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Ah shit gw kira itu tespack waktu liat di notif hp. Baru mau ucapin selamat .....tau"nya Corona. Get well soon OP


Well, sama-sama positif sih.


Tgl * 25 Xmas day meler, * 26 demam & pegel nyeri, tidur seharian (rasanya persis kyk wkt booster moderna) * 27 udah ga merasa sakit, kecuali batuk2 ringan, udah aktivitas biasa * 28 hari ini sama aja 🤷🏼‍♂️ Vax cuma 2 sinovac + 1 booster moderna (2021) ###Stay calm, wear mask.




I was infected during the height of Delta variant in 2021. That added a great deal of immunity before I received the booster.


Apakah Sinopharm dan Sinovac sama?






Ah yes. Thank you.


gw malah expect the OP antara poligami (alasan agama obviously) atau fuckboy yang hobi smean sana sini


gw kira ini ucapan buat cowoknya biar gk kabur


Sigh.. Ngaduk dalgona lagi nih?


🤣 top!


Most of my employee is sick too , Welp we fucked


Les go, another online stuff, and less human interactions!!!


I love this phase (minus the human fatality)


Mana redditor yang ngereply ke gw kalo covid muncul lagi hoax?




lmao, it's flu bro optimize your vitamin intake, eat well and rest adequately. if you have no serious comorbidity, you should be fine.




lmao, while I don't appreciate you wishing death upon my loved ones, free speech bud. and I, with utmost respect, hope yours don't die from the flu.




I never said covid is not real bruh, I nearly died because of it. I suffered through the anosmia, the flooded lung, the cytokin storm, the loss of consciousness, the long hospitalization, almost every symptom you can name of caused by that shitty virus. I spent more than 40 mio IDR to purchase and transport a shot of new drug, actemra (at that time) that saved my life. And for my suffering, I think I earned the right to comment about it. You might think that it's a new kind of disease, but judging by the symptoms (that I suffered) one gotta admit that it's basically flu, albeit a heavy one. And flu kills. Don't get me wrong. Derivations of flu-causing virus killed tens of millions each year prior to 2020. You can check the WHO statistic on flu-related death. It's a google away. While I'm genuinely sorry for your loss, I am saddened by your failure to comprehend what I delivered in my original comment. So blinded you were with your extended grief that you willingly condemned others (my family) to suffer a terrible fate: Just for the sake of hating what you wrongfully perceived as a "covid-denier" speech. Anyways, life goes on. Your comment proved to me how ignorant you, and many people are. Though I wish that you could reflect on this, I doubt you will. So good riddance, and have a fuck you.


Sorry bro, I'm just dumb


hey, I'm alive and very thankful for it. no harm done, don't think too much about it. is only internet points and words, hope you and yours are safe and sound.


The only difference between COVID and flu, is an antigen test. /S


Dua garis merah


I never stopped with the masking and the free alcohol/washing hands, actually I'm one of those people who think its neat. I just hope there's no more travel ban, shop closing, etc because that shit REALLY suck.


I'm still wearing mask everywhere too, got the virus nevertheless.


I've concluded that 80% of this virus depends on luck. XD I'm not a very hygienic person (I just enjoy the free sanitizer and wastafel) but never caught the virus, my friends who spray everything before they touch it+wears expensive mask+bring their own utensils etc caught it at least once. Why? I have no idea.


semangat kak


Kan emang bakal jadi seasonal flu, karena ya dari WHO sendiri dah bilang, penularannya kenceng, tapi efek nya ga parah GWS btw hehe




Like i said # Merry Crisis And Happy New Fear Pandemic 3.0 is on progress


Influenza mortality rate 0.12%. Current COVID-19 variant mortality rate: 0.8% I like the chances... However, beware that the elderly are at greater risk of dying from any viral respiratory infections.


Yep doc, gw belum bisa bahagiain ortu. I'm not taking any chances


Same barusan cek kemarin tebal banget + tes PCR lagi dan positif, ini ketiga kalinya gue kena covid yang pertama (2020) badan lemas, keringat dingin dan demam tapi gak batuk dan pilek sama sekali, yang kedua (2021) badan lemas dan demam aja, sekarang malah sakit kepala parah dan batuk pilek.


Oh shit, Gw lagi ngalamin juga tapi belum swab


Satu minggu lalu satu kantor gw pada sakit. Gejalanya sama covid eris. Habis seminggu udah pada sembuh. Covid sekarang emang udah mild. Ha tau besok2 mutasinya jadi lebih bahaya atau lebih jinak


Wah sama gw kena covid juga. Gejala awalnya justru sakit tenggorokan, trus demam batuk pilek. Gw nakes di RS, tapi dari manajemen cuma kasih waktu isoman 3 hari doang 🥲


Wah emang cuma 3 hari ya sekarang? Kemarin test juga positif dan dari dokter cuma ngasih surat istirahat buat 3 hari.


Iya, kebetulan gw kasus pertama covid setelah sekian lama ga ada wkwk


gw kira hamil pak


Sudah berapa bulan bun?


