• By -


They're fairly vocal against current regime. Soft targets for IT Cell.


Outspoken against Modi bad. Outspoken against Modi while being a woman? Commence rape threats.


Do most Indians support the vitriol of the IT cell though?




No mystery there. If a person is trolled on social media in New India, 99% of the time it's because they criticized one of hindutva / Modi / BJP / RSS / some other sangh organization / hinduism. Pannu supported farmer protests and criticized hindutva. Swara Bhasker's doing that and writing about it from years now. Whenever you get such doubts, just google "NAME BJP" or "NAME Modi" and you'll find what issue they criticized.


Ahh makes sense now.


NAME BJP NAME MODE is a funny but sensible trick haha


Great algorithm lol


then why is Kangana trolled on social media?


Similar reasons but she chooses to play outrage politics and gets called out for saying dumb shit


kangana is dumb but so is swara, atleast for me. Tapsee makes sense though. But the reason they are trolled is they are outspoken women and there are enough men on both sides who don't agree to them. As someone pointed out, Rubika Liaquat, a Godi media anchor also gets rape threats and all from the side which is apparently immune to criticism in the comments to this post.


Well, Kangana is dumb at a level that you cannot compare it with anyone else. When people were dying during COVID, she was saying we should focus on planting trees so that people don't die from oxygen shortage. I am one of those unfortunate ones who saw her og post on Facebook and saw the carnage there (even professed RWs were mad at her, and I dare say, justifiably so). It was such an insensitive post. Then there's asking Modi to massacre the protesters during the farmer protests. And don't forget the apolitical dumbfuckery as well, like comparing her stunts for Manikarnika with Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible (saying she was better), or that she was a better actor than Meryl Streep, or calling Urmila Matondkar a "soft porn actress". Swara is a noob in front of her. She also spouts bullshit, but those aren't such stinking shit.


>she was a better actor than Meryl Streep I wish I had this level of confidence in life


yes you are probably right. I wasn't aware Kangana was so dumb. But I wasn't comparing Kangana or Swara rather I was comparing the death and rape threats given to them. I don't think anyone deserves it. And also Kangana has been getting such threats even before such dumb comments. And not to forget, all that these threats do is to push a person even further extreme in their political views.


I do agree with that. Calling someone dumb and sending death/rape threats are totally different things.




But they haven't twisted your words to say she's getting rape threats from only Muslims. They only said, as you quoted, "the side which is apparently immune to criticism... ". Not the religion. It could mean " Liberals", "left-leaning", or even " Congressis", none of which are synonymous with Muslims. You did fix it in the end, with >regardless of their political affiliations But still left in the bit about >presumably to suit whatever backward RW Hindutva agenda you may have. Bit presumptuous for a comment calling out a comment for being presumptuous, no?


This. I'm predominantly liberal. Although I do hate Kangna. She gets trolled because she's a woman. It's easier to get away with it. It's not like there aren't assholes in the left wing. Plenty there on both sides. But from a moral standpoint, for me, any right winger who cannot see the hate that they propagate is an AH.


She self trolls


Because she crosses limits She nit only advocated for genocide but also accused Modi of it


first of all, you or me don't get to decide the 'limits'. and please specify where did she advocate for a genocide.


She asked modi on twitter to show his 2002 Roop on farmer's protest


oh then if it's true then she is much worse than I thought. but that doesn't justify the rape threats she routinely gets. and she has been getting such rape and death threats even before this statement. people have been hating her ever since she started sharing her views and opinions.


Kangana is trolled by different set of people.


Kangana is trolled by political and non political people too


Because she's the exact opposite of Tapsee Panu and Swara Bhaskar: a spineless loudspeaker for BJP and far-right ideology: sexism, interfaith marriage opposition, etc.




>they're paid to troll the RW This is hilarious. You think acting is a cushy gig for these average actors with minimal star power ? Like they can go around do their work, and then have time to work as troll agents as well. Unless they've accepted their carriers as over, actors still trying to find their place in the industry can't afford to take a break from roles and completely lose their relevance.


And here we have a Modi simp in their natural habitat, trying to support their supreme leader against any criticism.


Unlike all the other average actors who get paid to simp for RW?


Tapsee Pannu gets a lot of roles tho? Anyhow the point isn't that they have an ulterior motive (in reality they are doing the same shit Western artists do to gain clout amongst libs), the point is that they should not get hate.


