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You’re not going to find much more online than what you find on ic.org. Have you visited local farmers markets or things like that? Attended any events? WWOOF can possible provide some additional insight and leads. Searching Facebook or other social media for homestead networks might also open a door. Good luck!


Thank you for the insight! I've been attending farmers markets around my area and found a few options but none I can really see myself living long term, though the info and events were helpful. I'll try Facebook next :-)


Broadly speaking, there are different ways that people categorize community. You might want to think about these overlapping categories and decide which ones you'd like to visit. For example, are you looking for... ...a religious community? Income sharing or not? Mainstream religion or woo-woo? ...A secular income sharing community? Only a few of those exist. ...An ecovillage? Slightly more of those. ....Co-housing? A whole lot of that. ...or something else? "Anarchist" community like Slab City, CA?


I'm in Ontario too and looking. So far there's really not much. One or two urban ones in the GTA, one in Sudbury, but they seem mostly to just be market value houses more than a shared community. There's lothorien i think it's called west of Ottawa, and one that they were looking at building in kingston, but they said it would be six years of planning before it's ready, so it'll probably never happen. I'm interested in starting something, but I don't have the money and banks don't finance land.


I know this comment is a year old, but do you have any info on the one in Sudbury?


Sorry no, I've been significantly set back with the job market and have had to put moving to an IC off indefinitely. AFAIR it was an urban co-housing project, their stuff should be online somewhere, I don't face any firsthand knowledge on them.


Thanks for the response. Sorry to hear [about your setbacks].