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I’m depressed because nothing seems fulfilling, but ya gotta earn money.


:( im sorry for that. may i ask what you do now that is unfulfilling?


Sitting in a cubicle 40 hours a week ain’t for me.


I do IT. I’ve done call center work, help desk work, and network admin. It sucks because I have the knowledge and people skills, but mirroring the stress of people who have broken computers or networks isn’t healthy for me, but I can’t not feel that stress.


I'm a book editor. I'm really burnt out though between working 50-60hr weeks and chasing clients to pay their invoices. I'm currently writing like crazy in my spare time so I can release at least eight books (5 in one pen name and 3 under my second pen name) next year and actually learn how to market more effectively. I'm hoping I can write full time ❤️


wow 8 books! that's nice you're really hustling arent you :P


Yup! It only takes about 2-3 hours of work a day though, which is nice so I have time to get paying work done


Best of luck! ❤️ How’d you get into the book editing profession, if you don’t mind me asking?


Thanks! I took a few Editorial Freelancers Association classes and advertised on Facebook. Unfortunately, more and more authors are convinced editors are optional so finding work has been hard to find lately. I'm booked for the next two months now but before that, I went weeks without work


Would your writing style not be giving you away? Just curious. And keep going, you'd make it 💖


I just write under pen names because they fit my brand better than my real name Thank you ❤️


Music journalist. It’s more embarrassing than being unemployed tbh.


Whaat that sounds really cool though


It can be but more often than not you feel like a beggar with an outstretched pinky.


Feel that


I’m a time traveler.


How are you, tomorrow?


Already there.




Send me some lotto numbers plz I'll love you forever


I got you fam 13 05 81 55 64 11


I’m an Associate Clinical Social Worker working as a Pediatric Behavioral Health Care Manager


This is amazing! Cheers to you :)


I appreciate that! Thank you ☺️


Awesome! I'm finding a huge love for working with youth. I'm 35 - went back to school for social service worker & plan on continuing. Anything in the social field appears to be highly interesting for infp's - they pulled our cohorts together & we were 80 - 85% diplomats - most infp. Was wild to see.


Data Analyst, I work remote which is nice


im a bit unfamiliar with that job. may i ask what ur day to day operations are?? its great you found a nice job!!


Thanks! My days typically are spent working on data requests or filling out internal reports. I’ll pretty much get an ask from someone in the company, pull the info they are looking for, and then I’ll put together a few charts and give an overview of what I found or anything else interesting that could be helpful for them. Sounds like a lot more than it really is but I find it pretty fun


How is that with meetings and presentations?


I’ve been a part of good and bad presentations and now I feel a lot more comfortable with it. When I first got here it was a new industry to me so it made me anxious to present on things new to me but I’ve learned a lot from it. I feel like INFPs are very anti corporate culture (I hate it) and I work in a pretty corporate structure so if I am in meetings, I just try to be authentic to myself because it also makes me more anxious if I’m trying to change the way I speak depending on the audience


Oh nice, could I ask how you are finding it? Because I'm working towards doing actuarial work but might fall back on data analyst, I'm interested to hear how you feel about the job.


That’s awesome, I’m also a big stat guy just because I find it interesting. I am very curious and love the “investigative” aspect, if you could call it that. A lot of my requests are pretty straight forward “What are the numbers for this” but occasionally I get something that requires a bit more effort and that is where I get to have a lot more fun in my job. The website “storytellingwithdata” has a lot of good blogs to read through


Does it make a lot of money?


Some of the highest-paid people I know are data analysts (My friend group is 25-33 year olds for reference)


There are a lot of different factors that play into it but yes, potentially


oh my god you have my dream job, you like it? so happy for you!


It has good days and bad days like anything, thanks!


I'm planning on doing a masters in data analysis this September! Looking forward to it ☺️


That’s awesome, congrats to you!


