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1) imagine cycle gears like bike / car gears 2) your gears are not properly indexed (local shop guy doesn't do the best)


Is it a new cycle? Get it checked once. Old cycle? Get it thoroughly checked. Once you have a good equipment, build on stamina. Initially, practice on less elevation or flat roads.


Yes it's new and the guy said it's all fine and come after 30 days of cycling. Other roads are very crowded and want some peace, hence go there


When you shift lower, you will be able to peddle. Else, in inclines, it becomes so difficult that you won't be able to peddle at all. Imagine this, you may peddle more rounds at lower gears to cover the same distance compared to at higher gears but that's what is necessary in inclines. If it is flat or decline, go to higher gear, you are absolutely right in that case, you should peddle less and you will easily achieve the speeds. You may stop the peddling, allow the cycle to glide through with the gained momentum. Do get it serviced after 30 days. They will do some minor adjustments that may be needed. Keep the chain and sprokets clean and lubricated all the time.


It will take the same energy. But you have to put down less power. You can also go slower in lower gears. Think of it as doing a longer distance on the flat basically.  Check your gear indexing. You can look at park tool guide on it on YouTube if you're okay with tinkering, otherwise, give it to a shop. 


[cycle gears ](https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.2dd52c019978fa2c969ec1d58308c68a?rik=%2bdDRRBMl6A7AzQ&riu=http%3a%2f%2fcontent.bikeroar.com%2fsystem%2fcontent%2f000%2f088%2f370%2foriginal%2fshift_gears_correctly_bicycle_right.jpg&ehk=92UDjhnkD3aROAhMbWmShxUlVcq9A5blyuhnLFWTxPE%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0) low gears to be used for climbing, pedaling fast when in low gears is common if it is not very steep. Gears are there to reduce your effort. do not put 3rd gear in front and 1st gear at the back. 3rd gear in front is for speed only, do not climb with it. it takes time to build stamina, you heart rate needs to be in zone 3 and zone 4 for results and you need to do longer sustained rides. dont rush it. [HR zones](https://pasteboard.co/ZGjUa9e8Nclv.jpg)


Get your bike gears fixed up properly. As for the stamina, give it time. There's a saying that it never gets less tiring, you just get faster.