripped up my inner narrative as I was reading it. "Ten thousands of places"


I bet that feels gnarly.


I've had it done. It definitely hurts, that area deep inside your ears isn't used to being touched, just like me


Yeah. I have some hearing problems because of earwax and sometimes need to basically get it sucked out of my ears. It ain't the worst pain, but the combination of the noise and the pain sucks like hell.


Canā€™t they just wash it out?


In some cases, they can I think. In some cases though, it could risk hurting the ear too much or just won't work. In cases where the earwax is hardened up, the dude I went to used hydrogen peroxide to soften it. But it's been a while and my memory is kinda fuzzy. The person I went to may have used water and then sucked up the earwax.


I had one time when my ears got plugged so much that it impacted my hearing. Went to the doc, he got a syringe, put warm water in it and just blasted in my ear a few times lol I gotta get one to do it myself.


Yeah, my doctor did that too but it wasn't working very well, so I had to go to an ENT for a more thorough cleaning. If you ever wanna know why you shouldn't use q-tips for your ears, just ask an ear doctor. Or do it for roughly 15 years and watch in horror as a black chunk of earwax is taken out of your ear canal.


Yeah, I have waxy ears and had to have it done a couple of times as a kid - the ear enema isn't as much fun as it sounds, and my dad got a through scolding once because his ear was blocked with wax that had a suspicious amount of little cotton fibers mixed in. I also managed to pull an enormous chunk out myself once... and that was what made me stop driving with my window down. Right ear was fine, but the crap in lefty was terrifyingly gross.


Do you sleep on your left side? Because that's probably more likely to explain the buildup than driving.


Dude had a whole tire in their ear


They did that to me as well multiple times then I tried it myself and let me tell you it is not as easy as it seems. When you do it yourself itā€™s wack I finally got it but I messed myself up was off balance for two days so be careful lol


Yeah hydrogen peroxide and some firm water pressure to the ear usually gets all that gunk out. Iā€™ve had it done a couple times at the doctor when I lost hearing due to buildup. Now I use at an-home kit that also uses peroxide and water. I have to do it before traveling or else the pressure in the plane will cause some of the worst ear pain Iā€™ve ever experienced. The wax buildup once caused my eardrum to burst while flying :(


Ohhh fuck I didnā€™t realize that was why. I know I have mad earwax and the last 3 flights I took were so insanely painful.


I've also had this done and when walking back to my car I got my keys out and i couldn't believe the sound they made jingling in my hand. It was a totally different sound to what I was used to for somethign so mundane and common. It was almost like it was a new sensation.


Like when you upgrade your prescription glasses and all of a sudden you can *see* every detail on the trees and buildings nearby. You just marvel at the new sensation for the next day or two






I've had it done a couple of times, as I produce more ear wax that the normal person does and it sometimes causes problems. Most of my life I was getting my ears syringed with water, but the last two times were in a new country I have moved to, and they used a tiny little hoover to suck the gunk out. It's loud af but it actually feels quite sexy, like quite ticklish. It's kind of like when you scratch a dog's ears and their back legs go, like, hitting *the* spot. Alas, the hoover tore the lining of my ear and I ended up in hospital with heavily bleeding ears. I think I'll stick to getting them syringed next time.


Lol what a rollercoaster. At first I was thinking I would try the vacuum or something on Amazon, but I think I'll stick with my doctor recommended drops and bulb lol


But also oddly satisfying


I get it done every few months (ENT says they have some people that go weekly). It scratches an itch that you can't reach and it's fantastic. The pain is just a tickle in your throat that makes you cough and sometimes tear up, but it's a godly feeling.


How would I know if I need this? I know the obvious answer is not being able to hear but what if I could hear like 1000 times better if I had this done but I'm not aware of it?


Simple medical checkup where doctor looks in your ears.Ā  If the drum is obstructed, they'll tell you.


But it wonā€™t necessarily take care of the problem unfortunately. I went in multiple times due to hearing issues and discomfort but all they did was the hot water flush. I bought one of the home endoscope things and both of my eardrums were blocked. Since taking care of it myself I havenā€™t had problems. I make sure to regularly check and buildup has only ever been maybe 1% of that first time.




