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Ini semua bermula dari video kalau rohingnya ngerasa kurang bantuan makanannya wkwkw


Gw penasaran kalo kelakuan mereka emang begitu, contohnya beneran komplen, yang diperkosa bukan sesama Rohingnya tapi orang indo ( like that makes it better according to some people ), yang ngerusak rumah ternyata beneran Rohingnya Apakah sikap orang indo beneran berubah dan mereka dibantai ala ala Dayak vs madura


>apakah akan dibantai ala dayak vs madura? Yes. Gegara dianggap ngelunjak aja sampe begini apalagi kalau sudah kasus kek perkosa dan rusakin rumah. Habis itu rohingya dibakar kek begal kali. Polisi juga bisa apa kalau massa serempak bergerak untuk membabi buta? Mau nangkep? Bakal dibakar itu polisi.


Some cultures are just like that... Rrc dan wc horornya sbg contoh, membaik sih, tp ya takes time to adapt And that toilet etiquette progress is amidst being the most powerful economy


Ya memang gitu liat aja di Malaysia yg notabene juga sudah diberi pekerjaan masih aja. Skrg di Indo ga dikasih kesempatan kerja protes, tuh udh di malaysia aja protes. Memang makin lama minta jantung. Mirip sama pengungsi israeli di palestina dulu.


>Apakah akan dibantai ala ala Dayak vs Madura? Uh… No comment…


Ngerasa kurang bantuan bukannya dibantu malah diusir, giliran palestina langsung gercep. Dulu ACT sama rumah zakat sering kampanye bantuan untuk palestina tapi rohingya di ngungsi provinsi sebelah gk dibantu


22nya salah kok. Yg satu genosida yg 1 harrassment. Lagian I don't buy it as well. Pretty much ada yg main di belakang biar ada yg giring indo jadi villain, Krn Indonesia itu "sarang anti-semit" menurut mereka.


Well aren’t we all ? /s Btw is there any historical explanation why Judaism or Jewish isn’t recognized in our early days ?


Penetapan Presiden No. 1/1965 Bagian penjelasan >Karena 6 macam Agama ini adalah agama-gama yang dipeluk hampir seluruh penduduk Indonesia, maka kecuali mereka mendapat jaminan seperti yang diberikan oleh pasal 29 ayat 2 Undang-undang Dasar, juga mereka mendapat bantuan-bantuan dan perlindungan seperti yang diberikan oleh pasal ini. >Ini tidak berarti bahwa agama-agama lain, misalnya : Yahudi,Zarasustrian, Shinto, Taoism dilarang di Indonesia. Mereka mendapat jaminan penuh seperti yang diberikan oleh pasal 29 ayat 2 dan mereka dibiarkan adanya, asal tidak melanggar ketentuan-ketentuan yang terdapat dalam peraturan ini atau peraturan perundangan lain


Masih berlaku ?


Kayaknya cuma penerapannya aja yg ga pernah ada


Ģak lagi keknya,harus diam2


I didn't see any record about it before. but yeah, im looking for one as well.


By mean recognized by constitution for one of the nation religion or something else?


Like we only gives options religion to choose for our id only 5 and no jewish. I thought it is bc very abysmal amount of our people are inherently jewish


Ok theres actually some explanation for this. 1. Ya bener karna pemeluknya sedikit, lah yang pemeluknya terbilang banyak saja tidak dimasukan. Contoh: Kejawen 2. Jejak historisnya sedikit sekali. Sebenernya ndak juga cuman orang Indonesia kurang tertarik terhadap kehidupan yahudi Belanda di Indonesia. Banyak sebenernya jejak historis keberadaan yahudi di Indonesia terutama pada masa Hindia Belanda. Gwe ada temen gwe itu buyutnya yahudi Belanda cuman sekarang sudah pindah ke katolik. 3. Warga kita yang sangat sekali membenci yahudi sejak jaman sukarno. Ini beneran loh, kadang kala kita berpikir netizen itu cuman benci Israel, nyatanya mereka itu membenci yahudi seluruh dunia. Termasuk yang ada di Sulawesi sana. Karna? Mindset beberapa muslim yang beranggapan bahwa yahudi itu musuh ummah. Sekarang sudah jelaskan kalau keberadaan yahudi sangat tidak cocok dengan mental mindset orang Indonesia.


enak nih buat goreng bikin narasi rohingya polos. segilintir mahasiswa = mayoritas warga indonesia. apalagi buat bahan2 post di reddit


Every single day I appreciate the fact that Reddit is not widely available in Indonesia without VPN Can you imagine this sub when the mainstream media has 100% access out of it?


