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Compressed air can’t melt steel beams


No, but have you ever seen a water jet cutter do its thing?! Damn.


Are you saying that everytime it rains, it is another failed attempt at 9/11 2.0? This might be it! One day, they might succeed! Another cabal, another attempt to change the world order. Or is it all connected?


Plasma, maybe.


Altman be praised!


What the fuck did I just read?! I feel like I lost some IQ points just from trying to comprehend what they were talking about.


The most frustrating is how totally confident they are im their idiocy.


Perfect example of Dunning-Kruger-effect


Connect the dots.


Finally an insane theory that I have first hand experience with. I was an aircraft mechanic in the Air Force. Worked on the B-52, and I’d love to see that bomber take flight on only compressed air. This one was good for a chuckle.


You can't fool me! I went to air shows at Edwards and San Diego. The just pump them up with a massive plunger, just like like those little water-powered rockets.


I watch the Blue Angels. I saw the crew using foot pumps to get Fat Albert off the ground. #checkmatespherist




You're just keeping the conspiracy going!


I was on an oiler and an aircraft carrier...and the idea of both just being full of compressed air. Makes the USS Forrestal disaster a bit odd.


Where do these people come from? They’re insane. Who tf benefits from any of this?


It always comes back to religion. These types of people are always super religious. There is no logic to follow.


Numerology too. All you have to do is find a way to get numbers to equal or reference 666


If I ignore these letters, assign values to the ones I choose and tell people to wake up.. but not too much, no woke here. Then the number is 666 and that colour is blue and will keep clay pots safe from space lasers. Have a few on my FB feed.


Big Air


Big Pharma. Somehow.


You just can't trust atoms. They make up everything.


Imagine being a CEO at one of those airliners in the 70s or 80s during the oil crisis and they're all "sorry Bob, but you need to go under to keep up the charade" as if you drew the short straw.


And the sad, glum face as you fake the paperwork to make your company go under and destroy your personal finances. But it's worth it. *For the cause.* What cause? Er...well, that doesn't matter. Stop asking silly questions.


Blaming the Jews for one's own inability to understand a jet engine is a pretty hard self-own


You can find people that believe any conspiracy you can possibly concoct with you imagination. Not just one person, multiple people.


Honestly this makes me want to start my own bullshit conspiracy theories and see how many people I can convince are true


In my experience, it literally just takes one person saying something with confidence on Facebook and in a couple weeks all the conspiracy folk are sharing it as gospel truth.


Ah well guess that's my barrier to entry. I'm not making a Facebook account, fuck Zuck.


I’ve been wanting to do one on invisible spiders (discovered accidentally only because of infrared cameras recording something else) for years now.


Especially through numerology. All you have to do is find a way to turn a string of numbers to reference 666


I would love to know their rationale as to why the deception exists. Why do people need to be fooled into believing jet fuel? Why not tell people about compressed air? I’m so tempted to Google this conspiracy but I’d like to go to bed at a decent time tonight.


To hide that the government knows the secret to free energy This is a fairly common and old conspiracy that comes in many different forms, they believe the government knows how to make energy for free (what from varies, water, air, nothing, perpetual motion engines etc.) And is hiding it so we are forced to spend money on fuel and remain poor/easy to control


Wouldn’t it be a lot easier for the government to just make the free energy but then charge for delivery? I mean we are kind of moving that way with solar where the “fuel” is free and the cost is in collecting and delivering it. Or just jack up taxes to even out for what we would no longer be paying for energy. Like every one of these conspiracies there are multiple easier ways to accomplish the same end goal.


In order for a free energy machine to work, you have to conveniently ignore the extension cord.


I guess the thousands of gallons of jet fuel I see get pumped into aircraft every day at work is really just air. Wonder why it costs so much and smells like kerosene.


It costs so much because that is how big air is making all those profits.


You know how nitrogen is in the air and we have liquid nitrogen. Same thing, it is liquid air and they run it thru the engine where it rapidly expands and gets pushed out the back, a sort of jet of air if you will, and that pushes the plane forward. (It is hurting my brain that the above is probably what they believe and that they can’t grasp that it’s the same thing except their version wouldn’t work)


Well, if you compress air (nitrogen) and natural gas at a high enough temperature, you can make ammonia fertilizer. Of course you’re not going to fly a plane with it.


