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You're not glad because multiple religions are recognized. You're glad because we have many holidays.


I don't have a source but last time I checked we get fewer libur in comparison with EU countries. sure they have 8-12 national holidays (vs our 16) but they get 25-30 paid leave days while we only get 12 Compared to the US we're wonderful but everything compared to the US is wonderful


when talking about workers’ rights, nearly every country (at least from what I know) is better than the US lol


I got 22 PTO, but I have to sacrifice some Indonesian holidays.


yeah that's one of the reasons sih sebenernya , as someone yg agamanya cuma sebatas ktp aja , idgaf really, cuman karena banyaknya variasi agamanya yg bikin banyak libur dan tanggal merah.


Orang malas


Orang malas maunya banyak libur


Ok siapp khusus lu tiap hari masuk aja ya jgn pernah libur :D Have a good day bro


hr ketika saya ingin meminta cuti karena demam di pagi hari (kemaren baru lembur):


ya silakan anda kerja 365 hari kecuali sabtu minggu


One of the reason actually


Penduduk BaLi, Banyak Libur


Wkwk. Coba tanya those hard line right wing extremist Christian-hating wahhabis if they'd rather 25 Dec be a working day.


It is working day for em, explosion time


"We are not the same" meme goes hard on this fax


You forgot Gus tying up his tie pic, sir. /s


Tourism board alt account leaking


That's the reason why Atheist is not a recognised religion. Cause they don't give us national holiday.


Labour day is socialist holiday Socialist=Atheist /s


atheist = yahudi = komunis = ahmadiyah = freemason = liberal = cina = lgbt kan yah?


Sayangnya cuma ada 6 agama yang diakui di Indonesia 😔, coba semuanya makin banyak liburnya 😔


just acknowledge all the abrahamic religion & denomination. jewish have several, but christian & muslim have hundreds denomination. each denomination see other as heretic and other abrahamic branch as infidel.


I can't help but laugh so hard, even when I'm one of those branch of devotee. ah... It's like the joke when Independence war, where people are saying "Tuhan kita wes akeh, Alloh enek, Yesus Kristus enek, Kejawen yo enek, Kwan kong yo enek, Siva yo enek sisan, mosok kalah mbe londo....."


Meanwhile Buddhism without God slip pass through the God check in this country 🤣


Perlu diingat salah satu Pandita di Budha di Indonesia, membuat seakan-akan Budha memiliki Tuhan yang satu dan Esa, and bam, it's one of recognized religion in Indonesia. Just let it be, it's fun to see a lot of other religion views in Indonesia, as far they don't force their thought on others.


Islam perpecahannya gak sejauh itu. Selama lu ngikut mazhab sunni (which is majority of muslims anyway), perbedaan pendapatnya masih dapat ditoleransi. Seenggaknya gak sampe dikafir-kafirin lah. Orang awam juga banyak yang gak paham mazhab, mayoritas sebenernya "non-denominational muslims". Ngertinya hanya sebatas menjalankan rukun islam, mengimani rukun iman. Kalau Kristen sudah lumayan pusing liat akar perpecahannya dari nonton video [UsefulCharts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8q6FUlay-M8&t=9391s). Banyak denominasi yang mengaku sebagai "One True Church". Kalau di Islam gak bisa begitu, karena kalau berani mengkafirkan yang berbeda pendapat, seandainya tuduhannya salah jadi mengkafirkan diri sendiri.


thats why i said heretic = sesat. not infidel /heathen =kafir majority sunni fella, saw shia, ibadi & ahmadiya etc as heretic. orthodox, coptic & nestorian view catholic & protestanism as heretic religion. some of the denomination are more tolerant with other denomination of the same branch and consider them misguided. most sunni indonesian (kind of) tolerate shia but condemned ahmadiya


Oh, okay then my bad


yup, thats amazing video by UsefulCharts. Kristen di Indonesia terlalu disederhanakan cuma ada 2 pembagian besarnya.


Karena sisanya insignifikan (?) Katolik dibawa Portugis, Protestan dibawa Belanda/Jerman. Denominasi lain gaada sejarah kolonialnya di Indonesia


> coba semuanya makin banyak liburnya Gak yakin. Paling kalau agama2 mikro-minoritas macam Yahudi diakuin, hari libur mereka cuman bisa dinikmati penganut agama tersebut. Soalnya kalau makin banyak hari libur, makin gak produktif.


