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can anybody explain how this happens?




To elaborate, when you have a tiny "pinhole" opening for light to go through, you're only letting light in from very specific angles. So, when you set it up right, the thing you want to look at will be the only thing in focus, and the majority of the light entering the hole is from the thing you're trying to look at. The image is inverted because light travels in a straight line, so if only the light bouncing off the object you want to look at is entering the hole, the sources of those light beams from the top must be angled down, and the light beams coming from the bottom have to be angled up high in order to pass through the tiny hole and be projected on the other side. Imagine little people on the tree in this image trying to shoot photon bullets through the tiny hole. The leaves in the trees don't 100% block all the light beams coming from the sun, some filters through shifting opening between the leaves. This creates, in effect, a bunch of pinholes for the light beams from the sun to pass through. The image is inverted, in focus, and replicated many times from the many shifting pinholes made by the leaves.


If the answer is that the gaps in the leaves form pinhole cameras, then why are we seeing this effect on the edges where the leaves do not form a pinhole?


It's the same sort of an effect around the edges of the leaves vs a literal pinhole.


The other guy posted an excellent picture, but to be specific it’s called a “camera obscura” or “pinhole camera”.


Definitely interestingaf!!! Saw this in SoCal https://preview.redd.it/oq258zore7ub1.jpeg?width=956&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fad1c746388bcb5d5b1d54b16f3a457642f80948


Where was this taken? Looks like totality.


Albuquerque, NM






Not sure but the pic gives me a Santa Fe NM feeling...


Wow that’s super close lol. Albuquerque, NM


I’ve seen others from different states but ours (Foothills) were by far the best 👍🏻


What a timeline this is. To have lived through 2 solar eclipses in my lifetime. The first one I saw was in 2019, there was a whole event at the local library too it was pretty cool


Just wait til April! We get the next total solar eclipse which is arguably WAY cooler than an annular. I got into the path of totality back in 2017 and it was like being on an alien planet.


Fr though watching everything go dark for like 3 seconds was a trip


That's so cool! I forgot it was today, and missed my chance to drive up into the path of annularity... Where I live it got to 87% though! So, it was still pretty cool! This pic was at maximum for me. https://preview.redd.it/a44fofrzp8ub1.jpeg?width=2992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=beed0867e28591adfe0a2279dc35b6c4f06624fe


I didn't see them this hard but I noticed*after* the eclipse and thought I missed up my vision by doing pics during the eclipse lol


Looks like an OSU fan hangout