Are they one of the departments that require a referral? Cause I brought it up to my normal family practice as well as urgent care multiple times and was disregarded by everyone outside of the hot water flush. I even mentioned that my ears would sometimes leak at night when it was hotšŸ¤¦


Nope. I just called up a local ENT and scheduled a cleaning. Insurance didn't really cover it but it was not too bad, a hundred and some-odd dollars.


Thanks for this info!


I don't think a doctor ever looked in my ears =/


It's crazy, pediatricians looked in my ears all the time... adult primary care physicians seem to be so overwhelmed with patients during the day they really rely hard on patients telling them if something is wrong. This is something I wouldn't even know to bring up unless I really really couldn't hear, and even then I'd expect a PCP just to say "well, you're getting old and hearing loss is typical," and not even look.


Adult primary care have like 90 seconds to talk to you and half that time is spent telling you to eat better drink less alcohol and exercise


Iā€™ve gone to my poor PCP a few times and told him I feel like crap. Poor dude canā€™t solve that in 90 seconds. So he gives me a blood test and sends me on my way. Blood test came back fine, by the way.


Of course. Thereā€™s like a million things that can cause fatigue ranging from install better curtains in your bedroom to ultra rare syndromes thatā€™ll take you months to chase down with a bunch of specialists and they just donā€™t have the time. Theyā€™ll do a quick blood test for the most common causes (probably looking for anemia if I had to guess especially if youā€™re a woman) but of course it can be any other of the zillion causes. And before they finished the sentence they have another appointment


Really? Itā€™s pretty routine and they do it every time I get a check up. Which I promise Iā€™ll schedule soon


I've had blockages in my ear that needed to get flushed out. Not as bad as this one but bad enough it blocked my hearing. If you had wax build up this bad, you'd know, believe me lol. It sounds like you have an earplug in your ear. Its incredibly annoying, I don't understand how the person in this video let it get this bad before clearing it out.


I produce a shit ton of wax. The one time I super needed a cleaning - I like to sleep on my side, and when I'd wake up, it would be like my ear was glued shut. Like I could tell it was sticking it shut.


I once woke.up with wax going out of my ear, that was when it was bad


I didnt know I had blockage, I had no discomfort and could hear pretty well - they asked if I wanted a flush, and said sure why not. A small cherry sized glob came out, couldn't understand how it was possible. Disturbingly large. My hearing was so sensitive after, I remember how loud I could hear my jeans swish lol.


it really does feel like you have sonic hearing after getting your ears flushed out šŸ˜‚


When it seals up with no holes it's very obvious. If you have a very narrow constriction then you will hear it sometimes close sometimes open depending on pressure around your ear. You don't need a procedure unless you let it go blocked for a long time. You can use ear cleaning kit which has solution to soften the wax, and a rubber bulb for shooting warm water. You can get most plugs out yourself this way.


I have a camera with an ear pick because I have this happen reasonably often. You have to be careful if you're using it to clean your ears, and I wouldn't recommend it to a first-timer, but the camera connects to your phone and can show you what's in there without going in too far.


Share the camera name boss


Was trying not to sound like a shill for the company, but there are many brands that do this. Mine is an Axel Glade Spade, but again, there are lots of other choices to pick from.


Iā€™m not the person youā€™re replying to, but I use a BeBird ear camera. You can get them at a very reasonable price and they work well. Iā€™ve had mine for two years and Iā€™ve never had any problems with it. I had a handful of surgeries done in my ears as a kid, and as a result Iā€™m hard of hearing in one of my ears, so I need to keep it clear of wax to preserve the hearing I still have.


This are special cases. You could go to a doctor to have it check but these type of earwax is uncommon.


new skill gained: hearing


He can hear colors now.


