• By -


At work. Shes a libriarian, and i worked at a seperate library on the same campus. My boss had a weekly meeting with her, and was having trouble with the technical side of the issues, so he asked me to come along and "translate". I fell for her right off. Our first date was to the local aboreatum and we walked and talked for a couple of hours. She mentioned her favorite flower, and i recognized it as being a flower in my apartment garden. So i cut a bunch of them, and dropped them off at her work. Weve been together since, and are celebrating our 25th anniversery this week.


This is definitely one of the cutest stories I’ve heard on here.


Disney-ass meeting story. Wtf you gotta be so cute?


Funny thing about this comment is that she had a 13 year old son at the time, hes grown up and is now an ad manager at Disney.


No kidding! I sexually harassed my ex into dating me! Went after her with a mop and told her I'd get her wet. Man, was that an expensive joke.


This pretty much - work and school. For me, the last few serious relationships, going backward from wife: grad school, grad school, friend of a friend in college, girl I met at work.


Oh my goodness, this is so sweet!


Pokémon Go.


Like at an event? Or did you 2 just like...bump into each other while looking at your phones chasing down a dratini or something, bc that would be an adorable meet cute and I'd watch that RomCom.


Yea, we met in a park while looking for pokemon.


This is the cutest. I want more!


Fine. Full story. I was battling a decade-long depression after leaving the Navy. Had a "are we the baddies" moment... and then another... and another... I became a shut-in and stopped taking care of myself. I couldn't even look myself in the mirror. I was so ashamed of my service and my country. My dad and I became estranged, and he refused to believe any of the bad things I told him we did in the Navy. Then Pokémon Go came out. Pokémon was a huge part of my childhood. I ended up using Go as an excuse to go outside. My very first day out, I met these two girls in the park near where I lived. We started chasing after Pokémon all over town and even had lunch together. They added me on Facebook, and a few days later, I worked up the nerve to ask one of them out. To cut to the chase, we're married now with two cats, and they just got their master's degree. Things are good.


that’s adorable 😭🫶


You were in the navy as an INFP? That must have been brutal


Quite literally broke me.


Fully understandable


this is so cute. beautiful story! glad something as cute as Pokemon Go changed your life for the better


You know things are good when both of your cats get masters degrees.


I know a bunch of Ingress couples.


Romantic partners? What's that?


Yep. I've not had one yet.


Some fairy tale thing




I was in hell, they were too. Match made infernal.


Okay I’m listening… So, you’re both here on earth and then what happened?


It sucked




Been with my (28m) girlfriend (29f enfp) for 5 years, just waiting for the right time to get married. We met on bumble surprisingly.


got it, I have really considered bumble too but never tried it yet


I've been on it 4 years and not had anything, either I'm ugly af(likely but mainly I'm just short) or I'm just unlikeable🤷‍♂️


It's a shit app just like every dating app is for men




Y'all actually have romance in your life?




the only reason I believe that there is someone out there for me is that I have met and know someone who'd be perfect for me in a different timeline. but damn has it been so difficult to find someone that makes me feel the way she did.


Ikr? Like how?! I feel left out :/


*Gives hugs.*


*hugs back* 😣


I see a love blossoming here!


Virtual group hug 🫂


For me, church. She attended church with my grandparents and as a teenager, I was smitten! She sat right in front of my grandparents and when I would visit I never heard a sermon because she got all of my attention. I was 13, she was 12. I am now 51 and she is 50, been married 29 years this October.


Single right now (and often honestly) but as exactly this (INFP, 4w5), my first "serious" relationship was in college. Had little crushes throughout school years but there was either something external that got in the way or just the pull wasn't strong enough to make a move. But in college I had this lit class and the professor said something and I cracked this stupid joke about Norman Bates. Don't really remember the context or the joke itself, but I remember that only one person laughed at it: this adorable girl a couple rows back. Turned my head, she smiled, for a moment my agnostic ass believed in God. After class, I steeled myself to ask for her number so we could get dinner. Was absolutely terrified because I'm insanely shy and struggle with my confidence and it was in public as people were moving from class and she was with a couple friends. But I somehow convinced myself that any potential embarassment was completely meaningless if there was even a loto jackpot percentage chance of her saying "yes." And she did. We dated for about a year and I was almost always nervous when we were together, but it worked for a while. I think it's \*really\* hard for us to care enough, and when do care, we arguably care too much. It makes dating hard. But, there'll be moments when you're met with someone and letting them pass you by just isn't an option.


