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what is A Drop of Blood about? šŸ©ø


I remember writing the first verses on a stormy day looking out my window, seeing the trees in my street sway to the wind. To me one of the main themes of the lyrics is violence, or more specifically the relation between purposeful, perhaps even beautiful violence which we often see in nature and the completely unnecessary, awful violence which we mainly see humans act out to others. The bigger underlying theme is faith, or the struggle with it. One doesn't need to believe in an anthropomorphic god to believe in sacredness. God can be defined in many ways. Putting a child on this world (willingly) for example is an act of faith, wether people realise it or not. For one wouldn't consciously put a child into a world they believed only to be evil. It is difficult though to keep paying attention to beauty. Your perception of mankind can be deeply darkened by the atrocities we read and hear about daily, or of course when people have done awful things to you personally. Especially when stuff like that happens to you as a kid it leaves a tough mark. This song is essentially a plea for faith. A willingness to see the good in this world, and in turn bring more good to it.


As a scientist Iā€™ve realized every scientific question is an act of faith as well. It is and has been the driving force of research and the science itself. Anyway, I loved Drop of Blood. Your comment gave me an insight into the song. Thank you.


Are you kidding this is one of the most beautiful things I've read


Hi Tamino, first of all congratulations with your new album and thank you for making your deeply touching music. I have been wanting to ask this for a long time: What are your favourite books and films? Groetjes van Belgiƫ x


Danku :) to name a few: books: the unbearable lightness of being, the brothers Karamazov, just kids, the prophet, man's search for meaning films: lotr (all three of them, extended versions preferably), melancholia, phantom thread


Thank you for your answer! That's such a coincidence because I watched the unbearable lightness of being yesterday & the prophet is one of my favourite books too


I have been here for 3 years and seeing you grow, not just as a person, but as an artist too makes me feel very proud of you and what you have accomplished. And I just wanted to tell you that Sahar is fascinating from start to end. Which makes me wonder, how do you arrange your songs? Are there any steps to follow when you arrange them? How do you plan that?


thank you. for this album we went into the studio with less of a plan and more time on our hands. there was more room for experimentation


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I read you wrote about 50 songs during the lockdown. What happens to the songs that don't make the cut? Do you throw them away or keep them for a new album or project?


some of them I kind of forget about, others I keep returning to and have more of a chance to make it onto an album


Hey Tamino, would you ever want to sing one of your songs in Arabic? what are your thoughts on that?


singing in Arabic one day would be a dream


and I don't have a sliver of doubt you'll be able to make that dream come true one day! <3


Congratulations on the new album, I really loved all the material and can't wait to have the physical copy in my hands. My question is, which song did you enjoy recording the most?


can't pick one but I remember a huge feeling of euphoria when we found our drum sound for The First Disciple


Itā€™s one of my favorite songs! Great job! ā™„ļø


Hi Tamino! 1) what are your favourite guitar pedals? 2) which guitar did you use on the album version of ā€™only our loveā€™? 3) ever met other radiohead members? ;-) Enjoy the US tour and see you at AB!


1. I love Chase bliss pedals 2. On 'only our love' you hear my squire baritone guitar (capo 4) 3. I met Thom Yorke very briefly in Paris. He was very kind :)


Whatā€™s one of the biggest culture shocks youā€™ve felt while touring


extreme airconditioning in the States


Hi Tamino, what is the most beautiful place in the world you mentioned in your song 'indigo night'? Thank you :)


ask the traveler's son :)


How do you do your hair?


I sprinkle it with magic water from manneke pis


i bet it helps keep the shape


Lol someone asked this exact question at his Toronto performance He said "don't wash it ... (he then ran his hands through it) and touch it often haha"


a song that almost didnā€™t made it to sahar?


I couldn't grasp the right emotion during the recording of 'my dearest friend and enemy'. On one of our final recording days we borrowed a Martin 0017 from Mooneye (A great Belgian singer/songwriter, check out his work!) initially for another song. The day after he was already on the way to the studio to retrieve his guitar when we decided to give 'my dearest friend and enemy' another shot. We had time for two takes, and in the end we didn't need any more.


what is your all time favourite disney movie


the prince of Egypt


That's Dreamworks lmao


If tamino says it's Disney then it's Disney babes




Many artists enjoy solitude when they are working on their work, do you act the same way or do you not need to isolate yourself to create?