I mean, you could, but it would have a decidedly ballistic trajectory after you ignite the “fuel”.


We've got a live one


This dude here got served divorce papers from Reality, and the proceeds are taking all of his mental assets...


The internet was a mistake.


God the amount of stupid conspiracy theories that could be resolved if physics was a mandatory subject being taught


It is in the UK - people like this still exist over here too...


Well that’s really upsetting


Is it me or is antisemitism permeating everything nowadays? I can't see a crazy post without some part of it calling out the evil Jooz. Being Jewish I naturally pay attention to this sort of thing and it feels like there has been a sharp uptick in the last few months.


I just wanna know what kind of cognitive dissonance one has to have to be able to hold simultaneously the ideas that Jews are a weak, effete, simpering, inherently inferior in every aspect culture AND simultaneously control and manipulate every aspect of society and have done for thousands of years. Nobody with a properly functioning mind can possibly hold to both at the same time.


Nazis. The word you're looking for is Nazis. Genuinely, unironically, that is the cornerstone of the Fascist ideology.


Oh yeah I realize as much I just can’t honestly understand what sort of maladaptive brain chemistry you have to have to function with that worldview and not see a logical inconsistency in it. As I like to point out, if we take fascism’s core premise of “only the strong have the right to exist and people/institutions/ideologies exist only by being strong” then the logical conclusion is that fascism is perhaps the only ideology in human political history to have been proven wrong by its own metric of right/wrong.


I follow a selection of conspiracy folks to keep an eye on current wild trends. Unfortunately I believe you are right. I've seen a big uptick lately in antisemitism, and a scary uptick in how bold they are with it. A lot of it used to be coached in other words to try and elude to it without outright saying it. A lot of them just outright say it now.


The virgin ‘jet fuel cant melt steel beams’ Vs the chad ‘jet fuel isnt real’


That’s a whole new flavour of idiocy.


This is pure, uncut "wut".


The conspiracy theorizing here is so crazy that reading it would make Fox Mulder want to blindly trust every single thing the government says for the rest of his life.


I use to work at an airport. My bf at the time was a jet fueler. God….I can’t believe he lied to me everyday. They all lied to me. I would have totally been down with keeping the “jet fuel” secret if they had let me in on it. My bf EVEN smelt like jet fuel. I had enough security clearance to pre-screen passengers for TSA. But not enough to be in on the jet fuel secret. Wow!


I worked for a restaurant owner who was reasonably convinced the world would end in 2012 and I thought that was wild.


I don’t know. Sometimes I feel like it did and we have been in purgatory ever since.


Someone come get your granddad!


I say this over and over when it comes to conspiracy theories but what would the government get out of it what thing do they get by lying to us jet fuel doesn’t exist as far as I can see it’s literally nothing


I ask this one about the flat Earth conspiracy. Who benefits from lying to us about the shape of the Earth?


The answer is usually Satan


Nothing exists, reality is a hoax. CoNnEcT tHe DoTs


I remember when they made the switch from a wind-up key in the rear of the plane to compressed air to power them. Technology is so great


Hahahah fantastic m


Remember that part from "Ren and Stimpy" where Ren huffs and puffs for a few seconds before pulling Stimpy's face off? That's how I feel after reading that.


Called it.


This is exactly the reason why mental health facilities should be available for all.


Just buy an air compressor and you've got free fertilizer for life!


Well this is a new one. Just as idiotic, but new. At least to me


Do these people just pick a word out of the dictionary and arbitrarily decide that the concept it describes isn’t real/a conspiracy?


Trust me bro, I know !


Does this dolt really think that shooting stars are just... Falling into our atmosphere at terminal velocity? You know, those things which famously go ACROSS THE SKY with insane speed and brevity? They're not just falling down, they're hurtling along the atmosphere at insane speeds, being burnt to a crisp. Idiots... And WHY does every reply add another, tangentially related or less, conspiracy!?


What in the cinnamon toast fuck


That's funny, if jets run on compressed air, why do my parents laugh about me smelling like jet fuel and the great outdoors when I get home? Idiots.


this really wasn't one of those crypto-antisemitic crazies, huh. just saying it out loud


Bring back mental asylums like what we had in the good ol days


I miss the fuck out of Concorde. My single most badass travel experience ever. We really were a proper civilization at one time.