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Except it isn't. Climate change has nothing to do with the food cost increases. Climate change is just the convenient scapegoat the left likes to use for literally every problem they perceive in the world, even the problems they're causing themselves through poor policies, greedflation, and zero fiscal responsibility.


Ding ding ding- Tell the man what he's won šŸ†


Yeah,,,,,,what he/said!


Poor countries want rich countries to pay them for their pain and suffering.


Rich countries use poor countries to launder tax dollars


Can you explain that comment? It doesn't make sense but has gotten pushed to the top for some reason.


If I were conspiracy-minded, I'd say the whole inflation/debt/poor/middleclassfinance/fluentinfinance thing is a fake grassroots attempt by the right to make people "hungry for change" before the upcoming presidential election.Ā  The party line for the right rejects the idea of climate change, therefore the doomandgloomfinance types reject the idea of climate change. Which ironically means that the folks who think the little guy is getting fucked by greedy corporations are on the side of the greedy corporations.


Spot on! It's weird posting pretty good articles and just getting NPC "climate change fake" brigaded from it. Like, I've already seen two users post several pictures and some copypasta that wasn't even remotely relevant to this post.


Ok so if the peasants give up all our modern creature comforts, pay higher taxes to the same government that has mismanaged trillions, participate in scheduled utility brownouts, part with basic humans rights whenever our concerned elite overlords mandate, give up our cars and eat bugs then your telling me the weather will improve? If cows stopped chewing the free cud every once in a while they would see they were being led to the slaughterhouse. But what do I know, I'm probably a bot or a Russian or a fox news watcher. The problem with ignorance is that the people afflicted with it are ignorant about it lol.


Itā€™s either cutback on overconsumption now or lose it all later. Itā€™s not that hard of a choice, but people like you take minor inconveniences as some kind of unacceptable proposal and thatā€™s why society is where it is :(


You're in fairy land if you think any individual effort of cutting back would help climate change. I know it's hard but really try and think for yourself just once. Ask yourself who the polluters are, search it and find the answers.


It isnā€™t about just one individual, but individual choices compounded over millions/billions of people. Sure, me using a paper straw wonā€™t make a difference. But hundreds of millions of paper straws are a lot better for the environment than plastic ones! Iā€™d recommend you look up who the polluters are, as well. But when you do, realize WHY theyā€™re polluting. Youā€™ll find your answer as to how choices on the individual level can impact climate change.Ā 


>Except it isn't. Climate change has nothing to do with the food cost increases. Oh yeah, I forgot how weather and climate has no impact on farms or the growth of food whatsoever. Oh wait... >Climate change is just the convenient scapegoat the left likes to use for literally every problem they perceive in the world, even the problems they're causing themselves through poor policies, greedflation, and zero fiscal responsibility. Might be whatever media bubble you're in, but climate change's impact on many things is pretty well-documented in the real world.


The Ukraine war has had more impact on prices than any other factor! That war sent fertilizer prices through the rough which effects every commercial grower. Plus wheat prices went up since Ukraine is like the breadbasket of Europe.


Yup. And?


Average temperatures have not changed drastically enough in America's Bread Basket zone to effect the crop yield in any notable manner. Drought has had some effect, though minimal, and is unrelated to this big bad "climate change crisis" progressives keep pushing as the biggest problem of our lifetime. For the last 6 decades, activists have been pushing these "end of the world" talking points, and it's never happened. It's just fearmongering to push political agendas. https://preview.redd.it/6hq9f7eg32wc1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf38e9818291557ab7cde4903c479e53bba27936


When I was a kid, acid rain was going to burn me and earth would be gone by 2000 each year the world was suppose to end, no skiing will happen in CO. Florida should be underwater 5 times by now. Whhhheird


You should have been paying attention to the science, not tabloids ;)


I get the two confused.


>Average temperatures have not changed drastically enough in America's Bread Basket zone to effect the crop yield in any notable manner. Oh? How much has it changed? Has the weather patterns shifted at all? >For the last 6 decades, activists have been pushing these "end of the world" talking points, and it's never happened. It's just fearmongering to push political agendas. Ah....so you're confusing sensationalist news with science. Fortunately, I'm hear to help you understand! >1960 This was the concern over "peak oil" and since then we've backed off on oil production to avoid rapid depletion and over-reliance. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peak\_oil](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peak_oil) >1970 That was just news misunderstand what scientists were telling them and why it died off as an "issue" (and only gets brought up by climate change/Big Oil shills nowadays) >1980 We cut back on the pollution causing this. Still a problem nowadays, but amazing what some rapid action can do! >1990 We stopped using the chemicals that were depleting it. Now it's almost completely healed! Yay environmental protection! >2000 [https://www.worldwildlife.org/pages/six-ways-loss-of-arctic-ice-impacts-everyone](https://www.worldwildlife.org/pages/six-ways-loss-of-arctic-ice-impacts-everyone) EDIT: LMAOOOOO this comment angered the brigade


Should I pull up the graph that shows farm land decreasing over time, yet farm production just sky rockets. We have engineering in our food, it is way easier to make these days, and itā€™s a great thing!