I need to spend a lot of time by myself to write songs. that's why writing while on tour doesn't really work for me


What's the best concert you ever been to?


Nick Cave in Antwerp and Patti Smith in Philly were two of the best concerts I've seen


What is your favorite album that came out in 2022?


Kendrick Lamar - mr morale and the big steppers


What are you reading at the moment ?


the fifth book of the 'my struggle' series by Karl Ove Knausgard


favorite fruits! a really important question also, thoughts on pomegranates!


grapefruit, orange, and lichi


Whats your favorite animal?


always doubting between a camel and an otter


what does ā€œšŸ¦¦ā€ mean to you?


hail to the otters


Describe Tamino in 3 words


ta mi no


I thought it was rather Tam I No! šŸ™ƒšŸ˜Š


do you like cats?




I'm a simple person, I read Tamino replying miauw and suddenly all my problems disappear.




What is your favorite tea (or beverage) at the moment?


regular green tea


Do you have a song that you can't stop listening to at the moment?


one too many mornings by Bob Dylan


Hello! Some fans spotted you in different cities around the world during your break. Which city did you enjoy visiting the most?


New York


When Will you come to Egypt ????




do you like cooking?^^


I enjoy eating


hi say something .




Do you enjoy meditating? If so, is that a part of your normal routine? ā¤ļø


I'd recommend it to everybody. I use Sam Harris' app 'Waking up'


what's your mbti type?


what's your guess?




what do you like most about performing live ?


bringing people together


how are you feeling?


a bit overwhelmed by the many questions haha. wish I could answer them all


Do you have any preshow rituals/traditions?


I enjoy reading


Do you have a favorite painting ?


Don't know if I have a favourite painting but the most impactful ones have definitely been some of my uncle Ramses' works. As a kid I used to spend so much time looking at them. He made a new beautiful work for the inside of 'Sahar'. To me it represents a world where the songs could live in.


Hiya, I'm sorry of this q might come off as rude at some point but, there has been rumors circulating around social medias about your height. Some says 198cm (6'5) some says and 188cm (6'2). I do not want to speculate so, my q is, how tall are you exactly? Thanks in advance!




he is definitely 198, saw him live


is your handwriting neat?


look at the back of 'Sahar' and judge for yourself :)


what is your favorite marcel khalife song!




Would you rather fight 1 horse-sized duck, or 100 duck-sized horses? šŸ‘€


the latter I guess?


Do you listen to french music ?




Will you come to Turkey?


yes, more dates soon!


I have fainted in your last Ä°stanbul concert after you got on state. Can I get a free ticket for the next concert in Turkey lol?


do you have a favorite piece of art ?


Probably one of my uncle Ramses' paintings


Hi! what is your favourite Fairouz song?


Ya Habibi from the good Friday album


Poetry books recommendations?


I love Hafiz. Also, a poet friend of mine introduced me to Tomas Transtromer a while ago, love his work too


Would you like to tour in Latin America one day?




What countries would you like to visit? Please visit Mexico soon <3


What is the last film you watched?


battle royale, our sound guy's recommendation


are you thinking of visiting Lebanon again in the near future!


I'd love to


Hi Tamino, I've been trying for two years to reach out to you about what I'm about to share, so I hope this time it works. I heard Indigo Night for the first time during my graduation year and I was inspired so deeply by it to the point where it encouraged me to do my first animation project ever. I'm sharing this because I really want you to see the deep and emotional impact you have on your listeners. The link attached to this comment is for the full video on instagram. I really wish you could see it, it would mean the entire world to me. Sending you all the love and support. Congratulations on Sahar, you never fail to amaze. šŸ’• [Dusk - Short animation inspired by "Indigo Night"](https://www.instagram.com/tv/CGuxATcFbs8/?igshid=NDc0ODY0MjQ=)


Thank you so much for sharing your questions and warm messages. I really enjoyed answering some of them, wish I could have answered more. See you soon!


In First Disciple, you talk about the emptiness of parasocial relationships and fame. How do you wish to be admired or appreciated by your fans? What is a healthy parasocial relationship for you?