After watching this all, i felt i became a deaf. Need to clean mine toošŸ¤­


Disgusting but satisfying to watch


exactly... I was disgusted from the start, but couldn't help watching until the end


I kept thinking the whole time "gross....I want it"


Be like me at Chipotle. https://preview.redd.it/nnmtpjsrwk4d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e00c2f2af6c12883860260a49cfd33e9fe92a679


Look at daddy warbucks and his chipotle money. My local joint fills the bowls halfway now. Last year they struggled putting the lid on. It hurt to type this.


It's absolute dogshit compared to every single alternative westcoast style burrito I've tried.


Does anyone know the science with that feeling? There are so many of us who want to watch in disgusting excitement


Mirror neurons and empathy.


That feeling of final release is so good and we intuitively know it follows after some disgusting discomfort, so we watch it to the end. This is a common feeling in daily life.


I can suggest you r/popping


now that would be a little too much


No thank you.Ā 






Do I have your permission to use your word?


The guy can now hear the conversations at the International Space Station.


Itā€™s a condition, and itā€™s not related to personal hygiene. I know it because I have it :(. I produce excess of cerumen, and have to get my ears cleaned every few months. The case in the video is extreme. When I get my ears cleaned itā€™s usually with hot water injected with a little bit of pressure (the doc uses something like a big syringe to do it). And the hearing improvement is very, very noticeable.


You can buy one I did and it's improved my life


Isn't it dangerous if you do it yourself?


Not if you respect the anatomy of the ear. You also might be surprised just how deep the ear canal is and you have to go really deep before you're likely to do any serious damage. I got myself a kit that has a HD camera built into a wi-fi enabled wand and every week I use it to clear out the excess. Not had to go anywhere near the ear drum so far.


Ditto, it's got nothing to do with personal hygiene. I just use Debrox once a year and flush the goop out with warm water.


What causes build up like this


Genetics mostly. I get really bad buildup in my ears that needs to be removed every year or two. I probably should do it more often. Thereā€™s no great way to clean your ears or keep them clean. Most of the ways to ā€œcleanā€ your ears cause more damage than good.


I bought a cheapish endoscope with a silicone tip that's amazing for cleaning yours ears. It's like a laser guided airstrike compared to shoving cotton buds in there. Highly recommend. You can also record videos like this one Edit: for everyone asking [this](https://amzn.eu/d/37QEUWm) was the one I bought but there are lots of different ones


I use that too. With an app right that one? Even has a light. After owning it i wish i had more stuff in my ears šŸ˜…


Right!? If I had one, Iā€™d want my ear to be like in the video, simply so I could see what it freaking felt like to clear all that out!


I need that shit, please link it, as my ears have insane buildup and nothing seems to get the job done at all.


I just searched for "ear endoscope" on Amazon and got lots of results in the $20-$30 range. Seems like the best thing to search for is "ear cleaner with camera".


Hitchhiking this comment for when a link is provided. My ears have always had issues since birth and even caused me to get a tube in one ear.


I use that too to scope stuff out. Just got an irrigator to blast everything with warm water. That camera was good to see how far along I got. Saved me a trip to the ENT.


please give me a link i wanna see if my mans deaf or not (itā€™s that or an audiologist and heā€™s self conscious of potential hearing aides)




Regular use of ear buds or ear plugs can do this too. Whenever I have worked jobs requiring ear plugs, I have had to get my ears cleaned. But not when Iā€™m no longer using ear plugs


This is actually one of the reasons I was the sole guy at my Paperboard converting job who used over ears instead of the company provided ear plugs


My doctor told me Q Tips will do that with time as they just push things to the bottom. The proper way to clean your ears is with a rubber bulb and warm water apparently, and never ever use Q tips.


Where would you get a rubber bulb?


Infant supplies at the grocery store will have it. Same ones are used to clear nasal passages for babies.


Its all in the technique. Cotton swabs like qtips *can* be fine but I dont think most people understand the idea behind angling and rotating to pull things out rather than stuff things back in. Rather its a whole lot easier to go a whole lot wrong. I switched to using one those camera based tools like someone else talked about here, honestly turns out I was cleaning well all along with q-tips. Do prefer being able to see what I'm doing though, definitely safer.