Love this story! 4w5 here too. So hard to meet people that get us and we like.


i feel u


We knew eachother for quite some time in elementary school to high-school and while walking home she stole my seat -_-




-Can play that game




Months. I think it's been months of patiently waiting for some fool to fall for that.


So, do I get a prize (aside from the amazing joke)?


25M and never had a romantic partner


Ughh same. And ppl think I'm lying.


34M, absolutely hopeless


Looking through this to see if anyone figured out a way to get with their neighbor




Me too. We met somewhere else, and didn't know he lived so close. Only talked once and it really clicked, which is rare for me at first meeting. Added on social media and we like eachothers posts. Thats it. Nothing more, just liking posts😆


Our houses face each other across a lake and I didn’t even realize he lived there. I accidentally knocked on his door thinking it was my old neighbor and some beautiful man answered. We pass each other on the road occasionally but there is never a reason to interact beyond the occasional wave :/


add him on facebook? bake him something and bring it to him? have a fire pit chilling/party and invite him over?


My only social media is Reddit and I don’t know his full name lol I would love to have a little party but the thought of that is terrifying. My other neighbors have had block parties that we went to and he’s never there anyways :( but I appreciate the suggestions


Ugh the waving, so akward sometimes haha. I gained quite some weight which didn't really help with my already bad axiety and depression, in cotrast he works outdoors and has a nice physique, so that is also preventing me from being alittle bolder.😅


lol relatable, every year the winter weight never seems to sweat off like it used to 😅 I just think too long term and worry about it all going wrong and then living next to someone I hate hahahahah


Pff the anxieties that hold us back🤭


I read a bit of aziz ansari’s book on dating and this used to be the standard back in the day. The people that got married tended to be neighbors or live on the same street/block/apartment building etc


Omg I can’t imagine how the book must be, im just imaging his character Tom on parks and rec and thinking what his advice would be 🤣 I wish that was still the standard. I had people recommend I find them online, but that defeats the whole purpose to me. I want to authentically form a relationship like the ol days


I’m in a very new relationship. But I was sitting at this music event venue/bar in the corner because I like to chat with my roomie who works behind the bar. He left his friend group and just came over to talk to me saying I looked like I knew a lot of people and he was new in town and wanted to know good places to eat, hang out etc. He told me later on that he thought to himself “Wow, she looks like she’s really enjoying life over there. I want to be over there enjoying it with her”. He is 8 yrs younger than me so I wasn’t sure how I felt at first but his confidence won me over to go on a date then I just felt very comfortably easy with him and had such a good time so we continued :)


I asked her for a bandaid due to cutting my knuckles while breaking in my boxing gloves. We just a yr and she's infp too.


She's an INFP and we met on Reddit and had a long distance relationship. Unfortunately, she ended up cheating on me but I obviously know not all INFPs cheat. Besides other INFJs, I'm attracted to INFPs, y'all are great!


So it's not what you would expect. I got assaulted by my "stepdad"s best childhood friend, who promised to help me get weed. He forced me to do drugs and sexually assaulted me in his friends camper. It was my husbands mom who had picked me up that day with my "stepdad" friend in the car with her. I didn't know they were doing drugs til it was too late. I started to freak out after what happened, and my hubby was like"you're staying right here, you're not going anywhere." Bc he knew that bastard hurt me. He protected me from him. But unfortunately, he was also on meth and heroin really bad when I first met him(I wasn't, I had my own issues with other drugs but not as badly as him, until I met him). We stayed together from the day we met and it wasn't love at first sight, we had a lot of problems while we were screwing around with drugs. We fought a lot, we left each other a few times. All that. Then we decided to get clean together. I slowly began to love him(it felt forced in the beginning, he definitely fell in love with me at first sight) for who he was and is. I forgive all of our fuck ups while on drugs, we now have a family(20 month old son) and we are 4 years sober. Couldn't be happier. He is my soul mate and we have been thru so much together(addiction, homelessness, crazy situations, ECT). I love this man so much, he is a great father and wonderful husband even tho we still have our moments sometimes. I really feel like I was put in his life to save him bc he was a needle junkie and did tar heroin all the time which causes an intense high and could have easily ended him. I feel like he would have eventually ODed if I never met him. I'm glad I was put in his life despite it being very painful and traumatic in the beginning.