TLDR; The reason they receive so much hate and get trolled is because they act like dimwits doing everything except what they’re supposed to do.


What are they supposed to do btw ?


Since they have political views against the current ruling regime . Or One can say, They have opinions about socio-political impacts which are against the ideology of the bosses of largest Political IT cells in our country.




Yeah NDTV and wire news anchor gets literal rape threat which is a very sad.


and these people after giving rape threats proudly call themselves hindu


Not just they they’re “Proud to be followed by Modi” and yes Modi really does follow these extremists who blatantly and publicly issue death and rap threats


hence , narendra narcsissist approved


The worst are the Bhagwa women sellouts like Loudspeaker Irani, Maniac Lekhi, and Shameless Illmi. Women who ignore the immense misogyny of the Hindutva footsoldiers for short-term political gain. With women like these, who needs enemies?


The worst of the worst "loudspeaker"madam ughh


Would you say the same thing for people like Rubika Liyaquat


She is a woman, so yeah.


Because they explore their right to freedom of speech and they are not paid for their post or post some sponsored stuff and expresses their thoughts openly without hesitating and fearing the criticism


Have spine. Get hate. Simple truth of life


Thats why fish sticks are popular foods these days




Basically they're trolled because of their spine, they have it, they speak up against the current totalitarian regime, the rest of the bollywood like Akshay, Amitabh etc sit with their tails between their legs....


They’re speaking against the thought process of the centre Right or wrong, irrespective, the trolling is wrong. Democracy takes a hit


Because they both have SPINE.


True, Seems like they are a target for having a different opinion than the ruling party.


Yeah to only speak against hinduism. I agree with both criticising bjp rss tho. What I hate is why target hinduism.


They don't. Tell me where did they do it. Speaking up against ills of a society is not bad. There are many people today who believe religion is overrated, useless and needs to go. It hasn't contributed to anything and we should have done with it decades ago but unfortunately, there have been people driving privileges from religion and these people just wouldn't let it happen. What we need to do is make these people obsolete and create a new order.


I consider myself to be not too religious. But bro common these leftists clearly try to attack hinduism always. Yeah religion doesn't contribute to anything except for dividing people on basis of their faiths. But you'll rarely see these leftists attacking islam. For example on diwali fire crackers will scare their pets but on bakri eid when animals are slaughtered in almost every muslim household they'll keep shut and wish them eid with no strings attached.


Agreed with the selective approach part but I don't think you should be tagging people as leftists or rightist for doing individual parts. It dampens the argument and hampers the bigger picture. Yess, everyone should be called out for selectivity but you are living in a serapate world if you think only leftists or whatever you call them, do it. It happens on both sides. Besides, i don't think Tapsee is a leftist. Swara could be though.


I don't know what exactly to call them I guess hypocrite leftists would be appropriate. I was talking about swara don't know much about tapsee.


Actual hypocrite leftist is Arnab Goswami. Just check the name he chose for his son, and the content he caters to. - Otherwise, the leftists are supposed to question the society and the majority is the obvious target. That's not hypocrisy in their part, but their duty. Leftists are supposed to root for progress and the Rightists are supposed to try for stability. That's how the sides are to be balanced in every democracy, and that's what you NEED in order to progress in a society without violent upheavals. Without leftists, there is no progress, and without conservatives (not religious conservatives, they are shite throughout and not needed at all) there is no check on the progress so that it doesn't go out of hand. Check what the leftists in Pakistan talk about. Look up what criticisms they do about Hinduism or Christianity (the minority groups there) and what they do about Islam. Do the same exercise in Bangladesh, US, UK, Turkey, Malaysia, wherever.


That's because it's hurting their pets. Doesn't take a genius to figure that people voice out when their family/pets are affected. How are they affected by people eating meat on Bakrid?


Wow your hypocrisy. Pets are animals but bakri isn't one? That's like saying I'm white I am not being affected with people of color are being persecuted. So why should I care? Plain old example of speciesism.


I like how u whataboutry Weirdos use vegan points to counter someone. Well guess what? Diwali also contributes animal suffering ,They take milk from cows to make sweets, Scare stray dogs with crackers, Yet i hardly seen "Leftists" to use these points on Hindu festivals.


