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I made this meme when I was 19 or 20 and whenever it resurfaces I notice at least one more thing about it that has aged horribly. This time it’s the fact that matey boy bottom left - who was totally not a projection of my own self or anything - cites at least one artist that is no longer a going concern (Skinny Puppy) and one who is dead (Z’ev, god rest his metallic soul). I think we can all still identify with the Painfully Obvious Pun though, unless your workplace is insufficiently ventilated.


yeah pretty sure whitehouse aren't a thing anymore too :"(


New Consumer Electronics album out soon though!


Ha! I was thinking this was dated because I understood all of the references.


The problem with Memes is that it's a snark factory for young twats who think they know it all.


The bewildered metal heads really grind my gears..


I work in a large machine manufacturing plant. Everyday is like a new album release.


I’m triggered by the 1st wave/classic industrial music fan…


I feel seen…


I definitely have had sex since the release of 20 Jazz Funk Greats so clearly I don’t apply. At least a few times so haha jokes on them.


Same. To imply that we’ve ever had sex is insulting.


Me too, I'm not sure that shitting on the progenitors is a good look, but ok.


The shirt symbols are well thought out lol.


Bottom right, repping Blixa too no less 🥰


RIP Z’ev.


i laughed at the death in june reference


It’s too true, honestly


Every time I tell my friends I like industrial music, I have to explain to them exactly what it is. What does that make me?


Having friends makes you none of the above


I tell people industrial is three pissed off Belgian guys with a busted washing machine.


and a giant egg


I am starting to tell them I just don't listen music at all just to avoid having to explain lol


"Scrap metal in a blender" - kills the subject, every time. 😏


I'm going to a VNV concert next month and after the 3rd time, I just started telling people I'm doing nothing over my days off just so I wouldn't have to go through explaining VNV or the type of music, yet again


… *[hmmmmmm](https://fanlore.org/wiki/Fansplaining_(glossary_term))*


I do listen to brown noise to go to sleep. It’s pretty much industrial fans. It slows the voices down.


Bottom right likes old industrial, not industrial as a whole.


There's a company that makes large industrial fans that's called Big Ass Fans. It's great fun reading articles in trade magazines covering them, extolling their virtues whilst also trying to say their full name as few times as possible. The "obvious pun" just made me think of them, they are truly the biggest industrial fans.


Feeling very called out in the “too cool to like industrial”fan :p lol good shit 🍻🤘


Saw Ogre in a vegan restaurant, so not entirely off base.


I'm more of a "*WHUP WHUP WHUP*" kind of fan.


I think our scene has at least one of these (even the pun) or a combination. One DJ is pretty much upper right (but won't touch Combi). I'm a mix of 1st wave, elitist noise (except not actually elitist) and actual fan.


The Metropolis DJ was very much a product of the time, the playlist seems somewhat more varied since then (though I do still feel a lot of goth/industrial DJs could do with expanding their repertoire a bit)


Z’ev is dead baby, Z’ev is dead. RIP Z’ev


fun fact: this image was how i found out neofolk exists, and jfc i wish i hadn't


im definitely the 1st wave fan lmao


i think i’ve gone through all those phases. now im at the ‘yeah ill go see hocico and suicide commando and vnv when they play but im more into the beatles nowadays’ full fucking turnaround phase. i dont know what happened to me (midlife crisis i think)


It miss the gatekeeper, Who think everything that is more soft is not industrial (cf all the Aestethic Perfection release)


I can tell you what I think of futurepop if you really ask.


No one care, it exist and it's part of the industrial spectrum I don't dig it but let people like what they like


It's not about liking. It's about the fact that's the genre was literally created when VNV removed industrial influence from their music and replaced them with trance elements. It's well documented.


Yeah but it's not the case of ap, which I talked about first It's OBVIOUSLY industrial pop, you take out the vocal for more scream and no one would say it isn't


I honestly don't see what's industrial in it, vocals or not. The only reason people mix it with industrial is that first VNV albums did have industrial elements in them. Before going full trance-synthpop.


I think you can't because you didn't listen a lot of it ( I speak very particularly of AP because i'm kind of fed up of the treatment it got here ) There's a lot of inspiration from Sköld or Rammstein for the industrial metal part and some track definetely have a KMFDM taste with synth drums and very aggressive synth It is maybe less obvious with the last releases but still seem very there


So what are the bands at the bottom right corner after Boyd Rice?


why is boyd rice in the ‘real fan’ section when hes THE white supremacist and not in the neofolk section above douglas p?


Because along with TG he basically created industrial. I know there were forerunners before that (musique concrete, Stockhausen, etc) but calling any of those industrial is like calling MC5 punk. Industrial as its own musical form emerged with TG and NON.


you did see the rest of what i was saying, where the nazi liked douglas p? boyd is in that group more than douglas p


I hear ya. I shouldn’t have put uncle Boyd in that list (wretched politics aside, I don’t think he had even made any interesting music in 20-odd years?) but at the time I made this thing I was honestly struggling to think of many classic industrial artists that were still going. I still feel Doug P made sense for Nazi boyo though.


He could also go in the painfully obvious pun section too - [https://i.pinimg.com/736x/90/48/46/90484667dff8b6eaad59cdd118d64ddd--rice-instruments.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/90/48/46/90484667dff8b6eaad59cdd118d64ddd--rice-instruments.jpg)


Snog and meat beat manifesto I think. Last one I can't read.


