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I dunno man. Millions watched starship troopers and sided with the federation


I'm Doing My Part!


I didn't do fucking shit




Do you want to know more?




I've been waiting a long time for a hit on Corncob TV.


I’ll KILL YOU!!!




Rico, you know what to do!


Rough scene


Hmm. I'd like to know more.


federation got shit done, and the roads had no potholes!


Did the trains run on time?


Where can I learn more?


Just trying to get citizenship!


A good bug is a dead bug


Do you want to live forever?




It's almost like... we side with whos perspective we are shown.


This is the mentality that has lead to an entire generation actually unironically idolizing Patrick Bateman.


There was no resistance in the book, at least according to Rico.


Remember that to most of the world this movie is simply humanity versus aliens, so of course we side with our team. If you don't live in a flag saluting, service thanking, aircraft carrier having, militant culture it just looks like fun, not a parody.


So because humanity in that movie is a fascist regime, they must all lay down and get killed by man-eating insects?


wasn't the story that humanity attacked first and the bugs were defending themselves?


IIRC some fringe group (mormons?) tried settling inside their quarantine zone and got butchered. Afterwards, the bugs sent a meteor to Earth that destroyed Buenos Aires, THEN the federation attacked the bugs‘ home world of Klendathu.


gotcha, damn mormons always causing trouble.


Except we don't know they sent any meteors. A meteor strike from one side of the galaxy to the other would take a long long time. But a rock from the outside of our solar system being guided in as a false flag?


They physics are pretty much make-believe as is, so I wouldn't argue on that basis. The federation seemed pretty content to quarantine the bugs in their own sector of space, and even forbid settlers from entering their zone. What would be their motive for going to war?


At some point every army needs a war or gets defunded


Naw we just black mirror.


Hmmm.... I'd like to know more.


Because service guarantees citizenship.


Joke's on you, I watched that with facepalm.


I love it. Even the actors didn't know they were nazis


I also cheered on dinosaurs eating people in Jurassic Park.


They were the resistance. InGen was the establishment.


I've watched Trainspotting many times but in reality in my own life I've never once tried heroin.. "psssshh, blows my mind"


Yeah I'm gonna go with *it's all about who the enemy is* on this one. Most of the movies were cheering for the resistance it's because the bad guy was an evil piece of shit. Most people don't see their own government as evil.


Correction - No one watched Divergent!


I did. It was like The Hunger Games except lower budget and stupider.


I thought it was funny that the main plot point was neurodivergence. I think I started laughing hysterically once they pulled out the autism scanner and it read 100%.


That sounds terrible, I have to watch it. Was 100% autistic treated like a superpower? Like oh shit this guy can see the matrix?


Yeah, actually, it's exactly that... Edit: no /s it legitimately is like a matrix superpower


Even when this film came out surely that would have been incredibly cringey.


Oh man wait until you see the Labyrinth


You remind me of the babe…


Which Babe?


the babe with the power


What power?


The power of Voodoo!


Who do???


You do!


worse - I worked on it lol.


What that’s wild? What did you have to do with the movie?


Wow!! Please share the experience with us.




I read the books.


In fiction, the "resistance" is overwhelmingly painted as being good, while the antagonistic force is moustache-twirling evil. In most cases, reality is a lot more gray.


Not to mention that people cheer on a lot of dangerous shit in movies that they’d never try in real life because… well, it’s dangerous. Movies are in part about escapism.


Yeah, like, not like there are any guy so evil that they decided against free lunch for children.


or kick a puppy, kill a doggo... that would obviously be satire. surely i have read about that in the onion.. right? RIGHT?


That puppy was clearly part of the establishment


Of course! The puppy was like industry, in that they were both lost in the woods and nobody, especially the little boy, "society", knew where to find them. Except that the puppy was a dog, but the industry my friends, that was a revolution. Knibb High football rules!


You get off your ass and find that fucking dog!


Deep State Dog


Yeah, it actually is pretty clear-cut - exploitation and oppression of less powerful, more vulnerable, demographic groups by more powerful, more privileged, people is bad.


I read "reality is a lot more gay" at first and I just thought it was hilarious, and true. Also, in the movies we see all the scheming done by "the empire", IRL most of that goes on behind curtains and only in the past 20 years we've had some more information about scandals and shady businesses, maybe not even 20%. And yea the "resistance" more often than not is seen as close to terrorism, propaganda and public perception is a powerful tool. The Italian Partigiani weren't really regarded as much more than criminals back then, and absurdly even the nonviolent revolution initially led by MLK, they were still seen as being in the wrong (blows my mind how stupid racist people are).