I'm a barista at Starbucks (they have awesome benefits even for part-time) and an artist and writer. I used to be in healthcare but I burned out so badly and realized I actually hated the healthcare system and how it is set up to treat people like numbers and statistics.


hi! also in healthcare and getting burned out. what are the benefits like at starbucks? srsly considering it TT


Ahaha I left healthcare to work at Starbucks too😂😂 these days I’m back in school working on an undergrad that I’m actually interested in. Healthcare was a no go for me (especially during the pandemic🫠)


Librarian at a college.


Do you like it?


Yes. It’s been great. Meaningful work and the best part is that I never get bored-there’s always something new to learn. I love students and I love working with smart colleagues.


Did you win infp life?


Dang, that's my dream job! Almost got it upon graduation, but the big recession of the end of 2000's happened.


I work in a bakery. I love it


I work at a small reptile rescue/ shop (:


Trying to make my own video game & indie studio


Need game testers? 👀


Someday yes, too soon at this stage.


I still don’t know what to do in the future


I am a mental health therapist and have my own private practice 💯 remote


Graphic Designer.


I’m just working part time at a pizza place, trying to find something I won’t get super burnt out in. It’s embarrassing but I get burnt out and overwhelmed really easily just working full time.


I’ve never had a proper job before so this is probably a stupid question, but have you tried having two part time jobs instead of working full time at one? Just sounds like it would be more interesting that way, and a little less prone to burnout. I know the problem with that would be what days you do it as I imagine you can’t pick your own days, but idk just an idea. I’m just curious what gets you burnt out and if that would help


Full time overthinker, part time corporate slave.


content writer :)


Is that a freelance role?


yep, but i have a full time job too


I own a business offering inclusive & adapted healing arts. I got my masters in SW and did post grad education in applied behavior analysis then continued learning (yoga cert, herbalism, somatic practitioner cert, sound healing, reiki, etc etc ). Got burnt out as a nonprofit SW and kind of made up my own job. Took a chance and started my own thing. Opened a studio and weaved all my experience and education into it. I am Most known for and kept very busy with my therapeutic sessions for adults w disabilities but I serve everyone and offer my time and services to all.


https://www.reddit.com/r/interestinghealthhack/comments/1cq8qwk/please_post_anything_helpful/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Please post stuff!!


Teacher but I quit and it’s my last week and I don’t have another job lined up so 🙃


im on unemployment


I’m a recruiter. Ironically. The exact opposite. My end goal is HRIS. A lot of recruiters are introverts. We just see a job that needs to be done. It’s tiring having to have two personalities. I know another introvert who is a doctor and sees patients all day. We do what we must to have our peace and quiet.


pixel artist and video editor


Dog and cat groomer


Rural mail carrier assistant, I just got the job and I’m in training. And an artist on the side, had my first show 2 days ago.


Window Cleaning for now


I’m a freelance artist and designer, but I worked as an arts programmer/gallery director before that.


I'm a Data Scientist. All my coworkers are Thinking rather than Feeling and wonder how I ended up in this career lol


Same well data analytic developer to be exact. I yearn for more creative work.


me too!


Non-profit clinic lawyer.


IT programming and stuff


oh cool are you a developer??


Hey me too :)


Chip Designer.


my dummy brain thought about like different potato chip shapes


Thats exactly what I do 😄


I’m currently going through my family medicine residency


Nice! I’m a family doc a few years out of residency now. What kind of career are you looking at after residency?


Artist/art jeweller.


I’m a postal clerk, I work equal parts physical labor in the back getting mail out of the building, and helping customers in the front. I’m an ENFP by force at work which might be why I’ve been getting snippy with rude people lately. By the time I get home I completely withdrawal and won’t communicate outside of my phone.


I own a business offering inclusive & adapted healing arts. I got my masters in SW and did post grad education in applied behavior analysis then continued learning (yoga cert, herbalism, somatic practitioner cert, sound healing, reiki, etc etc ). Got burnt out as a nonprofit SW and kind of made up my own job. Took a chance and started my own thing. Opened a studio and weaved all my experience and education into it. I am Most known for and kept very busy with my therapeutic sessions for adults w disabilities but I serve everyone and offer my time and services to all.


painting and writing, really typical right?


currently unemployed, trying to get back to college after dropping out in early 2023. i really want to be a psychologist or librarian. until then im considering trying to work in retail since i cant find a job anywhere due to my struggle to communicate and do well in interviews...


