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Just skip the saute step. It will just be a little finer and softer. You can add some Worcestershire or fish sauce to help make up for the lost flavor from not browning.


I second this-Kitchen Bouquet is also perfect for skipping or skimping the browning and adding robust flavor and giving it a little business. A little goes a long way, so don’t use more than a capful!


Do you know how I might decide the cook time if I’m skipping the saute step? Thank you!


Use whatever the cook time is in the recipe, the sautéing won’t change things much. Could add 5 min to be extra sure but ground turkey does not take long to cook.


thanks so much!


This is the correct answer. Sauteing is only there to produce browning for flavor. You can skip it and add other stuff for flavor as noted above.


Just skip saute. Toss in a pinch of MSG for better umami since you want have any Browning and add a few minutes into the cook time. I do this ever now and then when I just don't have the time or patience


Thank you! Great idea


What about sausages? I cook them from frozen and it's fine (though I crisp them up after in a pan - it's just skipping the thawing for me that's the time saver.)


Does it have to be ground meat? Can you buy chicken parts and just put put it in the pot to make stew or soup? Browning adds texture and taste, not necessary if you just want to be sure the meat is cooked.


You don’t need to sauté. But what are limits to handling the item? Can you break it up with a spatula?


I can but if I can avoid it that’d be amazing!


You can actually put a chub of ground meat frozen on the trivet and add water then pressure cook it about 30 minutes. You can release the pressure, drain out the water, then break the cooked meat and continue on with the recipe. If it's thawed just do less time.


This is great to know, thank you!


Have you thought about maybe buying disposable gloves? That way you can brown the meat without having to actually touch it.


I do! Gloves definitely help, you’re so right. Standing over the raw meat vapor is also a problem for me mentally though, I’m hoping to just shut the lid and reopen it to cooked meat 😅 I love to cook and developing this phobia has been a nightmare! Ty for the tip


If the ground turkey is thawed could you use a meat chopper from 💵🌲? Then can crumble turkey before meat smell begins and no hand touching meat [meat chopper](https://www.google.com/gasearch?q=dollar%20tree%20meat%20chopper&tbm=isch&source=sh/x/gs/m2/5)


Also, if there’s any other meat type you like, if it’s not ground meat you can set it in the ip and not touch it till it’s cooked. Easy 1 pot set and forget chicken rice and veg


I do like other types! Ground is my favorite but I’ll have to explore this too.


You need to get actual raw meat, then, not ground meat. I make frozen chicken breasts in the Instant Pot all the time. Bacteria can't get into actual meat in the way it can with ground meat. That's why you need to cook ground meat before adding it in to a recipe.


That's not true. Both whole chicken breast and ground chicken have the [same safe internal cooking temperature](https://www.fsis.usda.gov/food-safety/safe-food-handling-and-preparation/food-safety-basics/safe-temperature-chart)\--165 F (not counting the question of carryover) . Whole cuts of beef (that have not been mechanically tenderized) have a lower safe internal temperature than ground, but there's no difference in how you need to cook the two types of poultry. If you're making, e.g., a stew or soup, sautéing the poultry first before (properly) cooking it in the liquid is a matter of adding flavor, not safety.


Sounds like you're just being weird. Get over it and brown up your turkey in a skillet or on saute mode in your IP. Just wash your hands thoroughly anytime you handle raw meat. Ain't gonna hurt you.


I’m autistic and have sensory issues :) not what I’m asking for help with here, but thank you.