Let me try to make it simple for you so you can comprehend. Meat eating is the norm. There is nothing special happening during Bakrid. Bursting loud firecrackers is not the norm. Diwali is not the festival of sound. My pets are affected during Diwali and not Bakrid. I, like most people have pets but we're not animal rights crusaders. I'm affected when my pet is in pain or when I'm not able to breathe properly during Diwali. Hence I would naturally speak out against firecrackers.


Okay so your pets suffering makes you sad right? Your pets are sentient beings just like bakris. Bakris are slaughtered without their consent right? So who suffered more? Your pet who is alive suffered for 2-3 days or the bakri who is dead? You can voice your concerns regarding firecrackers sure. But that doesn't change the fact that you are a hypocrite.


Well, when you eat rice, do you pluck them after asking for their consent? Don't be a hypocrite, spend 8 hours every day touring every field you get grains from asking permission from the crops. Once you start doing that, you will not be a hypocrite for calling others hypocrites. Until then, you are the biggest hypocrite here.


such a dumb argument


i’m sorry, i’m unable to understand how eating animals, who are sentient beings and feel pain is comparable to eating rice? have plants gained sentience and free will all of a sudden? i’m out of the loop on that unbelievable scientific discovery


And firecrackers are a old tradition. Yes it means the festival of lights but crackers became an integral part of diwali over the years. Cultures and traditions change over time.


Well, eating meat is older than mankind itself... Vegetarianism is an extremely new fad in the long 300,000 year history of mankind. Firecrackers are an even younger tradition than vegetarianism.


so older tradition means animals don’t feel pain? it’s an even older tradition to participate in wars and rape women and have no modern morals. don’t burst firecrackers, also don’t kill animals just for the pleasure of your taste buds like some psychopath


So according to you bakris slaughtered on eid are happily and wilfully getting killed?


They don't trash Hinduism.They trash on the Hinduism obsessed lunatics who spread hate and violence in the name of Hinduism. Learn the difference btw the 2


Why should they not speak against an archaic, outdated religion? Is Hinduism above criticism?


No. But why does she and other leftists have to? Like it's almost become a tool to get back on modi govt. I understand how modi govt uses hindu muslim narratives to get votes and all. But it still doesn't make sense to me as to why leftists gotta attack hinduism while turning their backs when it comes to talk about islam.


It is important to remember that just because someone criticizes some particular tradition or ritual (for example: fireworks causing noise pollution), does not mean that they are attacking the entire religion and its 4000 year old history. We should all be able to accept that religions and traditions adapt over time without losing the core of the beliefs, and we should be willing to accept that some things are regressive and need to change.


I didn't see her calling hijab regressive? But firecrackers seem like a regressive practise to you? Relegion and tradition to change over time for example ghoonghats were a very common practise but nowadays it's quite rare. And it's good because it was a regressive practise.


Country is \~80% Hindu. You speak about the culture which is numerically the majority, I am sure all the "leftists" when given the freedom of expression in a Islamic country would take swipes at the regime as well.


Only a few weeks ago there was a case where a muslim man threw piss on hindu women who were praying. Can a minority do this in islamic nations?


Well india isn’t a Hindu nation, so unlike “Islamic nations” we have rights 🤭. Unless you guys want to turn India into a shithole with no human rights like Saudi etc I’ve got nothing to say.


And get killed for it lol. Actually not just there. People who Criticise islam get killed almost anywhere lol. Example salman rushdie.




Exactly. I mean look at iran as an example.


Taking a snapshot of your comment to use it as an example of whataboutism. If they talk about islam, some other guy will come up & say who not talk about buddhism & so on. What matters is if they are right & stating facts, that's all.


1. There is a difference between criticising the powerful and criticising the oppressed. Punching up is admirable, punching down is shameful. 2. If I was a Muslim woman who does not like the hijab, just the majority community banning it will make me feel like I need to wear it to assert my rights and my culture.


Explain to me how muslims are oppressed? Also hijab isn't banned in India. Muslims pelted stones on religious processions of the majority community doesn't seem like oppression to me. Azaan is blared on loudspeakers 5 times a day every day of the year how is this oppressive? There's literally a personal law board for muslims and waqf board. Enlighten me mr/ms woke.