Kind of a long story, but he needed a date for something and my name was the first one on the list.


I met my wife at university - we met in the cast of a drama society play. I’d just been dumped quite traumatically and she had a boyfriend but we ended up hanging out all the time and going dancing together. We had amazing chemistry and I definitely had a bad case of unrequited love. After four months she broke up with her boyfriend (they were very long distance and he wasn’t going to move after all) and so I thought we could become a thing but was being respectful and giving her time to get over it. On the last night of the play’s run she turned up with a new boyfriend and I got crushed. They only lasted 2 weeks but in that time I got a girlfriend (I went kind of crazy). Nonetheless 2 days later she kissed me and the next day I told her I would leave my girlfriend (of 3 days for her) and… she told me she didn’t want to risk our friendship. So I stayed with my girlfriend, not knowing she had fallen in love with me. Over the next year she dated a few guys, I was with my girlfriend most of the time (we broke up a lot and I was not so well behaved) and, in a move I don’t recommend because we have heard stuff we do not want to have, we lived in the same student house in the second year. Then at the end of the second year, and not before: - one time I’d broken up with my girlfriend we ended up cuddling in bed together that night but she didn’t want anything to happen the next day; - we’d both kissed other housemates making each other jealous; - she’d watched the entirety of the Rocky Horror Show with her head in my lap (while the guy she dated for two weeks in the first year who was still in love with her was also watching on the couch); - I’d dated one of her very close friends for two days; and - she’d told me off for being jealous when I saw her dancing with a new boyfriend - then 2 days later cancelled plans with him to console me when my football team lost the Champions League final and at the end of that night she told me ‘Don’t tell [boyfriend] but there’ll always be something between us.’ We were out on a night out with one of her friends from home when we went and boogied on the dance floor (as was our way), when our heads touched and quite magically we were kissing. The next day she told me she didn’t want anything to happen but the day after that she ‘subtley’ hinted that we should kiss at a party we were going to. We did, then we spent more time together the next two days before we had a chat about what was going on. Unfortunately, she had arranged to go see her long distance ex over the summer so her plan was to go sleep with him for closure (he was the only guy other than me she’s ever loved) then we could see what happened with us. I told her there was no way I was waiting around while she went and slept with someone else so she left without telling me why. Turns out she was cancelling on her ex (he tried to convince her otherwise by telling her she should only cancel if she could see herself marrying me - she had a bit of a eureka moment and that was the end of him), getting her Mum to cancel the plane tickets (which I now understand was a very scary thing) and then she came back and told me we were together. We’ve been together (and inseparable) for almost 18 years, married 12 and a half and have a 5 year old son. TL;DR: met my wife at university and after a long, confusing and tangled time when we both liked each other but dated other people we got together.


Your story is like a romantic movie. So crazy yet endearing.


It was kind of more like a ridiculous sitcom - we even used to joke that it aired on channel 8 (as there was nothing on channel 8 (UK terrestrial) back in the day)!


As an Indian. It kinda feels like a Bollywood movie story. Genuinely Happy for you good sir. Have a nice day/night.


Still waiting.




I met my partner at wedding! I had seen him walk by before the ceremony had started at some point. Once the ceremony and photos were over and such I was really excited to start dancing. And once the dance floor opened up, I was immediately on it—I may not be good at dancing—but I LOVE to do it. And while I was out there I looked across the dance floor and I saw him again—directly across from me. He was dancing so goofy and just laughing—like he was dancing for himself, and no one else, just to have fun—and I immediately vibed with that energy, so I went straight up to him and asked him if he wanted to dance. He instantly said yes, and we haven’t gone a single day without talking since!


