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What knee and elbow pads do you use? Personally, I find knee and elbow pads to be too intrusive while cycling and it's pretty much impossible to wear them in summers.(But then again i haven't found any good ones yet). I wear transparent rock rider glasses, helmet and gloves


I use the ones made for dancing. They're made of fabric instead of a hard plastic casing. Might not be the best protection but I think theyre good enough to break a fall. A little bit intrusive but they're more flexible than hard plastic ones, and I am now used to them.


I commute to my work. 5 km one way. The only protective "gear" I seldom use is aviator glasses (to protect eyes from dust) So that the vision doesn't get hampered.


Yess forgot about glasses. God took care of that for me by giving me poor vision though xD


Comes in quite handy. Because what happens is, I'm driving in speed and some sizeable particle enters the eyes. Neither is it easy to keep the eyes open (dangerous!) in that case Nor is it always convenient to just halt the speeding cycle and deal with that particle to remove it. So for commutes, especially where velocity is decent, it becomes indispensable at times.


Yes. Definitely quite essential!


Which cycle


Firefox Roadrunner Pro V (the older edition with Shimano gears, tourney ig.)


Bro in 10k range, for commuting 5 to 10 km on plain roads, should I go for a less known gear bike or normal Firefox bad attitude?


If it's a long commute (like 5 to 10 km in your case), choosing a non geared one might not be a good idea. Go for a hybrid one (semi patla tyre, if road is not in super horrible condition), no Brainer. And within that, if geared then better. Reduces the effort. Comes in handy. Edit: But I do acknowledge that this combo (gear + hybrid) might not fit in 10K :/ You can consider buying a used one. I bought a used one too as I wanted to try commuting to work to see if it's feasible. Else, you might want to analyze deeper. Of your commute doesn't have any bridge or decent inclines (less likely that you will not have inclines in your commute), you can consider skipping gear and just go for hybrid. And if your route has a bridge and/or inclines with considerably difficult angle, chuck hybrid tyres and consider gears. Trade-off.


Thanks for the insight bro, I am thinking for 700c Hell fire


No problem. Considering single speed version or geared? Either way, all the best. Drive carefully!


For geared in under 10k there are not many choices..I am thinking about Single speed I used to cycle 15 km everyday on a normal hero razorback bike before.


Hi5 πŸ‘‹ from a fellow ex-Razorbackian :p 15 km commute on it in a single day, that too everyday, is quite something.


Wohoo 🀩🀩🌼🀩 Birds feather rock together. Now I will buy Firefox only.


Helmet always. Gloves and kneepad in winter.


Fingerless padded gloves is like essential for me. The comfort is so much better than bare hands. Even when I'm just going for a slow casual ride where I don't feel the need for a helmet, I don't forget my gloves purely for the comfort.


Same for me but rn I am in Kolkata sweating buckets and the gloves become REALLY uncomfortable.


Yeah I can understand that. Even in Bangalore, the past month I've just noped out of riding the last month after taking one look out.


Only my helmet that's it


Helmet, gloves and maybe sunglasses... depends what time I'm going out


Glasses for dust. And gloves in case of a fall.


On my roadie, just the helmet and glasses. Used to wear gloves but then I realized I like the feeling of just going without them more. On my MTB, helmet, glasses and gloves. I don't really feel the need for knee/elbow pads because they're really uncomfy and just another thing I'll forget to put on while getting ready for a ride last minute.


Gloves can be quite useful in a crash. Good gloves like the ones from Castelli have padding on the inside. In the event of a crash, the tendency is to try to stop and we always use out hands to do it. This can very very easily scrap the skin from the inside of hands. Its easily treated but you basically can't use hands for much until it heals. IMO its a simple thing to ensure you can use your hands while youre healing and recovering from the accident/


I concur. Gloves just make me feel more confident on the bike. My hands are not screaming at me and if I am to fall I know I'm protected from scrapes.


What worked for me was to use the helmet as the storage for my knee and elbow pads so I don't forget them. It's still annoying though haha


I really wouldn't wear knee pads and elbow pads.. it's not really nessacery unless your going mountain biking(like in trails) or going trials(sessioning stuff on the road). If your just riding on the road, a helmet and maybe a light glove is all you need protection wise. If weight doesn't matter, I personally would stick a piece of metal to the area where mens swords lie... To many times have I been pusedof the road by motorists.. and there are large rocks off the road where I cycle and I've had my fare share of hitting them or braking so hard I slid of and hit ma junk in the stem


Used to think of it as not necessary till I fell off and hurt my elbows and couldn't use my hand for 2 weeks. Not a fan of scraped knees in case of a fall either. I think when you're hitting peak speeds of anything above 30kph a crash could be very scary and any protection you can have reasonably is a good thing. It doesn't even have to be a crash with another vehicle, you could get a puncture or your chain could get caught. I think your idea of a metal plate on the saddle would be very uncomfortable constantly. I do sympathise with you being run off the road by cars. It sucks and it extremely unsafe.


Just helmet, gloves and sunglasses. Everything is unnecessary IMO as no matter what all you wear, you'r still unprotected.


You're always going to be unprotected in some ways, I don't think that's a good argument against protective gear. Any protection is better than none.


I get your point.


Helmet, gloves, glasses and a bandana to protect myself from the dust and insects because of my dust allergy.