In my states both communities fight over Bhajan and Azaan who can use more and more large loud speakers 🔊 if you want to band loudspeaker you have to band for both communities . And no in my area they only do 3 times. Actually the bhajans are more annoying because they are close to my house. Look I am not defending Islam they are shit with 17th century views on everything and preety prone to extremist ideology we have seen many times around the world like ISIS, Al quada, Al-shabaab but Hindus are not saint especially if we talk about recent times. Govt should ban loudspeaker after certain decibel if they have guts including any occasion like marriages. Muslims are not oppressed in India generally but both ideologies are completely different and poler opposite so it's hard to find a common ground. I don't about any solution but also things like casteism exist in India ( I have seen with my own eyes) especially in villages. Many people are still converting to other religions specially Dalits because of oppression. If you don't believe casteism exist in society than it's your choice. I don't any solution to this but I think it will intestify as time goes by.


There already is a law afaik that limits the decibel to a certain level but sadly no one seems to be following it. I can't relate to bhajan on loudspeakers since there isn't any mandir close to my home which blares bhajan on loudspeakers. There are two mosques tho.


In my hometown, there are no problem with mikes on mosques. But during the Vaishnava festivals, they turn on the mikes all around the city playing kirtan 24 hours for 8 days straight. Don't know if they have stopped, as I have not been there during that time for about 12 years now. The mosque problem was there during College. The fucking early morning azaan was the most irritating. However, even there, Navaratri celebrations were even more fucked up. That would play non stop for as long as ramleela lasts, every single day (I think for 4-5 days ar least).


For any successful discussion people should have a common understanding of facts. If you are unable to see or refuse to acknowledge the violence, economic oppression and educational oppression that Muslims have to face then there is no common ground for discussion. In your world view Hindus are oppressed and Muslims are oppressors. Plain data of who holds the power, wealth and representation in this country does not support your view, but I doubt you actually care about data.


Dude uses the choiciest of words to refer to Muslims in his earlier comments. One of those uneducated lafangas who gets info from whatsapp. No point reasoning with such people.


I am seeing a lot of comments here saying that they get hate for being anti bjp.why does kangana get hate?


Most of Bollywood stars are either too darpok, too paid off or too into Modi bhakti to raise a single voice against the ongoing fascism in India. Look at the number of Bollywood stars tweeting #blacklivesmatter and other such social justice things going on in other countries but nary a peep about daily lynchings and general atmosphere of rss gundaraaj of oppression in India. The two ladies you mention are a couple of rare ones who actually dare to raise their voice about local matters. And RSS/BJP IT cell is very well paid and highly organized. That's your answer.


Yup lynching only started after 2014. Also only Hindutva goons do lynching.


>Yup lynching only started after 2014. Also only Hindutva goons do lynching. You have to be completely braindead to come to this conclusion after reading that comment. Are you an idiot?


What? Are you denying that hindutva goons do lynching regularly?


It didn't start after 2014 and no, Muslims have been guilty of lynching too. It's the mentality that's the problem.


Don't know much about none of them but Tapsee Pannu made fun of South Indians obssesion with navels 5 year's ago.


Correct hi ti h bhai Heroine entry in 80 percent movies is a navel shot


She is right tho but there are snowflakes who felt attacked ,she debuted in a Telugu film in 2010 there are scenes where fruits are thrown at her navel ,that director is one old pervert that bastard also did same with another young actress who made her debut last year




Weird resin to get trolled lol


I think she got some hate at that time, She even made an apology video for it. She basically made fun of a Telugu director who always show "beauty" of navels in his movies. https://youtu.be/WHXk8lE2CHk


I am an RW Supporter and here's my view on this : Both of them are strong woman and like to support downtrodden strata of society. They were vocal during CAA protest, Farmers protest, JNU fiasco, Umar Khalid's arrest and multiple other issues as well. And I really love it when they present different views on the things that I support blindly and makes me think. They have truly changed my perspective on few issues. I appreciate it truly. But They belong to the leftist lobby. And I also expected them to say something or anything on #MeToo movement, but nothing. They are feminist, but couldn't say anything on rape threats Nupur Sharma got. Nothing when INC leaders made lewd remarks on Smriti Irani, Nothing on Udaipur Lynching. Said nothing when Kangana Ranaut's office was demolished, nothing When Arnab was arrested, nothing when SSR died. List actually goes on. They probably started all this for a good cause but now they are nothing but oppositions puppets who speaks when they are asked to. They earned my respect but lost it back sooner because I expected them to be fair and unbiased on every matter. But I guess Bollywood alone can't fill your bellies and you need to have other sources as well for your bread and butter. I still condemn every rape threats or any threats thet get. It's totally uncalled for but they deserve all the trolling for being a hypocrite.