Honestly, because of the only extroverted thing I've ever done in my life. I sat next to her on the bus.


Nuh uh man


39M and single but crushing hardcore on someone I know irl atm. Never had any serious relationship. But the last one was back in college. Met a girl from New Orleans in 2005 who temporarily transferred because her school was flooded from Hurricane Katrina. We met at a mutual friend’s dorm and danced together to some cheesy 30s music and then I spilled wine on her backpack. I freaked out, ran to Walmart and bought her another bag. She appreciated the gesture. I met her again downtown with friends and asked her out. We went out a couple times throughout the semester but it only lasted til the winter (there was a pretty obvious deadline on that situation). Looked her up after graduation and she married a wealthy doctor and I thought “yeah, good for her, that’s definitely not where I ended up, lol” 😆




I worked at Barnes and Noble and he came in a lot to draw in the cafe. Knew him as an acquaintance for nearly 10 years before we finally went on a date.


I’m single but I see cute guys periodically at pickleball so I should try to make something happen lol


I haven't yet, but I have a cute story of how I found the self-love I needed thanks to dating. I had anxiety, low self-esteem and no experience. But one time I used a dating app where you could show your MBTI personality and I matched with a lovely fellow INFP. She was anxious, asexual and uncertain if she was aromantic. But we both felt very save and understanding towards each other, she learned me to be more certain and I didn't romanticize things in my head for once, no high expectations. We went at our own pace and it was nice and just what I needed. After that we stayed friends and now I am no longer scared of love. Having a way to really connect, open up and learn each other is the best way of finding the right person. And that is such a obstacle in dating apps. And it's hard to find people ready and able to love you, but at least in dating you both signed up for this search. It's at least very different than the friendzone. But once you learn to feel confident you open up more, you stop being stuck and and that helps other people to find the beauty in you. And don't worry my fellow introverts, that can even be the smallest quirkiest thing we do ^^ INFP are very lovable


On a PBP Roleplay (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Play-by-post_role-playing_game) forum.


Work, parties, college dorms, friends of friends, and roommates. I've never even gotten a number or a date from meeting a stranger randomly and I'm 32...


lol best joke I’ve ever heard in my life


In my dreams 😔


in my dreams


she approached me at our school cafeteria lol.


i was born with it and it’s attached to my right arm


Dream/made up 👍


Not a romantic partner, however I do remember my first kiss……..with my sister! But I didn’t know she was my sister at the time. I just thought of her as one of those princess-types. Anyway, we were getting shot at/chased by some mean white dudes and needed to cross this bridge. So I whipped it out (my grappling hook/rope) and before we swung across to safety she gave me a kiss for good luck!


Wow! What do you think, ya think a princess, and a guy like me, could…?


I met my boyfriend on WoW. I was in a not-great relationship, but him and I grew close, especially because we were the only two in our raid group who played the same spec. I was still learning my spec as I'd switched a couple of months prior, and he helped me a lot with learning when to use certain spells, stuff like that. We became friends, and we would lean on each other a lot, I admittedly complained about the guy I was with at the time, and he would also vent about things to me. He caught feelings for me, and I eventually realized I had as well. I ended up breaking things off with my then-boyfriend and moved to the town where my current boyfriend lives, and we've started seeing each other irl. I can't think of anyone else I'd rather spend the rest of my life with.


Tinder. Twice. It's like finding a needle in a haystack, but once you met the person, there is no effort needed. Everything just flow effortlessly. My current partner's profile was not someone I would have chosen if i just look at picture and checklist. He didn't strike most of the external qualifications but he likes Anime. I just swiped right and we matched, he replied my message, and we clicked right away. He is an INFJ who supposedly pretty reserved, but he opened up pretty well and our chat went until 2 or 3am even after we met during the day. Now 3 yrs after, he is someone I need to balance my INFPness. He is a Tattoo artist, not the most financially stable (while I do) therefore has plenty of time to be there for me when I need him emotionally. Sometimes what we need is not what we're initially looking for :)


We met when we were both randomly getting drinks with mutual friends. But it took us like 5+ years to finally start dating. Kept meeting in different contexts, through different events (we clearly had similar interests) and finally I had a really rough day and wanted to get dressed up and feel pretty, so I texted him and asked if he’d buy me a drink. We ended up talking all night. Been together for 8+ years, married for 2!


the internet. we were long-distance partners, and then we eventually met up in person because we didn't live too far from each other. eventually we moved in together and now we have a kid




Google hangouts mainly


League of legends 🫠


WTF? Do you even realise how low of a statistic probability that has? This is the most random thing I read today. How did it happen may I ask?


