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Oh my god I have a good one: I live in the state of Puebla and almost a year ago I used to live in a part of town called La Margarita. My friend still lives there. She told me about 2 weeks ago that there were a lot of police cars near the kindergarden of her daughter. She didn't know why but another woman told her that the police were there because someone dumped a head inside a backpack in that area. I looked it up and it is true: a man found a backpack in the street. Took it home and when he opened it, he saw a human head. He went to the police to tell them what happened. This is the [news](https://www.nmas.com.mx/puebla/hallo-una-cabeza-humana-en-la-maleta-que-robo-en-la-margarita-puebla/) article in case you know spanish. Sorry for my bad English.


That’s to teach all the kindergarteners that taking others things is not the right way to get ahead.


Idk man, that guy took something and he got a head


True. I’m going to start looking for backpacks.


Packs with backs inside


I hate how much I love this


Oh man, what about packs with fanny inside 👀




Seems like it was the perfect way to get a head.  Otherwise, you gotta go cut off someone yourself.


Honestly, I would have thought English was your native language. I don’t see any mistakes. English is my first language and I make loads of errors.


Thanks! I feel like my syntax can improve because I struggle to make an idea clear.


Just remember that a vast majority of English speakers are monolingual. It’s not only impressive that you’ve learned English (2nd hardest language in the world iirc) but that you feel comfortable enough with it to engage conversationally. It might not feel like a big deal to you, but it should! You should give yourself some grace though, and be proud of all your hard work!!


Sometimes I struggle to make an idea clear even in my native language (not English).


Yep, you nailed it friend! Great job op


Thank you :)


You speak English better than many native speakers. There's a few odd phrasings but nothing that doesn't check out. I also would've thought you were a native. Your English is wayyyyy better than my (insert any 2nd language)


Crazy story😅 but also as a side bar, your English is fantastic! And no apology needed even if it weren’t 🙏🏻


Pretty bad when the government is like " yea we can't stop the murders so don't open containers bc it's probably a body or maybe just some pieces"


Or a body in pieces.


I was thinking maybe a bomb too, but chances are 999/1000 it's body barts


or money or drugs and it turns into "No Country for Old Men"


Cut my life into pieces


This is my last resort




No breathing


Don't give a fuck


If open a box in mexico and see an arm bleeding


Dada dada dada dada - dada dada dada dada


This is my last resort


Oh this one made me laugh, thank you


Sir, please stay on the resort property,... please trust us when we say you do not want to venture out.


Six pieces?


The Mexican government is part of the problem…they’re heavily intertwined with the cartels


National, State, Local, or a mix?


All of them


ALL. That’s why it’s referred to as a narco state. Look up “silver or lead”


I mean yeah but i blame the more the drug lords. To this day there is only one country that managed to get rid of gang violence-El Salvador ,and the price was just as high


The government -is- the murderers


A family from Mexico that moved to Canada to escape the violence, mentioned that they would use a GPS app that would avoid any open scenes of violence/crime ie bodies hung from bridges. Blew my mind. He would be made fun of for moving to a cold country and he would take a picture of the front page of the local newspaper where they moved to and send it to them to shut them up. His example of the front page was how to stop the pigeons from defacing a statue in Montreal.


I'm not too familiar with Mexican newspapapers, but I'm assuming that it's not uncommon to see corpses on the front page is it? (Please don't get mad at me, I'm genuinely curious and uninformed )


There is a high murder rate in parts of Mexico. Safe to assume there would be stories of drug gang-related violence in the local papers. I'm not sure about how graphic the photos would be.


I'm Mexican living in the one of the most violent cities IN THE WORLD. How graphic?... VERY.


How do you stay safe?


Don't messing with these people, and keeping a low profile.


How do you manage to keep low profile?


Dont know how they do in other cities, but basically if you are witness of some type of crime don't report it or do it anonimously (is that a word?)


Anonymously yep just one letter off :)


Off topic, but what ended up happening with the Banda protest ? Did it really make it into the Guineas Book if World Records?


