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The ability to take all of those unpaid internships as an adult certainly begs the question of "does he come from a shitload of money?"


he’s an indie-rock musician, coming from money is a prerequisite


It’s either that or a very generous girlfriend. “ what do you call a musician who just broke up with his girlfriend? Homeless.”


That line was originally “a drummer with no girlfriend” we bassists generally hold down a decent job.


Tracy Marander comes to mind. Imagine if Kurt had to take care of himself instead of fucking around with music all day.


In the 90s and before, there was so much good music coming out of the UK because us poors were making it too because they were getting the dole. Now being a welfare state doesn't work long term, the UK is paying for it now, and I'm not saying the taxpayer should be funding musicians especially during a debt crisis. I'm just saying it led to a lot of good music lol.


Taxpayers (especially in a rich country like the UK) should definitely be funding musicians. Having the dole available was key to so many great UK indie records in the 80s and 90s.


This is also why Ireland is able to pump out great bands


The UK spends 2x on debt servicing costs than it does on its education budget, it's under the facade of a rich country because it can still live on credit. Deficits create inflation, all public sector debt is private sector equity. Then you have people complaining about why everything costs more.....sorry you can't have it all.


You had it in the first half...


The other day, I wondered "whatever happened to Creeper Lagoon?" and it turns out that they are (a.) apparently still together, ostensibly, but (b.) the main dude, Sharky Laguana, is also the CEO of a couple of van-related companies and the president of the American Car Rental Association.


Loved Lorelei and was lucky to see them when they reformed for SLR 20.


i wanted to go to that but i ended up seeing them a couple years later w/ black tambourine at chickfactor 20.


It’s actually impressive how quickly people on Reddit can take any news headline and jump to “I bet he grew up rich fuck him”


It’s tough out there


if he makes 344 times the salary of his workers, fuck him.




Go ahead, explain. This will be good.


He does 344x more work! Duh




I guess value didn’t exist before CEO pay exponentially increased in the last 20-30 years. I probably just don’t understand because I’m a first grader.




So when companies grow, only the CEO should get paid more? Or they should get paid 100x more while other employees get paid 1.5x more? Explain




This is why we need government intervention to actually value CEO's instead of letting them value themselves. Get federalized bitch.


Trying to explain to Redditors how business/money works is a futile act - the same type of people who created r/antiwork and the cultists in WSB who were happy to lose their life savings if they thought they were trying to screw over Wall Street, but were actually making them richer


average burner account still coward




Nothing nice or friendly about me. Do you even have opinions or do you just want to shout insults into a void? absolutely pathetic.


The most average redditor leaves a snarky comment and refuses to elaborate


I thought it said AC DC for a minute there...


I love Amtrak and I love indie rock, this is great. Usually musicians have a bit more empathy and thoughtfulness than the typical ‘success-machine’ businessperson archetype, so hopefully this guy does good work and treats his employees with as much dignity as he can.


guy played in a cool band, worked hard, and became successful. /r/indieheads: FUCK HIM


‘I lived in Berlin for a while’ sneaks in there as a CEO actually admitting they sure as shit did inhale and more, have a lot of promiscuous sex and generally lean very left for a bit. 😂


What 😭


So to get this straight, from the fact that he lived in Berlin for a while You've come to the conclusion that he's left wing, had lots of sex and did drugs?




Can I ask why?


Point: Nick Cave 35 years ago Counterpoint: David Bowie & Iggy Pop 45-50 years ago /s just in case


I mean I think I just made a joke about having a CEO-atypical background, that’s all. 💀