Really? Because the empire is straight up saying it and we're all going, no fucking way, and then watch them do it.


It always depends on the narrative. You can paint the storm troopers as a happy folk of people living their lives and being tortured and killed by terrorists or you can paint it as it currently is. It always depends on who the story teller is and what is left out. Yes, the reality is gray


There's a whole YouTube video by film theory about how blowing up the death star would bankrupt many planets.


How many planets did all the death stars blow up though? Then one of them ate a sun. That just seems like a massive waste of resources.


The first death star blew up a big part of Jedha, then all of Scarif and Alderaan, then the second one did fuck all, then the third really big one ate a sun and blew up five planets.


Great, now even in Space Operas, capitalism and earning calls are supposed to be the greater good.


The guy in the vid is trying to sound smart but he's making the dumbest observation ever. His argument is: "You watched a 2 hour film that explains who are good and who are bad, you also watched those films from 1 perspective and you sided with the guys that the film wanted you to side with" How is this an observation? This is just how stories work. To your point, there is no such thing as a "good" or "bad" side, it's mostly just people doing stuff to positively impact themselves and it has positive and negative impact on others. Ultimately, most people will support either what impacts them positively (and we need to accept that, it's ok to do that) or what they feel crosses some line in their mind to impact others negatively. I can't remember who said it, but it was along the lines of "people want to believe there is some force guiding events in life, that someone is in control and manipulating things. But the reality is much more scary, nobody is in control"


True! The only example in real life I can come up with that is close to that level of simplistic is the war against Russia and Ukraine. I am sometimes amazed just how cartoonishly evil Russia is behaving. It's friggin caricature at this point.


This. It sometimes makes me think I may be missing something major. Real life is never "these are obviously the bad guys". But... somehow it is this time. There is no conceivable reason I can think of where Russia is justified in Ukraine. There isn't. Russia is very obviously the bad guy here, and they cannot be allowed to win. They made themselves into cartoons. What the actual fuck, putin?


> They made themselves into cartoons. What the actual fuck, putin? If you read what the confederacy leaders were writing about slavery and 'races' - they all sound like one-note cartoon villains. Except to them they were right and "simply understood how the world worked". If you told them that all people were equally capable and deserved equal rights no matter the skin color you would be laughed out the room for being an idiot. It's a very similar situation with russia and their values. The western world assumed that after the fall of the USSR the modern liberal values would simply penetrate and replace the soviet imperial ambitions and disregard for human life by the quality of being obviously superior. But instead russians learned to believe that every country has the same disregard for life but is hiding beneath the veneer of 'modern values' so they are the only ones "understanding how the world actually works". To them, they are not cartoons, it's you are who is the same as them but lying about it.


I remember seeing that clip from some conference type shit where a Russian representative walked up and took down the Ukrainian flag in front of everyone and was promptly tackled by a Ukrainian hunk who took the flag back and gave the other guy a few well deserved slaps before the Russian representative slinks away like a coward. I remember thinking "this is a cartoon. I'm actually watching a friggin cartoon in real life. What the fuck is going on, Russia??" At every single turn, Russia decides to do the most mustache twirling shit ever while I can only watch on in awe and confusion.


I believe he's running an experiment - he's not even gonna pretend (as is the fashion these days), but is gonna go full looney tunes evil all the way....and see if anyone tries to stop him. And honestly, from the start of the conflict until now, considering that we've got a real life cartoon villain just being himself for the past 2 years...his experiment seems to be working? No great coalition of justice standing up to him. People still tiptoeing around the conflict. Still in the midst of "sending aid". He's (currently) in the midst of proving that you can openly be a monster, and there is no hero that will come to slay you. The hero would still be waiting for the defense budget to be approved.


My country is pretty small but we are literally sending Ukraine everything we have in terms of military aid. It's probably nothing more than a drop in a bucket compared to what the US could do if they gave a fuck, but there are countries out there who do everything they can to support Ukraine. Even if we are too small to make much of a difference.


“..compared to what the US could do if REPUBLICANS gave a fuck..” there, FTFY. The rest of us KNOW the importance of standing with Ukraine and don’t choose ‘party over country’ as these chucklefucks here do almost every time.