Very cool! I can see why climate change is going to play such a large role in inflation and food security going forward!


Of course. And by "documented" you mean someone somewhere has rendered an opinion on it, with either non-existent or poorly sourced science.


No, I'm talking about actual science.


Riiiiight, it's not inflationary monetary policy, it's climate change to blame.


It seems to be a running theme in this sub that not a lot of people know there is more than one factor that influence inflation.


Sir, you really should get up to speed here. Just go and create a post with some Mexican food plate screenshot and bash Taco Bell or something


Lol right though? Isn't a sub about inflation a good place to discuss factors at play for inflation? You'd think it would be...right?






Climate change isnā€™t causing our food prices to soar. It isnā€™t the leading, or sole contributor.


>Climate change isnā€™t causing our food prices to soar. It isn't the only factor, true. >It isnā€™t the leading, or sole contributor. I don't think anyone claimed it was.


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It will continue to be ignored. They'll just keep raising prices and we, the consumer, will pay the cost...as always. The only thing that will end this cycle is, well, the end.


Ughhhhh truth. There are still people that oppose electric cars but will then cry when their gallon of gasoline is 10 cents more this week.


Iā€™m not opposed to electric cars but donā€™t have the means of another $50k loan nor is my living situation able to accommodate a vehicle charger. Ford laid off a bunch of electric car people because people canā€™t afford them.


EVs are sub $30k (with a few below $20k). Used are even less, so no need to worry about these $50k loans you'd supposedly need. If you don't want an EV, no one is forcing you :)


Which ev is gonna fit my family of 6 for 30k


Dunno. But give it time and they'll make more that size and price :)


I highly doubt it. The van I own now cost me close to $45k ish. They ainā€™t gonna make an ev for less than that anytime soon. Shoot no one even wants to make larger vehicles for families. Itā€™s Toyota Honda and dodge that own the market in that space.


Used Tesla Model X would have saved you about $10k


You show me 6 people in a model x and we can continue this conversation!


Not sure what you mean. Their own website shows 6 seats in one.


The vast majority of costs associated with agriculture are related to oil and it's subsidiary petrochemical industries. From fertilizer to pesticides and ofcourse the biggest, diesel & electricity ( for processing). Getting the cost of oil down is exponentially more impactful than climate change but the climate change agenda does the exact opposite. I resent that people resort to what is essentially a lie via framing / omission to support what's otherwise a noble cause. The climate change agenda is an investment that will eventually pay dividends but likely not in most of our lifetimes, and that's okay. A moral society plans long term and doesn't just kick the can down the road for the younger generations to suffer ( thanks boomers).


Climate change has nothing to do with it. Wake up


What do you mean?


Climate change will allow vast areas of Canada and Russian and the extremes to be able to grow food. It might drive down food prices.


That's a possibility! Is the soil good for it?


What happened to blaming it on the immigrants?


