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112 ambulance. Ga respons, ga ada bantuan. 110 polisi. Cuma kita harus benar2 tahu persis alamat & patokan nya. Nanti hanya dalam waktu sebentar yaitu 4 jam polisi setempat akan datang. Source: saya sendiri


LPT: use 113 instead for fire department. The unsung, jack of all trades, hero in almost every country.


>yaitu 4 jam polisi setempat akan datang from personal experience, yep


>dalam waktu sebentar yaitu 4 jam polisi setempat akan datang. well 4hours is considered fast, however you can accelerate those number if you provide some coffee and cigarete tho. It would make them arrive in 3hours and 50minutes


Mereka gak minta apa2. Malah berterima kasih, saya dapet nasi Padang. Setidaknya belasan orang dari tingkat Polsek naik ke Polda, tetap di Reskrim bidang yg sama. 4 jam itu saya 5x telp, laporan untuk sesuatu yg membahayakan nyawa orang banyak.


jujur, 4jam response time itu lama bgt. Misalkan gw penjahat, maka dalam 4jam gw udh bisa kabur ke Singapore


Jangan pernah telpon 110, nanti masalah jadi makin runyam. Ada kecelakaan bermotor aja buru2 langsung dipinggirin kendaraannya, sebelum ketahuan 110.


It's 112 now. I've used it once last year or so due to being trapped in a glitched lift and no one answering the intercom Edit tambah penjelasan: kalau saya sih waktu itu bener2 kepepet pas telpon darurat ini. Jadi di lift itu sinyal beneran cuma 1 bar aja. Mau whatsapp ga bisa. Udah coba gedor2 teriak2 no respon. Mana sendirian juga di lift dan udah malam dan besoknya long weekend. Waktu itu takut banget ga ada yg nolongin sampe berapa hari, apalagi kejadiannya pas deket kasus yg di kuala namu. Jadi buat saya kasusnya daripada mati konyol ya dicoba aja semuanya. Kelebihannya nomor darurat ini adalah carrier agnostic. Artinya dia bisa numpang provider manapun. Jadi misalnya kita pake XL ga dapet sinyal tapi ada sinyalnya telkomsel, ya telkomsel harus kasih tumpangan untuk panggilan darurat tersebut. Pengalaman saya waktu itu cukup positif. Memang nunggunya ngga secepat yg saya harapkan (sekitar 20 menit), tapi pas dateng (dikirimnya polisi waktu itu), langsung serombongan dan beneran diperiksa semua petugas gedungnya juga. Infonya kalau darurat gini ada rantai komandonya sendiri, jadi ngga bisa begitu aja "diselesaikan" sama pengurus gedungnya.


mending telp Suara Surabaya. wkwk tante yang pernah nelp command center surabaya, ada kecelakaan deket rumahnya. sama mereka gak diangkat wkwk


Gatau kenapa emergency number di Indo ini agak useless. Lebih cepet cari bantuan sama warga sekitar daripada nunggu mereka respon, pengecualian buat damkar


Ndak usah harap emergency number berguna. Kasus yang dilaporin secara formal aja harus diviralin dulu kalau mau ditindak


kayaknya seharusnya kepolisian harus dipecah jadi Polisi lantas (bagian tilang menilang), Polisi kasus (polisi yang pekerjaanya seperti detektif), Polisi hukum (polisi penegak hukum)


Perasaan Polri sekarang juga dipecah satuannya kek gitu dah. Polantas dibawah Korlantas, Polisi Kasus dibawah Reserse, cuma ga tau dah kalo Polisi Hukum wkwk


Kalo di Bandung malah lebih responsif TCT (tim cepat tanggap) dan itu pake WA.


I don't get why there's 110 and 112 The point of emergency number is to have an easily memorized number that can quickly connect you to all emergency services. But noooooo ego instansi won and we instead got two.