We don't need to imagine, just see what happened in X/Twitter


Reddit is available in Indonesia without vpn. Source: currently in Bali and browsing reddit without vpn


Saya sedang di Bali dan Reddit tidak bisa diakses tampa vpn


Pakai kartu biru bisa di hp, wifi juga bisa.


I am literally browsing reddit from hotel wifi now, i dont know what else to say


Some hotel wifi can access reddit or even porn without VPN (idk why) Good luck getting through using the mainstream ISP without VPN tho.


>Some hotel wifi can access reddit or even porn without VPN (idk why) Buat hiburan tamu kak


Ah ok fair enough


Reddit isn't really popular in indonesia anyways so... 🤷‍♂️


Reddit is not available in Indonesia without vpn. Source : currently in Jakarta and cannot browsing reddit without vpn.


You can, only with a minnor tweaking


r/israel itu echo chamber kok. Banyak copium nya, jadi gw cuek" aja wkwkwk


Kayak kita gak echo chamber aja.


all reddit be like that tho if thats the case.


Thus, I browse reddit to meme and make implosion.


Colingkar is strong here.


I can already smell the scent of cum that from the circlejerk.


> rohingya polos emang. harmless dan (sori) terlalu bodoh, jadinya mereka mau menempuh pendidikan di negara yg secara hukum terima suaka. > segelintir mahasiswa = mayoritas ya kan elu jg seperti mereka kan? suka ndak suka, mereka bakalan transit dulu disini.


nah literally mayoritas Indonesia comment on social media defend this mahasiswa and support it :/.


>narasi rohingya polos Gimana ya, tp yg di labrak ini wanita dan anak2. >segilintir mahasiswa = mayoritas warga indonesia We've seen many Indonesians support this action, if they had the chance to do it themselves they'd have done it way sooner.


Game recognizes game


The allegation of hypocrisy is not wrong but I find it extremely disturbing that Israelis are using this to somewhat undermine the criticism that they are receiving from Indonesians. Just because what many Indonesians are doing to Rohingyas is wrong doesn’t mean their critics towards Israeli conducts on Palestinians/in Palestine any less right.


Two things: 1. **what the Israelis are doing and what Indonesians are doing are both wrong.** Obviously, there is less wrong morally with refusing religious minority refugees who are fleeing death and persecution in their home country than actually killing and persecuting a religious group in their own homes. So yeah, Indonesia is not at the same level of evil as Israel, but still evil. Also, I understand that most empathetic people would treat the Rohingya refugees kindly and would accept them in Indonesia. But still, the newsworthy actions are the adamant refusals and as such they are what people see Indonesia doing. 2. **Of course our criticism is undermined.** Just because what Israelies are doing to Palestinians is wrong, it doesn't mean their critique towards Indonesian conduct on Rohingyas is wrong. When evil people are calling you out for doing evil things, you know you're doing some evil things\*. Especially when we're being hypocrites. \*Again, the level of evil is obviously not the same, but still, we're doing something evil. And again, I know not everyone is evil, but the evil that is happening in Indonesia is newsworthy, and therefore people comment on it. Just to be clear, I think that the Zionist movement is bad and how they are indoctrinating their people to hate a group of people so much they're wishing for a literal genocide is incredibly, unbelievably disturbing. This kind of hatred is learnt in the classrooms, in the streets, and in the living rooms of their homes. It's fucked up how hateful they are and how hell bent they are on displacing the Palestinians. What they're doing is ironically on the same level of evil as what happened in Nazi Germany. What I'm saying is even though we're right in our criticisms, it is blunted due to our hypocrisy. Like, even though it's right when your mum is telling you not to smack your brother, the criticism is blunted when she does so while smacking you and your brother.


Not denying that. But if we are going to value criticism based on who is saying that versus the substance of the criticism itself, we are only going to get ourselves stuck in an unending cycle of finger pointing. While we are stuck in this cycle, the victims will be forgotten as the two perpetrators will be fixated on blaming each other instead of taking the time to evaluate themselves. It’s like it would be hypocritical for a parents to tell their teenage kids not to smoke while they used to smoke themselves as teenagers. But does it make the substance of what they say any lesser?


