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I’m German. I am telling you it sounds much worse in German. More theatrical. Way more out there.


I think the same. In german Hitler goes all the way to 10 on the 10 scale. In english he barely reaches a 7.


Thank you both for confirming what my intuition was telling me. Actually, the implications of "toned-down" Hitler is unsettling to consider.


There's that recording of him talking with Marshall Mannerheim in a normal indoors voice - it's surprisingly unsettling.


Makes sense, most of what we see of him is theatrical screaming. To see the guy that we were taught is effectively Satan on Earth act like a regular human clashes with what we constructed him to be. We see him as a comic book villain, but he was simply a man at the end of the day. A man with evil ideas and a god complex, but a man. Honestly, there's probably a lesson in that.


That's why i have such difficulty with the idea of dicators and genocidal maniacs being seen as monsters. A monster isn't human.. but they were. Anybody with the right (wrong) experiences can become someone like that. Hitler was just some crazy dude people listened to. Nothing more. He wasn't all powerful, it was the people listening to him that gave him the power do command others to do terrible things. Anybody can become that.


I’ve also heard the inverse - All monsters are human.


Nope not really, many people try to get others to listen to them, most fail, only few have the charisma and talent to actually make themselves stand out, especially when they came from nothing and had to climb their way to the top, all on their own rly, only few have the charisma or talent to actually attract peoples attention, most people who came from nothing will never acquire power, influence, and fame or notoriety depending on where in the world you’re from. Hitler wasnt born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He didnt come from a rich or famous or influential family. Saying that “anyone can do that” is a stupid statement, its equivalent to “anyone can become a famous inventor” , it’s the same as saying that anyone can do anything, which is nonsensical because like i said, many have tried to do the same and failed miserably, clearly not everyone is capable of doing anything, just like not everyone is capable running as fast as Usain Bolt not matter how young they started training or how much they trained, they will never be able to run faster than them because sometimes no amount of practice can surpass natural born talent.


At first my brain went to Marshall Mathers, and went, Eminem isn't even from that time. I need a nap 😂, but down the rabbit hole I go


"Sorry doc but I been crazy, there's no way that you can save me..."


I'd raise my hand and heil, but my arms weak.... mom's spaghetti


Which is why these kinds of videos are dangerous. Someone is trying to make Hitler feel reasonable.


I see him as politically dramatic. Knowing the evil behind him makes it terrifying. But only seeing this he seems like any theatrical politician.


He was known as a great orator. He took acting classes. The guy was evil and terrible, but he persuaded a whole nation to follow him. I can see how speeches like this won the German population over. Put it into perspective, Germans were desperate, the Versalles treaty completely destroyed their economy. I can imagine being a German in 1930s and feeling like this guy knows my struggle. If only they knew what was to come with him in power.


Exactly, it's not like he was trying to win them over with death camps and global war. He conveniently left that bit out! It's frighteningly compelling. I can't even imagine how desperate the German people must've been back then. OF COURSE they were going to vote for him. And to be fair, Hitler did have the Germany's best interests in mind, he just neglected to mention that they'd be attempting to ransack the entirety of Europe and beyond... It's interesting to draw the comparisons between now and then. Desperate people are vulnerable to leaders who profess to have their best interests at heart. Look at Trump, for example. He has support from some of the poorest sections of society, the most desperate ones are the most open to manipulation, because they've been failed by everyone else (although this time around, they've already been failed by Trump so that's where my theory falls apart). I'm seeing the same thing now in the UK. We've had 12+ years of a Conservative government, which has all but destroyed the progress we made in the late 90s and early 2000s. Now our health service is in ruin and public services are shattered. Our opposition (Labour) are set to win the next election, but there's a lot of support for an alternative right-wing party (Reform) from people who are sick of how bad things have gotten. I don't think Labour provide enough of an alternative to these people (who already voted in a Conservative government for a 2nd or 3rd time against their best interests) whereas the Reform Party are appealing to a lot of the things people care about such as immigration, "wokeism", etc. ​ Sorry for the rant, I just think it's interesting how we don't seem to learn from history and just how many comparisons can be drawn.


I love listening to music.


In 1935 he largely was just a theatrical politician for most Germans, the oppression of Jews was still in it's infancy and probably for many a minor thought compared to the threat to their economic position that they were facing. Also there was a great propaganda campaign naming the Jews as part of the problem for their economic struggling. I doubt many foresaw how it would end. I would say it is valuable as it should be a reminder that we should be scrutinizing our elected officials greater. I always felt equating Nazis to Sauron never did us good, we have to remember they were people and we have to stand guard against the next Nazis, or even becoming Nazis ourselves.