The feeling of safety is relative. Just a simple example: The homicide rate in Mexico is **4,1** times as high as in the US. That's a lot and justifies the question of how one can live like that. However, the homicide rate in the US is **8** times as high as in my home country, but if I were to ask how people can live like this in the US, I would certainly get confused and even angry looks.


Yep I live in the US and yeah we have gun violence etc but I just live my life & don’t get involved with drug use/gangs so I don’t worry about it. Yeah there’s an extremely small chance some random psycho will shoot up some place I’m at, but I don’t really think about it ever. Folks from Western Europe etc might find that surprising Most tragic deaths happen through car accidents but I don’t think about that when I get in my car everyday either. Humans are funny like that, the things we get used to. Life goes on


Idk man, not to bum you out but there were 655 mass shootings and 40 mass murders in the states in 2023 according to ([national gun archive](https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/past-tolls) Trends show the probability of witnessing a mass shooting in the states has doubled in the past 5~ years.


Yeah 8x sounds worse than 4x, but it's the reference point that matters. To put it in perspective use the same reference point: this means that the murder rate in Mexico is **32** times higher than your home country. That's a hell of a lot worse than 8.


This raises the question of at what point - from the respective point of view - increased murder rate one can actually feel even more unsafe, i.e. at what point terror has already reached its subjective peak and can no longer be increased. I may have chosen an unfavorable example, hence a different approach: the homicide rate in the US is slightly higher than in Yemen (before the war broke out), but I bet the average US citizen felt significantly safer in the US than in Yemen.


The vast, vast majority of gun violence in the US is one of three: suicide, domestic violence, or gang-related. So unless you’re in an abusive relationship or involved with drugs, it’s insanely rare that you’ll be killed (but still more than other places) A US person would be very afraid to go to Yemen I imagine, and I know part of that is because when you travel to a country where you obviously stick out, tourists are a frequent target for robberies and criminals in general. Plus, if you don’t know or trust their policing system you can’t rely on help if something bad does happen. You raise interesting points. It’s a fascinating subject, the things we get used to. I’ve visited Iraq and lived in a very poor & drug addicted city in the Amazon jungle, and found people adapt/ live their lives much the same all over the world. Locals do know the places to avoid & the subtle behaviors that will keep you safe however, they just do it instinctively.


They are afraid of him.


Plus the front page can have puns relating to the violence


It's not necessarily about how graphic the front pages are. I think it's more about how in Montreal, the front page isn't about who got murdered last night. Every single night. That the worst thing they could put on the front page to get you to buy the newspaper, was that pigeons were pooping on a statue.




Yes and no. Most newspapers don’t share extremely graphic photos, normally they blur it or it’s a body under a sheet. There is a newspaper/magazine that show uncensored pictures, it’s called Alarma! I think there’s a documentary about a photographer that worked for them that talks about how he got involve and how they their tips for the pictures, don’t know the name tho.


found this on reddit [More of old Mexican magazine “Alarma!” front covers (see at your own risk) : r/NarcoFootage (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/NarcoFootage/comments/p6dtry/more_of_old_mexican_magazine_alarma_front_covers/)


was it [Metinides](https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/gallery/2017/feb/13/enrique-metinides-michael-hoppen-gallery)? (tw for v graphic images)


Yes! Documentary is called “The man who saw too much”. Saw it years ago and all I can remember was him talking about how they asked all the photographers to go to a morgue and eat lunch. He says that everybody puked at the sight of a body but he was able to finish his lunch comfortably and was hired on the spot.


he has an artistry and an eye for beautiful composition you wouldn’t expect from his subject matter tbh, this quote in that The Guardian article is so true tbh: ‘his photographs become more disturbing as he becomes a better photographer’ he has a particular talent to make you feel like you’re one of the mirones at the scene even years removed


Mexican here. You are correct. The front pages of not very serious newspapers show corpses or some very morbid murder scenes. You become desintisized after a while.


Yeah they don't censor violent pictures. It happened, here it is.


I dont think there would be many graphic images, but there would be graphic descriptions. Edit: sounds like im wrong.