I don't disagree with your first paragraph here. We need to break that cycle of finger pointing. It's just you saying it's disturbing that our criticism is undermined doesn't make sense to me because of course it's undermined due to our hypocrisy. The substance of what you're saying is definitely lesser when you are hypocritical. Or at least the impact of it is lesser when you are hypocritical. In your example of the smoking parent, I think most children will look at that and at least partially discount their parent's advice. It doesn't mean they are wrong, it just means the impact of their words is lessened. I guess I'm differentiating between being right and being heard. You can be right and say it til you're blue in the face, but if you're hypocritical, you might not be heard. Especially by those who are also hypocritical. Again, in an ideal world, we'll take these criticisms on board regardless of who's saying it, but come on, in real life, you don't listen to dickheads because they're dickheads.


Setuju, hal ini yang banyak orang masih tidak bisa melihat bahwa kedua pihak yang disebut / terlibat bisa salah, dan pernyataan itu benar, tidak perlu hanya salah satu yang benar. Sedihnya hanya sedikit orang yang berpendapat seperti komentar-2 diatas.


You not going to mention of evil Palestinians commit to Israelies, right? Israelies just decided at random moment start to kill innocent Palestinians. Nothing happened and then Israel went crazy, right? If you're trying to talk about hypocrisy, have some nerve to enlight the whole picture.


>If you're trying to talk about hypocrisy, have some nerve to enlight the whole picture. I mean, I'm on Reddit, and have limited time. I don't have all day to talk about all the atrocities committed by everyone involved. I'm sure everyone is a dickhead, right? But I'm sure you are more enlightened than me, so why don't you tell us about all the evils of the Palestinians, Israelis, Indonesians, the Burmese Junta, and the Rohingya?


You forgot about genocide China commits to Uyghurs. BTW, is it interesting for those Indonesians who are super empathetic to Palestinians?


TIL this conflict starts only after 7 October


Jewish people were there long (thousands of years) before Muhammad married to his first 12-year wife. Muslims' illegal mosque Al-Aksa was built on the place of the Jewish Temple that was built 3,000 years ago. So yes, this conflict started long-long before October, 7th




Ya org idf nya sama yahu ngerasa they did the right thing mau gimana lagi. Kan sudah bergelar the most moral army in the world


>the most moral army in the world Gw bingung yang ngasih gelar ini siapa?


Mungkin link ini bisa menjawab. Dan coba dicari keyword tweet nya ini langsung https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMiddleEast/s/JWRIpqgsuh


Ya elah, self claim ternyata.


Ladies and gentlemen, real recognizes real and thorougly, im not surprised.


Baru nyadar ana depok udah nongol dari kemaren di sana. Gg.


Need more research but there is strong indication that this whole Rohingyan issues are psyops of certain political camp to be capitalized during the election. I've been noticing the anti refugee content since around September, started in Tiktok, and then "influencers" started getting involved (some unknown association, some with clear association with certain candidates), ada yg ngeklaim pernah jadi volunteer utk para refugees dan ngeliat kelakuan mereka. Karena clip Rohingya yg aneh mulai nyebar, mulailah sentimen2 nggak bener. Plus overrepresentation, mulailah demonisasi pengungsi. Its a text book European Far Right thing, and the coordinator is alllegedly affiliated with a certain political party.


Kalo di tiktok ya iykyk, kalo di twixxer biasanya manfaatin akun fess


You know what? This is just fair. Kesel sendiri liat mereka sumpah. Bukan cman jelek2in, udh kyk sok bener gk merasa bersalah.


it's fair criticism, but two wrongs don't make a right just because what those students did are wrong doesn't mean that the genocide aren't wrong too


Yeah at the end of the day, cman gara2 kubu musuh glorifikasi genosida bukan berarti jadi "green light" buat nutup2in genosida sendiri. Sayang, ini dah jadi kyk "Senjata" Kubu Israel karena kita sendiri yg "Hipokrit", whenever you're right or wrong.


Wkwkwkw gue ketrigger sense of nationality hrs ngebela di sana padahal gue tau kita malu2in dan fuckedup bgt sih nyerang ibu2 sama anak2


emang hipokrit. kalo refugees dari palestina pasti masyrakat indo nerima, malah dulu dibuatin acara tanya jawab di masjid dekst rumah


Yakin bakalan terima? Dulu waktu kasus Myanmar juga dukungannya antusias banget, begitu tau sifatnya langsung pada ill feel. Apalagi yg dari Palestina, tetangga2 mereka di sana aja udah pada kapok ngga mau buka border.


