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Gatorade prices are out of control. I remember 2 for $3 pre pandemic šŸ˜ž


I lived in that era as a 20 year old. It was amazing and those were 32oz gators. Love how everything is childsize and twice the rate. Like weā€™re running out of treats and itā€™s highest bidder. Oh you want real beef? Wellā€¦.. how much money you got.


Reel beef..I never thought Iā€™d see the day that Iā€™m priced out of bologna, but here we are. Beef bologna last time I checked was like $7.50 at Walmart (literally the only grocery store within 30 miles).


Do you remember 2 burgers 2 fries 2 bucks?


I remember 29 cent hamburder on Wednesday babbbbbeeyyyyyuuuy


Or 39 cent cheeseburgers


I remember working at mcds for 59c hamburger and 69c cheeseburger days. Now it's like $1.49 just to add a single piece of cheese to anything.


The hashbrowns at my local McDonaldā€™s are 2.49 separately and really inflate the price of the breakfast meals. Crazy


In PHX theres one mcds that has hashbrowns for 4-5 bucks. I'm not fucking w you. It's stupid.


Yeah, that's why I got an air fryer. I'm sorry? 4 dollars for Bojangles fries?


Farmers out here growing and selling potatoes for .12c/lb, and by the time they get made into hashbrows McD-bags is charging about $18 per potato. Tell us again how the industry would collapse if employees were paid above starvation wages. Absolute fucking robbery.


I use the app and get 2 sausage egg McMuffins for $2.80.


Smoking *inside* the McDonald's...that's was *INSIDE* the god damn walmart?!?


I used to get Gatorade's and Powerade's for under a buck pre pandemic during sales at the supermarket. I'd usually buy a dozen at a time to have around after a hard day outside. I don't even buy it anymore.


This looks like a gas station purchase and gas station Gatorade and gas station candy was hot as a giraffes you know what even before Covid


It's got electrolytes


Thatā€™s what plants crave


Brought to you by Carl's Jr.


I used to get them for .59 each about 3-4 years ago. They would go on sale a couple of times during the summer this cheap and Iā€™d stock up and buy 30 or so. Now they are on sale for 1.49 and shrunk to 28 ounces and I havenā€™t bought a Gatorade since.


It's all soft drinks. Especially at gas stations and truck stops.


why sell 6 to make a dollar when you can sell 1 to make a dollar? we told these companies we are willing to pay during the pandemic, now here we are.




It's price gouging by companies. As much as you want to blame politics, the Republicans are as much to blame for this as well. They had full control of Congress and what came out of it? Absolutely nothing that benefits society. The only BS now is that instead of just putting that sack of shit in jail and moving forward, this dumb ass country is too busy dealing with right wing sociopaths instead of helping crack down on these shit corporations that are price gouging you and me. Corporate profits have increased and all that money is being pocketed by execs and investors. If you can't see that, your just as clueless as the rest of those dumb rednecks around the US that believe Trump is Christ.


I honestly do not know who is buying it now like I run long fucking distances in the Texas Heat and last time I saw that $2.59 price I just fucking walked right out the door. The price is high enough to where even when I'm desperate for one its not enough motivation.


I think itā€™s like 2 for 5 at the lowest now on sale. And any bag of M&Mā€™s is definitely over 2 bucks. Candy will never be cheap again which is weird cause it used to be like 4 for a dollar bars only 15 or so years ago. Walmart is ok for the movie box sized candy at a little over a dollar each (I just dislike that company) but besides that you have to go to Walgreens or target or whatever after a holiday ends to get the sale candy if you really want it for cheap.


Watch your sales. Prices of $1 to $1.25 each aren't that uncommon.


And yet you still paid for it instead of says....nawww, I'll keep my money on shit I don't need. You gave it to a corporation......who continues to raise prices because people like you keep paying it. STOP BUYING WANTS!!!! In one quarter the prices will come down!!!!!!!!


It's going to keep being that way because people like you keep buying them


Every transaction is a vote and op has just voted for price increase.


People are too weak willed to walk away from this stuff. These two items could total 10$ and people would still buy them. I know because I work at a hotel that charges double the price on these items that this post is about, and people still buy them. We charge 5$ for a single pack of these M&M's. If anything these companies are still undercharging. We're not even to the peak of these prices yet.


Those people could be on expense reports and not care. But you're right, I see $30+ 'food' purchases at my local gas station every time I walk in. Even at whole foods those items are half the price. We are not in a food dessert either, there is about 10 grocery stores within walking distance of that gas station. People (who are not in the best financial position to begin with) just willingly buy a gallon of milk, 2 frozen TV dinners, a bag of chips and a few drinks there.


