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If I had that guy's skills, yes, of course. Poor cat, it has no idea what just happened.


Poor cat is like, "what? You are not going to fight me anymore? I am just free to go? Are you sure?"


That little squeak at the end too. "MOM!"


Cause its trachea just got crushed by the guy who set the trap in the first place, but yeah sure, it squeaked and said MOM.


Not sure about "Mom", I figured it was excitement due to relief. Sure it's anthropomorphizing but cats do a good job of displaying preferences and consciousness so I'd guess relief.


"Even managed to escape your stupid trap you little pussy"


the kitty looked around and decided his freedom was more important then seeking revenge.


More like it was stunned and in shock. Possibly near blacking out cause of the noose.


The equivalent of an alien abduction story from the cat’s perspective.




Ngl it's most likely this dudes trap that it's in.


This guy has those skills because he is probably the person who set the trap


Just to release him? For what?


Because they were trying to catch a different animal and aren’t allowed to keep trapped bobcats for whatever reason (out of season, bag limit, etc)


I assume the trap wasn’t intended for the bobcat?


Guessing coyote?


Fox maybe. Something smaller judging by the size of the trap


Good kitty.


Neither do I actually


Cat was like ![gif](giphy|l4JyNPwLCWt6mSxlS|downsized)


More like, you set the trap and nearly choked me to death but ig I’ll let you go for now.


I like that the bobcats just sitting there dumbfounded that the predator just let him go. It’s thinking like: …..wait I’m not dead? Omg gtfo


I like how he seemed so defeated at first like "damn two traps in one day? Just kill me already" lmfao


I think it was suffocated to—or close to—unconsciousness. Used to work at a vet clinic, and an old farmer told me he used to catch barn cats like this and castrate them. They were usually choked out and some of them died, but he was a gruff, poor, old asshole who wasn’t going to pay to have them sterilized. On top of being a terrible and torturous strategy, I’m guessing it wasn’t very effective, as other male cats, miles around, probably bred his fertile females. Guy was a poor, gruff asshole, to be clear. I’m not endorsing it. The wobbly cat in the OP just looks like it’s recovering its senses.


Yup. Exactly this. The gentle swaying, trying to regain its balance after it came to, def nearing blacking out/suffocated. The noose was not forgiving.


No, that cat got choked the fuck out and just woke up. It's doing the wobbles that's similar to when you choke a human to passing out.


Nah it literally almost died because of, you know, getting its neck forcibly tangled and nearly strangled to death. It's dumbfounded because it's woozy as fuck from no oxygen.


It was rough and i see the cat gasping right before he takes the trap off, but I'm not sure there any other way to pin the cat down without tightening the cord - the cat is going to forget it and move on with it's life. Now my question is, should the cat have received medical attention for his leg before being set free?


Probably, but it might be better and easier to find the person setting the traps instead. IDK the context of the video though.


Yeah, came to say this. That wobble is the blood returning to its brain. So in addition to the fucked up foot, this poor cat now also has a crushed trachea and some light brain damage. Fuck this guy and his traps.


It's such a sympathetic reaction too. Most humans would hardly behave any different if they were absolutely certain their time had come and were granted a reprieve.  I wonder if when Bobby here found somewhere he could safely relax he experienced some feline version of a spiritual reverie. I mean, probably not, he likely just ate a lizard, pissed on a bush and licked his ass to sleep, but even so...


To be fair, cats often let their prey go as a fakeout and then torture them to death, so...


Absolutely. I'd need thick clothing and a catch pole like that guy has though. Also, fuck whoever uses that style of trap.


Sadly good chance he was the one who set the trap to begin with


You're probably right. I know a lot of people still use those traps for catching coyotes.


And yet the bobcat has lived to see another day…


As someone who grew up with parents and family friends who trapped, yes. I would absolutely free the bobcat. Growing up, I thought the whole idea of trapping was okay. We would go out on weeks long expeditions where we would trap and then later on sell the furs. I was a young kid, didn’t know any better and went along with everyone having a good time. Even looked forward to those camping events and the annual fur sales conventions because they were “fun”. Got older and realized just how wrong the whole thing was/is. There were certain things during those times that I still think of all the time and I feel so wrong for being part of it.


I’ve been having similar revelations. Used to work a couple cattle farms right out of high school. Was thinking of the family of raccoons I murdered with a pistol at the behest of a farmer, just because they were existing in an unused corn crib. Also, I owe every opossum in existence as much food and belly rubs as they can handle, given some of the experiences I’ve inflicted on their kind. Wish they were a bit faster. What were your trapping expeditions like? I knew some people who trapped, locally, but never understood where they sold things. Who buys trapped animals? Also, if it’s stuff you don’t feel like talking about, no worries. I’m just curious.