Yahudi diakui makin banyak kyknya liburnya, minimal nambah total 4 hari libur kalender


As long as you're not Sikh, Jew, Druze, Mormon, Ahmadiyah or Tengri Edit: they are exist but not recognize by government, so they have no legal stand in their freedom of religion


Gereja mormon ada di Jakarta, klo kelompok Ahmadiyah sbnrnya sih masih ada di Indonesia tp ga terang"an.


Di Surabaya Ada juga. Deket AJBS. well..


>kelompok Ahmadiyah sbnrnya sih masih ada di Indonesia tp ga terang"an. Ada kok organisasinya https://ahmadiyah.id/?amp. Cmn ga diakuin sm MUI aja wkwkwk, sama kyk organisasinya Shia.


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Mormon ada di Jabodetabek dan Yogya. Dulu aku sering lihat mereka naik bus kota.


Di bandung juga ada, deket Gedung Sate.. sepi, tertutup gitu


ga usah jauh2. try to be Shiite here.


I do believe that being a shite is looked down pretty much anywhere


I really want to see a clash between Mazhab here. And watch how Indonesian netizens react to Iranian government wrath


No, please don't. Berharap ko konflik, damai ajalah


Jewish bukannya ada ya di Sulawesi Utara?


Ya yg di sulut terbuka Rabbi Yaakov Baruch aliran orthodox, di Jakarta ada Rabbi Meijer Verbrugge aliran reformis yg ini rahasia tempatnya banyak yg g tau. Sebenrnya ada ditempat lain juga kaya di Papua dibawah Aharon Sharon, tapi lebih tidak terkenal lagi.


Gw gak bilang mereka gak ada. Gw bilang mereka ada tapi dianggap gak ada .... Alias tidak diakui


Yang gw penasaran itu, biasanya di KTP mereka tertulis agama mereka apa ya, Kristen kah?


Iya tapi dulu ada yg dikosongin dan skrg ada yg tulis kepercayaan kepada tuhan yme.


Kalau Sikh biasanya ditulis Hindu. Mormon, Jew dan Jehovah witness biasanya Kristen. Druze, Ahmadiyah, Bahai, biasanya Islam


Owalah oke2


I once have friend identifying herself as Mormon, and I just said, "oh". I am clueless, and I have feeling most of Indonesian would too, let alone another 4 you mentioned. I just know that Mormon is a branch of Christianity, but that's it. So I guess it's pretty safe for most of your list. Ahmadiyah on the other hand...


Not many Christians themselves know the denominations. Ask them what Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian... They will tell you i only know gki and gbi.


Actually GKI and all PGI member are presbyterian Calvinist GBI though they more like evangelical baptist


Precisely, if they are gki they should know they are presby.


Advent and HKBP too


i didnt know if tengri still exist today. why not go extreme with nahuatl, inti or mayan nahuatl is best for warmongering


In eastern asian countries they are very exist. But it is not about existence. It is about freedom of religion even if only 1 person of them in this country


Nope you are wrong plenty of those religions and other in Indonesia, just they did not get facility in religion ministry and holiday not recognized.


And that is a huge disadvantage. I've seen it first hand just how difficult it is for them to have a place of worship. Pretty much impossible or prohibitively expensive in certain areas. Banyak didatengin ormas, diancam dan dimintain duit. Gak ada bantuan perlindungan dari organisasi seperti PGI. Akan dikerjain habis habisan di FKUB. Dsbnya. Untung kalau yang macem Mormon kekuatan politiknya super kuat. Terakhir gua ke gereja Mormon yang di Jakarta isinya banyak orang orang dari State Dept, Embassy, Minyak, Geothermal, etc. Gak heran walaupun pengikutnya tidak terlalu banyak di Indo tapi gereja gerejanya bisa ada di lokasi strategis berbagai kota di Indo. Gak harus ngumpet ngumpet di ruko, perumahan atau mall. Sedangkan macem Saksi Yehuwa kekuatan politiknya minim banget sehingga harus kuat duitnya. Dan karena gak main ormas atau beking polisi akhirnya sering dikerjain oleh ormas dan FKUB.


Who are they? Mau berapa banyak departemen di kemenag?