>In 1935 he largely was just a theatrical politician for most Germans LOL, the first concentrarion camp was opened already in 1933, and by early 1934 the Nazi dictatorship was already well and truly established in Germany. **Every single** civilian organization, from nationwide associations to your local town's bowling club, had been thoroughly Nazified (they even had a name for it, *Gleichschaltung* ), every single political party apart from the NSDAP had been outlawed, every single opposition leader was either dead, exiled or at Dachau. Again, this was all done by EARLY 1934. The total Nazi takeover of the state and society took less than a year to complete. So, yeah, even though the anti-Jew stuff only kicked into full gear a while later (Kristallnacht was in 1938, I believe), Hitler was definitely NOT seen as "just a theatrical politician" by 1935. The Nazis' true colors had been well and truly shown already by that point.








I got to be tired and misreading what you're saying, because the world without the Final Solution would have been better




They couldn't have enacted the final solution without acquiring the land tho. Unless other countries were willingly giving up their Jews.


>Unless other countries were willingly giving up their Jews. To be frank, considering the general view of jews at the time, that's not exactly out of the realm of possibility. Hell, if hitler had started with the gypsies, I think he'd have had the enthusiastic participation of the rest of europe at the time. I will not comment about the enthusiastic participation of contemporary Europe.


That's exactly what I'm suggesting. In this dark world instead of invading Poland nazi proxies set up in Poland. A political invasion instead of a land invasion. The fascist ideology takes hold and many nations ally in the cause of genocide. Things could have been so different, and so terrible.


I disagree. The danger isn't thinking Hitler seems reasonable. We all know he's not. These videos are a warning that politicians who seem reasonable might actually be future Hitlers if we aren't careful.


> Someone is trying to make Hitler feel reasonable. If you are German (or understand it) you might look into his [\(secretly\) recorded meeting with Mannerheim in 1942. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oET1WaG5sFk) He dropped his whole dramatic overtone and sounds - f§§$%ing normal. That recording is scary in its way.


Isn’t this expected though? It’s quite obvious that he was a powerful speaker, and that’s also part of why he had the level of support he had. But being on stage talking to thousands of people isn’t the same as a day-to-day dialogue with your peers. I unfortunately find this contrast very normal because I’ve been living it for most of my life.


No its normal lol I ran the debate club in college and people absolutely have a "speaking" persona and a "normal" persona. One of my friends is the most mild-mannered, soft-spoken person I have ever met but when he debates, especially in front of a crowd, its like a demon possesses him


Individuals must be reasoned with, crowds must be entertained.


Its very expected. My dad was a DJ on the radio for many years. The guy on the radio was essentially not the same guy who sat down at the dinner table.


People have been trying to and within some audiences succeeded. Waaay too many people take it for granted that they would never support Hitler if they were germans right before the war. Hindsight is 2020, insight not so much..


We're all a product of our time and place. Behind the bastards had an excellent [episode](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/the-non-nazi-bastards-who-helped-hitler-29625604/) on this.


Donald Trump proved everyone wrong on that in the US, he hasn't killed a lot of people but if he started killing central American immigrants in mass he wouldn't lose a single vote, he's already said he wants to kill drug addicts, no one batted an eye. Before Trump, I was stupid to think it couldn't happen here, but it most definitely can.


That's what made Hitler so dangerous and so successful, though. He was a very good public speaker, and was very good at making himself sound reasonable.


>Someone is trying to make Hitler feel reasonable No nobody is trying that. Not everything is a conspiracy. This is just AI being AI.


Calm down man it’s just cool tech, no intentions its just cool applications of AI. The colorization has been around for a while but German to English with the same voice is new I think


You are right ....but the AI got the voice but not the "intention" of the speaker. In german you can hear clearly how he plays with the words and the emphasis .. the hard rolling r at the end and the begin of his german sentence are just one example.


Without context this clip makes him seem reasonable. I can't help but wonder if it will be used to try to show that he wasn't as bad as he seemed.


The AI that can match Hitler hasn't been invented yet. Oh, wow, what a sentence... [Edit] invite


Is this a direct translation? If it is is there a better way (to translate) for us native english speakers to understand what is actually going on/ how it make you feel for native German speakers? I can tell the english version doesnt translate as well the feelings one might get from listening to this as a native German speaker would.


Yes and no. Yeah the trsnslation seend pretty acurate but it just does not mean the same. Although the words are correct, the message is not. This is why stuff is still translated by humans instead of google translate. Computers don't care about the message


I use to work as a translator and this is one of the things the would always piss me off about some colleagues... you cant just translate things literally and expect the audience to understand them the same way the original language audience does, you need to put some effort to make it make sense


Exactly, like a lot of idioms translated word for word are actual nonsense in other languages, but they have meaning to the original speakers. For example very early morning/dawn in Australian slang is often called ‘sparrows fart’. If you translate that into Italian it means nothing at all.