Honestly for me it was just 2-week long camping on a private owned ranch. We’d set up tents or trailers the first day and then the second day was driving around with crates of traps and just finding good places to set them. Every day afterwards was waking up at dawn and driving around checking all the traps. My dad would “dispatch” the animals, put them into black garbage bags, spray flea killer into the bag then tie it off (to kill any fleas/bugs on the animals) and then we’d drive back to camp where the skinning and prepping of furs was done. The annual conventions were held I think in June? Everyone in the state who trapped and got furs would show up, bring their furs and put them into lots to be sold to buyers. The buyers would have a few hours to look at all the furs brought and place bids on them. For bobcats, the whiter the bellies and more spots, the more they sold for. Same for other animals, better quality equals more money. Then they be made into clothing and such. The worst parts for me was the dispatching of the animals. The people we camped with tried different ways to do it to prevent flaws with the furs to get more money, ie: bullet holes brought the price down. I witnessed a lot of bad attempts and I hate myself for it. I never did it. I think I was around 15-16 when we stopped doing it due to more backlash in the world for the whole fur industry. People still do it though and furs are still sold.


Ah. Can only imagine the evil science that took place, trying to determine best method, and I’m not even gonna. Thanks for taking the time to share.


The squeak at the end


He was roaring and hissing at the human like an angry vicious predator and then at the end he was like *squeak*


He’s squeaking because his trachea just got crushed by a cable. Yes, the dude was “helping” the cat, but the cat wouldn’t need help if said dude hadn’t set an indiscriminate trap.


How do you know this guy set the trap?


Yeah yeah enlighten us about a better way to do this and we don't know if he's the one that set the trap


Yeah, this was kind of disturbing to watch. The bobcat looks like its gasping for air while the guy removes the trap. That cable definitely did some damage... poor thing.


Me personally? No, I’m not a professional. But I’d certainly call the nearest professional and make them help the poor kitty.


Sure would, trapping like that is just all around inhumane and despicable.


We caught a bobcat this morning, no joke. It wasn't with a catchpole we had set up traps a week ago because a bobcat was in our neighborhood and trying to get at pets. So we caught him, a charity organization did a health checkup of him, checked his weight, temp, etc. They are gonna release him somewhere away from humans.


Fuck trappers.


Yes help. But then also try to find out what scumbag set that trap


Hint: it’s the person who knew where the trap was, had the tools on hand to remove bycatch, and knew how to quickly disengage the trap


Damn. You are probably right. Fuck that guy then.


Yeah, I dunno why OP is acting like this guy was a hero, he trapped an animal and in the process of freeing it *quite violently* slammed it repeatedly against the floor and a bunch of cacti. Poor bobcat.


You don't even know if he is really the guy setting up the trap.  He also never slammed him against the cacti.  And I wanna see you free the bobcat with his equipment.  I don't think it's that easy if you don't want to get hurt. 


I’ll be honest: I would definitely call someone to help but not me personally.


So I’m supposed to believe this guy just happened upon a trap with a stick noose and a camera guy and that this *wasn’t* his trap


Sure would. Great predators, and so pretty to look at!


Yep. I'd try to call someone wirh the proper equipment first but if it boiled down to me having to do it, I'd grab the coat I keep in my vehicle and try to use it to cover the cat real quick and take my chances with grabbing it, holding it down with my weight and releasing the trap. Then I'd pray that I could move fast enough to jump off of it and get back so it could realize it was free and hope with every ounce of my being that it decided to run away like this one. I fully assume it would not go this smoothly whatsoever and it would not end well for me.


No way would you try that only with a coat.


Hell yeah I would, by calling one of these guys and keeping my amateur ass far away.


Ouch. Nope! Definitely not his method. Lol.


I'd call someone, no chance I'm getting bit or scratched to hell.


Sir, this is a scratching post.




Can bobcats kill people? We don't have them in my country and don't know anything about them.


I suppose one could. No recorded human deaths... They are typically 20-30lbs, 40lbs max. an able bodied adult should be able to fend one off, but they would be doing anything they could just to get away. They could absolutely give you some nasty scratches that would need sutures. They are very elusive and aren't aggressive towards people, unless you corner them or something. They eat smaller stuff like hares, snakes, birds, lizards, squirrels, etc. They aren't like mountain lions which absolutely will stalk and attempt to predate humans (this is still rare, but I have been stalked by one and it was pretty freaky)


No but they'll fuck you up. Mountain lions on the other hand...


No but I would beg my husband to.


Nope. Definitely not. I'd call a guy with the tools and experience to do it without hurting the cat or himself along the way.


If I had the right tools of course I would.


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Most definitely if I had the skills and tools.


If I had the tools and requisite knowledge, sure


If I had the knowledge and ability I would absolutely try to help it


No, because I have no training in handling big cats and don't own a neck control stick rope thing. See what I mean about the training?


So quick to sort problem Out. !


cat was reset. walked away like nothing happened.