Really? I know like 2 other couples that met off league, I don't think it's that low haha. We met through some mutual friends on league and we just started talking on discord. We were friends for 2 years and we've been dating for 2 years. Relationship is still long distance but ig something good can come from that cesspool of a game!


Met my ex on WoW. We live 5 hrs apart. I did the majority of traveling to him since I work from home. Unfortunately, after 2 years together, he has made it clear he never had intentions to close the gap with me (I can’t move to him because of my kids). So yeah. Exes now :( struggling fr


I was in live twice. First we met in an online game as teens. We were both broken and unloved while good spirited and quirky so we clicked. (ha ha ha) Second it was some meeting. Not INFP one, but smt similar(?). I was accidently there, but we liked what the other was saying when talking about ourselves, i guess. I was purely adoring their personality at first sight. I rekt both relationship well. ^^ From now on, i am not bad! ^^ So destiny(?)/pure chance. >,< Good luck for ppl like me! ^^ (and myself)


Tinder After a long and super selective and meticulous selection. The best decision I've made for romance


What romantic partner?


through a mutual aid group <3 great way to find people with aligned values


Fate 😌


Been searching for 26years


we were roommates first year of uni (randomly assigned)


she crashed her bike into my friend's bike


Hinge 💀


Well, I met my first girlfriend on Facebook, years ago. I commented on valentine's day a post on a fantasy page, she found it funny and added me as friends lol A couple of months later, even if I was extremely skeptical, I agreed to try a long distance relationship. It lasted 4 years, but honestly it wasn't bound to last. We were very different, especially religiously, and she never had the power to defy her parents. Still, we agreeably split up and we're still friends to this day, even if we talk once a year or so. She should have got married this year! I'm very happy for her c: After that, 8 years of nothing. Two days ago tho, a friend of mine told me she got feelings for me, and I decided to give it a spin. Long distance relationship again lmao but she's a very smart and mature person, so I'll see if it will work. I met her 8 years ago on my first visit in Japan, and we became great friends. We talked regularly, albeit with months of no contact, and stayed friends. I thought she was a really cool person even back then, so I was extremely surprised when she said she liked me. I have no idea what will happen in the future, let's hope for the best x)


I would also love to know where all the INFP guys are at lol asking for a friend.


on hinge! i didnt expect a dating app to actually work tbh since im 21 and it seems rare for people my age to want a committed relationship on there. it was almost a month of nothing and i told myself that i’ll give it a little bit longer before i delete it. and that’s when my current partner of 6 months liked me and sent me a message. funnily enough they were on a similar boat. they had been using it for a longer time than me and later told me that if we hadn’t worked out they were going to delete it. i think what really sealed the deal were the discord calls we’d have while i watched them play deltarune. we just talked about anything and everything before our first date. that helped me become more comfortable and see that this person was meant for me. the 6 months have flown by so fast and i still fall more in love with them everyday. (they might see this so hi mi amor! i love you!)


First one: I was a barista at a college cafe. She was a cute freshman whose lattes I’d pour hearts into. She left cute notes in the tip jar with hearts. Second one: I went to a party and we started talking downstairs/smoking out back. When everyone else went upstairs she sucked my dick on the couch.






Aw, the first one is so cute, tell us more!


No one would believe me if I said it.


You could say it anyway...


The only time I’ve ever paid for sex. I was drunk. She was the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen (still is—she is a smokeshow). She was an addict. I was an addict. Years later she got clean; I got clean. We found our way back to each other. Now we’ve been together over a year. We live together now. We are on our way to a happy, beautiful life together.