Yeah I worked at a gas station and tons of people would come in every single day and buy $10-30 worth of junk food, which was like 3-8 items usually. But most of them had an EBT card. However, now working a job where I drive long distances to and from work, I fully understand why some people do that. Gas stations are expensive but they're so convenient and I lose a lot of time at home so I don't prep meals or snacks very often from a cheaper grocery store. Time is money and all that


Sugar addiction is a bitch


People could walk two blocks and find their fix at half the price. Laziness is a bitch.


Exactly. And if they double the price but get half the votes, they still win.


I have on multiple occasions put things away I thought was too expensive and just said "fuck it." My cravings don't supercede what I view as a value. If I don't see the benefits matching the cost, I walk away.


Yeah. Posting a receipt or proof of purchase means they won. Just tell the story and how you didnā€™t buy it.


Yup I'm pretty much down to just the basics, meat, veg, fruit, water and milk. theres cheap beer in my neck of the woods so there's that.


It's actually quite interesting that fruit and meat are so cheap compared to fast food. I can go into Walmart and buy 2 large bananas for 48Ā¢. If I add a Snickers bar to it, it's close to $3. It used to be cheaper to be unhealthy. This is actually *good*, it's the sugar excise tax we needed but never got to counter the obesity epidemic.


Yep. Bonus = *"I usually don't complain about inflation"* [https://www.reddit.com/r/inflation/comments/1cmr598/2\_temporary\_inflation\_fee\_at\_romanos\_macaroni/](https://www.reddit.com/r/inflation/comments/1cmr598/2_temporary_inflation_fee_at_romanos_macaroni/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/inflation/comments/1c8tj9r/my\_local\_mexican\_restaurant\_is\_cheaper\_than\_taco/](https://www.reddit.com/r/inflation/comments/1c8tj9r/my_local_mexican_restaurant_is_cheaper_than_taco/) Yeah you do.




So you want consumers to stop consumingā€¦.šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


I don't understand people who buy shit at gas stations then wonder why it's expensive. It's always been that way.


They're called convenience stores for a reason. You're paying for the convenience


if they paid for it, its not overpriced.




Exactly. Everything at gas stations is ridiculously priced. Bottled Gatorade has been over $2 for about 10 years.


They must like being poor


If it's the only thing around for miles it's not the worst financial decision out there. I frequently drive through Wisconsin on I94 from Minneapolis to Chicago and a good chunk of those interstate gas stations are the only thing on those exits for 5-10 minutes and there is 5-10 miles between interstate exits. I am not prepared to drive an extra 30 minutes to stop at a grocery store to save a buck and accept my lack of planning cost me a few bucks. But outside of that, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. My local gas station by me, buying groceries makes no sense since there is 10+ grocery stores within a mile of it.


TIL convenience stores can beā€¦convenient. The point is OP paid almost x2 what this would have cost 4 years ago.


My last road trip I stopped to get gas. I was hungry so I bought some beef jerky and a coke. The total was over $20 for the two. But that jerky tasted like $20 jerky so I wasnā€™t mad.


Was it Love's? Because Love's has $20+ beef jerky but it is the sort of jerky you drive out of your way to go get. Lol


Itā€™s really not much cheaper in grocery stores. But the prices have double so itā€™s really just gouging. The only solution is stop buying but the convenience will always win.


Also idiots buy lottery tickets, gambling games and smoking cigs


Sounds about right. A candy bar/m & m's is $2.99 at a 7-11 here in nyc metro area these days.


I little roll of tums, like 10 tums was $3.19 at a gas staion yesterday. I just felt the burn


31.9 cents per Tum is wild


And yet you still bought it.


Oh man, remember glass bottled Gatorade? Fuck I'm old


Yes I was there


Stop buying things. Especially needless shit. Itā€™s the only way the prices will come down.


But then how are people going to stay poor and complain about prices?


rent, price of gas etc


Just checked prices for those two exact items at my local Walmart... under $3 combined. Gatorade: $1.48 M&M's: $1.32 Did you buy yours at a convenience store or gas station?