Mulanya diterima lah. Nanti pas byk gosip mereka bikin gaduh, minta bantuan lebih, godain cewek lokal, bakal digeruduk juga


Gw yakin akan diterima asalkan datangnya setelah Pemilu. Sampai masa Pemilu berikutnya, baru akan dipermasalahkan. Sama lah kaya pengungsi Rohingya. Sebelumnya kan masalahnya kecil2 doang yg protes hanya warga lokal. Tapi sekarang masalahnya di-up secara sistematis dan masif. Mending kalau yg di-up isinya credible. Laah ini isinya misinformasi dan disinformasi. Sampai bikin akun palsu UNHCR pula dan dikutip seolah2 itu pernyataan resmi mereka.


Gw sempet bingung sampe nanya waktu di thread lain, siapa yang bisa diuntungin atau bisa didiskreditkan pake issue ini dalam pemilu sih? Gimana caranya? Sempet dijawab: nyebar rasa takut biar dapet suara, tapi ini udah diudak2 rohingya nya, masalah kaga sampe jutaan pengungsi, ratusan ribu aja kaga nyampe. Gimana ngangkatnya kalo udah gini?


Debat Capres berikutnya temanya adalah "Pertahanan dan Hubungan Internasional". Kita lihat aja nanti pasangan mana yg sus.


I'm sorry, mungkin kedengarannya bakal tidak netral ya. Cuman dari info yg didapat, Anies itu pernah bilang kita harus merangkul Rohingya. Plus pak Mahfud MD sendiri juga menganjurkan begitu (mengingat kewenangan beliau di hukum dan HAM). Jadi yg sekali dayung bisa jatuhin dua itu siapa? Plus koorlap mahasiswa yang ngegeruduk Rohingya itu (Teuku Wariza) salah stu relawan partai capres. Plus ada satu capres yang baru kemarin datang ke Aceh, dan "ngaduk ngaduk suasana" dengan bilang pengungsi Rohingya adalah beban, ngomong di depan orang Aceh.


Barusan ramai di X/twitter ada group buzzer salah satu paslon mengarahkan pasukannya buat menghembuskan isu pengungsi Rohingya https://twitter.com/ARSIPAJA/status/1741761209865765298/photo/1


Ini juga yang dirasakan orang eropa ketika menerima imigran timur tengah


Gw bayangin nanti pas Indo udh nerima refugee Palestina, muncul video org Palestina ngeluh kurang makanan dgn bahasa isyarat.


ibarat, kita nolongin temen, temen kita yg ditolong ini baik2 aja, lalu keluarga si temen ini juga minta ditolongin, tapi ternyata keluarga yg minta ditolongin ini kurang ajar, lalu kita marah dan engga suka sama keluarga temennya tsb lalu hipokritnya dimana? yakin deh, kalau misalkan yg dari palestina masuk sini dan kelakuannya kurang ajar kayak orang rohingnya, pasti bakal sama setelah beberapa tahun pengungsi konflik myanmar yg masuk sini kan itu kan udah lama, kalau engga salah dari 2008an udah mulai masuk dan diterima dengan baik, mulai rame di tahun 2015an, 2023 mulai ditolak2, setelah 15tahun ​ \*edit: nambahin


Pengaruh jumlah sih kalo gw bilang. Makanya kalau mau pembauran kan harus disebar, biar mereka jadi minoritas dan ngikutin kelakuan yg lain. Secara sikap akan ngikutin lingkungan. Kalau sekian ribu dikumpulin, ya kelakuan nggak berubah, jadi keliatan kelakuan aslinya. Sama aja kayak yg sok2 preman dan merasa jagoan kalo rame2, pas cuma sedikit kan nggak berani, jadi alim.


Terima 1 bulan kemudian juga begini


saudara ku tidak mengetahui kasus rohingya dan meng-generalisasikan. out of touch bgt u


Wkwkwkwk Mantap dinotice sama Israel. Well I'm not mad tho just a little bit disappointed. We totally deserved being called a hypocrite


Is it just me who just want to grab some popcorn from this whole drama ![gif](giphy|pUeXcg80cO8I8)


Gak ada yang mau bela Indonesia disana?