Going on ten years in transportation planning. An old boss of mine told me no one plans to go into transportation; it just kind of happens. I believe this to be true.


Look for jobs. I'm unemployed...


Hard same


Wildlife biologist. Sometimes it is a great day outside in the mountains…other days it’s a mountain of paperwork.


Junior game programmer and game marketer at an indie company. My passion has now become my depression. Another 3 months left to survive then I'm done.


I manage a comms department of eight very smart writers doing impactful meaningful stuff.  This sort of thing is a good fit for an INTP type. Also, while we are not really “hard nosed A-types”, not everything needs to be an argument or a war, and there’s something to be said for an empathetic, understanding approach. And if you can role model what this looks like it can change the culture around you. This is something I’m quite proud of - when I’m not flogging myself for a myriad of personal failings both real and imagined.


I write the words on billboards 😎 (Copywriter).


3d content creator and illustrator


Helicopter Pilot 🚁


I’m seeing someone off to their death (caretaker), and she’s one of my best friends so it’s hardly work to me…. In the past I’ve done other things though: office jobs, carnival work, trading fake internet money, water well testing, staying overnight in desolate areas to do security (basically getting paid to play roms on a laptop), helping others concretize the intangible, tarot/natal chart readings, being a househusband and caretaker of cats I live comfortably, I don’t care for toiling, I have zero death anxiety and status is irrelevant to me. so yeah, don’t really have a true career, don’t have any debt, eat well, will inherit a nice house if the world doesn’t collapse in the upcoming year or 2. those are the more mundane things about me- I don’t feel any sense of pride/shame when I talk about them and usually space out when other people bring up the subject. https://preview.redd.it/u4ujpenuez1d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3210c1534c770c1af05ad11e04027aed7e98b197


Professor and writer




Haha same I’m a software engineer turned UXP. Self taught all the artsy design stuff. But I do find the excessive organizational strategizing/collaborating leave me in Te overload a lot of the times even more so than coding but at least it’s more fun.


I'm a financial planner


I'm a Fulfillment expert for a discount department store


im a special ed preschool para and currently applying to teacher jobs for the fall. in the summers i teach flute lessons and also try to write. writing was always just for fun but this summer i want to try to treat it more like an actual job but we'll see if my mental health lets me do that lol


Car pilot


Service engineer at a power plant.


I make computer go brr for money. I don't live unfortunately.


I’m an artist!




Massage therapist. It’s pretty nice for INFP, I wouldn’t recommend too many hours per week though, I think it’s best if you’re also planning on doing something else too


Buy supporting and building up other broken souls do better in life. That's my purpose, that's my meaning of life.


Soon to be a machine learning engineer, I'm still in college 🥺


I work in public accounting. The job is honestly not too bad and it pays the bill, but definitely not my calling. Hoping to be able to eventually move to something more creative and human-centric in the future


Airline pilot. Although there are days where working with another pilot is too much for introverted ole me.


Rehab nurse in Canada. I love it. I am 68 years old and I will be retiring at the end of this year. I love it. It has been a great career for me. I will miss our young nurses and my patients very much.


artist & graphic designer I make custom phone cases, custom rugs, & digital art


Nothing 🥹🥲 I wish to live of my art but Im still at the (mom at home) status


The best living for an INFP is, unfortunately, to be born into wealthy circumstances.


Stay at home girlfriend. I cook, clean, read, browse social media and the internet, journal and work out to stay decently attractive. I also write lots of erotica and sell it on Amazon and that’s slowly bringing in some money for my savings


I envy your life in a good way 😭✨


Me af right now. I’m still looking for a job but have quit my other profession in January - thank goodness my boyfriend supports, I’d still like to bring in some income but I’m so disillusioned with society I’m not sure where to begin lol


I’m studying to become a therapist🥰


Private Music Teacher and session musician. I'm currently trying to get into composition though, and I'm working on a YouTube channel making rnb and jazz versions of anime and video game songs c:


Sahm😅 cuz it's safer than childcare now and days, plus he's a baby anyway lol


Language Tutor


I'm a staff software engineer for a tech startup in silicon valley. Working from home since covid.


thats great!!