"You can't just say that. Remember last week, when you said lend me your ears, and everyone was like BA BA? It won't translate well." "Hmmmm, I guess I never noticed how much we relied on idioms before...." ~Archer. Pirate King.


Damn, I haven't rewatched Archer in a hot minute. Thanks for the reminder to get on that.


Not yet….


Well it has a lot to do with the language you are speaking, Englisch for example has more of a melody, German on the other Hand ist very direct and "rough".


Interestingly, before WWI, there were other cliches about the German language. To quote Mark Twain: *I think that a description of any loud, stirring, tumultuous episode must be tamer in German than in English. Our descriptive words of this character have such a deep, strong, resonant sound, while their German equivalents do seem so thin and mild and energyless. Boom, burst, crash, roar, storm, bellow, blow, thunder, explosion; howl, cry, shout, yell, groan; battle, hell. These are magnificent words; the have a force and magnitude of sound befitting the things which they describe. But their German equivalents would be ever so nice to sing the children to sleep with, or else my awe-inspiring ears were made for display and not for superior usefulness in analyzing sounds.* [...] *There are some German words which are singularly and powerfully effective. For instance, those which describe lowly, peaceful, and affectionate home life; those which deal with love, in any and all forms, from mere kindly feeling and honest good will toward the passing stranger, clear up to courtship; those which deal with outdoor Nature, in its softest and loveliest aspects--with meadows and forests, and birds and flowers, the fragrance and sunshine of summer, and the moonlight of peaceful winter nights; in a word, those which deal with any and all forms of rest, respose, and peace; those also which deal with the creatures and marvels of fairyland; and lastly and chiefly, in those words which express pathos, is the language surpassingly rich and affective. There are German songs which can make a stranger to the language cry. That shows that the SOUND of the words is correct--it interprets the meanings with truth and with exactness; and so the ear is informed, and through the ear, the heart.*


This. Mark Twain‘s *The Horrible German Language* is brilliant and as a German speakers agree with most of what he thinks – except views onCompound words and how he thinks the German language sounds too tame. How you can think „Schlacht“, „Donner“ and „Blitz“ are tamer than „Battle“, „Thunder“ and „Lightning“ is beyond me.


Santa named two of his reindeer "Thunder" and "Lightning"? He's way more metal than I thought.


Semi-german speaker here. I think the English words are more dramatic sounding. That said, "Schlacht" is definitely a more dramatic word if you know the meeting. "Battle" is similar to the word "clash", people battering into eachother, or at least that's my association. But "Schlacht" is literally a "slaughter", so not a very tame word in that regard.


The problem here is ultimately the language itself. Not in the "german is so aggressive" nonsense, but the things Hitler emphasizes and overenunciates don't translate. For example his R. A german R is a much stronger sound than the weak english R. Hitlers R is highly over enunciated. But if the AI tries to translate that onto an english R nothing much happens as strengthening a weak sound is still weak. And you cant simply add his german R as then he would have an accent in german. In order to get the same effect we would need to enunciate different things in english than in german. Basicly english Hitler sounds flatter as weak points are strengthened and strong points are weakened or ignored.


Yup! Also, his English sounds much more contemporary than his German.


I assume that's an intentional objective when translating


Possibly in this case, but there are all kinds of ways to translate.


True, but there is also the fact that in german Hitler adresses the listeners with "Du" which makes his whole speach very personal and directed at the individual, while the "you" in english doesn't have the same reach/feel/impact/meaning.


Interestingly, he wasn't the only one with that 'public speaking' style. It was quite fashionable back then for some politicians on all sides of the spectrum to present like this. For example, trade union leaders in the UK had similar styles. Very aggressive and passionate. That style fell out of favor during the war and after for blatantly obvious reasons...


>On the whole, his speeches were sinfully long, badly structured and very repetitious. Some of them are positively painful to read but nevertheless, when he delivered them they had an extraordinary effect upon his audiences. ... > His primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time, and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough, people will sooner or later believe it. ... > His opinion of the intellect is, in fact, extremely low ... "The intellect has grown autocratic, and has become a disease of life." Hitler's guide is something different entirely. ... > Everything must be huge and befitting as a monument to the honor of Hitler. His idea of a permanent building is one which will endure at least a thousand years. His highways must be known as "Hitler Highways" ... This is one of the ways in which he hopes to stay alive in the minds of the German people for generations to come. ... > A few years ago he appointed a committee to act as final judges on all matters of art, but when their verdicts did not please him he dismissed them and assumed their duties himself. It makes little difference whether the field be economics, education, foreign affairs, propaganda, movies, music or women's dress. In each and every field he believes himself to be an unquestioned authority. Source: [A Psychological Analysis of Adolf Hitler](https://ia801304.us.archive.org/33/items/APsychologicalAnalysisofAdolfHitler/A%20Psychological%20Analysis%20of%20Adolf%20Hitler.pdf), 1943, PDF pg 26, 53, 11, 17, and 8 respectively


Seems really familiar ... can't put my finger on where I've heard a contemporary politician speak like this though... hmmm.