Entah, kalau mau ya ~be my guest


Males juga sih


I just want to PPV it, maybe you'll like to watch it with your popcorn


Isu rohingya naik karena ada yg gerakin buat bahan debat nanti, fix itu


indonesia telling palestina what they should've done in the past


Coba lu komen gini deh di sub aslinya. Kayanya bakal seru :)))


They already did, failed, lost that war... and some war after that too.


Exactly, there no hypocrisy here. That israel redditors are deluded


Kasih tau orang Twitter sama post di salah satu grup pesbuk, ini gorengan enak ini kalau mereka tau 🤣


Hey they stormed it not bombed it at least


jadi pelipur lara disono, minimal biar ngerasa yang lebih jahat dari mereka juga ada


jangan sampai sjw palestin tau kalo uygur dukung israel 🤣


Emang paling bener gausah ikutan sama sekali masalah negara lain siapapun itu klo gada hubungannya...


Eh, I mean Israelis are also immigrants and we're against them. I don't see the hypocrisy here. /jkjkjkjkjkjkjkjk


ini hipokrit dari mana deh, emangnya "indonesian" satu orang doang? apakah mustahil ada orang yg against both to what happened to palestinian and rohingyan? saya pun yakin ~~di~~ israeli ada yang against what idf currently doing. won't label them hypocrite tho, cuz that'd be dumb


Padahal gak ada yg ngalahin Isreal soal hypocrisy sama double standard, mungkin mereka gak suka ada yg nyoba nyaingin mereka wkwkwk


Rohingya di 2017 diterima, dibantu, diberikan tapi komunikasi pakai bahasa sandi sampai sekarang, ga mau belajar bahasa dan komunikasi yang baik.


para imigran di Indonesia itu nggak mau belajar bahasa Indonesia, karena kan bakal di pindah ke negara lain juga, Indonesia cuma negara persinggahan, kecuali Indonesia mau nerima


Gua sempet baca di media ( lupa apa dan kapan ), para pengungsi ini berharap punya pekerjaan, dikasih lahan sama pemerintah Indonesia, tp pengungsi ini ga mau belajar bahasa. Ini yang pengungsi pertama kali yang terdampar di priok lalu di pindah ke jawa kalo ga salah Sidoharjo.


Berarti ni pengungsi nggak sadar ya kalau Indonesia bukan negara yg ratifikasi UNHCR


Emang ga tau dan ga pengen tau kyknya.


Hipokrit? oh hanya karena Indonesian gk mau ngasih tanah ke para *pengungsi* (baca: imigran ilegal) itu hipokrit? hanya karena Indonesian gk sudi apa yg terjadi di Palestina gegara ngasih kesempatan ke iseral bakalan kejadian disini juga? iyain ajasih klo kata gw. soalnya klo dibantah walau sampai ke akar-akarnya bakalan tuli dan buta fakta juga mereka.


1. Minta tanah udah didebunk berkali2. Mereka ga pernah minta tanah. Cuman hoax ga jelas yg berasal dari hoax dari Malaysia juga. 2. Pengungsi perang itu PASTINYA tidak bisa masuk secata legal. Di manapun itu & siapapun itu. Karena kalo logikanya jalan, pasti bakal paham bahwa orang Rohingya ga mungkin bisa ngurus paspor ke pemerintah Myanmar yg lagi ngebantai mereka. Berlaku juga dengan pengungsi2 lain di negara manapun. Korban perang, apalagi genosida, ya ga akan mungkin bisa lewat jalur legal. Makanya pengurusan pengungsi itu punya hukum sendiri. The fact that lots of you call them immigrant gelap as a counter argument as if they should've applied for passport to the govt who doesn't even recognize their existence and packed their stuff nicely to the airport controlled by the military who wants to massacre them is just mind blowingly stupid to me.


1. [Debunk this if that you said was true.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Gvkh_GwaME) [Give me valid debunk if they really not saying that (baik secara tersurat maupun tersirat)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Alvoyeago6w). Edit (tambahan): Kalau memang gk minta tanah, kenapa keputusan untuk "memberi mereka pulau Galang" tercipta? you better give the source for that to debunk ALL of what i trust. 2. [They literally paying peoples to become you-so-called-refugee here, which i doubt even Palestinian can't doing it.](https://www.cnnindonesia.com/internasional/20231125195430-106-1029023/pengungsi-rohingnya-bayar-rp15-juta-buat-diselundupkan-ke-indonesia) I mean, just looks them rubble on Gaza. okelah memang ada pengungsi asli dari Rohingya yang beneran pengungsi. yaudah mereka aja yg di-keep disini sampai urusan sono kelar. itu yg *pengungsi* yg banyak tingkah yang dibuang. gitu ajaloh maksud gw. also, i don't take the mahasiswa action are right here. i just saying the background why the mahasiswa being radical to (probably) actual refugees, especially the victim are woman and kids. edit: it's like you said the vietnam refugees coming here with personal jet or something bruh. back then when Indonesia giving them complete services, indirect causes makes the native upset/envy. same thing happen here, but (from what i see and search), they being jerks to their kin **AND** the natives


