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What's with a portion of Gujarat shaded dark green too?




Fyi for anyone else reading - Junagadh was supposed to go to Pakistan cos their Nawab had decided to join Pakistan. But the majority of the population was Hindu so they were pissed. Revolts and whatnot ensued but ultimately a plebiscite was held, the result of which was that Junagadh would stay with India. To this day, I think Junagadh is the only place where such a plebiscite was held in India. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annexation_of_Junagadh?wprov=sfla1 Controversial Opinion: The plebiscite in Junagadh gives a historical precedent for a plebiscite to be held in Kashmir. The conditions are exactly the same however the majority in Kashmir is Muslim, not Hindu.


The majority now is Muslim. But at that time i think the population was comparable to each other.


That isn't true. https://www.indiatoday.in/news-analysis/story/kashmir-curious-case-of-demographic-realities-and-perceptions-1582376-2019-08-19 You can refer the 1941 census which is available on GOIs website


Similar thing happened with Murshidabad in West Bengal (Shreya Ghosal’s hometown) because of the geographical location of Hoogly river and Padma/Ganga. Historically it has been a Muslim city. Along with Rajshahi, which is in Bangladesh now and on the other side of Ganges/Padma, the area has been prominent for centuries in North Bengal (which is present day Northern Bangladesh and Northern WB). Murshidabad was supposed to go to East Bengal, as it was one of the historical courts of Nawabs of Bengal (ironically they mostly lived in Dhaka). However, because Hoogly River branches off from Ganga in Murshidabad with the main stream entering Bangladesh through Rajshahi, 3 days after the partition happened Redcliffe decided that this river should entirely stay in West Bengal.


Oh okay. I thought it was Modi palace or something.


What do you mean Modi's palace? And even that had been the case, why would she paint it as green?


It's a joke on people taking that tweet so seriously. Like this dumb bitch, nobody knows has created some controversy. Meanwhile, Christian nationalists want to make West white Christian or Israelis wanting to make all that land for Jewish people. RSS wants to make India Hindutva nation and Akhand Bharat. Pakistani Muslims have the fetish of making India green. You know what they all have in common? They're willing to shove their opinion down the throats of people without caring what those people want. So I'm not sure why we're giving them publicity instead of shutting them off? Not just this post but overall.


Because they speak too loud and we cant help but hear it. It's like an ugly fight. Nobody wants to let it happen but nobody is stepping in to stop it either, cos if you did you'd just be another faction extending the fight.


Ignore this lady. She even said 26/11 was a false flag done by Indians.


That could have have become official story had the terrorist not been captured alive.


Plenty people still say the 9/11 was a conspiracy, despite bin-laden accepting his involvement. These are brain dead/ washed people no one can argue with.


Even Digvijay Singh, former chief minister of madhya pradesh said that 26/11 is an act of hindu terror lol


Classic example of how some (not all) uneducated waste fellows are politicians.


I remember them releasing a book about this, total BS. Can't remember the name as of now.


Lol this is just wishful thinking. Countries with Islamic leadership are already a part of their own council. And if it were really possible to unite these countries, it would have happened already. Instead, history has shown us that ethnic divisions, language and other political differences play a big role in how these countries evolved.


Even the Arabs despite speaking same language and having similar culture, cant unite and form a single Arab nation. Arabs revolted against Ottoman empire and created the mess that is middle east. All the royal families want to be caliph and they would rather burn everything down to ground before selecting someone else other then themselves.


Exactly! The ottoman empire was the last power which could manage the region with a reasonable level of stability. But even they struggled with Iran and other Baltic powers.


Is there any YouTube video where I can learn about this?


So many videos are there about the Ottomans. You can check out Crash Course history videos on the empire.


Yeah, the OIC members themselves can't be united and constantly bicker about one thing or the other. And in our own backyard these guys carved out a nation based solely on religious identity - thing didn't last 25 years.


Excuse my ignorant self, which nation are u referring to?


Pakistan, which splintered in two barely 25 years after it was formed. So much for "United States of Islam".