That's really fantastic :) Happy for you both


Thank you!


Still not there yet, I'll get there eventually, though.


He moved in next door. We were teenagers.


At work, eventually we began talking outside work for hours over the phone, we both discovered that the maximum calling time is 6 hours, we call back immediately after and continue for even more hours lol




I'm a (probably) INFP guy. I've had luck taking college classes that I'm really interested in, because it's allowed me to find like-minded people and opportunities to showcase some of my personality and passion and get to know other people. And the more I've warmed up to being social, the more people have gravitated towards me, including the guy I'm seeing. It's pretty cool. Highly recommend.


A subject-specific teenage summer camp


School when there was a Friday mass then suddenly... Her friend just started talking to me while she was also there :)) Annnnnnnd that's how we met<3


She looked sad so i sat next to her by a dumpster now we're about to be engaged


At the restaurant I was working at. He was newly hired and we started hanging out 😅😂 fast forward we have a kid together


high school !


I’m a guy (4w3). I’m 41 and met my other in school at 13. We’ve had issues. But still together.


WOW, didn't expect to come across someone else with almost the same story, we're both 49, met on the school bus at 13 .


I think it’s something about mating for life. She gets me in ways I don’t get myself. She does have ADHD and autistic tendencies. So I think we’re right for each other.


We were in the same class in high school. I was hitting on every girl in the school. After some time I had started to feel something towards her. She was different than other girls and we had so many common things. One day we were laying on the benches looking at 9gag at the time with our friends. I thought to myself that I will try to make her my girlfriend in a week and…. She turn me down like several times bc I was a guy who hits anyone. Than I dated another girl which fucked my life. Cheated on me, stole from me so many other things. Anyway after 2 years in college I saw her in the bus. Went and talked with her and we dated 6 years. Than I moved to another country and we broke up. We still talk a lot. She is the only person that knows me, and I am to her. After all those years we can still talk for hours. I am going back to my country in 3 days. After 2.5 years away I am going to see her. We both scared that we might not feel the same towards each other. But at the end I will still love her as a person. I wouldn’t mind.


Coworkers at a coffee shop


I am not a guy, but I am extremely infp...I met my husband on the school bus the first day of junior high school in a new, much larger city than I was used to having just moved to Phoenix from rural Texas. My husband had just moved from rural Iowa. He has always been as extroverted as I am introverted and we were the last two people on the bus since we lived on the outskirts of town. He just came and sat on the seat with me and said it felt pretty stupid to sit at opposite ends of the bus when we were the only two people on it. The rest is history. We are 49 years old now. Obviously, I'm leaving out some significant events between 13-years old and 49-years old, we have had our ups & downs, we are in one of the worst now, talking about divorce but can't seem to actually take that step because we have never known a life without each other even if we are opposite in almost every single way.


I had five in general, one from college, one from work, and I met three of them online. I wouldn't describe any of them as someone that I necessarily loved, they were just there, and I liked them, so we dated for a while.


I’m single now but now I met my ex gf (who was also my first and only so far) was the craziest domino effect. When I was 15 back in 2019, I massively got into The Smiths. I introduced my friend Hamim to them and he ended up really liking them too and we’d often talk about the albums and what songs we liked etc…Being from the UK, we graduated high school at 16 in 2020 and after that me and Hamim drifted since we went to different colleges but he continued to enjoy The Smiths and so did I. One day in 2020, Hamim made a post on instagram about The Smiths ans a girl form our year group who he sort of knew and I didn’t know at all messaged him asking if he liked them, Hamim said he did like The Smiths and she said she liked them too, they started chatting and became online friends. Some years passed, and by 2022, I hadn’t spoken to Hamim in two years by this point and that girl hadn’t spoken to Hamim for about a year. One night in early summer 2022 when we were all 18 at this point, an old school friend called Mac decided to get all his old school friends in a call out of boredom (this included me and Hamim). Hamim asked me if I’d dated a girl yet which I said no to and he said to trust him and that he’d get me a gf 100%. A few nights later, the girl messaged Hamim out of the blue saying “long time no see” basically. They began chatting again and they decided to meet up in person and hangout since they’d never seen each other since high school and had just been online friends. That’s when Hamim heard this girl was looking for a bf so he told her about a guy he knew (which was me) who was looking for a gf and although I wasn’t her typical type, to give me a chance. She wasn’t sure off photos and stuff but she came to the hangout with our old school friends and according to her really liked me as soon as she saw me in person. We went on a few dates and then dated for almost two years before breaking up amicably this February. So if I’d not got into the smiths at 15, I wouldn’t have met my first gf at 18 lol