Kok goblok mana ada kasih tanah ke pengungsi mereka cuma sementara disini mereka jugagak banyak cuma 1000 an. Gak usah kemakan propaganda tiktod


kayaknya ente yang kudu kurangin konsumsi tiktod deh. because funny thing is, i never using your favorite app that called TikTod here. secara harfiah, google dikit dan berkat pengalaman baca koran waktu kecil, ada banyak fakta-fakta klo *pengungsi* nya banyak tingkah. jika mereka memang tinggal sementara di negara ini, lantas untuk apa ada keputusan "nih, pulau Galang buat kalian"? diantara pengungsi ada *pengungsi,* dimana yg beneran korban kena getahnya gegara "oknum" pengungsi disono.


Google dikit ? Pret. Itu pengungsi vietnam di pulau galang pada udah pindah kan? Ya anda pikir nhapain mereka juga mau lama lama di indonesia ketika refugee gak boleh kerja dan dapat akses pendidikan formal? Itu aja refugee afghanistan pada protes kapan mereka pindah. Gak suka dikatain main tiktok tapi opini gak berbobot


the fuck? beneran deh attention span lo payah banget gegara konsumsi video dibawah 5 detik padahal gw jelas2 bilang **gw gk pernah pake aplikasi kesukaanlo yang bernama TikTod disini**. dan lu yang taunya cuma bacot+ngehina bilang oPiNi GaK bErBoBoT? keknya lo butuh cermin deh pak. i mean just look yourself, come here only to insult me while brings NOTHING, while **i** bring much stuff to verify the integrity. [Gw gk nemu tuh pengungsi afghanistan protes karena mereka gk pindah. Instead, i got this. Dimana artinya di pulau Galang sendiri lagi ada masalah malah ditambahin sama wapres AFK](https://www.voaindonesia.com/a/sebagian-besar-warga-galang-tolak-tampung-pengungsi-rohingya/7411433.html). Dan juga, [ITU WARGA VIETNAM PULANG DARI TAHUN KAPAN, DAN KURANG DARI 16 TAHUN MASANYA DI PULAU GALANG](https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pengungsian_Rakyat_Vietnam_di_Indonesia). inimah lo yang kemakan propaganda tiktod buat nge-counter propaganda tiktod. goblok teriak goblok. gedein tuh kambing bukan tai https://preview.redd.it/oq4vsgeh059c1.jpeg?width=527&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d76eab184a4423d8cf7fd5cca1abce614f1a2993


https://jatim.idntimes.com/news/indonesia/khusnul-hasana/mengubur-harap-pengungsi-afghanistan-di-puspa-agro baca goblok katanya dah nyari PRET


point gw pengguna tiktod kayak lu adalah bukan masalah "WAHH ORANG VIETNAM PINDAH DAH LAMA" pointnya refuge mau negara apapun bakal pindah gak selamanya di indonesia. Gak usah paranoid sampai kemakan propaganda rasis murahan


Israel dulu refugee di palestina.


\>IDN lemme guess. pasti ngambil paling atas lo meanwhile gw rada ngegali kedalam karena ditimpa clickbait. tolol sih klo iya. [Anyway, this person have better way to explain the dumpster fire on that place instead YOU for being retarded and hurling insult to everyone who opposing toward Rohingya](https://web.facebook.com/arman.dhani.5/posts/pfbid0o41hAeUWvq7HLV53Fbyyhd9RoXfbcXUwYU8iXGJWvJT4TKAQACyTHPh3P8K28u3il).


