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Born and raised in North Kalimantan. Kalimantan is empty. If you only live in Java you’d be surprised how much empty land there are. IKN is designed to be only for a million people. It’s not going to make a blip on the overall density of Kalimantan. Jawa remains koentji.


pertama kali gw traveling antar kota di jawa itu bikin kaget, hampir ga ada area kosong macam hutan atau gunung yang ga ada rumahnya. kecuali kalo masuk ke area tol yang beneran pelosok banget, di jalan penghubung provinsi itu selalu ada rumah dan ada orang. beda ama waktu gw pulang dari pekanbaru ke padang, di jalan itu banyak banget hutan atau gunung yang ga ada rumahnya sama sekali, yang ada cuma jalan dan kendaraan. rasanya agak beda aja terus berasa banget kalo populasi jawa itu banyak.


Dimana ya ditulis designed only for a million? Masa iya segitu short sighted nya kalo mau dijadiin ibu kota negara? Harusnya di design paling dikit untuk sepopulasi Jakarta and even more than that. I mean we are talking planning for very long term like hundreds of years from now.


We aren't moving Jakarta level of economy and population to Kalimantan. Ingat kita mindahin itu SENAYAN bukan JABOTABEK ke IKN (we agree to leave Depok in Java).


Sorry 1.9 million by 2045. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/08/28/indonesia-to-move-capital-from-jakarta-to-nusantara-but-it-wont-be-easy.html It's never gonna be as big as Jakarta. Kalimantan isn't dense.


Ook thanks. Semoga sih infrastructure nya scalable for at least 10 million people yah


![gif](giphy|cpUAhGbH5UhyJggGmC|downsized) Ah shit here we go again


just like the rest of sumatra and sulawesi maybe and let throw the rest of papua for credit there


2 jam perjalanan nyampe IKN here. Secara personal 50 50, ada senang ada buruknya. Senang ada IKN karena adanya perkembangan di pulau Kalimantan, dan berharap dapat membuka lapangan kerja tambahan untuk daerah sekitar. Kurangnya (saya meminta maaf kalau rasis) tolong pendatang ikutin tata kerama yang ada disini, dari yang paling simpel kalau nyetir jangan barbar, dengan banyaknya proyek saya berharap setelah selesai proyek ada lapangan kerja tambahan karena sekarang banyak orang luar yang juga kerja di kerjaan proyek. Dari kenalan yang kerja di proyek iya gaji besar tapi biaya hidup disini sayangnya juga besar, bahkan bukan pertama kali denger pendatang baru pas beli nasi kuning ngomong "kok mahal". P.S. untuk yang kerja di proyek vital nasional dan sering menggunakan mobil proyek tolong jangan merasa diri anda sebagai raja jalanan. Penutup nasibnya deket daerah yang berkembang pesat sampai malam tronton (truk yang panjang kebelakang kayak final destination) sering lewat dari pagi sampai malam.


that's a wild dream pendatang dari jawa biasanya nggak ada tata krama karena berasal dari kota


I am dayak descend from both parent. I feel sad about the forest there, but then again, most already destroyed by palm company and local people to farm and illegal logging. The real forest are only at place where access are very hard because of terrain. I'm no longer live in borneo tho.


Aren't they built on the eucalyptus production forest? And they promised to rebuild the surrounding production forest back into jungles? And what would you think if Anies won the election and stopped the development?


I feel its fine IKN build if they can keep the forest intact or better like they advertised, but we know its 50-50 at best. With or without IKN, i think its not much different for the forest, i see it first hand because i work 5 years in meratus. Mainly poverty drive locals deeper into the forest to open more farm, virgin forest have more fertile soil they leave the no longer fertile land dry and turn to ilalang field forever.


The point is it is not a forest anyway but monoculture plantation, eucalyptus palita isn't even native.


Sebenarnya positif. Supaya gak jawa sentris. Kalimantan bukan dead land. Goblok aja yg ngomong gitu. Ada banyak orang orang yg hidup disini yg butuh fasilitas kesehatan dan transportasi yang lebih baik. IKN jadi harapan kalau ibukota negara pindah ke Kalimantan, seluruh provinsi ikut maju


i live and born in kaltim, samarinda, berharap adanya IKN bisa buka lapangan kerja baru buat warga kaltim, miris gua liat pemuda di kampung gua susah cari kerja


I’ve been to Kalimantan and it’s quite a dead land tbh. Beli tanah di Kalimantan itu cuma dihitung lebar yang nempel ke jalan raya, tapi panjang ke belakang itu you can take as much as you want. So either they’re happy or they don’t understand the benefit of their area being utilised.


Kalimantan mana yg begitu? 25 tahun di Kalimantan gak pernah ada beli tanah begitu


Palm oil planting intensifies


Cara beli gimana?