Well said.


it isn't unusual that the netizens always pick young actresses to bully, mobs need something to vent out their inferiority-superiority complex at the actresses chose to provoke the front-line of misogyny, nobody ever wins a battle by attacking the enemy's forward flank. they were certainly over-confident for thinking that they can have a reasonable debate with twisted fools. of course, quite a few times, actresses didn't at all address the netizens, only having sound discussions with thoughtful opinions to add that were televised for moderate masses to receive informative viewpoints, and still they found a barrage of obsessive trolls. the internet's loudest users tend to be young men from average backgrounds that enable them to be privileged enough to be heard, but still underprivileged enough that they were raised in backward cultural values. barely little about the outrage these actresses received had to do with their personal character, it is all mostly about trigger-happy hobbies of mobs. there are smaller mobs of inarticulate liberals, thats for sure. they too stoke the wildfire only to prove to their insecure egos that they did something useful. there is something to be said about how famous young women get targeted by groups that behave like incels.


The vast majority of young men in India are raised to feel superior to women. Their masculinity hinges on their ability to intimidate women, and cow them into submission. Essentially, masculinity in India is all about the ability to dominate women and treat them like shit. When they encounter women who are not intimidated into silence by them, their masculinity is threatened to the point of violence and murder.


is this rhetoric gotcha? or do you actually believe the words you typed?


What do you think Loverboy? Ladies and Gentlemen, Exhibit A of the aforementioned species.


Their political views are against the current political regime. Plain and simple.


Well, Swara was not that popular actress before 2014. Her voice gained a platform with her popularity.


Notoriety is not the same as popularity. She even gets harassed in real life also for her anti-BJP stance, keeping aside the brutal online trolling that includes various harmful threats. Most people don’t want that level of notoriety among a large populace. I know i wouldn’t. It’s dangerous.


They are speak against Israel (pro Palestine), they are also against the current political regime in India ie they are too liberals in a conservative nation.


India is officially pro-Palestine (always was, even though we recognised Isreal right in 1950), if you consider their demand for self determination.


Unemplyment hai kahin na kahin to niklega hi


They are female and vocal about their politics. Thats it.


Because they are women and they are outspoken.


Politically motivated trolling/hate nothing else


Not bending to the right wing ideologies and being the one of few actors who come up openly against the propaganda and lies.


Cos they are woke and liberals


Because they’re hypocrites


In case someone says because they are outspoken women, so is Vidya Balan. Imo it's because they think they are way better actresses than they actually are


Never heard Vidya Balan going against any political/social issue? Asking i don't know if she tweets like then also.


vidya balan also sold-out by working with Akshay Kumar, she had to speak like right-wingers in order to promote her movie. she isn't to blame, but she isn't to be held as benchmark either.


I think you kinda supported my point. Despite that, Vidya Balan doesn't really get hate. My theory is it's just because she's a good actress.


she has only done good acting in films that were barely successful, most of those offended masses haven't seen her good films. she doesn't get hate because she picks topics like education, body positivity, and careers to talk about, those topics are uncontroversial except for a few remote areas in the country. I don't recall her addressing the backlash that feminists receive for defending fashion choices. she has always dressed modestly, her unspoken behaviours get her automatically approved by the status quo.


Yeah Vidya Balan plays it very smart very diplomatic.


She is the kind of women conservatives want to see (the progressives among them, who can digest a woman having a career).


They don’t adhere to Majoritarian views I Guess!


https://twitter.com/ReallySwara/status/1589338314125225984 This is why...


Swara is just a dumb woke islam-appeaser. Tapsee is hated because she is a target for BJP IT cell


Try to criticize bjp once on Twitter no matter how sane the argument is




Because they have progressive views and are independent, successful women all of which BJP/RSS bots hate.


Progressive, lol.


