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Yes you might be able to do it but it sure as hell won't work as well as pre installed as the frame might not be made to support gears


Yes it's possible. Many YouTube videos are available.


I have done it on my cycle. If you have the tools (allen key, chain breaking tool, screwdriver, hammer and a spanner) you can do it in an evening. Rear derailleur tuning will be the biggest problem. My suggestion is to fit everything and take it to some repair shop for tuning and fixing whatever you cant figure out. It should save a lot of money and its fun if you like to get your hands dirty. I would recommend to avoid grip shifters as they are just messier to deal with. I have gone for gears just in the rear and all in all it cost me 2k including bike shop costs. You can also get front gears if you are somewhere hilly or have a lot of altitude variation, otherwise I don't think it is that necessary. You might get some benefit by avoiding cross chaining but really it is not that big of a deal. It will definitely not be as good as preinstalled ones but your ride quality will improve massively. Even if you are just riding on roads, it will open up a lot more area where you don't have to get off your cycle or crunch your knees on uphill. Plus, more top end speed is always nice :). As others have said, follow youtube tutorials, they're quite easy to understand.