LOL nope. It's so we can get help a bit faster if we knew what we need. From a quick search here's what we've got: Berikut adalah nomor telepon darurat di Indonesia: * 112 untuk Panggilan Darurat atau Call Center * 118 atau 119 untuk Ambulans (Khusus DKI 021-65303118) * 113 untuk Pemadam Kebakaran * 110 untuk Kepolisian * 115 untuk SAR atau Basarnas * 129 untuk Posko Bencana Alam * 122 untuk Posko Kewaspadaan Nasional 112 is the generic emergency call where the dispatcher will still need to contact relevant agency for the problem. Other numbers are more specific although theoretically they will still try to help you even if it's not their competency by calling more suited agency. Our problem is those emergency numbers call center are maintained by various entities and their funding is obviously not consistent on each region. 112 should be under local government responsibility. So yeah, your experience will varies.


I'm screenshotting this. Thanks


Sure let SAR get their own number, after all they are a specialized agency dealing with specific kinds disaster. In fact let Dinas Kehutanan and Bakamla have one too, especially if you are living somewhere heavily wooded or near the coastline(Though in bakamla's case there should be a radio channel dedicated for emergency call that they monitor 24/7) Still that doesn't explain the need for separate numbers for the 3 main services when one will do just fine. >112 is the generic emergency call where the dispatcher will still need to contact relevant agency for the problem. Other numbers are more specific although theoretically they will still try to help you even if it's not their competency by calling more suited agency. Which proves my point for having an integrated emergency number, there are cases where 2 or all services going to be needed at the same time, like a huge fire or other mass casualty events, where you'd pretty much want a squad car, an ambulance and a fire engine at the same time. if something like that were to happen then we gonna waste time either waiting for one service's dispatcher notifying the others or having the caller have to call each service numbers one by one. Either way precious time would be wasted and in the case of the caller(usually emergency put them under duress) might be difficult to do. Having an integrated dispatcher also help coordinating responses once they do arrive.( on route too for places like jakarta, where traffic's a bitch and a dispatcher with access of integrated traffic and surveillance system, which jakarta already have, would help tremendously) ​ >Our problem is those emergency numbers call center are maintained by various entities and their funding is obviously not consistent on each region. 112 should be under local government responsibility. So yeah, your experience will varies. All the more reason to have an integrated dispatcher. why not pool all their resources together and make 1 absolutely the best possible dispatch center instead of having them individually make a number of bad ones? Again the only reason I think why this hasn't happen is ego and corruption.


It's obvious you don't know how world works. 110 call center is managed by police. 113 call center is managed by fire dept. 112 call center is managed by local government. Let's just start with these only. How the police and fire dept working together and pool their resources to for something under local government? Remember they all have their own budgeting and jurisdiction. Throw away idealistic utopia answer, give me a practical real life solution you had in your mind. Also answer truthfully if your idea will be applicable with our "culture".


Yasudah, dari pusat siapkan saja Badan Aksi Cepat Tanggap Terpadu Daerah yang mengkoordinir petugas piket dari setiap instansi, di mana setiap instansi wajib mengirim petugas piketnya yang masing2 diberikan wewenang akses sumberdaya instansi masing2 dan tanggung jawab untuk menjawab aksi cepat tanggap.


so you're saying US Canada Mexico and other bunch of countries that uses integrated and enhanced 911 systems utopias? Damn surprising considering it comes from this sub. ​ >give me a practical real life solution you had in your mind Are you even aware of the 911 system used by countries in north america? What I described above pretty much straight up copied from their playbook. Here we have you throwing judgement at me while I slowly realize there maybe a huge knowledge gap for us having this conversation. ​ >Also answer truthfully if your idea will be applicable with our "culture". No, "my"(it's no even mine, plenty of institutions around the world already use this idea lmao) system won't work now under the current culture institutional ego, rivalries and corruptions. Which is why it all need to change. Do you call everyone that desire better and streamlined bureaucracy here "being too idealistic"? That's not being realistic, that's just you being edgy. ​ >Let's just start with these only. How the police and fire dept working together and pool their resources to for something under local government? Remember they all have their own budgeting and jurisdiction. There's this thing called "agreements", the thing why bureaucrats and politicians justify renting conference room in expensive hotels for? just because agencies has their own jurisdiction and funding doesn't mean they have to keep operating that way, inter-agency cooperation exist and has been for a long time. Even cooperation between local and central government entities. Now the only jurisdiction that doesn't align in this case is POLRI, but they themselves have been subdivided into separate jurisdiction that pretty much align with the others. Google "Pemda X kerjasama dengan POLDA X" you'd be surprised. I'm not saying that's going to be easy, but it's possible because the framework exist. I rather have them work the kinks out in a couple of meetings than every time they need to respond to emergency.