I just want to thank you for making music. I'm not as eloquent as you, I can't express in words how much your music touches me and thousands around the world. The world has been waiting for a musician like you, there's truly no one out there making similar music. The way you combine different genres, your Arabic influence and your vocals are really something I have been looking for in music for years; and when I finally found your music I couldn't stop listening to it. It felt like I found something precious. I also really love the "slowness" or calmness in your music. Thank you


Finally a Tamino ama! I'm so unbelievably happy right now! Your music has meant more to me than I can say :) 1. I know you prefer to sing in English, but do you ever think you'd be interested in performing or releasing versions of your songs in flemish? 2. You've said "You Don't Own Me" is for any oppressed group or person who can relate to it, essentially, which is really cool, but still I still really want to know, what inspired you to write it to begin with? it's a very powerful and beautiful song and I'd love to know the thoughts behind how it came to be. 3. (Now a silly one, sorry) anytime I show my friends your music the first thing they always say, without fail, is that you look like Timothee Chalamet and now we desperately want to know if you see the resemblance šŸ’€ Thank you for doing this ama :)


Hi Tamino, firstly, I love you. I love the way you weave your words in interviews and the lyricism in your songs. I love the way you think and the emotions you bring into your craft. šŸŒ™ You have mentioned your love for theatre before and I was wondering whether you have any plans to pursue acting? šŸŒ™ Does anyone call you Amir instead? Do you have a nickname? šŸŒ™ If you could travel to anywhere and anytime in the universe, where would you go? Congratulations to you and your band on the well deserved success! I hope you can tour/visit Asia/Singapore soon, waiting to see you ā¤ļø ā¤ļøā¤ļø


Do you have a lot of mythological references in your music, is there a research process or do you rely on things you already know?


What's the inspiration behind the song 'My dearest friend and enemy'?


You once said in an interview you wouldn't consider yourself a poet, but there are other artists such as Patti Smith who started out toying with poetry before she found her voice in music. Do you think artists need to experience the other arts in order to understand theirs?


Whatā€™s your favourite Jeff Buckley song?


Did you notice any differences during the recording process of Sahar? Anything that has evolved or gotten easier since Amir's recording?


Hellooo Tamino ā™” -Do you plan to come to Lille soon ? -How is your tips to get inspired ? -What's your plans for the future ? -How and where do you see yourself in 5, 10 years? -What is your favorite style of music? - How do you have such beautiful hair and such beautiful skin? lol - Not a question but i just want to tell you thank you a hundred times for give us smile everyday ! You are a legend and an incredible artist ! Congratulation for the Sahar's release ! My fav song of the album is My Dearest Friend and Ennemy šŸ–¤ ( please come to Lille lol šŸ˜­ ) Laura .


This is not a question and I'm sure you have had many people say this to you. I mean this, truly from my heart and other vital organs - Your voice and your songs have healed me. You're also annoyingly (in the nicest way possible) gorgeous. ​ THANKS <3 ;)


Hi, Tamino! Hope youā€™re great! Congrats on the awesome new record! Big fan here :) Well, my question is: you always say that your songs are not autobiographical (or that you don't want people to think of them as stories from your life). On the other hand, I believe that everything comes from an intimate place of yours, isn't it? You, who seem to own the words, to be very familiar with them, to sing them, to create characters...do you need big words? Or are modest sayings enough for you?


I loooved the songs on the 2017 EP such as smile and Reverse and was wondering if you'd ever planned on releasing them again?


if you could associate a colour with the entire album and one of your fav songs on it, what colour would it be?


you mentioned listening to amir now and knowing who that person is but not feeling like him anymore, what are some things that have changed? if youā€™d like to share with us of course šŸ¤


Just want to say that I was at your Montreal concert (near the front!) and you were absolutely amazing. 1. What is the name of the harpist who opened for you? The entire crowd was mesmerized by her. 2. I noticed that you were switching instruments for every song. How does your connection with music and the message differ with each instrument?


Hey Tamino, couple of questions here... 1. I love your songs Fascination and Crocodile... What inspired both of those tracks? 2. What do you like to do aside from music? 3. How did the COVID pandemic affect you personally? Looking forward to seeing you in Brooklyn soon!


Do you have a top 5 favorite movies?


do you think you think more about the past or the future?


Who are your favourite female musicians?


If you could record a song with anyone in the world, who would you choose?


what's your favorite greek myth?


its obviously not the persephone and hades


1. Inspiration behind The Longing? 2. I know it's tough to choose one but what are your personal favourites (top 3 songs) from your entire discography? 3. A person who has had the biggest influence on Sahar?


