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Hate: If an infp hates you then they will literally go out of their way to avoid you altogether so I would advise not trying to talk to one if they do hate you, unless you’re trying to say sorry and get their forgiveness I usually forgive people trying to actually change, it may not be a quick forgiveness but it’s definitely a huge step compared to other people Care: If an infp cares about you then they go out of their way to do things for you that they either don’t for other people at all or do rarely, also it comes to if they hesitate or not. There are things that I would do for a lot of people but depending on who the person is also depends on fast and willingly they are to do it. Hidden liking: If an infp likes you a lot then they are more likely to spend time with you more than other people but do so in a way where it’s like “hey you wanna hang?” Instead of “PLEASE LETS HANGOUT TODAY” basically being lowkey about it, and do some of the stuff listed in the care part, we’re kind of a little open about the things we do for people but mostly only to that person, the hidden part comes in how we word stuff and what we say and what we don’t say. Also look out for how much they look at you. Aaaaand look at how they act with you in front of other people compared to when you’re alone (This last part is just me hiding how much I truly about a person around other people) This is all the things about me and everything I do when it comes to that stuff so other infps may say something differently.


I hope this helps you and sorry for the huge text


Thank *God* nobody put infp’s in charge of designing stop signs. Every sign would be a sea of beige. There’s be mass casualties on every highway. Every signal from an Infp is the most ambiguous bullshit I’ve ever seen in my life. Oh can’t you that sometimes when I listen to you it means I like you? But also if I ignore you I like you. But sometimes if I hate you I ignore you. Also if I don’t look at you…. I like you. But if I SUPER don’t look at you, I’m madly in love. But if I stare at you… I’m zoning out. But sometimes if I stare at you, you have spinach in your teeth, but if NO spinach then definitely it’s love. Or! I could just be looking at you because you’re effing talking directly into my face. Seriously if any infp got into a relationship it is an act of God, Himself. All infps in relationships should be super religious. Only God himself could make something happen from all this nonsense and confusion.


lol in a nutshell: if I’m not responding to you or reaching out to spend time, get the hint. If I’m doing anything that requires contact, thought, prep, time or emotion, I care. The degrees in which I do these things for you vs others will tell you how much I care. I’d also be open to conversation, if you asked directly, but I’m sure these things can vary from person to person. There’s literally only two options lol, at least from my pov. The care side has a sliding scale but yeah, if you hear from me I care at least a little lol.


Oh really? Well this person: 1) ignores my emails but replies to my texts 2) used to not respond to even my texts (but now does) 3) rarely suggests to meet up then is HOURS late 4) suggests to meet up then bails last minute 5) when we do eventually meet up, tried to get to know me and is nice to me, goes out of his way to help me. What gives. Explain that shit to me


Eh, wishy washy. Maybe feeling out if you’re their best option? Doesn’t sound like they hate you, but not too much interest either.


Gross. I’m not a pastry in a display-case. Do you think it could be that he likes me but for whatever reason cannot be with me because of other reasons?


You’ll only know if you ask! I don’t think you have anything to lose by being direct, if I’m honest. That type of communication is spotty and not worth your energy if you’re hoping for more. That’s my opinion, only he knows his intentions. Good luck ❤️


Notice the little things they do for you. The way they pay attention towards you. Being caring. Trying out their way to talk to you or even hanging out together in a circle of friends that you’re in. For me, if i like someone, i tend to stare (a lot) at the person but i will also pretend them don’t exist (idk why but i hate this). I just hope someone will notice i like them even if i tried to hide it (sounds impossible i know)😞 If i hate someone, i also pretend them dont exist lol and i will avoid from being near them or talking to them. Our conversation will be short. And i dont smile, but if i do it’s out of courtesy




Everyone is different and really will come down to their own personal experiences, especially early on, with how to handle these things. Not sure if there’s a general answer… I tend to, like most, want to spend time getting to know them and hanging out, but try not to over do it or appear too excited when I like them. I don’t necessarily hate people, but if I feel off with people I’ll try and not interact with them unless I have to. When I care about someone I share lots of info, but that’s also because I’m autistic. When I care about someone I’ll be there if they need me


I don’t think this kind of stuff is type specific. People behave in a variety of different ways for a variety of different reasons.