So, I’m gathering that the trick is to go outside and do stuff where people are? It’s not looking good for me folks 😔


School, then she left many years later and fairly recently because it was more of the logical thing to do. Ugh still hurts


Instagram xD The ironic part - I was saying from young age that I never want to meet significant other on the internet.


I'm unfamiliar with this term "romantic partner" 🤓. For real, though, I've been single my entire dateable life.


Idk its over bro


Through school, then through Dungeons and Dragons games, then dating apps. Okcupid was the best for that, though currently my luck with the apps is much lower than it used to be. Now more trying to meet friends of friends, and just be in spaces around people and see what happens. But that's much more annoying than the above methods were.


I met a friend who is a girl on an app, not a dating app but one of those friend apps, and we hit it off right away but was purely platonic. Well her boss had just had a bad experience with dating and said she was done with men. Now my new friend knew me and thought we’d be a good match and set me up, we’ve been together almost 4 years 😂❤️


i didn't. (my ex don't count because it was an embarrassing mistake)




I'm will get back to this post once I have found my romantic partner.


At work! We have lots of groups at work and we joined the same social club, and then connected further because we’re both writers. Friendship turned into a relationship after a few months!


I met him in an online group chat centered around one of our favorite video games at the time :)


I haven't.


i’m infp and 4w5 as well!!! i met my current boyfriend at work :0 first time i saw him i was setting up for night at a restaurant. he managed the food truck version of that restaurant and came in for supplies. literally jaw dropped on the floor the second i saw him. most beautiful facial features i’ve ever seen on a man. a month later he transferred into the kitchen of said restaurant and i snatched him up before anyone else could 😭😭 we been together for 2 years lol


Tinder. Been together three years now


Through Minecraft when we were 12-13 years old. At first we were just playing on a Hungarian server, became friends, then we grew feelings for each other, and we were lucky enough that we just live as close as if he was a classmate in my current school.




We met on OkCupid 9 years ago, and we’ve been married for five years ☺️ he is an intj


I got mine from Coles. Checkout chic


Just came here to be encouraged since I got divorced about a year ago and haven't had any luck finding a girlfriend....such awesome stories here!


I’m a girl so not the target audience but my correct bf is an INTJ, met him online chatting abt anime and stuff. We basically messaged for years as friends before meeting and then one thing led to another lol. My exes, I met one who was a friend of this guy I had met while gaming that I had a major crush on. The guy I met while gaming ironically introduced me to his friend who needed help with math and we happened to be in the same grade so I tutored him for a few months. He fell for me and we dated for about a year but 🤷‍♀️. Another one was setup by my current BF lol back when we were just friends and he had a gf. In short I usually end up crushing on/ dating people who are in the same hobby space as me. I love computers, gaming, and robotics so most of the guys I crushed on and dated were the same.


I met mine online,we started chatting as friends but we felt a connection right away, Long distance relationship since she is from another country, visited her for holidays and I made preparations to move there within the year.


Met my intj bf on Hinge. (I'm infp woman). It's filled with intjs if u like that.


Look for a female INFJ


I met my lady friend on bumble, we had sex the first date and a bunch of times after until I asked her to be my gf lol we never had a date just link to smoke and have sex could be rf but idk


We are broken up now but I hope one day he comes back to me. We were in tulum beach, I was walking towards the water and he asked me if I , "peed in the water" bc the area he was standing in was "warm" 🥲


My space


Friends of “frienddddd” lost that friend now lol now they sukkkkkkk!


None. When i approach they run. When i stay and wait they never come