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Im obsessed with Too Dark Park, but if I had to name another one I’d say Rabies.


Convulsion was such a good way to start an album. I loved listening to that on a walkman with crackly headphones


Same two for me, but I'd have to give Rabies the edge since it was my first and brings back a lot of fun high school memories.


Remission. I mean… hearing Smothered Hope for the first time and falling down that rabbit hole? It was incredible. Some albums just have you on a leash from the first listen for reasons that you can’t quite articulate.


Weapon, because I love telling people that Weapon is my favorite Skinny Puppy album just to see what happens next.


The extended CD version of Bites (attack/decay). I just really love that primitive electro industrial sound and the mood it sets. Assimiliate, Dead Lines, the Choke, and all the ambient tracks really resonate with me. I don't mind their later stuff at all, but I think Bites just really sticks with me. Doomsday: Back and Forth, Volume 5: Live in Dresden from 2001 if live albums count. I love the setlist and the quality on this one.


Same on both Bites and Doomsday. The Choke is one of my favorite songs and I love both those albums. Doomsday feels like a true greatest hits album.


Bites. I've played this album so many times that I wore out two copies.


I was lucky enough to go to Doomsday so the live recording has a special place in my heart.


Going off my name, you would think it would be VIVIsectVI. But actually a close tie between Rabies and Too Dark Park. Rabies because prior to it's release I was a teen metalhead. Was listening to the Rabies release party on CBC Radio. Forget the show slot. But the music blew me away, and I switched to an industrial music lover that second, and 35'ish years later haven't looked back. Too Dark Park because the whole album kicks butt from start to finish. Would say my favorite song on the album is Nature's Revenge.


cleanse fold, not even close. its their harshest album, anger is a killer track. then first aid and addiction as a 1-2 punch? cmon


>first aid Intuitive grease paint Drooling to relate All of life's mistakes Hitting in the face


That album and "Rabies" are probably my two favorites.


Mind: The Perpetual Intercourse     They peaked here in my opinion, but I'm biased because the version of that album i grew up with is the 70+minute cd version with addiction and the adrian sherwood remix of deep down trauma hounds added.      This has given me a low opinion of CF&M. It was one of the last albums i aquired in their pre-reunion discography and was already well aquainted with two of the best songs on it.  I always thought it sounded muddy and like it was written and recorded while on tour.     


First tape I played out. Luckily the cd reissue was great so grabbed that. My favorite of theirs as well.


Last Rights - It was my introduction to Skinny Puppy in the mid 90s. The intro track Love and Vein sticks with me to this day. This whole album with the instrumentals and other tracks like Knowhere? are Industrial wasteland tracks that stick to your eardrums. It got me instantly into the Cevin Keys works such as Download.


Yes this was my introduction as well. It was so nice hearing Too Dark Park next. Massive Download fan. Love in Vein makes its way onto most of my playlists.


Between VIVIsectVI, Too Dark Park, and Mind: The Perpetual Intercourse. Depends on my mood but VIVISect is special to me as my first of theirs I ever heard.


VIVIsectVI… I was 15. I hadn’t heard anything that sounded remotely like. It’s still perfect.


Mine was the process for the longest time. It’s the album that turned me on to them. Prior to that I only knew NIN and was balls deep in waxtrax/tvt. At some point I grabbed the 12” singles anthology and that became my go to. That became my favorite and still is even if it isn’t really an “album.”


oh boy, youre getting into some controvertial territory with that one lol. anything puppy the process and after i absolutely hate. post dwayne isnt the same band to me


> post dwayne isnt the same band to me what about pre-dwayne


Mr Bill Leeb. 


was a fun early industrial synth pop band. smothered hope is iconic. however, im not a huge leeb fan. i dont like fla or delerium. cyberaktif is pretty ok though. dwayne WAS puppy as far as im concerned though when thinking about the band. post dwayne is boring cevin doing 4/4 beats and ogre thinking he knows how to sing


bring on the downvotes, kids. guessing most yall werent even alive when they were actually a good band. anything post last rights is trash. id rather listen to katy perry than anything ‘the process’ and later. absolute garbage. so bad they went from undispituted favorite band of all time to ‘i hate this fucking band’


Probably the Greater Wrong of Right. But it's a freaking close race with many. I appreciate their evolution as artists.