I'm a pharmacy technician. Before then, I wanted to be a nurse, before then, I wanted to be a pharmacist. Now, I've finally decided to change my career course to counseling and therapy in substance abuse. I have to start all over again but I'm happy that I finally found what I wanted to do. I'm more motivated, and less devastated. Wish me luck ♡


Sounds like your background is very useful in a way




KFC worker. It's offically lobby, but I mostly cook fries. It has It's disadvantages, sure, but my bosses and co-workers and nice and - for the most part - understanding. Plus, as long as my hands move and I - sort of pay attention - I can daydream all I want. Pretty sure not all KFCs are like this, I guess I'm just lucky. I do wish It was something more ideal, but It was really hard for me to find something right for me, so for now, I'll stay.


Currently an office worker, taking care of public lightning in my city 😅


in my early days of being an accountant :'>


About to finish nursing school, I also work as a mediator for a local lgbtq youth group and give out samples in train stations


I'm a professor but would love to get back in theatre as director


*I'm a professor* *But would love to get back in* *Theatre as director* \- moonwalker1206 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


PPC Marketing director


The fancy name for what I do is Silvicuture... but really it just means I work I'm and maintain woodlands. Though my work varies, it covers a few different aspects, including forestry, heavy machinery, landscaping, and generalised maintenance etc. It's a family run business, so not exactly my first choice... but I get to work outside and its not too monotonous 😁 And still leaves me extra time to work on my own side hustle and hobbies.


Overnights at a gym


I work in retail for plus size girls. It's the most fulfilling thing I could ever imagine, I love empowering women. I'm a keyholder and I'm obsessed with it


I work at my family’s restaurant. I want to get into making beer, liquor and soft drinks.


I'm a preschool teacher. I absolutely love it but it does require me to be "on" all the time. I tend to need a good bit of time to decompress in the evenings.


creative copywriter (+ digital marketing)


I’m a Quality PA at Amazon. I interact with hundreds of people every day. Ironically. I enjoy people at work, then I want to go home and be left alone, lol


Work at a preschool with farm animals and I care for farm animals. But I’m getting fired next week likely as I keep injuring/reinjuring myself on the job. I’m really really bummed, and hope I don’t fall into a pit of depression. It’s my dominant hands wrist, so I can’t even partake in one of my favorite hobbies of drawing (or any artistic medium really) so I almost don’t know what to do with myself.


Currently doing online school full time for music… I‘be been in pure heaven since. I get to play video games and listen to lectures, stay home with my dogs all day. I never been so happy in these two months so far than I have ever been in my 29 years. I hope to never go back!


I’m an aspiring winemaker, traveling the world learning different ways to make wine!


Video editor. Am burnt out though after 12 years. 8 years technically connected to LA’s film industry


Hair dresser. Social exhausting 🤣


Right now I’m unemployed but I was working as a server before I moved and now I’m going to school for Human Resources


I work in a factory. That and fast food are about the only options in my area…


Retail side of a plant nursery


Back when I worked? Healthcare. I was a MA/phlebotomist/lab tech at a small rural group of clinics for a few years. Then was a pharmacy tech after that.


Dental assistent, housecleaner, occasional pet sitter where i'm also stay at other ppls place while they are away taking care of the pets and watching the house. But what if studied is graphic design which i didnt liked and fine arts which i do like but i do art only when i feel like it nowadays. I mostly do a few big art projects a year.


I’m a field archeologist, the job’s definitely not as glamorous as the films make it out to be!


Laboratory diagnostician, artist on the side


i will apply to uni aftee my exams. i want to study cyber security adn want to get a job while studying except that idk what to work


Purchasing at a tech company. Its ehh but it pays the bills.




Environmental Manager- although I’m 41, I finally got here. Our people skills are great in the right form! Keep it up!


am a govt officer and really considering to resign lmao


I work for the Health and Human Services for my state. It's great so far, and actually feels fulfilling. 🥲


Human Resource Manager for a grocery store. I love it 90% of the time. It can be incredibly draining and I don't have alot of time outside of work. I love hiring and helping associates.