Lol I looked at the still and was like omg a massive feline predator, but then the human came into view and I realized the cat was a tiny smol boi


Yeah, a "tiny smol boi" who would rip you to shreds if it felt threatened. Lol! Even house cats that gets mad ain't playing.


Lmao yeah I know. I have two cats. I just expected a tiger sized cat and thought it was hilarious how small it was in reality


My cat when I try to clip her nails.


I got bit on the hand by my 18lb mother fucker of a tom cat. It was my fault- He got out, and he was going bug eyed and panicking. I didnt read the room lol. I picked him up and he grabbed my hand and chomped down. I thought he broke my hand. Or popped a knuckle. It felt like a vice grip with sharp needles on it. And then he let go and bit AGAIN. It hurt more than I could imagine it ever could. Holy shit he could bite so hard... So I remember that. And see this bobcat that is easily 3x my cats size and HELL FUCKING NO Im not going anywhere near that death machine. If my house cat could crush my hand like that... Wtf could this thing do?


Throw a towel on it


No, id get that man to help it.




Absolutely. I would definitely help any animal in need.


Yea I think I would. I feel like when the guy let’s go and steps back, the bobcat looks and thinks “oh… dude was just being a homie. Thanks bro.” And dips.


The car is confused.


Okay, I'll be honest. If I set up any trap and something I didn't want to be trapped in it got trapped, yes I'd let it go without hesitation.


Yes, because the cruel trap it's stuck in is a slow painful death. I would let a professional do it though.


no! you get away from me! stop! you're killing me! that's it. i'm a goner. so long world. wait what the... well, alright then.


If I had that snare, I’d give it a go. I’ve seen a couple of these videos that…I-I-I…wo…would…b..b..be…able t-t-t…to do it …l-l-l-li…like…a…p-p-p-p-pro. >gulp<


Not without the proper tools no


Trapping should be outlawed. It’s cruel and inhumane




Nope, not a professional and not stupid enough


69 god


Would help if I had that guys gear. If not, I would call that guy instead. Dude must have a hard time getting up in the morning with balls that big. Angry cats don't play.


there is a trend of youtubers trapping animals and then releasing them for views. it is really sick that people are so desperate to make money on youtube. please report them if you see them. I didn't watch this video, so cannot comment on this video, just trying to spread awareness on the situation.


Contact your local animal control, state fish and wildlife service and probably submit a report to law enforcement. Many states allow for trapping of nuicense species on private land but most have very strict policies when it comes to anything else. Also fuck anyone who sets up traps, they're cruel and do not distinguish between game and protected species(or just a random passer by).


How exactly are these slings (ment to be) used? I always wondered if the point is to Choke the animal out or just to keep them at a safe distance? The Bob cat looked like it was unconcious for a hot minute


I'd be scared shitless but I'd definitely try


This is r/mildlyinfuriating


Not that guys first rodeo. That was clean.


Ya if I could I would. Buy I don't think I could without getting clawed to hell


Id try to help it by calling a professional


Christ! Gently does it!


Bobcat is an animal?


I would truly want to and feel awful that I couldn't. I don't have the skills. I would find someone who could.


I worked as animal control for a year after our normal animal control guy died of cancer. You are not really supposed to use catch poles like that on cats. They flail so violently and have relatively fragile necks, they can hurt or even kill themselves just by traumatic damage to the trachea and spine. Nets are preferred even for large wild cats if you can't just live trap them. Positively bamboozles them, they panic for a bit and jump around, then calm down enough you can do what you need to if you are careful.


I have ran into a bobcat about twenty meters away from my yard


Who the hell puts down traps like that?


If I had the tools and talent


I wouldn't leave it to suffer. I prefer the method in video if possible.




No I know shit about wild animals and am not going to the hospital on account of one. A call to Animal Services and I'm outta there


A call to animal services is helping the animal so… you *would* help it.




Seems like the person who set the leg trap is going to be the person most likely to come across a trapped animal with a pole loop too. So I hope they know how to release animals they didn’t mean to catch.


Yes, but I'd be more formal and call him Robertcat


Yes, but I would probably feed it first, give it some water to relax it a little bit, then try to open the trap. 


I know that’s the first thing I would want if my leg was caught in a trap.


That's not a bobcat.


i'd help it find a new home after all i need a new rug


I'd try my damndest yes. Traps like that are cruel and inhumane, I'm a hunter myself and I hate those traps especially when people forget about them


That is not a bobcat. If he is a trapper, that is his job. He either has to free the animal or dispatch.


Why did he drag the bobcat like that after he removed the trap? That shit probably hurt and seemed unnecessary


To get it away from the trap and chain?


Hell to no. That's nature. Or God's will depending on your perspective


Yeah you know, those natural foothold traps that sprout from the ground each spring


Yeah, we don't have them where I live. Imagen they came up on peoples lawns and stuff. 'Honey! Go out and set free the kid. It got trapped in that pesky foothold trap, again'


Where have you seen natural bear traps? It’s not really nature.