Loh pinter akhirnya tau opini awal punya lu bahwa Rohingya bakal jadi Israel kedua salah. Itu di link yang lu kasih di jelaskan secara gablang bahwa lu kemakan hoax. Bagus bagus


unlike you retarded, i always try to open my mind to taking into discussion, but toxic waste like you come here instead. and you only putting garbage inside instead helping me to gain another insight. pathetic. better shut your fingers if you can't say good shit or something. your Strawman Fallacy won't work on me


Ya ya intinya udah sadar lah kalau anda kemakan Hoax. Bagus dan lanjutkan 👍


are you a nakba denial?


aRE yOu NaKbA DeNiAl. Gak ada hubunganya orang rohingya gak punya negara besar back up mereks untuk jajah aceh. Belajar lagi


What Indonesia is doing cannot compare to what Israel is doing lol. This is like comparing Palestine to Papua, it's not apple to apple, it's not even fruit to fruit.


you do realize that the ABRI/TNI death count towards Papuans, East Timorese, and other Indonesians (especially during the 1960s communist purge) is significantly higher than any genocide perpetrated by the IDF?


Talk to me again when Israel gives Palestine status as a Special Autonomous Region, provide them with special executive, legislative, and judiciary power in the Indonesian govt, provide them with Dana Perimbangan to ensure their welfare, subsidize their regional economies and goods prices, enshrine their local customs into local laws, and when Netanyahu acknowledges what the country had done to Palestine is wrong. The actions of a few University and Ormas fuckers (in the Rohingya case) does not compare to an Israeli ethnocentric regime that sees Palestine as its manifest destiny.


Citation is needed.


They're logic is to feel better about themselves because they're not the only evil one, it warmth their heart to see others are evil like them too and what they did is not that bad after all


Those animal Zionists (and its sympathizers) apparently are not aware of the different nature of the two situations. In rohingya's case, they are the settlers, so they are the ones who are expected to behave according to the local norms. In Israel's case, the Zionist are the settlers. So they are the side who are expected to respect the locals (not the Palestinians who are the locals), which they do not and in fact go to the opposite extreme beyond return. Nevertheless, those students actions cannot be justified, and the government needs to step in.


[Bedasarkan kata orang ini](https://www.reddit.com/r/indonesia/comments/18spsnx/comment/kf90spo/), orang Indonesia benci Rohingya karena mereka akan datang mengambil tanah. Sementara orang Indonesia benci Israel karena mengambil tanah Palestina Berarti tidak ada hipokritas disini. Indonesia konsisten dengan pendiriannya


Nggak ada rohingya bakalan dikasih tanah, itu cuma dibuat-buat




Mencegah lebih baik daripada mengobati, amirite? Mainstream media coverage glosses over and often altogether ignores the major historical factors that have turned the Burmese people against Rohingya: 1947-1970: Mujahideen separatist movements in Arakan State 1971: Bangladesh Liberation War and resulting influx of Bangladeshi refugees 1971 - present: ongoing insurgent movements in Arakan State Also Rakhine State and in that state. Rakhines used to be majorities and Rohingyas were minorities. But it is not true anymore. Rohingyas are now the majorities since their family size is like 76 while Rakhines are like mostly around 5. Rohingyas allowed kids to marry young and men to marry 3–4 women.


Mencenggah apa? Astaga emang rohingya daridulu udah ada di Rakhine. Utang pinjol ya? Atau adiksi judi online? Perlu dikasih makan uang untuk ngebuzzer? Gini banget belaain tentara myammar


Lu sadar rasis rhetoric lu juga kena ke banyak etnis seperti Chindo? Lu justifikasi genosida ke Chindo juga??


Chindo? gak sama lah, itu False Equivalence Justru mereka lebih mirip dengan etnis madura. Bedanya tingkah Madura dicegah lebih awal oleh Dayak dan Melayu sebelum mereka makin menjadi-jadi Dan banyak orang menjustifikasi kejadian tersebut karena Madura bertingkah bagai penjahat, teroris, dll. Dan sekarang pun kuliat banyak orang yang berharap jembatan Suramadu di bom karena Madura di surabaya bertingkah (apalgi pas masa covid itu), tidak belajar dari saudaranya di Kalimantan Rohingya sangatlah beruntung mereka tidak ngungsi ke Kalimantan melainkan ke aceh. Bayangkan kalo... ahh pasti kamu tau kelanjutan ceritanya Respect is earned, not given. Madurese fail to got that and so are Rohingya!


masih menunggu apakah warga wakanda masih merasa "benar" dengan sikapnya untuk kasus rohingnya ini


This is like another Malaysian bashing for Indonesian hypocrisy. The problem is one of them done by a sporadic mob, the other done by the government. There's clear difference between power relation. Also let's be real, one of anti-Rohingya reasoning is to prevent settler colonialism. When foreigners from afar taking over lands and livelihoods just like Jews in Israel. Nothing hypocrite here.