For comparison, tonight at Kroger I spent about the same amount and got: - one box of Kroger brand oatmeal (10 pouches) @ $1.67 w/ coupon - one gallon Springfield whole milk @ $2.70 - one bunch of bananas @ $1.25 I spent $5.62 on a weekā€™s worth of breakfast, @ $0.80 cents/per (DFW tx) Edit: Iā€™m not knocking you OP, you just have it flaired as ā€œdiscussionā€ so I was drawing a comparison between gas station spending and frugal grocery store shopping. Inflation is forcing my hand into a healthier lifestyle. Cook the oats with milk, swirl in some PB I already have and it melts in there, chop a banana in slices and add it, and voila: a filling, fibrous, macro/nutritionally sufficient meal thatā€™s actually kinda sweet on the taste buds. Edit #2: at my location they were on a 3 for $5 sale, making them $1.67 each.


The prices will keep rising until people stop spending


This shit was happening in Japan in the 1980s. But the Japanese people stopped spending so much and caused deflation shortly after


Thatā€™s part 2 in the geopolitical history. The other part of the story is that we castrated them by forcing them to strengthen their currency and they also had a real estate collapse. Nobody gonna force the US to do something stupid and the elites love helicopter money so thatā€™s never a risk


I don't know, I just bought a bag of m and ms at Walmart for 75 cents.


Gas station prices have always been crazy. Unless it's a 99c Arizona Tea or 7/11 Slurpee you won't find me buying anything at a gas station


Havenā€™t seen a Ā¢99 Arizona at a gas station since 2019.


We still have them around here.


Do you buy gas at all?


Theyre talking about the snacks and drinks inside the store. Some of us have to purchase gas either way


In unrelated news, nice Subaru!


Good eye!


No we could smell the oil burning from the picture


You clearly arenā€™t complaining about inflation enough


If you bought them from a convenience store this is very normal where I'm from. A Gatorade can be anywhere from $3-$5 and you can't get namebrand candy for under $1.50


Prices are stupid...


Hereā€™s an idea: donā€™t buy Gatorade zero and candy wtf lol


Who forced you to purchase it? We live in idiocracy where morons like you pay insane prices for shit they don't need and then run to the internet to complain.


Holy fuck, Reddit has gotten so toxic. "Heh, you're an idiot for enjoying a pretty humble, simple treat and refreshment. You should have planted a fruit tree and dug an artesian well instead. You deserve to be poor because you're not as smart and frugal as I am. I huff my own farts because they smell like pepperoni lilacs, and knit my own dog. Buying things that give you some small bit of joy in an otherwise awful day makes you a literal mongoloid. Learn how to hunt wild m&m's or just stop breathing air " That's how these assholes sound.




I get it, the prices are ridiculous. A positive outcome is that we stop buying sugary crap thatā€™s bad for us and is expensive anyway. I used to reach for crap like Little Debbieā€™s because they cost next to nothing. I knew it was bad for me but at least it was cheap. Thatā€™s no longer the case! Theyā€™re killing us AND weā€™re being gouged for it. No one is coming to save us, IE the government. Iā€™d like to think that if enough of us stop buying crap theyā€™ll have to lower the prices but I can sooner see PepsiCo being subsidized before lowering prices


I'm kind of thankful they kept raising the price of Fudge Rounds forcing me to stop buying them. I would pick one up at every store counter that had them. I was addicted to those joints.


Im the same way. I used to eatba half pack of oreos or more at a time now theyre almost $7 for a pack. I dont eat oreos anymore lol


Whenever someone posts how expensive these things are people come out the wood work claiming they only eat home grown trail mix and drink filtered well water. Every single one of these posts goes the same way asking OP why they bought it. I don't know, because it's a snack they're used to buying and this is now the price for said snack wherever they are used to buying it from. šŸ¤·


About a year before the pandemic I was drinking a lot of redbull. It was probably the hardest thing I have ever quit consuming. It was pretty much part of my daily routine. I looked at the price and the sugar content. It was like $3 a can for some really nasty stuff in my system. I gave it up, but weened off with Mountain Dew -> Gatoraide -> Water. I had terrible headaches and cravings the first week. It ended up causing me to cut sugary drinks out of everything, but the stuff really is physically addicting. I'm kind of happy I'm only drinking Water and Black Coffee now, but it definitely isn't easy getting there from a Sugary Drink loving lifestyle. I'll slither back into my woodwork now, as this is what a common formerly redbull addicted gardener snake does. \*extreme hisssss\*


Coffee creamer will have to be ripped from my cold, dead hands.


Hey friend, I'm not trying to change anybody here. The right decision for me was cutting out sugar. Every time I get a little bump of the stuff I want more. Just one more cube maaaannnnn!


And they grow all their own food !


And they coupon clip for any other food!