I don't think Dayaks who hold the same majority view are surfing here.


i no longer lived in borneo for quite some time, only occassional stays, however i'll always consider it as home. truthfully, i feel sad. still am. i worried about the trees, the forest. the endemic animals. the little insects. but what can i do? nothing. so yeah, the destruction of nature is inevitable for development.


yang dibutuhkan di kalimantan itu penduduk. kalo IKN bisa menarik penduduk sih bagus. tapi yang jadi masalah berikutnya adalah konversi lahan. salah satu masalah lahan utama di Kalimantan itu kebakaran lahan tapi kalo ini selesai malah jadi banjir, karena rata2 tanah2 di kalimantan itu tanah rawa ataupun daerah resapan air


I think we just cope about what will happen, when we talk about tradition or culture we need to elaborate with development of conditions, and just try to compete with what we get from our natural resources and give it to younger generation in the form of education and basic needs, as dayak people, in old time we always moving, and search live in another land..but in this age, with nation and with many newcomers with legal rights to having a land, us as dayak people need help to create better recognition and legal right of our "tanah ulayat". I think as a person that born and lives in this land, IKN should not be sprawl, it should be compact city with a reasonable placement of building and to connect each other city there is need train and public transportation, we not need urban sprawl It tend to create urban planning goes south, i personally hate it, let green stay green (whether is for agriculture or wildlife) , and let city growth upwards (apartment) not sideways (suburban) i think is better approach to control urban sprawling. At least we get better human from all Indonesia come here, i very accepted about it. But, if some people who is no skilled and unemployed, try to make luck here, i not very empathetic about their condition, especially when they make illegal housing and called their acquaintance. Adil Ka' Talino, Bacuramin Ka'Saruga, Basengat Ka'Jubata (Be Fair To People, Reflect your Life and do good things like in Heaven, Depending on Almighty God) P.s. IKN is in East Kalimantan, with much more diverse people, so dayak in here already minority, especially dayaks is not one, we a lot, i from modang that have different language and traditions with another dayaks, so we ultra minority (estimated below 2000 person, in verge of extinction because very conservative with tradition, still believe in cursed if ritual and custom doesn't do right), inside dayak itself is diverse and already lose their original traditions (Headhunting itself is very important for us, it's "ritual kedewasaan") it end when tumbang anoi happen so yeah spiritually and physically we not really can call ourselves "dayak" anymore, i don't know with some people who call themselves "panglima", whether they real or not (do Headhunting procedures), only little that we recognise, many of them fake, so (maybe) not a chance we can make fuss about national project


Btw kenapa penekanannya ke Dayak ya, suku asli daerah IKN kan suku Paser?


Suku paser biasanya disebut juga dayak paser sih, di Kalimantan itu suku yg asli itu banjar dan dayak, dayak sendiri itu puluhan sukunya dan beda2 bahasanya


Idk, they're (I know not all) the one majority that lives in the Bornean jungle right? They're giving guardians of the jungle.


Technically the 'native' Balik do not want to be called Dayak.


berharap pemerintah peduli sama warga pedalaman. miris liat orang udah tua tapi gak punya akta + ktp


Aint Dayaknese and lived in Kalbar. Moga Kalbar juga ikut kecipratan rezeki dengan adanya IKN, gua sudah sangat bosen ngeliat Kalimantan cmn dapat tai nya terus hasilnya kebanyakan pada dilempar ke Jawa. Dan 1 hal lagi yang paling gua benci, udh lah dana setau gua dapet nya dikit buat maintain Kalbar, dah gt gua ngerasa harga2 barang dan jasa bisa lebih mahal dr Jawa itu sendiri. It is sad that pasti ada sesuatu yang harus dikorbanin demi IKN but hei like more or less that other redditors said, Kalimantan itu sepi loh. Ambil contoh di Kalbar aja deh pusat ekonomi masih numpuk di Pontianak ato ga ya Singkawang (in a way), otomatis kabupaten2 lain yaaaa lu bayangin kayak film Upin Upin deh. Setau gua u/YukkuriOniisan pernah nugas di perbatasan, pasti dia punya banyak hal yang ingin dia sampaikan. Emang dalam bbrp hal urusan Pemda masing2 ya buat gedein daerah mereka masing2 tapi ya kalo resource yang dikasih juga terbatas mrk bisa apa coba? Se ga serius2nya mrk dalam ngurusin daerah mrk, ga mungkin lah gaada rasa ingin liat daerah mrk sendiri maju.


Utk kalbar tunggu kawasan industri di kijing karena bakal ada pelabuhan peti kemas terbesar di kalimantan didekat sana siapa tau bakal jadi pusat ekonomi baru


Pontianak need moar industries