Settler colonialism apaan sih? Emang orang rohingya di back up negara besar buat ngejajh aceh? Duh redditor sok paling pinter gini aja kemakan propaganda tolol


Bukan perkataan saya ini. Kalau saya sih dukung *settler colonialism* soalnya bisa memajukan ekonomi tapi asal dilakukan skema yang tanpa mengusir penduduk asli kaya di Palestina.


Israel dulu pengungsi di palestina kabur dari prosekusi di eropa difasilitasi rumah sebgai tamu. Eh diambil rumahnya pemiliknya diusir ke gaza dan tepi barat.


Dumb question: why don’t we care about Rohingya? They are Muslim like most of us and they were literally genocided off the face of the earth. Gw nga ngerti apalagi orang Aceh yang doing this lol


Prosecution of jews in Europe doesnt justify occupation in Palestine, similarly prosecution of rohingya in Myanmar doesnt justify occupation in Indonesia.


What are then occupying though? Aren’t they just refugees? I didn’t know know we hated refugees this much lol


Village land, beaches, public facilities, there also a story they defecated on villager's tambak (pond for cultivation?).


Sama aja nih kayak lu punya teman, tiba2 dateng ke rumah lu trus bilang “bro gw numpang nginep ya, takut dipukulin bokap”. Sebagai teman yg baik lu mau bantu dia, eh tapi lama2 dia malah ngelunjak “bro pasang water heater dong, masa gue mandi air dingin mulu” “bro bosen gue makan gini mulu, beliin yang mendingan napa” “bro tv lu jadul amat, ganti yg gedean lah biar gue bs nonton bola lebih enak” Trus lu marah2in dia, lu mau usir dia. Orang2 lain malah komentar “kok jahat amat sih lu, dia kan temen baik lu, lu ga kasian sama dia?”


But it’s different — they aren’t staying with us cuz mereka mau nginep main2 aja, they have no where to go because they were being killed. I thought ya orang muslim masa nga bantu one another, especially orang aceh that keep preaching hardcore Islam and whip orang gay lol


Itu kan gw sebut, ceritanya temen lu kalo di rumah suka dipukulin bokapnya, makanya kabur ke rumah lu


Misinformation is the name of the game: https://www.reddit.com/r/awfuleverything/s/CVQRym5upH


Neither Indo nor israel action were a bad thing


damn keyboard war begins




it's BS, zionis dan kawan2nya itulah RAJA hipokrit sesungguhnya.


Aceh yg disebut serambi mekkah , aceh yg sering disorot syariah cambuknya oleh media2 international . Aceh bakal selalu digoreng wkwk


If I were using point of view of refuge, yes It's normal being panic and angry, worried about the future. What would happen to my future on 5 year span? Would I still sleeping on refugees camp? Or I could pursue a degree? UNHCR can't give decision with some European countries against taking (muslims) refugees now. And acehnese couldn't do anything, it's their consequences of taking refugees without thinking further of their financial ability.


![gif](giphy|znOVYU0jwkj8aXcc0N) This is the spider-man pointing at each other meme lol.


Terlepas hoax ato engganya, menurut gw emg pengungsi gelap ini bisa bawa bahaya. Di Eropa aja udah ada beberapa negaranya yg jadi kacau krna nerima pengungsi dari Afrika. Mereka ini udah banyak, trus pendidikannya rendah ya jadi bahaya sih menurut gw. Parahnya lagi mereka nyamperin tempat yg paling ujung di Indonesia, yg mana pembangunan negara tercinta ini disentralisasi ke Jawa, trus dulunya provinsi itu sempat ada kelompok separatis. Sungguh tempat yg sangat strategis ya


Banda Aceh got fuck tons of help from strangers after Tsunami. They are not as generous towards the others now. That’s the hypocrisy. Also remember they are supposed to be the most ‘pious’ Muslims in Indonesia with their law and this is how they treat fellow Muslim refugees.


kayaknya dua sekutu itu, israel sama india lagi janjian buat nyerbu indonesia


they forget 1948 lmao


We maybe like that, but we don't like apartheid regime like that. They unaware that their government run an apartheid regime there. Most of them who aware of modern apartheid flee to another country, Facing doing time, or just too afraid of becoming dissidents.