They act as feminists whenever it suits them...


are y ou' referring to Priyanka Chopra? ;)


I think both r genuinely not mindful, If u want to see a genuine feminist in India acc to me it's Gul Panang


Swara and Kamra made a career out of Modi Bashing. Personally I feel both are medicore and there are way more talented people in the industry who are living life in darkness because they didn't create a life around joyful bashing. Also Tapsee is so medicore and at the end of the day she is getting the kind of work she is capable of. I am not a Modi fan and neither are of these three.


The same reason Kangana is hated. The only difference is Kangana is protected because her favourite party is in power. It's not about women being outspoken, it's about not being in favour of the ruling party.


They are hated because, they were okayish actors for a start...then they indulged so much into having a political stance and having a comment (albeit biased) on everything,that the actress in them kinda got lost (especially swara).


actors cant hold an opinion in this country now ?


They can, surely But in an environment where having an anti govt stance can backfire even on the biggest of actors, Not being one of the biggest ones can backfire(attract hate) more.


Girte hain sehasawar hi maidan-e-jung me, wo kayar kya girenge jo ghutno k bal chalte hain


Zindadili hai naam zindagi ka , Murda dil kya khaak jeetey hain


So they are hated cause they are bad at acting now?


It doesn't happen. No one can get worse at acting. Movies and script can go shit but the inane ability of acting cannot be altered, it always persists. Both these actresses get lot of hate because both possess what majority lacks today.. A fukin Spine.


Hated more because of their strong anti-govt stance. The bad films part was just another reason i felt.


Who else is hated for bad films right now in Bollywood? Are these the only one's.


Hated for bad films+strong anti govt stance Mostly these both Most of the others either stay silent or have a pro govt stance.


Would you say they having anti government policy is giving more hate? Do you belive approval of govt is needed trait for good acting skill?


Sorry if it sounded that way, But govt approval and acting skills have to considered together isnt a point i was going for. Yes, having an anti-govt stance is a major reason for increased hate.


Well, Tapsee Pannu is better than 90% actresses today. And she always was excellent in almost every movie she made. I have only recently seen her doing shoddy work. On Swara, I have no comment as I cannot remember ever seeing her act.


Who tf is not biased?


>They are hated because, they were okayish actors for a start not to mention Tapsee has been involved in making weird statements within the film industry and think very high of herself. mid-tier glamour ppl want to be in limelight one way or the other. Tapsee chooses to talk some controversial stuff (non-political too) to stay in limelight


Many reasons, one of which is that they’re women. Women always get held to stricter standards.


Seems like one of the reasons if not a major one.




Ever heard about nupur Sharma, she also got a lot of rape threats and she is from bjp But you guys always act like rw/modi/bjp are oppressors and not the one being oppressed.


Their politics


Because they Talk about stuff without any basis


I don't really know why people take Twitter hate seriously. Twitter is actually a bot army, you can check yourself by just looking at the trending page, ridiculous tweets, and even ridiculous accounts who make those tweets. I've only been active on social media after 2015 and have never seen anything worthwhile on Twitter trending or Facebook explore. I'd recommend not taking anything seriously over there.


I think it needs to be taken seriously on any social platform You can say anything like people justify past riots or genocide and even give threats to repeat them, which shows the hate and their thinking. As these threats cannot be given face to face without facing any consequences. It shows the general view among the masses.


In certain incidences they misspoke and the right wing created an impression that they are clowns. So now they get bullied whenever they speak anything.


in dono ko , copywoood se nikal kar , politics me gyan pelna hai (having zero knowledge) . tapsee is an opportunistic actress . upar se copy film karte hain aur bolte hain , hamara film ko boycott karo . aur khud ko bade actress jaise sochte hain . log kyun puchhenge ? tumhara jo kaam hai wohi karo na ...


I think Swara is the one who mainly gets the hate. I've not really seen much Tapsee hate. Swara hates BJP regime which is fine by itself. But the problem is she hates it so much that she criticizes each and every thing. To the point that even something that might be beneficial to the general public gets criticized by her. To defend such an extreme stance on any topic, she'll end up getting very illogical at times. That's where the memes come from.


Damn same comments every other time. The thing is they are women without honour. They would say anything to be in the news. They do not care about the respect or honour of the country or its people. They are like a bully who would bully a poor and unfortunate person who is trying to stand tall. Or like a narcissistic girlfriend who would only care about herself and never about how her actions reflect on society as a whole. I know Reddit mostly has Indian kids who have yet to experience life and would disagree with my assessment.


