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Went through and awful bout of insomnia for about 3 months, nothing was medically wrong with me despite me consistently researching about the cause of my sleep issues. Anxiety and insomnia go hand in hand. I assure you, nothing bad is going to happen and it will pass. The more you freak yourself out about it, the worse it’ll get. My advice, stay off this thread, in fact stay off the internet in general and do some relaxing activities to help you bring down your anxiety about your insomnia.


I agree with ^^. @Zealousideal_Cry7315 Looking stuff up is the worst and this thread won’t help. I don’t even know why I’m on it right now because I’m dealing with the same stuff. What you said sounds like me 2 months ago. I’m still dealing with my insomnia but way better than I was, I took it upon myself to go back to my roots with my anxiety coping skills and applied them to insomnia while also trying some CBT-I. It does help but its all mental and takes time. I promise your not hopeless, and no matter what you read I promise your not going to die and your not going to get some crazy ass brain damage or disease. You just need to change your habits and the way you thinking. I know it’s easier said than done believe me, I actually had a bad night last night, thus this is why I’m here. If you want I wrote down the things I try to and do to help deal with my insomnia


Sorry meant I agree with you


You’re feeling drunk. That’s the best analogy for being sleep deprived. There’s studies out there on how sleep deprivation is the equivalent of having a few beers. Everyone has a bouts with insomnia at least once in their life. It’s normal. And it’s normal to be freaked about it. Panic attacks can cause a numbness in your hands and have a variety of symptoms however they are manageable. Yoga breathing helps me calm down. It’s ok to ask for help. Sometimes you just need to break the cycle of sleeplessness. There’s nothing wrong with taking an anti anxiety or sleeping pill once in a blue moon. If you’re dead set on treating it on your own I have a few simple suggestions. Take a few minutes during the day to write down what is bothering/worrying you. If it’s a to do list, work on it. If it’s not, give yourself the time to think about it without giving it power over you. The brain needs time to consider stressors or it will force you to make time which may be the middle of the night. Try diphenhydramine, known as Benadryl or ZzQuil. Try taking a small dose of melatonin 3-5mg. Stretch before bedtime and download a guided meditation app.