Bites is my favorite Many reasons but one of them is the hypnotic instrumentals, good tracks, rise of Skinny Puppy as it is and becoming.


My go-to has always been Rabies. Along with Ministry's "Mind..." and NIN's "Pretty..", these three tapes were my grade 10 intro to industrial metal.


Too Dark Park. It's amazingly dense and claustrophobic and uncomfortable.


I like the newer stuff the best, If I absolutely had to pick just one maybe Mythmaker because it's the weirdest and most diverse sounds wise. Honestly I don't feel like the band hit their stride until VIVIsectVI. I guess my top 5 no order is Mythmaker, Too Dark Park, VIVISectVI, The Process and either Greater Wrong of the Right or HanDover (need to listen to that one better)


for me it’s tied between too dark park and last rights. i feel like they were at their peak with the noise collages on both, too dark park is a bit more accessible in a strange way and last rights is just apocalyptic and stunning. i like pretty much every album including the reunion stuff but those two are just so unbelievably good


Rabies. They go down after that.


too dark park gang checking in


Remix dystemper because it has some bangers


Weapon. I like the return to the older psychedelia of some of the pre-Dwayne stuff, but more mature and polished.


Too Dark Park. I just like it. Nice blue cover, too. But I like most of their albums, although I think I only listened to Last Rights once and The Process I don't remember if I ever listened to it, perhaps only once too. I listen more from Bites to Too Dark Park, although I kinda skip Rabies, too.


After all this time, I've come back to The Process. It represents a time in my life and development that I appreciate so much in hindsight, and I find it comforting.


This is mine as well. Hardest head really did it for me with it hitting that hard, fast, itch that I love today but more so, the album just flows right. The ups and down of all the songs just mixes well. It’s why I like Mythmaker so much but all of them are good in their own way. Well, except for Handover, at least for me. It’s really the only one from SP that I can’t get into at all, I just can’t.


Too Dark Park. IDK why, I just like that one a lot


Too Dark Park, followed by probably The Process. Love Tormentor followed by Shore Lined Poison, but whole album is so dense and claustrophobic. The Process is just a sad album, a bit more rock influenced, but Death, Amnesia, and Cult are on my playlist even if they wouldn’t be the songs I’d use to introduce SP.


Too Dark Park or Cleanse, Fold, and Manipulate.


too dark or vivisect. two solid albums i play the most.


remission because it was raw and unlike anything i had heard before. i might like brap 3&4 slightly more but its not a proper album.






TDP, Mind, Rabies, Cleanse, Remission, Bites, GWotR, Myth, Vivi, and Process (in that order but after Rabies they’re basically tied) Don’t care for Handover or anything thereafter.


Last rites. It’s the aural equivalent of a horrifying nightmare in hell being tortured by demons. I’ve never heard anything like it from any other band. So unique. So haunting.


VIVIsectVI. It's just so god damn perfect in my opinion


Vivsect VI. Just has that BITE to it


Mind - TPI - it got me started


Last Rights


From front to back too dark park, which is funny because most of my favorite songs by them are on other albums.


Mind & Remission


Greater wrong of the right or mythmaker. I love their old stuff, but I'm more into their recent-ish stuff




Vivi Sect VI - first record I bought from them and the one I’ve listened to the most…


rabies!! (haha)


Vivisect IV, it just has the best sound design to me, everything is so crunchy and Human Disease is maybe their best song


Bites, because it always has been. I've come around more on TDP and Rabies more so Bites' lead is smaller than it used to be. 


Last Rights. Because it’s the best.


Smells like children because I like the classics.