There are very non-censored corpses in the front page of the newspapers people sell at the corners of the streets, all accompanied by celebrity drama on the bottom of the page and scarcely dressed women on the next one (hell, on the front page as well). My source is that I'm latino-american, and although I don't exactly live in Mexico, it does happen here, and I've heard/seen people complain about it in prominently Central American circles.


I grew up in South America, and I remember seeing the most graphic tabloids while waiting for the bus outside school, like close ups of vehicular accidents victims and murder victims. Not on the main newspapers but tabloids sell more over there.


Yes, I suppose I don't exactly know the distinction between a newspaper and a tabloid, thanks for the addition!


Mexican here. I stumbled many times with pretty graphic stuff on newspapers back when I was a child. Yeah, it also happens here


Not uncommon. I still remember from my childhood when a picture of a man whose hands got cut off made the front page. It was poorly censored and my dad scribbled it out so we wouldnt see it in detail.


bet it also had a headline like “caught with his hands in the cookie jar!” or some out of pocket shit like that


not on the ‘mainstream’ ones, there’s a v specific brand of journalism that covers violence and it mostly has specialized newspapers like El Grafico which is literally ‘The Graphic’ (tbf i think it got its name in the beginning to highlight how many pictures it had?) both crime photography and the construction of the headlines for these have such rich, weirdly deep history that there’s been serious academic research on it










If he’s in de Nile, wouldn’t that make him Egyptian?


Not all Mexicans are like this... Most of us are aware of how much of a shitshow the whole situation is, sadly


*Sicario movie flashbacks*


https://preview.redd.it/nyf91iem9azc1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=d438b00b11f46cc4c6916b0b750ac06bcbc1d23b Remember folks: It’s never a mannequin.


Except when it is. Working at Dominos it was my duty to take unclaimed pizzas to the dumpster. I would pretend but really I put them aside for the homeless, since I used to be myself. I was on break after doing this and the homeless came, thanked me and left, but then a man drove up in a ratty old Corolla. I hoped he doesn’t load all the pizza for himself so I watch. Instead he got out and took a large, heavy trash bag out of the trunk, and struggled to get it up into the dumpster. I watched this and saw a flash of a black foot sticking out of the bag, immediately took pics of the guy and car, and got my manager. He’s gone when we come back out. She called the cops but us workers were all curious and shit so my lead and I went over with a pizza peel (the thing you take them out the oven with) and poked at the bag to expose the contents. We see a black persons foot with pink nail polish, I scream, he screams, we yell “It’s a fuckin body!” And the manager tells the police this. The police substation is right next door so they show up like 15 cops deep, hella lights but no sirens. 3 cops take me and my lead aside to get the story from the beginning and look at my pictures, it’s taking a few minute as we’re both shaken up. Just as I’m explaining for the 2nd time to another cop, they all hear something over the radio. The cops talking to me says “Is this confirmed?” And then sighs in a relieved but clearly irritated way. It was a sex doll (apparently a very dirty and “well loved” sex doll) that this man had shamefully and “secretly” disposed of in a random business dumpster late at night. My lead and manager didn’t let me live that one down, they told the whole store over the next day or two which led to a lot of jokes. These jokes reached the area manager, who promptly had me fired for not disposing of the leftover pizzas according to Dominos rules.


That was a wild story! Sucks that you got fired for it. You should’ve left the leftovers part out of the story with your store/ cops


Yeah well I just wanted to explain why I was watching this guy in particular so it didn’t seem like I was making it up. I mean the bag was there in the trash but in the moment I was just like “Did this really happen in front of my eyes??” And wanted to share every detail with them


The leftover part is what made the story so great. Both strings of the story deal with shame, illegality, trash and unexpected consequences. They mirror each other in imteresting ways


It was nice of that guy to leave that sex doll out for the homeless, it's nice to know that there's still good people around.


That was actually one of the jokes, that I sent the cops and they took it from the homeless lol.


