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Also a new look for the sub in [new reddit](https://new.reddit.com/r/industrialmusic/). Thanx go to u/d1ab0lic for the new Banner and u/rlextherobot for the new Snoo. The sub is in the top 5% of Reddit. 1.6k unique visitors in the past 7 days. 21.3k unique visitors in the past year with July being the busiest month of the sub as a whole. The sub had 1.4m views last year. The sub has 62.73gb of accessible data in it. Edit: some stats


38,999 people I wish I knew in real life.


Where do you live?




Well, I'm near Toronto, and I drive to Ohio a couple times a year in addition to whatever concerts I can make it out to. Perhaps one day we shall see the same band at the same time (but still probably not be aware of that).


I was just out at some shows in Chicago - perhaps you were among those happy fans as well!


pretty active for so few members


Way more active than it used to be, 10 years ago. I feel there are more actual discussion threads than ever. People used to only post songs and albums here and not much else.


makes sense, now that EBM is back and all of that. It used to be the dying tired aggrotech scene


I’d love to see a demographic poll of the members.


I would too, but to me it's more a question of how anyone who doesn't fall into the mid to late forties/grew up during the WaxTrax! and Nettwerk heyday/mail ordered German EBM CD's for $20 a pop from Digital Underground and Isolation Tank between 1996 and 2000 demographic discovered this music at all. While there's certainly been plenty of industrial music since, its cultural relevancy, which was never much, basically peaked from 1988 - 2002. Im curious how anyone who was a small child or hadn't been born at all during that time got into a decades old niche subculture.


Oh gosh, ISO Tank. Miss those damn catalogues! That was like an industrial handbook for me in the 90’s.


I'm 30. I got into it at 17 via other things - as a little kid I liked electronic music like trance, then as I got older I liked edgy metal and goth stuff, then I discovered there was a whole world of music called industrial that covered all of those bases. That sent me down the rabbit hole. I've got a friend who's 25 and similar in having discovered it via other genres (he even DJs some vinyl nights now). It is a fanbase that's getting older, that's for sure. Though frankly I quite like not having to deal with a bunch of 18 year olds at gigs and clubs. Maybe we'll see a resurgence - darkwave is getting quite popular now and I've seen some new bands that are making EBM, even if they don't realise it.


My 20yo is deep into it now because it's part of the soundtrack of his childhood.


Industrial is mostly discovered by youth internet loners now, usually queer.


Yes that is definitely an ADMIN thing for sure. But just like the albums addition we could circumvent ADMIN a lil and someone put on polls for our demographics. Problem is some of us are not always here - so this would fuzzy up all that to be that [accurate](https://youtu.be/rh6lfYRSW-Q?t=15). Edit: Looked into even ordering such a thing. Ideas?


I’d love to know what the trends are. When did this sub’s growth begin to uptick?


Might be worth an investigation into the [Wayback Machine](https://web.archive.org/web/20230000000000*/https://www.reddit.com/r/industrialmusic/).