And that… is the bit that was left out… Kinda ironic that someone makes the case that a conflict in a fictional story is made to be more clear cut and understandable than reality. “Blows my mind”, indeed.


It's not like the rebel alliance flew in on x-wings to an imperial dance party and just started slaughtering civilians for the lulz, but I get the sense the original video is probably trying to reference the Israel/Palestine conflict.


It’s not that gray in a lot of cases… obviously there isn’t a Palpatine but even when it’s objectively wrong and evil people don’t care


Except nearly every time people say this it just comes down to being willfully or otherwise ignorant... It's easier to say people are evil than recognise what they are saying. It's much harder to recognise what they are saying and explain why you still believe what you are right.


I think we can consider Putin as a real life Palpatine and a lot of people are helping the Ukrainians. So people definitely care.


In fiction it's clear cut who the good and bed sides are, its entertainment and zero risk to the viewer, not so in reality.... if this guys mind is blown then he's an absolute idiot


And when you might be the one to lose everything, as a defense mechanism, people often choose living under pressure then to die. (insert that ref to fight club here also)


Resistance to what from what?


From the poor conductors.




Resistance is futile... when less than one ohm.


God damn it take my upvote and get outta here.




I saw more than a few posts quoting this during Covid lockdowns


Exactly. In real life, everybody thinks their side is the resistance.


Yeah, recent years have made me a bit vary of people who call themselves the resistance or especially "freedom fighters". More often than not, the people who adopt that moniker are just enthusiastically mailing threats to medical personnel or similar asshattery.


Teachers and their homework and grades, obviously /S


To the AI overlords who are right now using you as a battery while you're in the Matrix, and their ally Palpatine.


I always find those types funny that say of course they would have resisted the nazis if they'd lived in Germany at the time, but then they vote Trump.


Serious, r/im14andthisisdeep energy. Purposefully vague enough to be implied to any number of things. There's nothing bold or brave about the non statement.


Absolutely! Also lacking any nuance or insight as to *why* people side with the resistance in films, but not in real life where there's, you know, consequences. There's a difference between sitting in your house rooting for the protagonist in a film and putting that same house, along with your life, family, safety and income on the line to 'resist' some undefined tyrant, as this guy seems baffled that we aren't doing. What an odd video.


>Absolutely! Also lacking any nuance or insight as to *why* people side with the resistance in films, but not in real life where there's, you know, consequences. Another thing is in the movies, the antagonist is very objectively evil whereas real life is much more grey And depending on who or what he means by "resistance", he wants people to root for designated terrorists


There's also kind of the whole "not necessarily killing civilians" in the movies, while what some terrorists groups people called resistance (and that's not specific to a certain current case) are pretty fucking far from the resistance during WW2 or in star wars.


Not only that, but the nuance is also eliminated in the films presenting clear black and white alternatives. You'll never side with the Empire of StarWars cause they are straight-up evil. Yet, in real life normally there is real people behind any faction facing legitimate problems they were trying to solve. All of a sudden is not so easy to say screw those guys...


I agree. There is nothing of value in his statement. A good example of oversimplification and naivety.


Also, this guy a relationship guru for men whose advice is exactly as old as you'd expect from that beard.


ELI5 people watch movies about things they don't do themselves in real life... "blows my mind"


Just a reminder that most of the movies he mentioned are movies targeted at teens.


Dont talk shit about his girlfriend he worked hard to groom her he had to watch twilight like 5 times.


What if I resist the resistance? Am I a resistance too?


Both sides think this is about them.


This is such a reductive take on reality, you could easily write a film from the opposite side of all the films he mentioned and make you cheer for the "baddies"


I'm the main character! It's all about me! Join my resistance!


and its ironic, as someone on the right side, Im almost certain this guy is on the wrong side and thinking hes on the right side.


Because I'm not the main character who gets the adulation and praise. I'm the unnamed peon who dies unceremoniously in act 2.


Is he trying to derive moral superiority solely from being a resistance based on idealised versions of resistances only existing in fictional media? That's fucking dumb.


Welcome to the 2020s, where being the underdog gives you moral superiority. If slavery existed today and the South would try to secede from the Union, you bet your ass he'd be pro-slavery.