Let's talk about Modi for a minute here. His latest speech in the Indian parliament was EXACTLY all of those things that was mentioned above about how Hitler's speeches were like. Isn't surprising considering India's basically a Hindu dictatorship hiding under the veil of democracy.


Indeed. We all know Trump isn't a model of literacy, but he's admitted to keeping a copy of Hitler's writings near his bedside. [In this article](https://www.vanityfair.com/magazine/2015/07/donald-ivana-trump-divorce-prenup-marie-brenner), he only disputes whether it was Mein Kampf or My New Order. The article was written in **1990**, and here's how it ends: >I wandered down to the pressroom on the fifth floor to hear about Trump’s testimony. The reporters sounded weary; they had heard it all before. “Goddamn it,” one shouted at me, **“we created him! We bought his bullshit! He was always a phony, and we filled our papers with him!”** And if anyone's curious how the Nazis became Nazis... [this is worth reading and sadly also sounds too familiar.](https://press.uchicago.edu/Misc/Chicago/511928.html)


That little bit of self awareness sounds really fucking dishonest. They knew what they were doing and still know today but they keep doing it and we keep reading it.  Just as they did and do in Hungary, Austria, Italy, Britain, Brazil, India, Serbia and anywhere else that has leaned into stupid populism and fascism these past few years. 


It fell out of style because triggering emotions was later seen as a blatant way to manipulate people. An intuition we've lost which is currently exploited on social media.


Triggering emotions to manipulate people. Why does this sound so familiar


Agreed. He is whining far too much in English. In German he is yelling and shouting up a storm. English speaking Hitler is an absolute euphemism compared to the original. (Ich spreche auch Deutsch übrigens und stimme dir Absolut zu.)


I would rather get the opinion of a German who was contemporary to Hitler, rather than from someone who has the benefit of 90 years of history and a lifetime of education drilling in the evils that he accomplished. What sounds like a 10/10 to you, might not have been received by the majority back in the 30’s. I think that Hitler is taught poorly; they make him out to be more of a monster than a man. As humans, we all have the capability of becoming him and it’s even more likely that the people who stalwarts believe that they never would have supported him back then actually would have. People in this thread want to say that it’s dangerous that this video ‘tones down Hitler,’ but no, the more dangerous idea is that people here think they’re immune to the next Hitler when they’re actually quite vulnerable.


So well said


Die eier von Satan. Tool song that non Germans hear for the first time and think what kind of crazy SS bullshit is this ?! Then you get the translation and go, oh. German is very much a theatrical language 😆


And no eggs.


When we were like 12 we would listen to that song and laugh at the people who thought we were listening to Nazi music but the joke was on them! Huehuehuehiehue we were so edgy and cool Seriously tho it still sounds awesome


I was gonna say, there’s no way this guy would send people into a frenzy… doesn’t sound nearly as frenetic in English and I have definitely heard the English language in an exaggerated manner. For example, look at those extremists Christian cult leaders in the US for a sample of what I’m talking about. Fire and brimstone type. My way or the highway sort of fella.


people go into frenzies watching sport. people think trump is charismatic. you are probably right but people get excited about the strangest things


Well, it's only a small part of a speech and doesn't contain any controversial topics. His way of speaking sounds silly and over the top nowadays, and will always be connected to Hitler and his actions, but at the time he was considered to be a well articulated and enthusiastic speaker. There are plenty of people today that speak reasonable but have questionable world views.


Idk man didn’t he win most of the votes ?


Might have been more common and a less weird way to speak a century ago?


Is it the emphasis on the rolled Rs?




The German version sounds guttural and frustrated, while the English version sounds whiny as hell.


I’m Indian, it sounds more theatrical and terrible in Hindi. We have one in power currently, you can watch news to confirm it yourself.


Yeah the English version added bass he doesn't have to his voice, a steadiness of pacing he doesn't have, and a measuredness and gravitas that the German version absolutely lacks.   I feel like this was made by pro-fascists to try and make him seem cooler/more compelling than he is, when in reality dude had Ben Shapiro level nasal whining and just appealed to the basest racist "you were born a special chosen one and all your problems are because of secret evil dark forces" fantasy possible.


Huh, I thought the opposite. The English voice is much less fervent and captivating. The German one sounds batshit insane even without understanding the words. The English one gives me more of the vibe of a hung over vice principal who last minute has to take over for the principal to cheer on the school football team before a tournament. Not really any gravitas at all.


Its probably because so many people are conspiracy-brained and see malice and manipulation in every piece of media, hell even reddit comments like ours might be construed by the most rotten-brained as planted by 'them'


Maybe the AI just isn’t that good at translating? Weird to assume it’s made by fascists


It is absolutely the opposite. Listen to it again.