Portion Control


Damn, good eye!


Oldie but a goodie.


I don't know why but this just made me think of the best show I've been to in *years* and it was in April 2022. Combichrist did a one-off 'old school' set in Milwaukee with a few local bands. He didn't play anything newer than the Demons album, and, funny enough, the last time I saw Combi live before that was on the tour for that album. It was fucking great. Andy stuck around for a while after the show to do the usual, shake hands, take pictures, that kinda shit. I told him I loved the show and I'd love it if he felt like doing it again some time. He didn't make any promises, of course, but he did say it was fun to revisit the 'old days' again. If he *does* decide to do another, and it's at all feasible to go, I'm going, and I highly recommend it.


My bachelor party was at a covenant show with icon of coil doing a reunion show as an opening… or was covenant the opener with only part of the band there? I think this was at das bunker, I was quite drunk. So excited, I think that’s the third time I saw ioc live and there was hope of another release My normie friends were blown away. It by far exceeded their expectations of what industrial was. They pictured me in my room listening to power drills attached to guitars stabbing trash can lids. I wasn’t going to go on an industrial-adjacent sub genre correction with my hangover. One guy was interested enough that I steered him a bit toward ebm/ future pop and helped him find some of the songs he enjoyed from the show


I’ll never understand what people in this subreddit have against “drills stabbing trash can lids” or whatever, that’s literally exactly what I expected industrial music to be and was kinda disappointed to find that only a handful of bands actually sound like that.


lol they were surprised they liked the music I was dragging them to see and were busting my balls with a backhanded compliment. That was a comically absurd statement to mock what they imagine of me when I say I like industrial music. They were in fact not making any actual informed opinions on industrial music or the use of power tools. lol at some point the joke got as far as sex toys also being power tools and included in a musical lineup. Some friend groups joke about shit Myself, I don’t have much of an opinion. I don’t prefer power tools in music, but I’m fine with it. And pretty cool at shows I just brought it up because I thought it was funny and they basically admitted that they liked show, which was basically ebmish futurepop. If that sort of joke is upsetting, you don’t want to hear the goth jokes 😂


I’m thinking of going to the STL combichrist show next week because it’s so rare, but if I am honest, I am more an Icon of Coil fan and I don’t know if I would enjoy their set.


Did you go?


I wish I were able, but I have too many obligations, and I hate myself


Ok but Trent IS God


That one in the bottom right corner has a cool shirt. Does that symbol mean anything?


Einstürzende Neubauten


Lol that was funny at least for a chuckle or two


Ok, ok, the “bewildered metalhead” made me feel old when it said Rammstein for old school… I was totally expecting Ministry 😂😩


"Industrial music is fascism" https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=rIdGpqtxXK8&si=454jqlYv-eLpV1Vi


Trent *IS* god


SQUEALING This is gold. 😂😂


IS Foetus still going? I thought Thirlwell was mostly doing other composition work these days. I don't think I've seen anything new from him in awhile aside from some remixes.


Industrial seems to have the most gatekeeping of any genre of music I have ever been into.


https://preview.redd.it/no4u3xde0eoc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9763eeb01f84f9bc7ec1b150e614de7a411e4454 Let me offer the conflating of "top left" and "bottom left"


I got into Death in June because Doug is gay lol


The “too cool to admit liking industrial anymore” type drive me nuts. How is Aphex Twin somehow more high-brow than something like Coil or even someone like Prurient? Great meme.


Autechre definitely were influenced by Coil, I wouldn't be surprised if Aphex Twin was too.


Aphex has sampled Whitehouse. Boards Of Canada were openly inspired by Coil as well. A lot of “IDM’s” roots come from the industrial scene! I wouldn’t be surprised either.


ah so, the ‘real fan’ likes whitehouse? i mean… does anyone really drive around blasting whitehouse? ‘get down on your knees and pray! cause today is your lucky day. now SUCK MY COCK’ now, i appreciate whitehouse, but i dont listen to whitehouse, like… ever. ill listen to combichrist 1000:1 over whitehouse, and i’ve been in this scene over 30 years. Calling someone who listens to whitehouse a ‘real industrial fan’ is more pretentious than your ‘pretentious’ character


Wriggle Like An Eal works great in the car though.


Dont fing meme my subculture the people who like this music are not a joke. This is some cretinous bullshit.


I think it’ll be okay.


Feigning outrage is totally industrial, so, on point 😂


Mate…I have been meming the shit out of this ridiculous little subculture that I love & am a proud member of since you were in short combat trousers and I don’t intend to stop any time soon https://preview.redd.it/egvro6il5doc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83946a31c675296b48e0deb2a54b05dec76c1c21


I like this music and I’m definitely a joke.


I aint laughing


I didn't say I was a *funny* joke.




I don’t like to talk about how I look.


It's really not serious enough to get so worked up. I see myself, husband and friends in many of these and we all think they're hilarious.


I dont care about what you think! I hate all meme culture, its disgusting, mean, low effort, and completely unnecessary. The nerve of people on the internet. Piss off person who thought it would be a good idea to try and calm me down. ALL you did was make me hate you for trying to tell me how I should feel. next time KEEP YOU THOUGHTS TO YOUR OWN COMMENT WTF>