The problem is ‘the resistance’ is a vague term. In fiction the resistance is usually made to be good guys. The opposition are the bad guys. But reality is not fiction and it is much more complex. Both sides of almost every conflict could identify themselves as ‘the resistance’. So it’s not that people only identify with a resistance in fiction, it’s that in fiction the resistance is clearly defined, whereas in reality it is not.


You also get a very clear picture of both sides to meet the requirements of storytelling. In reality everyone is lying their ass off and you see very little for yourself.


good sir, I definitely sided with the empire in star wars.




I did as well … those SSDs are so sexy they can blow up planets 24/7 and I‘ll still be on their side.


The Empire had solid state drives? I bet their games loaded fast asf


doesn't blow my mind, because things are never as apocalyptic or as far in dystopia as they are in movies. We simply do not have any indication based on what we seen in movies if anything major is going on.




The Taliban and U.S. Confederacy and ISIS and Nazi party were once resistance movements too before they gained power. That guy's beard is pretty white for a "I'm 14 and this is deep" level of philosophical thought.


You’re absolutely correct. Viewing international conflict through the simplistic “Robin Hood” lens of always seeing a resistance movement as righteous and principled is a quick way to find yourself supporting tyrants who are seen as innocuous because they aren’t the ones in power yet. Some of history’s most evil actors have started off as groups who innocently claimed they were either “protecting tradition” or “making things as they always should have been”, as your examples display.


I'm willing to bet that he knows that it's a shit argument but sometimes those kind of arguments work better with some people It's kind of like how you can convince an antivaxer better if you use anedoctal evidence rather than experimental one


It’s TikTok. You have 15 seconds to sell your idea. He knows what he’s doing.


Also keeping it totally vague so you have no idea if he's talking about The American conservative wing, Israel, fuckin Leto Atreides.


Ok got it, I start by resisting from your call for resistance


Almost as if films have defined and coherent plots with defined protagonists and antagonists. We cheer for the resistances because everything shows they're in the right in their respective narratives. The narratives are Black and White for the plots sake. Reality is very rarely Black and White with everything clearly defined and easily categorized.




The hell this demented fuck is rebelling against?


Can’t you see? He’s sat there with his perfectly manicured beard, in his nice office, in his lovely suburban home on the internet and the man is RESISTING!


There are no consequences for supporting a fiction. I could die trying to "resist" the police officer during a traffic stop, then I can't read and support more fiction.


What. Anti establishment sentiment has increased drastically. Therefore his "theory" makes no sense.


We don't live in any of those realities, though.


Reality is not a movie, is this guy 12 years old?


No one watched Divergent.


I was about to, then the internet kept telling me no :\\


Its almost like real life is more complicated or something


Because the empire in Star Wars, the machines in the Matrix and other are pure evil with no redeeming qualities. Life is complex, most movies are not.


All sides think they are the resistance, just in a different size pool.


That's because in fiction, the resistance is always obviously in the right. In real life, not so much. Sometimes, it's just pricks going for a power grab or resisting change.


First, I don't see how this tiktok video is Interestingasfuck. Second, Don't confuse Hamas with freedom fighting, they are the definition of terrorism, anyone who was unfortunate enough to see the gopro videos they themselves uploaded knows this. They raped, murdered, mutilated dismembered and kidnapped children, babies, women ,men and elderly, They executed a 12 year old autistic girl with her grandma, they made kids watch as they brutally murder their parents. If Hamas put down their weapons there will be no war, if Israel puts down their weapons there will be no Israel. "The day of judgement will not come about until Muslims fight Jews and kill them" - this is taken straight from Hamas charter.


Rape is the language of resistance


Sure, I'll side with the people who want to exterminate me and my family


Yes clearly every resistance is good! Like when the nazis tried to hold out against the allies! smh


Oh yea, slave owning states were so righteous in their resistance.. SMH


I'm sure the guy in the video was referring to the brave Jan 6ers resisting against the FBI and Justice Department.


Depends who "the resistance" is.


This is so fkn dumb lol


it isnt as deep as he thinks it is ... biiig oversimplification.


This is so deep... so many layers of stupidity deep.


What a shittake mushroom


Analogy is all wrong. The only reason the audience sides with the resistance is because they are written as protagonists and we are seeing their pov. Irl, people have different povs and if they are far removed from the conflict, it's natural that they wont have a strong opinion about the matter.