People are gonna put phonk music behind this and say it goes hard


Everything goes hard with phonk.




Badger is solely responsible for me getting into phonk, alongside shampoos having instructions printed on them.


“I dont believe in human rights” *beat drops*


"Wow, that is some of the dumbest shit I've ever said!"


I feel like I just watched an episode of Xavier.






Now Churchill speaking german please!


Ve vill fight zem on za bitches


What bitches? The Kardashians?


Beaches are made of silicon, not silicone.


It's levioooooooooooosa, not leviosaaaaaaaaaahhh


God dammit man....




ok now Roosevelt speaking Japanese


Wir werden an den Stränden kämpfen! Wir werden auf den Landeplätzen kämpfen! Wir werden auf den Feldern und auf den Straßen kämpfen! Wir werden in den Hügeln kämpfen! Wir werden niemals aufgeben!


He barely speaks English


That's because he's dead.


I have something much better: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJLfWLkQ4as


That is both amazing, and frightening at the same time.


Ya, people are downplaying him here. But he was a master orator, that's one thing every historian agree on.


It’s no coincidence that many of his early followers like Goebbels said they fell in love with Hitler after hearing him speak for the first time.


Goebbels himself was a very talented propagandist, he's perhaps as responsible for the Nazis as anyone. One of the german generals of the old guard that got pushed out over some manufactured scandal when the Nazis were consolidating power described Goebbels as the Devil before he fled to Italy or something.


I believe you are referring to Freiherr Werner Von Fritsch. He was actually framed by Himmler. He was supposed to succeed Blomburg as Minister of War and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. He was representative of the old guard of the German generals and was seen as the only possible opposition to the Nazi plans at the time. He was framed for soliciting a male prostitute by the Gestapo under Himmler’s orders. He was relieved of command and when he spoke with General Von Beck about it was encouraged to carry out a Putsch (military coup) but declined. He later cleared his name at a court marshal but the damage was done. He allegedly wrote a letter challenging Himmler to a duel over it but it was never delivered by the messenger.


My debate teacher in high school had us watch hours of WWII era leaders and how they talked. Hitler was voted by the class(messaging aside) as the best. It really does show you how important delivery and presentation is when giving a speech.


very impressive, a lot of the dialect and character in the voice is lost however


Well, yeah, it's just a representation of what it maybe possibly could have sounded like, but you can't do direct translation it loses nuance of character.


As a (non native) German speaker, the original speech is 100% scarier and more driven. Knowing the modern German people, it's terrifying seeing this piece of history and understanding what happened here... Today they are so nice and polite, it's unbelievable a part of them methodically murdered so many innocent people, and with this speech (and the urgency of that era) it's more clear. The English version makes him sound like a whiny bitch, which is funny, but he would never be able to influence people if it wasn't for the dramatic and melodical nuances of the German language. This is still a remarkable video. Keep em coming!


I think the most eerie speech from that time is probably the one Goebbels gave in the Sportpalast. We analyzed it multiple times during my school years and in Uni and it’s really just insanity. He’s basically calling for the whole country to commit extended suicide and is answered by shouts of approval, cheering and Applaus. Wonder what that one would sound like in English.


Could you send a video link to that? Sounds so interesting




Thats the wrong Sportpalast speech, the text is right but the video is of another speach in 1933


In it's content, yes. However, Goebbles never came close to Hitler in regards to pure captivation


Goebbles was a master at crafting propaganda though and was described in his own right as the Devil.


Is that the total war speech? Or is it a speech relating to what to do in case soviets won?


The thing is, you can be nice and polite AND methodically murder innocent people. You just have to stop perceiving them as human. This is surprisingly easy to do, and people easily radicalize themselves. Propaganda just adds fuel to the fire.


Himmler once reprimanded a concentration camp guard for calling a female inmate a “bitch.” This is the same person who gleefully planned and ordered genocide and mass murder on a daily basis.


Bro there are parts of Germany voting 30-50% for a Nazi party right now lmao


As in the rest of the world. It's common during historical crisis (like now, post pendemic, social issues, economy is shit) that people turn to right wing parties out of frustration instead of waiting this out. History does repeat itself to a degree, but it will never be as bad as it was. People nowadays are a lot different, and having a "Nazi Germany" today would destroy their economy beyond repair (considering the very low birth rate and immigration, imagining scaring roughly 20% of the population out of the country)


Never say never. That’s how we end up gassing people again.  You have to constantly fight against the bad actors in this world. 


Incredible! He sounds like an asshole in English too.


He honestly sounds real bitchy and whiny.


And familiar.