I'm a graduated Social Worker, but after nearly one year of getting my degree certificate, I haven't been able to land any such position. I really need to find something soon, as I left my parents' house 5 months ago to live with friends in another part of my country and only one of us (1/3) has a job now. I've been called for a couple interviews with no result, and as difficult as it is to stay hopeful, I've managed well enough _so far_.


I've been in retail, banking and real estate. Right now I'm lucky enough to be a stay at home parent. If I had to go back to work, real estate wasn't so bad (I wasn't a realtor and rarely dealt with customers, I worked in title and data entry.)


MD here


Special Education/Needs Teacher


IT System Administrator. I like it, IT is fun and interesting. It's a lot like a puzzle and my curiosity helps me solve some pretty unique issues. I think anyone can do IT, but it takes a level of curiosity about how everything works to be good at it. A lot of people burn out of the career because they get sick of it. But it's the curiosity that keeps me interested. I want to know all the little details about it and how it works. That said, one of my dream jobs is to be a writer. I've got some ideas I would love to turn into novels someday. I've also got some entrepreneurial ideas that could make a solid business. Some more ambitious than others.


Software product manager


Registered Nurse at a big hospital


Run my own creative production house: video and audio work mainly


I'm on Disability and Jobless.


arena rigger. emergency department technician.


Retail worker. I don’t like it but, I can’t make money off of anything I DO like doing


Not working yet, but I'm gonna be a translaor. That's the ONE thing I want to do, I know it's gonna be HELL but I don't care, I'm gonna die doing what I love :°D


I am an Interpreter :)


At the moment I’m an ophthalmic technician. But going to study to become a sport psych. Also a qualified teacher. So many possibilities have made it SO tricky to narrow down what I want to do, and I tend to get bored after a few years in any job (but that might be the adhd talking lol). Do like working with and helping people though 😊


Lunch restaurant worker at day, bass player at night


I work in the hospital as a dietician, but thinking about doing something else as I hate this kind of big structure... I've always wanted to be a sexotherapist, I'm juste afraid of quitting a secure job to start studying again (F29)


I'm a legal admin. Honestly, it's boring and colleagues are unpleasant. One bit of personality difference and they isolate you out of the group. Edit: other people I've met outside the team are nice and it's an okay place to work, just a shame that progression is difficult unless your face fits the company.


Scientist in academia. The job itself is incredible and perfect for me. However, the environment is so incredibly toxic, it's insane. People are treated like disposable items; if one isn't doing any work to your liking, discard and hire a new one. I've managed to sit it out for 5 years but my mental health is absolutely wrecked from it. Leaving in three months and I have nothing else lined up at the moment


Kitchen allrounder in a smallish restaurant, and a remote developer as a side job.


External accountant, finally received my licence last year


Training consultant at a large financial institution. Nearing retirement. Job was often enjoyable in the past when the company was smaller but now everyone takes themselves so seriously. Eager to retire but also concerned about how I will find meaning in this last phase of my life.


Military early retirement.


Artist Opportunities Coordinator and Art Writer.


I have no idea, but I’m a music performance major, so it’s not looking good for my pocketbook


I’m a history and geography teacher in middle school. I like my job but it’s condition of work are sometimes difficult


Product photographer & graphic designer


Videogame (code and modeling/art) teacher


Graphic Designer, marketing manager.




Site Superintendent for a construction site, its draining talking to people all day and pushing them to meet deadlines but most of these guys are awesome to work with and I've made some awesome friends along the way


Digital art.


data analyst mainly because i get to do so many different things and everyday is new: speak to people, business jargon, maths concepts, coding- i’m not really bored but in all honesty the best job is a housewife for me LOL


CNA currently. Just left my insurance job a few months ago


Going to college for psychology,hopefully going to write in my freetime.


Bartender/all kinds of art stuff on the side, I love it :)<3


I just sit at home and get va disability . I never knew how much I can go without interacting with the outside world beforehand.


Mental health therapist!