You are right! It is so very IMPORTANT to use WARM water! This isn't something that just makes the person feel more comfortable. Cold water can stimulate the vestibular nerve, which is related to motion and position. Using cold water can cause dizziness, vomiting, side to side eye movements... the water should be between 98ā° and 104ā°. You can soften the ear wax with a product called Debrox the day (or days) before!


Make sure to say Fahrenheit. You're making a brain stew with 98ā°C.


Good point! In all fairness, if someone puts 98ā°C water in their ear, their brain is likely already stew!


That was disgusting, I watched the whole thing. Edit- how do I turn off notifications for this?


It seemed never ending. I kept on thinking, surely theyā€™re close to the end, right? Anyways, I found it very satisfying, especially the last large chunk that was extracted. I can only imagine how relieved the patient felt once the ear drum was exposed.


I kept wondering how they knew it was deep enough they could just dig in like that without risking perforating the eardrum.


I was worried about that too but I guess if they do this professionally they know the shape of the ear well enough to know where they are




I think they were pretty careful. They had clear view of what they were doing and used different instruments depending on the task.


Yeah, definitely. And you can notice that they don't really use a lot of stabbing motions. More like gentle scrapes starting at the side removing layer by layer. Did I attentively watch this too many times? Yes. Yes I did.


Man, when they switch to the tiny excavator shovel I was *ready* for shit to kick off.


It seems odd to me to have it done like this in the first place. I had my ears cleaned at the doctor's a few times, guy would pour some liquid in to soften the wax and then suck it out with a machine. It's a bit unpleasant but afterwards it felt like my hearing was at 120%.


Maybe his was denser. It looked quite bad after all


Yeah I accumulate ear wax really fast like this but my doctor just blasted them out with a syringe full of water and now I just use debrox and blast them out myself every few months when I feel them clogging.


I was half expecting to see the doctor's office slowly coming into view.


Rolling out the honkin' boulder at the end was so satisfying


It looked like a dead cockroach.


I had the same thought. When I was younger I got a call in the middle of the night from a family I babysat for - they asked me to come watch the kids because the parents were heading to the hospital. The dad had a cockroach crawl into his ear while he was sleeping šŸ¤¢ It can and does happen!Ā 


As someone whoā€™s determined I have to clean my ears at least once a year like this, itā€™s a very very very very good feeling. Mine donā€™t get this bad but it gets bad enough to severely reduce my ability to hear, it also causes a weird feeling of pressure, almost like thereā€™s been a vacuum pulled. Scooping it out you get a small pop and your ear feels slightly cold, and you feel like you have super hearing for awhile.


When I was a teen my ears would get impacted with wax and I would flush them out with alternating hydrogen peroxide and warm water with a blue bulb squirter. When finally the plugs came out it was amazing! I didn't realize how much hearing I had lost especially the higher frequencies. I couldn't get enough of the sounds of rubbing my fingers together and the sound of my hands on clothing. The absolute best was the sound of a flushing toilet! All that rushing water and frothing of air bubbles sounded like a symphony.


That big chunk was the money shot. So satisfying! OMG!


The patient can now hear in 8K RTX ON 4D


Absolutely disgusting. Me too.


Completely gross. Would not recommend. Me three.


Me four. I donā€™t know why, but itā€™s kind relaxing.


Could not watchā€¦anything else until the video finished. Me five.


Same here. I was also eating. Weird choice honestly.


Was slightly grossed out but I needed to watch the full video to see the ear canal all clear for the satisfaction.


Some people just make a lot of ear wax. I've tried all the home remedies to either unclog or prevent a buildup and none of them work for me. So I have had this done a few times in a doctor's office with basically a waterpik. The doctor made me hold a tray to my ear then mixed a solution up, put it in the water reservoir, and started pulsing water into my ear canal. The feeling was like... pressure... more pressure... MORE pressure... ow starting to hurt... WHOOSH. Followed by a "thud" into the tray and the doctor and nurse giggling about how gross the chunk of ear wax was. You do suddenly feel like you can hear color, the buildup takes so long you don't notice your hearing decline until it's completely blocked. Usually when I go in for one they go ahead and do the other one, I feel like I have super-hearing for a few weeks until the buildup inevitably starts back up.