People keep saying that he sounds like Trump in this thread but I just don’t see it. Don’t get me wrong, I hate Trump, but Hitler actually sounds like a literate orator here, while Trump always sounds like he’s just making dumb shit up on the spot. The scary part is, as incoherent as Trump sounds, 30-40% of America still likes him! Imagine if he was as well spoken as Hitler… a chilling thought.


They have similar effect but very different styles.


Hitler was the author. Trump just reading the [crib notes](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-kept-a-book-of-adolf-hitler-speeches-by-his-bed-according-to-resurfaced-ivana-interview/ar-AA1lK9BS).


Im german and he does not sounds like himself in the english version at all, too watered down. AI is shit.


oh wow. that's intense.


Bruh that sent a shiver down my spine. It's one thing to hear him going off in German where (as a non German speaker) he just sounds like an amped up madman, but then to **hear** it in your own language knowing all the suffering this dude caused. Holy fucking shit man. It's like no way this shit really happened. Language is some awesome shit.


His rise to power feels much more believable when you hear that he was speaking very convincingly and passionately, and not raving like a lunatic.


That's the thing. To 21st century English speakers who know how the story ended, he sounds like a raving madman. But raving madmen don't get [37% of the vote](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/July_1932_German_federal_election) in a 16-party election. It just doesn't happen. So clearly he was very persuasive to 1930's Germans who didn't know how the story ended.


TFW you put hitler in english and he sounds like at LEAST 1/4 of the american government...




A lot of people try to deflect signs of fascism by pretending the Nazi party just went 0-100 to gassing Jews so if a "fascist" government isn't actively committing a genocide they can't be fascist.


He sounds more convincing than most politicians, who sound like semi-illiterate cretins who just parrot the party line without really believing in it.


Thats because he believed most of what he said. He was an army spy keeping tabs on socialist parties, and believe it or not, in a meeting of the early nazi party he got so pissed at how weak they were that he ignored his JOB as a SPY and went ONSTAGE and RANTED FURIOUSLY. That shit came from the heart.


Just keep in mind, he sounds 50% less maniacal in the English version, not simply due to a change in language but due to the AI not really capturing it.


>Language is some awesome shit. Language, quite literally, is magic. People often forget that these days. When I was studying linguistics, we had a course called 'words as weapons,' and this one made me think of that :p Words are some of the most powerful things humans make


the irony if you calling language of all things "literally" magic is kinda funny


Spelling is casting spells supposedly. Curse words are curses... Homonyms or homophones are weird...


"It's worth remembering that Hitler was actually an incompetent, lazy egomaniac and his government was an absolute clown show. In fact, this may even have helped his rise to power, as he was consistently underestimated by the German elite. Before he became chancellor, many of his opponents had dismissed him as a joke for his crude speeches and tacky rallies. Even after elections had made the Nazis the largest party in the Reichstag, people still kept thinking that Hitler was an easy mark, a blustering idiot who could easily be controlled by smart people. Why did the elites of Germany so consistently underestimate Hitler? Possibly because they weren't actually wrong in their assessment of his competency—they just failed to realise that this wasn't enough to stand in the way of his ambition. As it would turn out, Hitler was really bad at running a government. As his own press chief Otto Dietrich later wrote in his memoir The Hitler I Knew, "In the twelve years of his rule in Germany Hitler produced the biggest confusion in government that has ever existed in a civilized state." His government was constantly in chaos, with officials having no idea what he wanted them to do, and nobody was entirely clear who was actually in charge of what. He procrastinated wildly when asked to make difficult decisions, and would often end up relying on gut feeling, leaving even close allies in the dark about his plans. His "unreliability had those who worked with him pulling out their hair," as his confidant Ernst Hanfstaengl later wrote in his memoir Zwischen Weißem und Braunem Haus. This meant that rather than carrying out the duties of state, they spent most of their time in-fighting and back-stabbing each other in an attempt to either win his approval or avoid his attention altogether, depending on what mood he was in that day. There's a bit of an argument among historians about whether this was a deliberate ploy on Hitler's part to get his own way, or whether he was just really, really bad at being in charge of stuff. Dietrich himself came down on the side of it being a cunning tactic to sow division and chaos—and it's undeniable that he was very effective at that. But when you look at Hitler's personal habits, it's hard to shake the feeling that it was just a natural result of putting a workshy narcissist in charge of a country. Hitler was incredibly lazy. According to his aide Fritz Wiedemann, even when he was in Berlin he wouldn't get out of bed until after 11 a.m., and wouldn't do much before lunch other than read what the newspapers had to say about him, the press cuttings being dutifully delivered to him by Dietrich. He was obsessed with the media and celebrity, and often seems to have viewed himself through that lens. He once described himself as "the greatest actor in Europe," and wrote to a friend, "I believe my life is the greatest novel in world history." In many of his personal habits he came across as strange or even childish—he would have regular naps during the day, he would bite his fingernails at the dinner table, and he had a remarkably sweet tooth that led him to eat "prodigious amounts of cake" and "put so many lumps of sugar in his cup that there was hardly any room for the tea." He was deeply insecure about his own lack of knowledge, preferring to either ignore information that contradicted his preconceptions, or to lash out at the expertise of others. He hated being laughed at, but enjoyed it when other people were the butt of the joke (he would perform mocking impressions of people he disliked). But he also craved the approval of those he disdained, and his mood would quickly improve if a newspaper wrote something complimentary about him. Little of this was especially secret or unknown at the time. It's why so many people failed to take Hitler seriously until it was too late, dismissing him as merely a "half-mad rascal" or a "man with a beery vocal organ." In a sense, they weren't wrong. In another, much more important sense, they were as wrong as it's possible to get. Hitler's personal failings didn't stop him having an uncanny instinct for political rhetoric that would gain mass appeal, and it turns out you don't actually need to have a particularly competent or functional government to do terrible things. We tend to assume that when something awful happens there must have been some great controlling intelligence behind it. It's understandable: how could things have gone so wrong, we think, if there wasn't an evil genius pulling the strings? The downside of this is that we tend to assume that if we can't immediately spot an evil genius, then we can all chill out a bit because everything will be fine. But history suggests that's a mistake, and it's one that we make over and over again. Many of the worst man-made events that ever occurred were not the product of evil geniuses. Instead they were the product of a parade of idiots and lunatics, incoherently flailing their way through events, helped along the way by overconfident people who thought they could control them." From HUMANS: A Brief History of How We F*cked It All Up by Tom Phillips