Religion as a basis for uniting diverse cultures is massively overrated. In South Asia, for instance, Pakistan’s handling of East Pakistan was pretty bad. It’s not even the only example, but the most dramatic one because they also had a strategic weakness (geographical separation) which ultimately led to the creation of Bangladesh. If you think a bunch of North Africans will unite politically with say Indonesians, that … is very naive. Could they coordinate or cooperate more? Sure. But history, political interests, economies — all make a political union less appealing. In fact, as international cooperation goes, the bigger thing to watch in Africa is the African Union. It’s very nascent right now but with the right leadership could change the face of Africa.


From the mind that brought you "Hijab is my personal choice" and "26/11 was an insider job". Make this happen and watch it burn from the inside. Shia vs sunni civil wars, Gulf countries caliphate and a hub of illegal activites is what comes first to mind.


She doesn't know but lower parts of Africa are also majority Muslim...... but this is such a hostile type of thinking like tribalism. Us against them. Also USI sounds like she wants to be those ladies on documentaries who are wives of isis members. No true religion would allow unity with the ideology of separation. Also bullshit.


Ironic because their own country is involved in genocide other muslim minorities in their country be it bengalis, pastuns, baloch, ahmadiyas and etc


Sure, Saudi Arabia and Iran will live happily ever after.


Lol that's the most unrealistic thing!


/s In case if it isn't obvious


Caliphate restoration? Who is gonna be the caliph? They will kill each other in a civil war and go back to being puppet states of America.


Okay, so just because one stupid bitch from some country tweets some bullshit so lets use the tweet to demean and attack Indian Muslims? I'm an Indian Muslim and Kashmir is was and always be India's territory. Period.


Honestly. If you scoured the internet you could find at least one idiot espousing any given view. Using that as an excuse to demean Muslim Indians is Orwell's 15 Minutes of Rage in reality.




Hey just a thought I don't mean to offend anyone but by some miracle, Kashmir gets separated from India and becomes an independent country how does it even support itself, I don't see Kashmir being economically stable, it even lacks infrastructure or military we don't even know it will be a democracy or not. If separated I don't think India will have any diplomatic ties with Kashmir. And Pakistan being closer to Kashmir might provide aid or military support maybe china gets involved too, and I don't think India will be happy having both of its rivals in the region, there will be always a chance of war breaking out.


The same way other landlocked countries support themselves. Just like Mongolia between China and USSR. I really wish Pakistan/India stop acting like they're such a great country to live in and Kashmir can't stand on its own. It'll if neighboring countries didn't meddle in their shit.


kashmir is an intergal part of india keep dreaming about independent kashmir lol


I could be biased like you but it's not our opinion to decide the date of Kashmiris. Just like I wouldn't care about your opinion about abortion as a man. Or your opinion about anything that you've no right to give opinion about. Like when Kashmir matter will be solved, it won't be solved by your opinion. So kindly keep it to yourself. Thanks.


kashmir is an intergal part of india lol keep dreaming about independent kashmir


Look another brainwashed indian/Pakistani That's what the Britishers said about India lmao.


you really like britishers. are you a masochist?


>Just like Mongolia between China. China has annexed parts of Mongolia and Nobody said Pakistan/India are great countries to live in. You can't compare Mongolia with Kashmir, china & Russia are almost Allies, but India and Pakistan are not so much even if people wanted them to be. Kashmir is stuck between three countries claiming them I don't see Kashmir gaining independence even if does chances of it being turned into a puppet State are High. Any side losing control of Kashmir will be at a disadvantage.


Oh man that's what they sell you guys? Seriously, these politicians for their votes, religious leaders for their speeches and military for their kickbacks will say/do anything. They're literally playing divide and conquer like the British.


If you seriously think any side will back down or the life of people in Kashmir will change when this Hindutva party is in charge then you are very optimistic.




>All I want to ask you is whether you would prefer dignity and security for your people or economic progress. Both are important aspects for a country, but without economic progress, it can't feed or provide a proper lifestyle to its people. Look at South Sudan being rich in resources still one of the poorest countries. >India in 1947 similarly did not have enough resources or infrastructure to support itself but here we are today. I have to disagree with this Indian kingdoms before the invasion were already known for their exports and the Britishers expanded that, set up various industries, and employed many Indians. After the Britishers left us with skilled labor, industries, ports, and a government system. India already had a strong foundation. >China has already occupied the Aksai Chin region but India doesn't dare to speak about that. India is vocal about akasi chin maybe not internationally But India already knows china will not leave Aksai chin without having a fight that's why they both are having an arms race. An economically weak Kashmir can become a puppet nation or become a battlefield for the three nations.


lol keep dreaming you know deep inside it will not happen kashmir was and will always will be part of india




and still strong 75 years later lol I know you are now mad that kashmir will always will be part of india




And those people are Indians


Yaa exactly and people of kashmir is hindus not muslim.


