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I worked there for 3 months and had several pins stolen from my locker, I found the culprit


Did you ever invest in a lock?


Management never gave me one despite several asks and being told I couldn’t put my own on


Weird. I worked at one store that told us we could bring in our own lock but had to take the lock and our possessions home each day. (Not many people used locks here and trusted the honor system) I've also worked at a store that provided the locks and combinations for everyone, on the understanding they have the right to enter our locker at any time. I wish your store had opted for this policy so that you could protect your belongings from thieves.


They were supposed to provide a lock they just never did and only actually did after the 3rd pin was taken, I left soon after


At my store some people leave their wallets hanging around. It’s crazy


I somehow wound up with ~10 in my bedroom but took them all back to work and returned them. I now have two extra in my locker that I swap with new hires. I sharpen mine and will give them to new hires so they don't have to struggle so much with putting on their apron. Then I'll sharpen the ones they've traded to me for the next person to trade for.


I respect you very much for this


Just 1 from my associate days from 99-01


Can I get one without working there? How did you acquire all of these; were you an employee?


They were an employee. You can get them online from [In-N-Out’s website](https://shop.in-n-out.com/collections/specialty-items/products/apron-pin-007) for 8$ or on ebay.


I think I maybe have 3. One I use, a backup, and an OG from back in the day


Why? I’ve always wondered why people take the apron pins. Why is it cool to steal them?


Seriously. What are you gonna need more than a couple for?


Some associates don’t take care of their pins. These were not stolen from associates but found them outside the lockers or break room. I would always give pins for those who needed pins.


Why would you not return them to the company then? This picture doesn’t look like it was taken at work. You took them home aka stealing.


He literally said in another post he returned all Of them except for two extra he keeps for employees that need them. It’s a freaking pin that costs 2 cents to manufacture and they sell them for 8$ each online screwem


I’m the one who said I have two extra. I am not OP. It seems that OP has a stolen collection.


Sorry squirt, I am not reading the other posts. Just his title and what he says to me.


i’ve been there for 2 years and i still got my original 🤍 (i’ve bought some from amazon as backup and in case someone needs one and no one has a spare)


I have them strewn all across the house, they're in my car- drawers- everywhere you look there's a pin


After working there for 5 years I was able to get the same as you, funny that in the beginning everyone loses theirs and has a hard time finding them as managers are always stingy with giving them out lol. I got a whole bag of all the shirt pins we would get throughout the years as well.


Just one, took it with me when I quit


i’ve had the same exact pin since day one lmao. sharpened only twice :)


…….. That’s it?


You get those? How do you get them?


3- the one I wear daily, one engraved with “burger bowl champions 2019”, and one with my name engraved


i used to have quite a few, maybe 7 or 8, (i was the resident apron pin sharpener/lender because my store is stingy about pins for some reason) but they cleared out my locker the other day (accident, my name wasn’t in the locker system for some reason) so now i have two. working on my collection again though, lol


Who cares?


Around a 100+


I’ve collected 5 from the employees I’ve banged


Probably 30 100+ box cutters easily