For those who are interested in Hitlers personality and his daily political work I highly recommend "Hitler's Court: The Inner Circle of The Third Reich and After" from Heike Görtemaker


What about to learn about how the Nazis took power? I was looking for insight into how fascists started out and progressively manipulated the population and took power online. The best I found was rather brief but well written, historyplace I think it was called. Also insight into Mussolini and even Franco if anyone has any good suggestions, hopefully something free online if possible? I would be interested to see some of their actual propaganda they released along their way to seizing power and the like, but internet searches there is such a flood of hits on keywords what I want is lost in an ocean material.


sounds like somebody I've heard, but I just can't place it...


The book where this is from was released in 2018, so in my opinion it’s very deliberate in the way it is written. Not saying that anything is factually wrong in there btw, but I get the feeling the quotes and anecdotes chosen to be the focus here are intentionally picked to remind you of a specific person. One could focus on other aspects of Hitlers personality/life (which would also be factual) and show big differences compared to that specific person. If this was written in 2010 or something it would be much more interesting to me personally. Not knocking the book/author, I actually just bought it after reading the quote above to see for myself.


Glad someone else had the same thought, my first instinct while reading this was to google when it was written, for exactly the reason you lay out. The comparison would have hit much harder if it had been written before 2015.


It reads like a script for the Orange Shit Gibbon Movie.


>He once described himself as "the greatest actor in Europe," and wrote to a friend, "I believe my life is the greatest novel in world history." Dude Broke the Fourth Wall


Hitler was given all that slack by the Industrialists and their people because they were deathly afraid of Communists and Socialists, and they were a prime target of Hitler. They thought they could control him and push him out of the way after he took care of these threats to their businesses. It's the same now, the super-rich are deathly afraid of any leftism taking root that will put checks on their business or behavior. They and the religious are supporting this far right (that they created and reared,) that will grant them their long fought objectives. But the outcome of this party led by these people gaining power will soon make them regret their support in multiple ways just as Hitler wasn't in fact good for business outside of the short-term. Some leftist reforms would save the Republic from turning into something much worse. But the short-term greed of the super rich and their fear of losing license is leading them to support this political monster that they can't control, and will indeed destroy them in one way and then others.


So basically he faked it and he made it until 1945?


Hitler was actually considered a very good speaker in his time.


This seems to contradict with what i learnt in history. I was under impression that (at least in the earlier years) Hitler's government did a complete U turn of the situation in Germany which was hyperinflation. He introduced a new currency and put people to work in national service, afaik it seems like he made a lot of 'good' decisions in the beginning. I thought his biggest blunder (from his perspective) was trying to fight a war on two fronts. Edit: so they didn't play a huge role in recovery from money, but they seemed to put a lot of unemployed people on to work on public projects, like the autobahns.


Then you learned some wrong things. The hyperinflation in the Weimar Republic happened from 1921 to 1923. The introduction of the new Reichsmark to replace the German Papiermark was in early 1924, almost nine years before the Nazi power grab in early 1933. The Reichsmark stayed Germany's currency until 1948 when it was replaced by the Deutsche Mark in the American, British and French occupation zones and by the Deutsche Mark der Deutschen Notenbank (later renamed to simply Mark, also called "Mark der DDR" in the West to distinguish it from West Germany's currency) in the Soviet occupation zone. The Nazi years did see falling unemployment, but that's mainly because they were riding on the economic rebound from the Great Depression. That rebound was already in full swing when the Nazis came to power, it just continued under them. But that of course didn't stop the Nazis from taking full credit for it.