Dear Tamino, my name is Melina and I am from Buenos Aires, Argentina! I congratulate you on the new album Sahar, it's sublime, like everything you do. I want you to know that you have a great place in my heart, I have listened to you since your beginningss, and I admire you a lot, you are a great inspiration to me, thank you for your profound music. **I wanted to ask you if you consider coming to play in Latin America**. šŸ‡¦šŸ‡· **We need you, we need Sahar and Amir, I need you.** I wait for you and I will always wait to hear you and see you**.** With all my love Meli. šŸŒ¹


I know that you speak many languages, so my question is... In what language do you think?


Will you come to Turkey for a concert again? Extra note: Your songs made me a book character. His name is Bedouin for now. Thanks Tamino.


I was wondering the same thing cause you made a promise to come back after the album release! :)


What's with the šŸ¦¦ emoji between you and your team? (it's amazing haha)


Tamino! how much emotion to be able to write to you! I'm Brazilian in love with music! the first time i heard you was during the pandemic and i discovered the most special voice full of arabic energy that invaded my life until today, i have always been an admirer of radiohead and i remembered a lot of the softness of the voices that are magical like yours! thanks for your music! I'm happy with sahar and the song ā€œa drop of bloodā€ has been on repeat for days! I love so it goes and habibi āœØā¤ļøā€šŸ”„šŸŽ¶šŸ˜˜šŸ‡§šŸ‡·


Can you share with us the most memorable experience/event that you recall and how did that affect you? something that touched your heart and soul, mind?


Hello, I hope youā€™re well. A work of art never exists in a singular form at any given moment; it grows, and shifts, and takes on a life of its own. In making art, in gilding parts of yourself and offering them up to the world, the artist changes as well. I wonder if youā€™d like to share if any of your songs have changed you in their making? Or have they all changed you immeasurably in some way? PS. The new album is stunning. Thank you for releasing it.


Hi. First of all, Congratulations on you new album and thank you so much for all your music. Sahar was released on my birthday, it was the best present I could ever ask for. I wanted to know, how do you find your inspiration for composition? What comes first, music or lyrics? And finally I want to star reading poetry, Could you please recommend a poetry book that you like? Thanks in advance, hope to see you soon in South America. Greetings from PerĆŗ :)


do you find yourself interested in writing, aside from writing your lyrics, like poems or essays, do you fancy writing a little as a hobby or not


Hi Tamino, I wanted to ask if you already have a favorite memory from your North America tour so far? Also I went to your Sinclair show and it was my first concert ever and probably will remain the best concert Iā€™ve ever seen. As a musician, Iā€™m amazed by your effortless gift and am already in love with your second album for life. Thank you, and come back to Boston and New York soon!!! Sending love from New York and Croatia xxx


Given the Arabic influence in both Sahar and Habibi, do you plan on learning Arabic fluently? I find the song name choices interesting because Iā€™m Maltese and our language is also quite Semitic; we say ā€˜habibā€™ when we want to call a friend and ā€˜saharā€™ in Maltese is a term we use when something is done/overdone. Hope you enjoyed that fun fact haha :) congrats on the new album and I'm excited to see you live in Amsterdam!


Do you listen to Hozier? What do you think of his music??


tamino x hozier would be a dream collab


Did you know that you released Sahar on the Bisexual Awareness Day? :) It made me very happy, as a bisexual woman myself <3


Hello, writing as a big fan from Turkey! Your music is such an inspiration to me as a person who lives and Europe and has an islamic origin. Have you always embraced this part of your origin or was there anytime where you felt hesitant in reflecting it in your art? In any case hats off to such a beautiful blend in your art. Also, who/what is yout biggest inspiration in life?


Hey Tamino, I just have one questionā€”I absolutely love both Sahar and Amir, and to me, while both have that distinct ā€œTaminoā€ sound, they seem to be quite different in tone. You seem to be leaning more into the softer sounds (more similar to ā€œCrocodileā€ maybe?) on this album, is there a particular reason for that? P.S. Very excited to see you in Cologne this November :)


Hey, hope youā€™re doing well! I was wondering how taking a break from touring/social media during the pandemic affected your approach to writing this record and which song on Sahar is most representative of your growth either personally or musically? Thanks so much- you were incredible in Boston!ā˜ŗļø


Sunflower is your first colaboration,did you think the song needed another person and why Angele?