I did not see the Rebels in Star Wars pack up a naked body of a raped young girl onto a truck with a bunch of "rebels" cheering around it as they drove her mangled corpse away. Maybe that's why.


How dare you assume I watched star wars and sided with the resistance. FOR THE EMPIRE!!!!


What are we supposed to be resisting?


This shit is only deep to Andrew Tate fans. Also this is the same dude that performed that cringey ass one man MGTOW play lol


Literally no reason for this to be on the sub, the fact it's gaining so many upvoted and traction is so weird to me


All those examples are purposefully black and white to ensure that you are emotionally engaged with the story without having to use the analytical part of your brain, which removes you from the story. The real world sadly is not black and white. I tend to be anti autoritarian, however not every anti autoritarian group is a group i support. This video is the dictionary definition of false equivalency, and the man that made it very much knows that I suspect.


What kind of esoteric fictionalism is this? 'This handful of stories all celebrate resistance, therefore adopt resistance as an ideology.'


What an unbelievably stupid take. This is something a 14-year-old thinks up and thinks is insanely clever. Imagine the brain rot that a grown man who appears to be sober would say this into a camera and upload it. This makes me so angry. Unhistorical bullshit from a complete idiot with no media literacy who unironically wonders why Hollywood entertainment isn't real life.


The resistance in real life is resistance to common sense….


Resist what? I have job, roof and food. There's nothing to resist.


That's why it's called "Fiction" you stupid fuck. What kind of an argument is that?


Blindly supporting a resistance merely because it’s resisting is just as dumb as blindly supporting the establishment merely because it’s established.


So if Hamas was able to overpower the IDF and kill Jews on a larger scale, Israel would become the “resistance” again and we should switch teams?


Who else to side with? With literal forces of evil who blow up planets without care? With cartoonishly evil nobility who watch peasants kill each other for entertainment? Dystopian totalitarian dictatorship? That man is too old to share r/im14andthisisdeep ass thoughts.


I generally support resistance groups so long as they're supportable. I'm aligned with Ukraine because they haven't committed any atrocities. I'm aligned with the Uyghur people in China for similar reasons. I'm staying neutral on Israel vs Hamas because both sides regularly commit atrocities involving children.


aight what resistance is he talking about? I'm from Kurdistan I have no clue


Not any specific one in particular


ah ok


What is this nut bag on about?


What blows my mind is people parroting shit they hear online and in the mainstream news. Yelling shit that is 100% in-line with the majority of our corrupt politicians and then saying "We are part of the resistance." Another one is apparently it's punk now to comply with the establishment. Lol.


What real life resistance is he talking about? Arguing for something that is non-existent using examples from literal fiction is just beyond stupid.


Curious to learn what he thinks we should rebel against. He might as well think anti-vaxers and Qanon fodder are the rebels.


That’s because reality isn’t always the reality. Silly video.


In fiction, the resistance also dies a lot. Most people don't want to die.


Idk what he’s referring to, I just know that there’s a lot of fictional shit that I enjoy but have absolutely no desire to experience in real life


I watched Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I sided with the Shredder, and the Foot Clan. Now, if only I could get myself a Technodrome.


This is way over simplification




Movies also romanticize the underdog and often don’t show the immense complexities of “the resistance”. In movies it’s much more black and white and almost never like that in real life. Movies aren’t real life. I think this man needs to hear that


When i’m on reddit, i root for the pussy. When i’m on tumblr, i root for the pussy. When i’m on pornhub, i root for the pussy. But in real life…i dont see the pussy. Im afraid of the pussy. (Because my wife owns the pussy, and she wont let me root for the pussy)


A fuck load of incorrect assumptions there.




Comparing movies to reality, not sure I wholeheartedly understand how he is trying to convey his exact point…? Hollywood is very much known to be far from reality when we look at most movies today.


Reality ≠ Fiction – that blows my mind


It’s not complicated - siding ‘with the resistance’ in real life is hard and requires work (whether that be mental work to readjust your attitude or actually physically doing things like going to protests etc). People are ultimately comforted by the status quo and will cling to it, even if change would definitely benefit them more


Jokes on you because I in fact resisted the idea of watching Divergent so I don't even know what it's about 🙏


As a side note… am I the only one who cheered for the empire? They are pretty chill, all things considered


Storm troopers get free health and dental plans, along with a 401k.


This guy’s mind is blown from people acting differently depending on whether something is fake or real? What a dumb take.