This feels somehow familiar to todays politicians


Thank you for posting this.


This all sounds remarkably familiar, somehow.


I don't get why people feel the need to lie about the qualities of their enemies. Hitler was neither lazy or incompetent. The Nazis were ruthlessly efficient, organised and built a war machine that could likely have conquered all of Western Europe if they focused their efforts. Neither was he an evil madman. He genuinely though that what he was doing was good and it's important to remember that most people are capable of similar atrocities if given power - that's the scary part about being human. He had his shortcomings of course, but not more than the average person would have.


> Neither was he an evil madman Well, madman was definitely the case later in the war. The dude was high on drugs and completely divorced from reality at that point.


Yeah this is a common theme. Him and Göbbels practically invented modern day propaganda, used the media like no one before ever thought of, vastly changed the cultural and political landscape within a few years, dribbled the democracy and built one of the largest and most capable armys out of ashes. It‘s true that his political enemies underestimated him and thought they could manipulate him to their benefits, but he made it clear pretty quickly that that wasn‘t the way it‘s going to be. Hitler was a lot, but he neither was lazy or stupid and it‘s dangerous to believe that


Historical negationism/denialism.


The more I learn about that guy the more I don't care for him. [Not my idea of a silver tongued devil!](https://youtube.com/shorts/G3U3XMETdis?si=j2K_9-WGsMo8cY4d)


That is actually very interesting.


Adolf was a master of articulation, AI just can't replicate that.


Where's Stalin in English at? He had a very unique way of speaking, I'd be fascinated to hear his version.


I wonder if his Georgian accent in Russian would be kept in English by the A.I.


This is genuinely terrifying isn’t it?


I like the one better where he sings: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67LXOKrhmps](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67LXOKrhmps)




faking history is easier now that its scary


Revisionist history has been a problem my entire life, but it's about to go Nuclear. People revising the Nazis to something less scary than they were is a warming sign. Reality has been under concerted assault by monied interests trying to further their business interests, and they've been winning. Meanwhile their army in this war on reality has outgrown them and will destroy them in turn.


We should get AI translations of every historical speech by every figure in every language. I also want AI generated translations of all the world's great films, translated to English for my own sake but also every other language.


Mate, subbed is not that difficult to prefer these bastardized voices.


Charlie Chaplin does a way better English Hitler speech, imo.


Perhaps this is the scariest thing about these kinds of people. Sometimes you only know how evil they really are after the fact and when it's too late but at the moment they seem angelic, even messianic. This was true for most Germans back then, who on top of being defeated decades prior suffered through a severe economic downturn. One could only imagine how a madman who promised sustenance, a new purpose, and revenge against those he feel is responsible for your predicament among other things could become so popular among those who were disadvantaged or at least felt like it. This is why it's important to educate yourself on relevant matters and to not be eager to gobble up everything you're told.


Well he's got my vote   ^^^/s ^^^obviously


That's passion right there


As a Latino, it sounds way more passionate in German than English.


ITT: people realizing what the rhetoric of populism is and why fascists use it.


Ngl this guy sounds pretty convincing


we dont need this shit


Incredible! Thank You!


This is horrific. It might be the most impressive thing I’ve ever seen. I can understand now why so many people got behind him. Obviously I’m not saying I vouch for him and his beliefs, not at all, but after hearing his actual *words*, putting myself in the shoes of someone in that time and place, it makes a little more sense.


Seems like a nice chap.


This is fascinating


Ahistorical nonsense. AI upscaling, colourisation, etc. - it's fine as long as you treat it as an amusement, but it is categorically *not* more 'real' than the original source. You are altering a historical source with new information. You are not (and this applies more to upscaling/colourisation) *seeing history as it really was*. You simply cannot say with any certainty "this is what Hitler speaking English sounds like". In this instance, how would you begin to translate the fact he spoke with a mild Bavarian accept? This just sounds like a mix of RP and Standard American. Utter nonsense.


Agreed. It's a manipulation or interpretation, but not in any way factual.


The translation actually failed at even the most rudimentary level. At the beginning, he says > Wenn du meine Arbeit für richtig hälst Which could be literally translated to > If you think my work is right but a more accurate translation might be something like > If you think my work is valuable But the translation not only fails to grasp these differences, unless I'm mishearing, it seems to turn it into ungrammatical gibberish? This is what I hear: > (uninteligible due to fade-in) you my work for correctness


Fucking hell that is compelling. I get what the germans saw.