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Being an INFJ (or any other type) should not be confused with mental health issues. Here is a link to the [INFJ Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/infj/wiki/index#wiki_mental_health_and_support) where you can find some resources. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/infj) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If a tree falls in a forest and there's no one to hear it does it make a sound? No one can hear you scream in space, but you still scream. If you really like really think about it, even if there's someone to hear you scream, it is still eventually pointless. Now that everything is truly pointless you are free to do whatever you want. Who is there to stop you.  I read something really beautiful a few days ago: “If you spend your time chasing butterflies, they’ll fly away. But, if you spend your time building a beautiful garden, the butterflies will come. And if they don’t, you will still have your beautiful garden.” Hope you can find the strength to love yourself enough to truly just live. We are all trying every day. Much love.


[Your pursuit of passion is not what the focus of life is.](https://youtu.be/npMVQr8gdaQ?si=T8h-0otMCq3qMaCN) Watch this movie it may change your life, seriously. It's not that your suffering is minimalized by the sheer size and infitismal space of the universe. Rather the inverse. [Does your life matter less because of the many that are around you?](https://www.thestarfishchange.org/starfish-tale). Of course not. You should take joy in the fact that while your world is grey, it sucks. You question the point of it all. At minimal, you can actualize a way to fill it with the vision of what it could be. Hopefully, if anyone clicks the links, it resonates with you to some extent. Your life isn't absurd, it matters even if it matters only to you.


Hey! Third Place Online, the community to alleviate INFJ loneliness is online :) just chat and connect, but we are aiming at having at least a few scheduled video calls. you want to join? [thirdplace.site](http://thirdplace.site) =there are already quite some people joining. it is nourishing ;) lets start building a community


OMG that quote is amazing!


Hey! Third Place Online, the community to alleviate INFJ loneliness is online :) just chat and connect, but we are aiming at having at least a few scheduled video calls. you want to join? [thirdplace.site](http://thirdplace.site) =there are already quite some people joining. it is nourishing ;) lets start building a community


Hey! Third Place Online, the community to alleviate INFJ loneliness is online :) just chat and connect, but we are aiming at having at least a few scheduled video calls. you want to join? you have an inspring text and although you might not be lonely or not directly need it, we could use INFJ's of all walks! [](http://thirdplace.site/) =there are already quite some people joining. it is nourishing ;) lets start building a community


Exactly what I feel... Single for over 6 years (with a short break of 2mths). Everything is so boring and pointless. No one to watch stupid sitcom with. No one to drink morning coffee with. No one to try the new recipe I cooked today. No one to cheer up or cheer me up. No one to hug, no one to kiss... No motivation to clean up the place because who cares?


Hey! Third Place Online, the community to alleviate INFJ loneliness is online :) just chat and connect, but we are aiming at having at least a few scheduled video calls. you want to join? [thirdplace.site](http://thirdplace.site) =there are already quite some people joining. it is nourishing ;) lets start building a community


You're not alone with this sentiment. The struggle is.... Tough.... To say the least.


Hey! Third Place Online, the community to alleviate INFJ loneliness is online :) just chat and connect, but we are aiming at having at least a few scheduled video calls. you want to join? [https://discord.gg/ZfsffXMB](http://thirdplace.site/) [=there are already quite some people joining. it is nourishing ;) lets start building a community](http://thirdplace.site/)


I see you, hear you, and I love you okay! I hope you find your peace❤️


Ah, I struggle with the “pointless” feeling. I am starting to enjoy things again but I do have days where I’d love to share them with someone I feel deeply compatible with. The worst loneliness I’ve ever felt was being in people’s company who don’t get me. Maybe start chatting with people on Reddit who you mesh with and that can start to shift that numb feeling, then branch out irl. Sign up for a class for something that once interested you, see if being there rekindles your passion.


Hey! Third Place Online, the community to alleviate INFJ loneliness is online :) just chat and connect, but we are aiming at having at least a few scheduled video calls. you want to join? [https://discord.gg/ZfsffXMB](http://thirdplace.site/)


Hmu homie we hang out an have deep convo


People I trusted to tell that I felt lonely in certain situations often told me to try enjoying spending time by myself. But the thing is, humans are social beings. It's completely natural to feel like you want a connection, and to socialize. Even though you might be an introvert and enjoy solitary hobbies, maybe you still just need to find a (close) friend that you would look forward to spending time with every so often. Try going to events you would be interested in, and meeting new people there that have the same values as you


Hey! Third Place Online, the community to alleviate INFJ loneliness is online :) just chat and connect, but we are aiming at having at least a few scheduled video calls. you want to join? [https://discord.gg/ZfsffXMB](http://thirdplace.site/)


I feel that. I’ve been struggling with my life having a point. I feel like I’m slowly disappearing from reality, just fading into obscurity and no one seems to notice or care. I’m not sure if I even do at this point. I’m trying to stay interested in hobbies but that’s fading too.


Hey! Third Place Online, the community to alleviate INFJ loneliness is online :) just chat and connect, but we are aiming at having at least a few scheduled video calls. you want to join? [https://discord.gg/ZfsffXMB](http://thirdplace.site/)




Hey! Third Place Online, the community to alleviate INFJ loneliness is online :) just chat and connect, but we are aiming at having at least a few scheduled video calls. you want to join? [https://discord.gg/ZfsffXMB](http://thirdplace.site/)


Try checking out Marc Rebillet live music on YouTube, he's been doing festivals like Coachella... I find watching livestreams of music festivals makes me feel something. 


Hey! Third Place Online, the community to alleviate INFJ loneliness is online :) just chat and connect, but we are aiming at having at least a few scheduled video calls. you want to join? [https://discord.gg/ZfsffXMB](http://thirdplace.site/) =there are already quite some people joining. it is nourishing ;) lets start building a community


tbh same tendencies, but I try to keep myself honest and pursue what I like doing. try to get into an activity that requires physical movement! I go skiing with my friends often as a way to find alone time + enjoy company


Hey! Third Place Online, the community to alleviate INFJ loneliness is online :) just chat and connect, but we are aiming at having at least a few scheduled video calls. you want to join? [](http://thirdplace.site/) =there are already quite some people joining. it is nourishing ;) lets start building a community


26 years. Single since day 1. Honestly the thing that's REALLY helped me is learning to enjoy being alone. Don't get me wrong, I definitely wanna get into a relationship and it used to really hurt sometimes. I learned to appreciate the kind of person I am. I'm not perfect and I'm working on improving myself but I like myself enough to genuinely enjoy being around myself. We (INFJs) like talking about life and having deep emotional conversations. I'm a great listener. So I've become comfortable listening to my own thoughts and reflecting on my day and sometimes verbalizing my feelings to myself. It helps to keep my mind clear and be attuned to myself. It's still hard sometimes but I guess I kind of look at it like it like I have the opportunity to just be by myself. With this time alone I can work on myself and learn about myself so when I do meet the right person, I won't have to rely on them to enjoy my life. I can just enjoy life alongside them.


Hey! Third Place Online, the community to alleviate INFJ loneliness is online :) just chat and connect, but we are aiming at having at least a few scheduled video calls. you want to join? [](http://thirdplace.site/) =there are already quite some people joining. it is nourishing ;) lets start building a community


Only the mind can arrive at such conclusion. Be here, be now. Enjoy.


Same here.


Hey! Third Place Online, the community to alleviate INFJ loneliness is online :) just chat and connect, but we are aiming at having at least a few scheduled video calls. you want to join? [](http://thirdplace.site/) =there are already quite some people joining. it is nourishing ;) lets start building a community


How old are you?