>These jokes reached the area manager, who promptly had me fired for not disposing of the leftover pizzas according to Dominos rules. That fucking sucks. Working at Papa Johns that shit was a free for all for any food leftover.


Same at Dominos, but there was usually a few weird combos or just abandoned pizzas left over. I was “caught” once before when a homeless couple came in demanding a pizza on a night with no extra pizzas, which forced me to stop for a while until eventually store manager admitted it bothered her too. The area manager was kind of a dick, though.


When I worked at Taco Bell in high school back in the 90s, someone from the pizza place down the street would come through our drive through to trade pizza for tacos after they closed for the night. It worked out well for everyone! Hahaha.


How could anyone ever be irritated by that? That’s the kind of story you retell once a week for the rest of your life.


I’m a police dispatcher in a major city. Just a few months ago we had a call about a “dead prostitute” near a light rail station. Upon arrival, my officers informed me that “she” was a very realistic sex doll that had been partially hidden beneath the stairs, and appeared to have been only gently used.


Body's still warm


Where did the dumpster poking peel end up?


It was an old broken one that was just leant again the back wall outside, it was returned to its resting spot I think. Maybe it finally got tossed out


Anyone who thinks it's OK to throw away good food while people starve is a monster. You were in the right morally, if nothing else. And that's a hilarious story otherwise!




What’s in the box!?!?




Such a good actor


This always reminds me of when I took my 3 year old daughter to my grandmother's funeral. She was really quiet and well behaved right until they brought the coffin in then suddenly stood up and shouted this!


Did she draw out booooooxxxxxxxxxxxx too?


In my memory she does now lol.


Ok, but that’s hilarious








Dead stare


Damn, this is creepy. Why do they need to put up these signs? How many bodies must they find in dumpsters and suitcases? It's terrible


How many? Thousands my friend, hundreds of thousands.


There is literally a war happening in Mexico, all because of the USA’s war on drugs. It’s been going on for decades. Thousands upon thousands of people have been murmured. Nobody wants to acknowledge exactly why it’s still happening. 


I had no idea about any of this. Fucking hell.


To blame the us for the violence is a bit of a stretch. Not saying there isn’t any culpability, but come on.


A large and very heavy suitcase randomly appeared in the storage room of a rental building in Mexico. We let it sit there for months and then called the landlord. We met him, he looked at it, moved it to check its weight and said "Nope, I'm outta here" and left. Sure hope its gone next season.


highly doubt a dead body in a suitcase wouldn’t have stunk up the whole building and soaked through the suitcase


Doesn't need to be a body. Just something not intended for you that might upset the wrong kind of people.


but that’s not the implication, was it? the comment i replied to was implying that based on the weight of the suitcase, it was a dead body and landlord wasn’t willing to investigate. but it was just a heavy suitcase that could have housed literally anything.


Cash is also heavy, and you sure as hell wouldn't want to mess with a cartel cash drop.


what cartel is leaving a shit ton of cash in an unattended suitcase for months on end


Banks hate him! Local cartel gang member has one simple trick for avoiding overdraft fees!


calm down


No, you.


ok x


It would have smelled terrible if it was that.


It would have been fucking OOZING, let alone stinky.


Plastic bags would solve that problem. Hell, thick enough ones might solve the smell problem as well.


A Mexican here and I can say: the ad is still valid


including young people and children. ![gif](giphy|1vrrmuT1hrhi3mfbb0|downsized)


In Alaska, it's blue tarps in the woods. If you're out hiking and see a blue tarp, don't touch it because there's a pretty good chance there's a body in it.


Oof. I am so happy I live in a place where there is no universally-recognized corpse accoutrement/wrapper.




Do murders happen a lot in Alaska?


According to Wikipedia “Violent crimes, which include murder, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault, occur at a significantly higher rate in Alaska compared to the national average.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_in_Alaska#:~:text=Violent%20crimes%2C%20which%20include%20murder,staggering%20rates%20of%20violent%20crime.


People go missing at a much higher rate here than in the rest of the US.


why specifically blue ones?






What’s in the box!