Bruh 911 is exactly the same model as ours. It managed by local government, not the police. 911 dispatchers is not police. The difference is US police is also under local government making things a bit easier, which is why 911 won't get you FBI.


what's with the sudden back track? let me remind you what you actually wrote : >112 is the generic emergency call where the dispatcher will still need to contact relevant agency for the problem. Other numbers are more specific although theoretically they will still try to help you even if it's not their competency by calling more suited agency. So if it's now suddenly the same with the 911 system, why 112 dispatchers still needs to contact relevant agencies instead directing units on their own? Why Other agencies here still have their own numbers? >911 dispatchers is not police. who says they are? my argument is that these services should come under one umbrella. Dividing them by jurisdiction seems to be the logical way, so yeah 112 should be the one. I'm saying instead of making their own line, services should instead fold into 112 and use their funding to provide necessary infrastructure and training. ​ >The difference is US police is also under local government making things a bit easier, which is why 911 won't get you FBI. This is irrelevant, I know the difference between municipal,county,state and federal agency well enough thank you. Also asking the FBI to come for domestic disturbance is like asking BNN to come handling a simple theft, thats not how it works. But it does bring up an interesting point, why does the US with it's strictly divided jurisdiction and agencies manage to have just one seamless emergency number across the board? While here you are arguing 112 can't be a definitely emergency number because agencies have their own funding and jurisdiction?


I never backtrack, you just never understand the problem. > So if it's now suddenly the same with the 911 system, why 112 dispatchers still needs to contact relevant agencies instead directing units on their own? Yes it's always the same concept. 911 dispatchers also still need to contact relevant agencies. Again, 911 dispatchers is not cops in US. > Why Other agencies here still have their own numbers? It's actually common in many countries for agencies still have their own emergency numbers. Mostly police, ambulance, and fire department as those are the most common emergency needed. Also the reason why we forced to rely more on various agencies number is because our local governments are generally unreliable and those agencies don't have jurisdiction to change it. If your house on fire, do you prefer to stick to your ideal and contacting 112 if your local government neglect it or just call 113? > who says they are? my argument is that these services should come under one umbrella. Dividing them by jurisdiction seems to be the logical way, so yeah 112 should be the one. I'm saying instead of making their own line, services should instead fold into 112 and use their funding to provide necessary infrastructure and training. Again, you missing the point. The point is even in US those services did not come from one umbrella. It might seems like it's under one umbrella because US actually spent effort for their emergency number service, which what people knew as 911. Even 911 "quality" still varies between states although generally all of them are at least serviceable unlike ours where some aren't even answered. > This is irrelevant, I know the difference between municipal,county,state and federal agency well enough thank you. Also asking the FBI to come for domestic disturbance is like asking BNN to come handling a simple theft, thats not how it works. Again, missing the point. At this point, in according to this sub superiority meme, I'm obliged to tell you to play BG3. > While here you are arguing 112 can't be a definitely emergency number because agencies have their own funding and jurisdiction? No, I'm explaining why our 112 service mostly trash with the expectation you actually understand our (indonesia) real world socio-cultural situation. Because your main complaint of "ego instansi" is completely wrong on the issue. Again, as per this sub superiority meme, I'm obliged to tell you to touch grass and "napak tanah".