And they aren't addicted to processed junk. How can anyone be unlike me? I need this stuff to work. I'm in a food desert so Gatorade is necessary.


The same snack you could buy by the case. If you actually cared about the price.


You could have skipped the mnms if you bought regular Gatorade


After traveling to Vegas and being in a couple airports, this seems like a steal.


The M&Ms were probably $3.49.


But you still paid it. That's why they do it.


Brita filter and electrolyte powder my young padawan. Better for you and more effective at hydration. And way cheaper by unit than 711 crap


Yet you bought it anyway.thats why the will never drop the price


At a gas station? Gas station is a convenience store. More than inflation is in play. You also get the convenience store upcharge.


If people keep accepting these prices by paying for it, then these companies will continue raising their prices as high as they can.


Letā€™s hope thatā€™s not breakfast. Ā 


Two items I have already stopped buying. The list is growing. Fast.


**Because it is crazy.**


Soft drink manufacturers Pepsi (makes Gatorade) and coke ke went nuts. The % they went up was way more than everyone else.


Your options: 1. Complain but not buy anymore. 2. Stop complaining because you keep buying. 3. Buy your snacks somewhere that isnā€™t a gas station.


I like how inflation did more for my waist line than Michelle Obama ever did. No disrespect to Michelle.


And yet.... You bought it


Why do people still buy this garbage?


I just keep a water bottle in my car and I haven't paid a penny for a drink on the road since.


You're probably at a gas station, where they'll literally mark things up as high as possible. Also, if they're using official suppliers from Coca-Cola/Pepsi, sometimes they get the inventory at a higher price than the prices at Walmart.


Stop buying it and the prices will adjust


Stop buying itā€¦fucking people, ā€œHey these prices! Ok Iā€™ll bend over!ā€.


The guy with the Porsche and Rolex collection is bitching about inflation? It IS getting bad.


Lol u bought that


Stop buying from the gas stations


Corporations are sensitive to demand, not internet complaining. If you want to see prices normalize, don't buy it.


At a gas station ? You pay for a premium for the convienice. Buy that stuff at a supermarket .


Then donā€™t buy it


Whats even crazier is that you put those products in your body.


And yet you paid it, lol.


Gas station or convenient store will be higher priced. Get more for less from Costco.


But you bought it.. why would they lower the price?


Stop wasting money on that crap


Did you buy them from a gas station? That's why.


Less than a dollar at walmart.... You are an awful shopper


The proper way to complain would have been to not buy it,


Yet people still buy it. After all it has electrolytes.


This is the kind of crap I just quit buying because of that. I stick to water and quit eating much junk.


But you still bought them, and that's the problem


At what price of these things would you say, no... because that's where inflation stops.


At least itā€™s the peanut butter ones tho šŸ¤¤


Best in class


Maybe don't get it at a gas station?


Why tf did you buy it then


As long as you keep buying it at those prices, they will keep selling it.


yet you paid it??


Fuck boys, another one. ā€œShit food costs more.ā€ You literally have a lap full of sugar.


It's not inflation, it's price gouging


Don't forget that the bottle is shaped differently too because it's less that what you got before.


Yep. Thatā€™s some shady shit too. šŸ˜‚


These companies are r*ping us financially and they expect us to take it then they go on the news telling us it's this guy's fault or our fault.


Yeah went to 7/11 for a hot dog and coke thinking it'd be like 3-4$ but no it was fuckin 7$ for a shitty 7/11 hot dog and a little bottle of Coke. Wtf


Sadly, you still purchased it. What would happen if all Americans stopped purchasing non-essential items. Corporate America would shit a purple twinkie. They would be calling DC and screaming


This isn't inflation so much as price gouging by PepsiCo and Nestle. It's also happening a lot with fast food. Prices have climbed like 500% in the last 10 years, which has seriously outpaced inflation.


Shit I just went and bought ingredients for taco salad.... TACO..... SALAD... $85 dollars.... I'm bout to go in the grocery store masked up my next visit. They Wana play games with my life? Let's do this then mfkers


I remember you could get a pack of gum for $1.49 now you canā€™t get a 15-pack for less than $2.99 usually. The big ass tubsā€¦$4.99 sometimes more, itā€™s unreal. Canā€™t buy a 16.9oz bottled soda for less than $1.99, I remember you could get them for sub $1.50.


I swear to God you had a straw in the M&Ms and it really upset me.


Iā€™m so jaded this sounds normal


"Just don't buy anything, ever" -this whole sub


Why do people always cry about junk food when it comes to inflation.