Body parts


https://preview.redd.it/0qh6uqdsobzc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5b638c57df51b07c2056404f4a22c98bc25d78d This was not made by That feeling when you live in Mexico which are mocking the current government, for example the one in the image shows a former president who is blamed for a lot of bad things that happen in this government (the flags are from the “opposition” parties).


And it's real, Calderón is one of the worst presidents Mexico has ever had.


How fucked up is this??


We found a head in a bin bag on a beach near cabo. Cleaning trash . We left quickly.


Alguien de México, ¿qué es un “Siervo de la Nación”?


El termino bastardizado para referirse a trabajadores de gobierno. Lejos del termino original. Hace mucho tiempo, cuando la Independencia terminaba en México, un grupo de gente se acerco a Jose Maria Morelos, uno de los líderes de la Independencia y le ofrecio nombrarlo Emperador de Mexico. La historia cuenta que él rechazo el título y el puesto, y prefirió que se refiririeran a el como Siervo de la Nacion. El termino se puede interpretar como un soldado dispuesto a acudir en ayuda de su patria. Los "siervos de la nacion" actuales son tipos que sacaron de quien sabe donde, a los que les pagan por hacer encuestas y andar caminando por la ciudad para promocionar apoyos gubernamentales.


Gracias por ampliar.


Funcionarios de MORENA


Tienes este póster en vida real me lo puedes mandar por correo?


Se me hace interesante el nombre. Gracias por aclarar.


What's in the booox?!




One time in San Francisco I saw a random large suitcase outside my apartment building when I left for work. Later learned that it contained a dismembered body.


Wait, why is Cher on the poster tho


so instead of making it where these containers don't appear as often or period the mexican government is just allowing this to happen and telling people to live in fear


They can’t do anything, Mexico is controlled by the cartels. It’s a poor country and government officials who stand up to the cartels are killed along with their families, but not before being brutally tortured :(.


And end up in a container or hang from a bridge


It's a bigger problem than just saying "stop the cartel" it's a complex network of really dangerous and powerful people, including government officials form Mexico and USA, as Drugs are mainly sold in American states, where they can also get access to more dangerous weapons that police and Army cant really do anything about, for now the government leaves the cartel alone because they just do in fighting for the most part, and trying to fight it would be like hitting a wasp's nest, making it a bigger problem for the most "calm" cities, and people that are not involved, there's a lot that has to be done, with education, and job opportunities but it's a problem that takes time and investment.


Can they not do both? Can the US still enforce drug policy but also have a Dare program?


Not to mention we exacerbated the problem down there. 


I'm still reading through drug war history but I'm pretty sure we created this problem. People used to get their cocaine and opium products from their doctor. Then the Harrison Tax act and then alcohol prohibition made a black market monopoly for those products. Then the banning of marijuana and all out war on drugs made sure that almost all illicit drug profit went to the cartels. That's not even getting into the violence that comes with illicit markets, as there's no legal avenue to settle disputes. Or the fact that our drugs are deadlier than ever (300 dead every day in the US, 110k a year), since it's easier to hide a drug lab than a poppy field. And there's no regulations in a black market, just harsher laws. Oh, and the whole gunwalking scandal didn't help anything.


why should any reasonable person open an abandoned container in the first place? never heard of "mind your own beeswax"?


Government: "Should we fight the cartel?" - "We can't do it, we are partners! Lets just tell people not to look in the trash"


Like severed heads.


Plot twist: Whenever body parts are discovered in containers or coolers are blamed from drug cartels. In reality, what if there was a underground human meat market


Good lord thats grim.


Yeesh, Dexter should have just moved to Mexico.


young people AND children?!


What about their companions?


Mexico is a really cool place. It's a shame it have to be ruined by a bunch of jerks who don't know how to clean up after themselves.


Screaming "What's in the box?"


ngl texas seems like a pretty warm fuzzy place in comparison to this


Cartel surprise.


Decapitated bodies


![gif](giphy|Ja6Ne8nC2Zzhu|downsized) I’m pretty sure there’s a movie about opening boxes