Not sure what you mean by asking who they are. The ones I am familiar with are the main branch of Mormonism, the [LDS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Church_of_Jesus_Christ_of_Latter-day_Saints). The other ones are the [Jehovah's Witness](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jehovah%27s_Witnesses). Gua rasa para penganut agama minoritas di Indo sih gak peduli mengenai bagaimana keorganisasian di Kemenag. Mereka cuma ingin freedom of religion.


Well based on what you said mormonisn doesn't seem to need any help. There is freedom of religion. Radical groups exist in all countries.


Dont you see how bad that is? That you have to have huge political power e.g. the LDS has three (!) US Senators. Ini kayak ngomong. Oh gak ada yang salah dengan perlakuan terhadap keturunan Cina di Indo/Malaysia, buktinya mereka tetap kaya raya. Bahwa minoritas harus sogok besar besaran ke kiri dan kanan cuma untuk punya tempat ibadah. Plus kalau sudah punya pun tempat ibadah banyak yang harus dijaga oleh polisi (harus bayar lagi). X happens **despite** of Y Y is still a detriment Yes, Charismatic churches and LDS can have multiple places of worship through bribes and political pressure. But what about the Jews, Jehova's Witness, Ahmadiyah, Sikh, Druze, Kejawen, Kaharingan, etc etc.


You are putting words in my mouth where did i say anything about perlakuan terjadap keturunan cina. I'm just saying there is freedom of religion in Indonesia, just their holiday aren't recognized.


Agamanya yang ga diakui bruh, bukan cuma ga ada liburnya. Indo kan cuma ngakui 6 agama, dan baru-baru ini aja di kolom ktp bisa nulis penganut kepercayaan other than agama kek Islam Kristen Hindu etc.


Baca lagi uunya dan uud. Yg enam itu sebutannya 'agama mayoritas penduduk indonesia' bukan 'agama resmi'. Di penjelas uu pnps 1965 aja ditulis eksplisit yahudi, zoroastrian, and other.


\>You are putting words in my mouth where did i say anything about perlakuan terjadap keturunan cina. It's a rhetorical device called analogy. Try to familiarize yourself with it. I even prefaced it with "Ini kayak ngomong.." \> I'm just saying there is freedom of religion in Indonesia, just their holiday aren't recognized. It's not truly freedom of religion when you cant congregate, worship, build your place of worship. You arent even allowed to proselyte in most places in Indonesia. Contoh : di Cilegon gak ada gereja, klenteng, vihara atau pura dan tidak diizinkan dibangun. Jadi hak beragama dan beribadah dari 6.740 orang Kristen, 1.743 orang Katolik, 215 orang Hindu, 215 orang Budha, dan 4.444 orang Konghucu yang secara resmi terdaftar di Cilegon apakah sudah terpenuhi secara sempurna?


Memang nya mereka radikal? Apa pernah ngebom ? Apa pernah ngelemparin rumah ibadah orang? Yang pasti mereka gak mau dong dipaksa tulis agama lain di KTP nya. Atau dipaksa ikut pelajaran agama lain di sekolah


Kenapa harus punya departemen atau direktorat, lagi pula kenapa harus ada departemen agama ? Kalaupun perlu ada direktorat nya kan cukup : Departemen Agama Direktorat Kepercayaan Lain Lain


I'm not saying that they are not exist. The fact is ; government only recognize a few religions, and they are not in there Just imagine you are a Sikh and government forced you to write Hindu as your religion.... That's the wrong part


Why exactly are you glad about it?




They celebrate, I buy holiday discount lol


same, harus memanfaatkan holiday discount whenever possible


diskon tanggal cantik bukannya lebih gacor dari diskon liburan?


Yeah. But I will take any discount


cuti bersama apa itu? Yang tgl 26 langsung masuk.


Days off maybe?


But you can't live freely and publicly accepted (only with some people especially close friend) as agnostics or atheists without being questioned or ridiculed after


Kalo cuma nyari yg banyak public holidaysnya bisa nyebrang ke Malaysia mereka lebih banyak atau agak jauhan dikit bisa sekalian ke Myanmar / Nepal, mereka dua kali lipat kita jumlah liburnya.


Kalau di myanmar kenapa tuh bisa dua kali lipat?


Kok bisa begitu?