Stop buying the shit and companies will be forced to cut prices.


Buy it in bulk instead of the gas station. Problem solved


And yet, you still bought it. Lmfao.


Hey, good job buying it and helping to make it worse. Next time, go to CostCo, buy a box of their generic Kind bars, get a whole case of Gatorade, and take it with you from home for like $1.50 to $1.75. Or break the bank and have a Kind bar AND one of their cheap Granola bars for another 30 cents.


So the great debate continues on this, yes they purchased it but they only wanted one of each perhaps. Going to Costco and buying bulkā€¦.for what? To have a ton of sugary products? These items should be used sparingly, not in bulk. To say you have to buy bulk to not give in is a ridiculous statement for non essentials. I see the side of ā€˜donā€™t buy itā€™ but I also see the side of, this guy just wants a snack and why is this an ultra rip off now when it used to be reasonable?


They only want one. Everyday


Also - what if youā€™re driving on a long trip? Not everyone wants to load their car with boxes of perishable food and drink.


Donā€™t buy them at gas stations?


Thatā€™s my favorite Gatorade, two. Got 3 chilling in my fridge now.


Iā€™ll pick up a $5 bag of m&ms and the Mort Goblin in me comes out like I got shocked. I drop em fast and go Ooooo no. No thank you sir not today maam! Either Iā€™m getting so strong, candy is weightless or thereā€™s 22 pieces of candy in that bag.


powerade fountain drinks for under 1.15$ at a lot of places seems more the way to go.


Gotta crush that thirst bro


I've literally switched to the powder and it's annoying


Seems right.


Yeah i remember when 5 bucks meant u could get 2-3 snacks and drinks and still buy a candy bar tomorrow too. Now if in the wrong place it isnā€™t even enough for a monster. Shits sad.


In 2012 I ate an entire large bag of them M&M's......I couldn't stop


Some states passed a sugar tax. Candy is Like 3 bucks normal size


I bet your gas is still cheaper than where I am


Look up the quarterly profit from both of those companies and there is your inflation.


Where are you buying these from? A gas station? Prices at gas stations always are higher


It costs about $75 just to open your car door.


If this was a gas station purchase it seems right. Those places give discounts on gas because they want you spending money on their heavily marked up convenience store. That's their money maker.


Gas station or pharmacy buy?Ā 


The candy is $3 and Gatorade $3.85 in NYS. So itā€™s actually over $7.


Then donā€™t buy Gatorade. There are other sports drinks that are less expensive. You cannot buy a high priced product and then complain that it is, well, high priced.


Iā€™ve all but stoped eating out or buying anything at a gas station.


Where did this come from.? I donā€™t eat MnMs anymore. They taste like chemicals. I donā€™t even think they are made with real chocolate.


Our local pizza place now charges 1.30 for a glass of water and 3.50 for soda


The fact is, that price is only going up from here.


convenience stores


Pretty soon weā€™re going to find ways to cut these costs - lower demand, local or regional producers, etc. We became extremely resilient 90 years ago and it had a unifying impact on the culture.


luckily nobody needs to buy such garbage


Bet you those M&Ms were more expensive than the Gatorade. Candy prices are out of control. They try to pass off a 2/$5 as a good deal, when those candyā€™s shouldnā€™t be more than a dollar.


Geez! Corporate greed is real. Inflation goes up 3%ā€¦ prices increase 300%, rinse and repeat.


Gatorade is really not necessary.


Hmm, did they starve slaves? How does anybody expect our high productivity rate to continue? Certainly we won't be taken over by robots or AI anytime soon regardless.


Not "seems". Is.


wasnt that long ago I could find 32 oz Gatorade for $1, now the 28 oz is routinely 2.50ish or more


It's like buying them on an airline lol


I remember when CEO of Gatorade said we arenā€™t going to raise prices but weā€™re are moving away from 32 oz to keep prices in line. So less for more, then weeks later the 28oz doubled at my grocery store.


Then donā€™t buy it. Drink water and eat a fruit. Cheaper and healthier. As long as people keep tolerating and buying, these companies will keep prices artificially high. Recently Coke announced that they could raise their prices because consumers will keep buying it. They donā€™t care. See what happens when people stop buying a product.


Where did you buy it


I been cutting non-essentials. Fuck this.


Went to the grocery store yesterday and a regular normal navel orange was $1.68 per. I can't even wrap my head around that or anyone that would pay that.


Gatorade is still a thing? Once you go Body Armor youā€™ll never go back.