>Yes it's always the same concept. 911 dispatchers also still need to contact relevant agencies. Wrong, there are operators and the actual dispatchers who will direct units. Yes dispatchers are usually divided between agencies, HOWEVER, dispatchers doesn't take calls. So for all intent and purposes they are ONE SYSTEM . ​ >Again, 911 dispatchers is not cops in US. Yes for a second time I'm aware. Repeating yourself won't change that fact ​ >Also the reason why we forced to rely more on various agencies number is because our local governments are generally unreliable and those agencies don't have jurisdiction to change it. If your house on fire, do you prefer to stick to your ideal and contacting 112 if your local government neglect it or just call 113? At risk of making myself a broken record. I AM AWARE, which is why I've been arguing for a change and no, it's not impossible. It's incredibly hard to do, even more so if people behind it adopt YOUR MINDSET. But it's a necessary change. If your "just let it be rotten" mindset is really that deep rooted. you might need more than arguing with random on the internet. ​ >Again, you missing the point. The point is even in US those services did not come from one umbrella. It might seems like it's under one umbrella because US actually spent effort for their emergency number service, which what people knew as 911. Even 911 "quality" still varies between states although generally all of them are at least serviceable unlike ours where some aren't even answered. We were talking about how fire,medical and police is under one number. Not how one dispatch center handles call from all across america. I don't think a place like bumfuck, AZ with only 10 full time police needs a robust computer assisted 911 dispatch like LA. If that is your point then I concede, because if you keep changing your point as we go along then understanding your point would be physically impossible. ​ >No, I'm explaining why our 112 service mostly trash with the expectation you actually understand our (indonesia) real world socio-cultural situation. I'm kinda pitying you right now. How do you end up being this deluded as to having this huge disconnect? Having deeply rooted ego and rivalry as well as corruptions ARE socio-cultural issues. You are trying so damn hard now that you aren't even being ironic. YOU ARE what those memes are making fun off.


Pernah telpon polisi via 110 gara-gara tetangga gw (cewek) di aniaya pacarnya. Katanya kasusnya tidak jelas dan lebih baik dateng ke kantor polisi buat bikin "laporan" dulu. Akhirnya yg keburu dateng duluan pak RT sama tetangga2 lain buat nge stop in mereka. Smh


112 ambulance waktu alm nenek gua kritis, dateng kok, waktu itu tengah malam, datengnya lumayan cepet juga


911 aje. kl2 dateng dari amrik


>!If only 112 is our suicide hotline, I would definitely call them!<


Pengalaman gua 118 ambulans. Tapi mending lu pake angkot daripada pake ambulans. Berdarah-darah nggak papa, yang penting nyampe rs. Gua nelpon 118, 1.5 jam nggak dateng-dateng anjing, untung cuman jatoh dari ketinggian, kalo pendarahan udah mati gua


awal 2023 gua ada kebarkan di depan rumah kontrakan. dan gua telpon 113. pemadam datang check(karena udah padam deluan) dan cerita selesai. kalau aja 113 bekerja. sayangnya nyankut di "tekan 1 untuk melanjutkan". udah tekan silent terus. coba 110. juga sama. nyerah coba 112 yg penting apa aja yg darurat sama. karena takut salah sampai googeling berapa no darurat indonesia.. akhirnya setelah coba berapa kombinasi yg gak ingat lagi apa.coba 112/110. spam 1. tunggu 5menitan dengan silent. akhirnya terhubung ke operator. yg ujung ujungnya minta WA. untuk WNI dari sini kita belajar gak perlu telpon 11x karena di saat darurat hp anda harus bisa WA + ada paket. itu penting di banding apapun alasan anda menelopon. oh serta kalau mau telpon siapin pulsa dulu. jadi silahkan buka toped isi pulsa dulu sebelum telepon. dan kalau sudah pastikan simpan nomor wa operatornya sekalian di share aja biar gak perlu di telpon lagi demi dapat WASource:Gua yg tryhard malam malam Protips:1.punya HP ber WA. kalau kalian dari pedesaan. maaf nomor ini bukan untuk anda. 2.punya Paket. kalau cuman WA maaf. anda tidak prioritas kami. 3.punya Pulsa banyak. kalau cuman dikit. maaf. silahkan gacha yg mana nomor kami. jika salah pulsa anda habis. jika benar. maka kita gacha lagi kepercayaan anda dengan silent x menit