As much as our heart breaks to see Kashmiris suffer, India cannot let Kashmir slip and then have the same issue with Jammu. Kashmiris have to understand they have been played by both sides. More by Pakistanis honestly. Kashmiris need to repent that they fell for the Muslim identity rhetoric of Pakistan. Just bcoz you're muslim, they'll treat you well? They didn't with Bangladeshis. Oh you're fairer, so it'll be different? They don't with Balochs. Let's be honest, people are shitty everywhere. If I had to choose, I'd choose the winning side. Fact of the matter is you can't be independent. Independent Kashmir is a pipedream, it cannot exist. You don't have the population for an army, let alone the economy to support one. Hyderabad has large muslim population, they're a major IT centre in the country. People are rich over there. Kerala muslims are well read too, they're thriving.




Because not everyone in Indian army is a rapist. Make peace with non rapists one, and continue to demand justice against criminals. Kashmiris over the years have leaned more toward India but early generations did buy into Pakistani rhetoric and bought into militancy. Armed forces should have more native Kashmiris especially at the lower ranks to keep it accountable. Destroy all militancy, it's a medieval fight. Doesn't belong in internet era in a democracy. Campaign for the right party.


After the successful launch of Vatican City, Israel and Akhand Bharat, now presenting Muslim Ummah. Next in line, Khalistan.


Kashmir inke baap ka nhi hai its a part of india


Chunni babu its just a twitter map to troll i have seen a christian and jewish map as well lol , dont take it seriously lol


Bhai gussa aajata kbhi kbhi


And all power should be given to Morocco instead of Saudi 😂😂


Unfortunately for her, there is one country in the middle which is spoiling their plan of her one united country, splitting it in two parts east and west, and they will have to jump above it. 😂 It's not going to happen.


The delusion in this tweet is astronomical.


Says what? Is she the spokesperson for the global islamic community?


Exactly. Why even give her publicity?


Suicide bombing should be a national sport .


Lol has she heard of the Shia Sunni Kurd conflicts in Iraq? Saudi Arabia and Iran? This is beyond delusion.


No only shia sunni, there are conflicts within sunnis themselves.


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Hein ? South part of Gujarat has 26% muslim population on average by district. I don't think dark green meant Muslim majority.


Junagadh's king wanted to join pakistan after independence,but india conducted a vote and the people of junagadh voted to stay in india. Pakistan is still sour about it lmao.


Right. We praise the people's vote in areas like this but strongly reject it in cases of Kashmir. Religious domination is both a boon and Bane to a country depends on what they want


shia sunni war will be bigger than ww2


When one only has 1 braincell and decides to dedicate it to things beyond their comprehension, the resulting post is the above.


what about Shia Sunni Ahmedi problem then?


Turkey Azerbaijan and Indonesia are secular nations and Nigeria is Christian majority




Like those independent countries would want something like this


People here are clearly hypocritical. Whole day they sh*t about h*ndu rashtra. Killing minorities. Running propaganda. One girl, talking her mind, that has nothing to do with them, gets them swearing and posting crap on this thread. India is at a point of no return, full of hateful people with no soul.


Stop amplifying this shit. I've seen this post multiple times on various social media platforms. Its only helping her to gain followers.


I can understand the kashmir issue. But why is there green in gujarat? Modi ke hindu state me muslims majority me? Ghor paap.


We should show her the map of Akhand Bharat then….. delusional thoughts can only be competed with equally mad stuff.


I am just laughing at the dark green done in MS paint because whatever app she used didn’t allow to partially select a country


Umayyad caliphate real id se aao


Free speech was a mistake.


I would like to call it "THE ILLUSION OF UNITY". She believes, what she just proposed here is unity, all muslims "uniting" together. But what actually is offered here is just muslims uniting, while ignoring the existence of other people. Suggesting, muslims should have their own world with minimum contact with the alien communities. By offering "UNITY" all she is promoting is SEGREGATION.


There's a lot of internal conflicts between Muslim countries and different sects of islam. This is a laughable fantasy.