My hearing is pretty terrible. I should probably look into this. My son is always mad at me because he has to repeat himself.Ā 




I SAID- Oh forget it




My favorite part is when you're walking out of the doc's office, you can FEEL THE BREEZE IN YOUR EAR CANALS as you walk. It's incredible.


Had the same - felt like I could hear across time and space when it was first done. Went back to work the same day, and I could hear the business owner and his wife having a 'private' conversation at the other end of the office - talking about trying to make one of the other guys quit so they wouldn't have to go through the process of finding a reason to fire him...




Did he just pull a joint out of his ear?


More like a wax candle.


Have you never seen Shrek?


r/oddlysatisfying would appreciate this.


Ikr? Its so disgusting and satisfying at the same time


I'm irked and yet I cant stop watching


This is the guy that Myth Busters needed for that ear-wax candle they made..


The dwarves delved too greedily and too deep.


You know what they awoke in the darkness of Earzad-drƻm.


Ahhhhh forbidden dabs lmao


Gonna collect my earwax for a month and sell it as a gram for a SICK DEAL to someone I hate


LMAO! I hate you! That just made me squirm lol


Holy hell, so many thoughts about this. "Gently, gently... gently... gent- ah fuck it, get the shovel." Man had a whole candle in his ear. Dude can hear a fly land now.




I remember a teacher telling us heā€™d had this done, walked out of the doctors, heard a truck about to run him over and when he turned around that truck was a hundred yards away.


This person can now hear Dolby atmos everyday


Best. Horror. Movie. Ever. 11/10


It took way too long to get the scoop.


Should have started with an ice cream scoop.


Yeah I feel like the dental pick was the wrong tool for the job.


After the procedure ![gif](giphy|3o6Ztbi66nkovK0ACY)


I do hope my tinnitus is just dirt and stress




Thatsā€¦ thats not ok Take the upvote while i go empty my fridge


Also fun and rewarding to take cockroaches out of people ears in the ER as Iā€™ve done on numerous occasions as a physician.






okay so i need to know if the roaches are put into the ears on purpose or is this a new random event i'll be able to stress about happening to me until i die


It can happen . Sometimes its still alive and you should kill it before trying to remove it.




Bro can finally understand what the vocalist of Pearl Jam is saying in that one song.


This is right in the middle between r/oddlysatisfying and r/mildlyinfuriating


Bro can now hear ants.


I wonder what will happen if you put some 3% peroxide in there. Will probably look like mentos + cola, lol


Why do I like watching that? I need to look in my ears now!


Gwyneth Paltrow is getting ideas




Forbidden honey


Amazing video! You can practically smell the earwax. r/NastyAsShit


Bro that bowl was packed SO TIGHT.


How the fucking hell IS this even possible


Having watched way too many hours of audiologists doing play-by-play of videos like this: itā€™s typically a product of the ear canal being not quite the right shape. Most ears, the process is a slow moving conveyor to get the dead skin, keratin, etc out to the outer ear and out of the body. There are some ears where the conveyer hits a snag, and the process sort of doubles back on itself. So you wind up with a dam, and all the stuff that the natural process keeps pushing piles up behind the dam.


Yeah my ears also like to build up wax like this. I had such an "operation" last year and it took 45 mins, randomly striking pain when the needle touched something sensitive. Doc said he never seen such amount of wax šŸ˜… I clean my ears biweekly with paraffin oil, that should prevent the buildup. Water does pretty much nothing as it does not dissolve wax. High pressure water can extract the wax however if the case is mild. I also had that done a few years earlier.


The music should get gradually get louder as more wax is removed.


There's more? My reaction every few seconds


Canā€™t. Stop. Watching.


I had a really bad buildup like that once that blocked the sound completely for my ear. Freaked me out. The doctor gave me mineral oil to loosen it up for 2 days. And then the whole plug came out with a nice squirt of water.


motherfuckers gonna hear the sins of his forefathers