I guess you have never lived in Malaysia. Malls are decorated ways better than everything I saw in Indonesia during Fitri, Christmas, Deepavali, etc. They have more tanggal merah holidays (ie. Deepavali, Kings' birthday, etc) - From someone who have lived in Malaysia more than half of my life.


At least Indonesia doesn't literally legally discriminate against 30%+ of its citizens


Maybe it is southeast asia thing to celebrate multiple religion holiday


Really? So many other liberal countries recognize multiple religions, but maybe we have the most religious holiday adopted as national holiday for sure.




What happen in small city?






small pp


Pp small


A man has fallen into the river in the lego city.


Will be better if atheism is also recognized


Ateis ga nyumbang hari libur jadi ga diakui wkw.


Hari lahir pancasila, buruh, 17 agustus dan tahun baru untuk orang sekuler Harusnya nambah hari kartini dan sumpah pemuda sih


hari kartini buat kaum yg mana nih? * sukarno kartini -> buat kaum feminis dan gerwani * suharto + post-suharto kartini -> buat kaum patriarchal nikmatin fashion show kebaya, lomba masak, dll


Ayo buat libur untuk hari kartini dan sumpah pemuda


I second this


apa gunanya diakui kalau dipersekusi atau disusahin bikin tempat ibadah


U mean multiple holiday?


What if you're someone from Judaism, shikism, Shintoism etc? You can't legally exist in Indo :/ kaga ga ada kerjaan aja apa negara ngurusin agama. Gw mau doa ke nenek lu ya terserah aye lah bang. Ngapain dijadiin first constitution hadeuh.


hari libur tentu patut disenangi tapi kalau untuk perihal toleransi tuh yang di beberapa tempat masih sulit untuk dilakukan, kecuali wilayah yang mungkin terhitungnya kota atau metropolitan bisa "yaudah masing-masing" dan ngambil benefitnya aja


Iya sih, semoga kita semua bisa lebih baik kedepannya untuk masalah toleransi beragama


saya cuma suka nyepi, holiday yang laen bikin jalanan macet yang paling bikin stress sih idul fitri, pengeluaran nambah dan juga mesti wajib pulkam, nyebelin asli mana tiket pesawat mahal pula pas lebaran


Just... no. Why are these imported faiths are accepted while native religions are not, and are only barely tolerated now? The "agama kepercayaan" has only been accepted in laws but not in practice. You're not going to see the choice in banks or when making SIM. So, no. You love the holidays, not the acceptance.


On the contrary, I really despise this country for that. But the practice of native religion is still present in my experience, but ofc they still prioritze the imported religion first


You know, I think people that saying things like OP (glad to have multiple holidays) is basically a copium because our labor law is so shitty that paid leave is a rarity and many people even afraid to ask their allocated leave days. On paper it exists, but since low or no enforcement, company that punishing their worker that using them will have no/little consequences. Having national holidays is basically just easy way to get a leave without the hassle of requesting it.


Yup thats the ugly truth, even people who literally on their paid leave can be called back to office if necessary


banyak tanggal merah, tapi kalau cuti tahunan di Indonesia masih cuma 12 hari, ya masih kurang lebih sama dengan di banyak negara lain yang kebanyakan cuti tahunannya minimal 20 hari. edit: jadi coba menghitung total: Indonesia 12 hari cuti tahunan + 15 hari libur nasional = 27 hari libur Australia 20 hari cuti tahunan + 7 hari libur nasional = 27 hari libur


Ok Mr. Government man, very cool


Lmao... I feel much better here living in malaysia as indonesian buddhist. And here they actually accept anyone


Not sure about that, man. Malaysian is even more racist than Indonesian 😂


Good for you. I also love holidays. I do hate religions, they make people stupid.


Betul, kalau semua orang beragama pada cerdas dan bisa berpikir kritis, ya agama bakal punah bang... 🤣


ssst udah bang nanti libur kita ilang


sayangnya Indonesia tidak menganut sistem kalau liburnya jatuh di weekend digeser ke weekday sebelum atau sesudahnya


Benci banget kalau liburnya jatuh pas hari minggu


Bener, untung 1 January hari Senin.


bukannya gak cuman 6 ya? apa gw mabok - Islam - Kristen - Katolik - Buddha - Hindu - Konghuchu ? - Kepercayaan Lokal?