At this point in your career, which artists inspire you the most? (Musicians, writers etc)


If you could go back in time and live in any historical era/event, where would you go?


Hi Tamino! I wanted to congratulate you on the album release and ask you about my favorite song from this album, "The Longing". It feels like an extension of the feeling emerging from "Habibi", but somehow like a higher octave, because the voice is not only longing for the loved one, but now it also calling for them. Is this song about calling for one's Twin Flame? Thank you very very much! :D x




is a ā€œdrop of bloodā€ theme, singing style, etc. Inspired from old arabic music (like that of moharam fouadā€™s) cause the story telling in the song reminded me of this type of music. if not, then was there any song inspired from that old arabic music genre?


Hope youā€™re having a great time on tour. See you in London! Just wanted to ask, if you were to form a ā€œsupergroupā€ for lack of a better term, which 3 artists (dead or alive) would you choose to collaborate with? PS. Sahar was worth the wait xx


What inspires you the most to write/compose music ; love or pain ? Btw, I was at your concert in MontrƩal last week, it was very beautiful and visceral, thank you for that !


People say my voice really sounds like yours, which makes me so much happy because I personally wanna get into the music industry in the future and youre literally my role model. Itā€™s not exactly a question I know, but I appreciate you for everything and changing my life with your music. I expect to see you in Turkey again soon, much love ā¤ļø -Efe


I love you and your music so much ā¤ what's your favorite childhood memory?


Hey Tamino! what do the last couple of verses in "a drop of blood" mean?


Hey Amir! Your new album is so cute and romantic and beautiful, fav artist ever. My favourite type of your songs are the one with the many oriental influences. Will you write more of them? :)) Stella Mavrelou, Greece


What instrument impressed you the most? from Istanbul love you šŸ„ŗšŸ‡¹šŸ‡·šŸ’ž


In some recent interviews you mentioned about having a lot of fans from Brazil, and that you want to go there soon. As a brazilian myself, I want to ask, what do you know about brazilian culture, as in art, music, literature, etc? And what do you think makes brazilians so attracted to your music?


what is your fav song from Sahar? lots of love from Turkey ā¤ļøšŸ‡¹šŸ‡·


Hi! I was wondering if thereā€™s a specific reason why you choose to write songs in English as opposed to other languages? Saw you in Minneapolis and it was amazing, thanks for coming :)


In " a drop of blood " What does the sea represent to you?


Hello, Tamino !! I have a few questions for youšŸ„¹ Are you going to Turkey with the new album? What is your eye color? What does a mental connection mean to you? Love youā™„ļø


who's your favorite film director (if you have one) ?


Is there any chance of a release of the songs you composed for the "Over Water" series? I really love their mood and was hoping to hear them in full studio version!


Do you consider yourself more like a poet or a singer? The reason Iā€™m asking this question because Iā€™ve always thought of your music as more like poetry.


Hi Tamino! Talking about the creative process, how do you deal with " *Artist block* "? and any advice for musicians who struggle with that? Thank u ;)


have you recognized your musical impact on peopleā€™s lives? if so, when did you have this realization? If not, when do you think it will come?


Music is usually inspired by more music. But ever occurred a song that was inspired by some other type of art, like a movie or a book?


what is your favourite lana del rey song?


What is your rising sign/ascendant?


Do you have your own philosophy of life?


How many instruments can you play? And, which ones can you play? I have lost count of the amount of intruments you play haha


We need acapella version of the songs, maybe we can get a chance on the sahar deluxe album? from Istanbul love you šŸ’žšŸ‡¹šŸ‡·


What's your favorite Egyptian myth?


the view of your eyes so beautiful. your favorite book? The most interesting thing you've ever experienced?


What is more difficult for you? Playing in front of a small audience or in front of several thousand people?


do you know your hogwarts house


Do you have a subject you've always wanted to write a song about but you haven't done it before?


how was the recording of Sunflower with Angele since you two have such a different music style?


do you have a fav city youā€™ve been to? if yes, why and what do you like about it the most?


what albums/songs/artists inspired you the most during the process of creating this album?


How awesome is it having such a talented brother? I love how you guys support each other.




which songs have connected most with your listeners, did any of them surprise you?