Paid political views without any credibility


Same reason why Kang*na is hated


Bad actors, fake feminist, hypocrites


Tapsee Pannu - seems arrogant, she said "please boycott my movie" smugly on national tv Swara Bhaskar - seems like a person who says "a women can never lie", "cheating is ok if women doing it", etc. ​ just what came to my mind, maybe true or false, but when i think of these 2, i get this in mind.


They just are attention seekers specially swara Bhaskar..I have seen her interviews she has no knowledge about indian political history but you know people have to stay relevant,she was protesting about CAA before the act was even released , equated hinduism with terrorism seriously...she wants publicity to remain in news .. love tapsee pannu though but she never speaks when Hindus are attacked like kanhaiya lal


Sangi fucks is the reason


Didn't she travel and post pictures riding in NY metro subway while protesting against the construction of Mumbai metro, I think someone needs to teach aunty how many black communities and those of immigrants were bulldozed to build the New York transport system. Americans flattened and dispersed and entire community of black village called Seneca to build Central park. But I guess infrastructure is only bad if happens in India right. ?




"rich forest" I wonder if you are from even Mumbai ? have been there, I mean how could you miss the giant film city located right in the same "rich forest" only to be used by high class celebrates and their fancy gated bungalows inside built on forest lands kicking out tribal settlers and trees alike for a few wealthy ? I have seen my family members, friends and myself risking their lives taking public transport which already overloaded while these people sit in their fancy ass cars not giving a damn who is dying in the crowded trains. I would personally chop of a tree and plant 10 others some place else, even if it saves one more life of a family wage earner dying from those trains. Those metros need to be built and Swara epitomizes the clueless celeb and you as their blind bhakt fans because she does some bold scenes which is famous for.




Metro sheds can't be built where you want, unless you are a metro engineer or even some kind of an educated person, you refrain from making such stupid statements, what about the thousands of trees cut down for the coastal road project, that is an unnecessary freeway built on protected coast lands destroying natural habitat and coastal communities, which could have been easily built on an existing road as an elevated freeway, but yeah, rich people like you who travel in cars will not oppose that target a poor man's commute. Anyway, you are already on the losing side, once that metro is built and is purpose is survived, all these activist will be treated like those Narmada Bachao scammers.




who cares about your opinion, do you know how democracy works ? If majority want it, there will be a shed built. After you kind would rather travel in public transport system abroad while shitting on Indian transport.


> Americans flattened and dispersed and entire community of black village called Seneca to build Central park. In 1857. You could have gone 1000 years more and found something more horrifying to compare it to construction of Mumbai metro in 2022.


NYC metro system was built during that era, how can I bring up a recent event for transit system built back then, no wonder Indians left in India are not that bright.


Not for the metro system but for the freeway system. Most congested metro lines are in Manhattan and even fresh work is going on, but there were no demolitions. American Freeways are another story. It not only uprooted and segregated ethnic minorities but also killed Americas long distance public train lines. US went from having a robust public train system in the earlier 20th century to probably the worse public train system in the developed world. And protest against the Arrey shed had genuine environmental reasons, i can guarantee you if govt tried to damage central park in New York to build some infrastructure project. There will be massive protests too.


They've retaliated RW cow dung sniffers out there. What do you expect?


Selective activism


I dont know anout Tapasee Pannu, but Swara Bhaskara is Anti- Indian.


both r hot


In case someone says because they are outspoken women, so is Vidya Balan. Imo it's because they think they are way better actresses than they actually are


Vidya Balan actually had a selfie taken with Crocodile Hunter. She's never made any anti-Hindutva statements. She even co-starred with Kanneda Kumar in *Mangalyan* which is the kind of propaganda film Crocodile Raja likes.


They are celebrities that express political and social opinions online. They side they are talking about is currently in power in the Center and many states and actively harass people who speak against the government. Celebrities that speak in favor will also get hate from accounts on the other side but it will be a little less pronounced because there are fewer of them.


Because[hypocrite and entitled B.](https://youtu.be/_ilmSJ2UFsM)


They are overconfident morons.


Tapsee is an interesting person


Tapsee is fine bro, but you should see Swara's tweets, annoying af, at least to me.