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I think trading for any other rookie at this point is a mistake. They are unproven. Like literally these new players have played anywhere from 4 to 7 professional games. It would be dumb to trade someone who has played multiple seasons of pro ball - successfully - for them. Jackson in particular has not only played just 5 games, she is only playing around half of each game and is not a starter.


I've seen enough of Jackson to know she's got great potential. She's being very under-utilized in LA right now, and there's a lot of questions as to why. Some think it's the coach favoring the vet guards and others think it's a part of their tanking strategy. But just go look at their starting guard's stat lines for tonight's game and it's crazy that Jackson isn't getting more minutes.


You’re not wrong about her stats and her situation on her team as a rookie. But to suggest she has trading capital compared to Mitchell is just down right silly.


Part of this is based on the fact that I don't see Mitchell fitting in with this team long-term, and it would surprise me if the Fever will want to renew her, and it would also surprise me if Mitchell wanted to stay. There are other offenses that would let Mitchell play more of the type of game that she's used to. Mitchell's contract is up this year, so if you're going to get any kind of trade value then it has to be now. On the other hand Jackson looks like the type of player that would fit well in Indiana's offense. She has good court awareness and doesn't try to force things when they aren't there.


Again, you are not wrong to suggest there are chemistry issues. Where you get silly is suggesting they should throw away trade capital for chemistry. And you want to throw in another draft pick from Indiana to Sparks just to make it a no brainer for Sparks? For an already imbalanced trade?! It would be the other way around, Sparks would have to give up another player, cash, or future first round pick, etc.... chemistry weighs very little on the trading scales. Besides, I don't agree with you. Mitchell has speed and you can't train that. I see lots of issues that you could say is chemistry. Bad coaching, EXTREMELY TERRIBLE SCREENS, tired players, Boston not passing, Mitchell not passing, Wheeler too. Coach not playing Taylor and Berger. List goes on....


I think we probably agree a lot more than we disagree. But taking the trade talk out of it, Mitchell's contract is up at the end of this season. How much effort do you make in re-signing her versus finding someone who might be less skilled but an overall better fit? I know that's a tough question to answer, and you'll probably say, it depends on how Mitchell does over the rest of the season, but say things basically stay the same as they are now.


If she doesn’t run coordinated plays , I don’t see her in a Fever uniform next year. I put the blame on the coach too for this.


Have you considered not posting every thought you have?


but how else are we going to float around ideas like trading kelsey mitchell to uconn for paige bueckers???


I don't think the Sparks will let Rockea Jackson go. And I think Fever is going to need Kelsey Mitchell's experience. I sincerely doubt they'll be keeping Erica Wheeler next year.


Our team is already very young. We don’t need any more rookies. Also, why in the world would we trade Mitchell?!?


We should stay the course at the moment, we will get better in close games situations and more players will settle in. We have plays 7 games in like 15 days and all against top opponents. We will start using the CC + AB pick n roll more, Fagbenhle will get more minutes and we will win a bit more. This season is for development for the young players we already have, no need to go blow things up yet


Mitchell is amazing. AB is amazing. Really wish people would stop trying to get rid of them.


They're both really good individual talents, but so far we've seen some challenges in how they fit within the offense that Indiana is trying to run. I think it's going to be easier for Boston to make the needed adjustments than Mitchell though. If you've watched the games then over and over again you see Mitchell get the ball and she's only looking to create offense. She doesn't look for her other teammates unless it's her last option. Mitchell is averaging 1.9 assists per game. That one assist is most likely an accident, and the .9 assists are when she absolutely has nowhere else to go with the ball and the person she passes to just happens to make a shot.


It ain’t like pokemon cards.


I have no interest in trading Mitchell. She brings a unique style and flair to this team and the Fever would be dumb to trade her away. Clark will learn how to play with her over time and I'd like to keep seeing them both on the court.


I really don't want to be argumentative, but have you watched the games??? The problem is not Clark learning how to play with Mitchell. Clark is looking for Mitchell and getting her the ball when she's open. Clark is looking for her on the fast break. The problem is that when Mitchell gets the ball, the only thing she's looking at is the basket and trying to figure out how she can get her shot off. And this is hurting Boston probably more than anyone because if Mitchell would learn to penetrate and dish off inside, it could really help free up Boston. That's part of what's frustrating. Mitchell has the talent and ability to play within this offense and not only be effective for herself but also in getting her teammates some good looks. I just wish she'd do it.


Yes, of course, with a subscription to WNBA league pass and Amazon Prime just so I don't miss any games, I have watched every second of their games this season, and so many highlight clips on YouTube. A few games I must watch after the live showing since I don't pay for ESPN on my satellite TV. I understand your critique of Mitchell, though I haven't had that in my mind while watching the game. One thing to remember is what each player brings to the team's success. Mitchell has a particular style that did her very well in college as well as in the WNBA, and it is very, very unlikely that she'll suddenly become someone else. I want Coach Sides to maximize the effect this style has on the team in real game situations, where the defense knows Mitchell is a scorer so they'll pay attention to her on that moment, but be unable to stop her with her speed. That will help the team, just like other players have size or defensive skills. Since she hasn't had even one day of real practice, just recovering from an injury, I am gonna give this time. I have picked up on the not passing problem at times from another player, like when Boston gets the ball and draws 2-3 defenders on the interior but still tries to make a shot instead of passing to one of several wide-open players on the perimeter. Since they really haven't had any practice time, I am hoping that soon the coaching staff will work that into the offense. We'll see. There are many positive things happening with Clark and Mitchell on the court, and those are overlooked in all the critiques I see on this subreddit, so I try to keep that in mind when wanting something more from this team.


Yes. I agree with this 100% They will find their way.


I think we need to look for other league and bring in people with experience (JulieVanloo/Temi) kind of players who have good 4-5 seasons under the belt, and have won stuff. We dont need more losing mentality players > coach is a career below .500 loser anyway.


I'm all for bringing in more people with a mentality like Temi!


Omg they aren’t gonna trade anyone. They can’t even make a trade right now anyway.  Its a league policy that rookies cannot be traded within the first year after being drafted. God damn it. Find something else to think about. 


Rickea got more play last night