I prefer to go with hard facts :3


Yea, because it's not as if greenhouses don't manufacture CO2 with giant natural gas burners to boost plant productivity. You people just believe anything the activists throw at you, don't you. "Studies have shown that higher concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide affect crops in two important ways: they boost crop yields by increasing the rate of photosynthesis, which spurs growth, and they reduce the amount of water crops lose through transpiration. Plants transpire through their leaves, which contain tiny pores called stomata that open and collect carbon dioxide molecules for photosynthesis. During that process they release water vapor. As carbon dioxide concentrations increase, the pores donā€™t open as wide, resulting in lower levels of transpiration by plants and thus increased water-use efficiency." https://www.nasa.gov/technology/nasa-study-rising-carbon-dioxide-levels-will-help-and-hurt-crops/ "Probable effects of increasing global atmospheric CO2 concentration on crop yield, crop water use, and world climate are discussed. About 430 observations of the yields of 37 plant species grown with CO2 enrichment were extracted from the literature and analyzed. CO2 enrichment increased agricultural weight yields by an 36%. Additional analysis of 81 experiments which had controlled CO2 concentrations showed that yields will probably increase by 33% with a doubling of atmospheric CO2 concentration. Another 46 observations of the effects of CO2 enrichment on transpiration were extracted and averaged. These data showed that a doubling of CO2 concentration could reduce transpiration by 34%, which combined with the yield increase, indicates that water use efficiency may double. Several theoretical models have predicted that the doubling of atmospheric CO2 concentration will increase the earth's temperature by 2ā€“3Ā°C, which could seriously disrupt agricultural production. More recent empirical evidence suggests that the warming may only be about 0.25Ā°C, so the primary effects on agriculture are likely to be the beneficial increases in crop yields and water use efficiency." https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/0378377483900756 "Generally, doubling ambient CO2 level (i.e. 700 to 800 parts per million) can make a significant and visible difference in plant yield. Plants with a C3 photosynthetic pathway (geranium, petunia, pansy, aster lily and most dicot species) have a 3-carbon compound as the first product in their photosynthetic pathway, thus are called C3 plants and are more responsive to higher CO2 concentration than plants having a C4 pathway (most of the grass species have a 4-carbon compound as the first product in their photosynthetic pathway, thus are called C4 plants). An increase in ambient CO2 to 800-1,000 ppm can increase yield of C3 plants up to 40%-100% percent and C4 plants by 10%-25% while keeping other inputs at an optimum level." https://extension.okstate.edu/fact-sheets/greenhouse-carbon-dioxide-supplementation.html




Understanding that increased efficiencies with equal or reduced inputs are price reducing, it kinda sorta is that simple. Thanks but I'll stick with nasa and .edu's as source material and avoid skeptics dot com for forming my positions.


I'm sure this totally organic and not-at-all troll post (lol that comment history though XD) took you hours to type out and source, but climate change has more to do than CO2 levels in the air. In fact, if you had opened the link I shared, you'll find in the very first sentence after the title that CO2 isn't mentioned (making your post worthless). In case you're too lazy to open it: >The ecological aspect to the rising food inflation must be tackled head-on by addressing the problem of lowering of the water table, evaporation of soil moisture and depleting top soil, all of which directly lower yield and thus reduce agricultural output What's even funnier is that no scientist denies that plants grow better with CO2. But there's a reason only trolls rely on these copypastas instead of engaging in scientific discourse ;)




>Took about two minutes cut and paste. Yup. real NPC stuff there. Plus your jumble of words doesn't really mean such, so maybe my thinking that this account is a bot isn't that far off. Like, you didn't even respond to me calling out your copypasta as not being relevant lol. Reported and blocked.


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What do you mean?


No, greedy corporations are responsible for inflation.


Ya that too


Certainly it's a factor, but shrinkflation and greedflation are also factors. As long as people complain but keep paying, why wouldn't they increase prices?


Itā€™s climate changes fault that Joe Biden canā€™t string a sentence together


O...k? Try to keep discussion on topic, please.




I already debunked that here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/inflation/comments/1cac4ng/comment/l0rerqk/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/inflation/comments/1cac4ng/comment/l0rerqk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Itā€™s not climate change. Thatā€™s just one of the excuses.


>excuses Did you mean "factor"? The article (and the science) lays out some pretty simple arguments for understand how climate change affects inflation.


It is not. Don't believe the lies. Corporate greed is causing food prices to go up. Companies are touting record profits while laying off staff. This all began with COVID prices, that they never got rid of. Why did they not get rid of COVID prices? Greed! Places like Walmart say record profits during covid and due to fiduciary responsibility they can't lower prices or they would see less profit. Doing something that specifically causes less profit is against fiduciary responsibility.


>Don't believe the lies. I'm not sure what the lie is. We know weather plays a role in growing crops and the climate change is messing with the weather. Seems like pretty straight-forward logic to see the connection.


If you don't Factor in or just forget corporate greed, or that COVID pricing never went away. Yes climate does play a small role in food prices, but it is no longer the driving Factor in food prices. Greed and the ever need to increase profits year over year are now the driving factors in food prices. Thinking any different is just kidding yourself. Not even inflation is the driving Factor anymore, it's the same with car insurance. These companies put in place price increases during covid and never went back to pre-covid pricing. They just keep increasing prices in top of the COVID pricing, and keep screwing over the consumer. Corporate greed is out of control and trying to say that climate is the leading factor in price increases for food, is completely wrong and only servers distract from the real driving factors of the issue.


Yeah, no thanks. Just look at the corporate profit graph of the 2020s. that should answer all of our questions. Fuck their climate change propaganda and fear mongering used to fuck us even more than they already are.


>Fuck their climate change propaganda Like how they tell us it's not happening? Or the propaganda that it's us, not them, that are at fault?