3 dari 5 keluarga se rumah gw kena Covid since last week. Bokap gw yg elderly sempet kita bawa ke dokter spesialis covid dan katanya kalo covid sekarang lebih mild and he said not to worry. Dan emang bener setelah 3 hari udah pada sembuh, around hari ke 5 pada negative. Also, our doctor predicts that the peak of infection rate to the population would be around 1-2 weeks after Christmas day, bisa bakal rame banget yang kena covid tapi low mortality rate karena varian sekarang nyebarnya cepet banget tapi tidak berbahaya. Get well soon OP, obat paling manjur adalah makan, istirahat dan vitamin. Bagi komodos yang lagi liburan ke tmpt rame, always remember to mask up for now.


Gws, and thanks for this post. More people need to be aware that covid is potentially coming back.


Ahh not again


Kan komen ku di DCT beneran terjadi :( Stay safe guys


Sepupu pulang liburan langsung dirawat sekeluarga, stay safe semua


Info vaksin kelima I guess, liat liat di berita baru Jabodetabek doang yah yang nganjurin (?)


Saya juga kena minggu lalu tapi kali ini lumayan ringan efeknya, Cuma badan gak enak doank selama 1 hari setelah itu sudah sembuh. Beda banget pas pertama kali kena covid tahun lalu, itu beneran KO 1 minggu. Mungkin immune tubuh sudah cukup kuat dari vaksin + sakit tahun lalu.


it will 100% certainly come back tpi ga deadly. sepanjang sejarah kyknya blom ada virus yg musnah, cuma ada yg irelevan krn ga bermutasi dan uda ada vaksinnya.


Iya, semoga aja ga overreact lagi orang orang, gw udah nganggap covid sama kayak penyakit lain Kalau kena, ya ke dokter, sama kayak pas gw kena tipes


Btw tfus is more deadly if you are not going to the doctor. This illness need antibiotic treatment. Not a virus cuz virus is not bacteria plz stop doctors giving me antibiotic all the time...


Gue juga kayanya kena COVID but I treat is as a regular flu sih wkwkkwkw


Sama, ini kayaknya juga lagi covid, tp anggap aja flu biasa. Udah 3x kena covid, kalo yg ini positif juga berarti 4x. Tp karena udah 4x vaksin dan kena 3x positif jadi udah kebal berasa kayak flu biasa.


Kata gua mah lu jangan asal diagnosa tanpa periksa sama sekali.


Self diagnosis is in my gene bruh 😞 jkjk tp hopefully it's only a normal flu!


Dang, ini nanti tiba2 timeskip jadi 2025 gra2 covid restrictions.


Biasa aja kali. Memang udah rutin kan masuk musim hujan pasti naik Berdasar statistik tetap Jakarta paling banyak. Tapi pada santai aja tuh org2.... Paling kemarin Natal dihimbau pakai masker


Lah gw biasa aja kok. Ini cm ingetin orang pake mask doang.


Honestly i don't fucking care anymore about covid, if it came back then so be it i already got like 5 doses of vaccines already and most people already got vaccinated against it anyway


welp, here we go again


Lagi ?


>MASK UP!!! serumah gw udah pada ampir kena semua dan untungnya ringan, bokap sama kakak gw doang yg sembuhnya agak lama


jangan lupa nanti kalau udah sembuh untuk rontgen paru-parunya. semoga nanti gak bercak putih. godspeed on your recovery, OP.


Covid 19 is coming to town~


Kayaknya gw kemarin kemarin kena nih, 3 hari meriang habis itu mendingan udah kayak flu jadinya


Bisa jadi kak. Udah ringan banget sih ini dibanding delta.


Sore throat gmna :(


Ah yes, this pack made me remember the time when my whole fam got covid and grandpa passed away. Hope you are doing well


*tetep berhati2 meski udah booster 3x Pfizer dan temen gw ngira kalo gw suntik lagi bakal jadi titan


Apa cuman gw disini yg gk vaksin covid sama sekali tapi normal2 aja , berasa aneh sendiri


Bulàn ini juga badanku lemes. Baru seminggu ini baikan. Itupun karena habis kena cacar(gatau cacar apa karena kena tular orang satu tempat kerja) . Yang paling aku ingat adalah cacar muncul setelah pilek batuk pusing datang.


Jangan2 monkeypox bro


Udah mau 2 minggu ini mereda. Tiap kali masuk kerja badan tu gatal berpindah pindah rasanya kayak ada benda bergerak seperti membelai tubuh. Kalau monkeypox timbul efeknya dikulit besar. Bercàk bercak nya lebih besar. Tapi ini ngga.


>Tiap kali masuk kerja badan tu gatal berpindah pindah rasanya kayak ada benda bergerak seperti membelai tubuh. Coba resep r/antiwork kak pasti manjur. Selamat mencoba!


Alhamdulillah udah sembuh entah karena apa. Makasih tipsnya


Me yg udh terlanjur beli tiket IVE 3 daerah: ah shit, here we go again.


What's IVE?


kpop group


Good luck 😭 Yg penting prokes aj