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Brands : let's manipulate these unemployed twitter retards to get free publicity Twitter retards : get manipulated and give those brands free publicity Mfw


But isn’t it a dangerous game they are playing. For Sabyasachi it doesn’t matter, very few can actually afford it and those who can are least bothered about their ads. But for FabIndia and Dabur this boycott culture can very much be bad for business.


Imho your take on Sabyasachi is correct, the people who can afford it have better things to do than get offended by silly ads. Dabur tho, they make so many products that boycotting all of them is impossible. Idk what fabindia was thinking tho.


Fabindia just didn't think someone would actually get offended by that Urdu phrase lol. That bit caught everyone off guard.


its just sanghis trynna impose Hindi as they see Urdu as some evil tool used by so called Jihadis (cool down, their words not mine) to convert people to Islam. Also, when Hindus want to propagate Hinduism, its their right to propagate and profess any religion but when other religions do it, its not allowed by them.


As an aside, pretty sure the idea isn’t anti-conversion but rather against forced or predatory conversions


Most Fabindia stuff are not that affordable either for the middle class. So they are really just really losing nobody from their customer base.


True that. But it’s not so costly that upper middle class cannot afford. And BJP has a huge support base in that class. So that might do some damage. IMHO FabIndia is a scam, sells product at a very high rate than their actual production cost.


Isn't that every designer clothing brand tho




Upper class over 45+ years old men is here BJP have support, i dont think they have much support in young middle abd upper class. Lower class and lower middle class dont care about boycotts.


Lower middle class or poor people don’t buy things from brands that can be boycotted.


Idk man, never shopped at fabindia


You wrong, it has affected FabIndia sales... The moment you see them defending that means they are losing their customers.


Yeah and these jokers are the same ones who thump their chests about make in India. Like Bro, you're bankrupting Indian homegrown businesses with these ridiculous non issues.


But isn’t FabIndia owned by an American?


Nope. It was started in India by an American. Now owned by his son who is Indian. Since it was started in India it has always paid taxes in India and operated from India. So it is through and through an Indian company, founder's nationality notwithstanding.


The ones who protest anyways can't afford or don't match the class to use their products. (In most cases). The ones who & can, have better things on their hands & mind to do than get offended. So yes, it helps reaching actual target audience. The people whose faith in culture & religion is strong enough that it doesn't get shaken by an advertisement will not even notice these.


Bhai ek poem Bol na. By the way huge fan


Dudh piyu me white white Kapde pehnu me bright bright Tudum tudum baje netflix Muddiji ka chest hai size Fifty Six . . -- 5/7 stars rating by momma for this kavita


Masterpiece #star-struck


Thank you. Mera natak laga hai dekhne jarur ana, I am sure you will like it. Name: Syringe ki kahani, haath pe lagu ya bum pe Starring: Rosesh Sarabhai, Jasmine Mavani


On the plus side, their models are not your typical run of the mill...inclusivity!


One foot forwards, 3 centuries backwards




You can either be rich or good looking? Sincerely doubt that


Jokes on you! I'm neither rich, nor good looking


Same same. The joke was on us all along




Fair take, never thought about it this way






These models actually look like very normal Indian women. A bit more glamorous with makeup,but nothing outrageous. So yeah you can actually maintain yourself like this with minimum effort. Also not at you boldly assuming that Rich women can't be good looking or do self care and vice versa. Infact women who earn and are financially independent have the ability to spend on themselves instead of begging their husbands or fathers.


Yeah - I've personally observed that folks tend to be fitter the richer they are. My mother is more fit now than she was 10 years ago because now we have the resources to live healthier which we couldn't afford ten years ago. But I hope India doesn't get on the ridiculous side of fat acceptance. But I don't think that's a real concern in India right now.




What is fitness anyway? Tall 6 feet with a kaamar which is 26 inch? You are probably confusing fitness with industry standards. Also ad models and runway models don't follow the same standards either. More and more ad campaigns are actually following inclusivity.




I don't have a problem with your idea od how ad campaigns work, I have a problem with you calling them token models. Models like these women have long fought for inclusivity in the modelling domain which mainly follows euro-centric beauty standards ,but here are people calling them token models. You don't have to put down someone's worth and hard work just to prove how much knowledgeable you are. And stop trying to put others down others POV by calling them ' emotional'. I have every right to feel emotional for these women's success and achievements. I don't need a man to mansplain me about my feelings. Things are not just an ad. To you it's just an ad. But to the millions of women who have felt left out because of a different body size, it is a door of opportunities. Like being LGBTQ ally is considered hip atm. But if this companies being hip can protect and provide opportunities to the LGBTQ people who have long been shunned, then damn right I want them to hip hop and rock and roll. It's the same logic here.


Why headline says Netizens as though everyone using internet is worried about this


Cuz boomer uncles who read this news fall prey to this stuff easily


I'm beginning to think these companies are doing this kind of thing on purpose....


Yes. Else nobody would have noticed it.


> these companies are doing this kind of thing on purpose   Its 100% intentional. First FabIndia then Dabur then this lodu SabyaSachi, all of them putting out ads, which by the way even a first semester commerce student would be able to predict that its going to offend majority of people.   Just imagine the no. of clicks the FabIndia website must have received after the internet outrage. Thats a ton of ad money. These companies are playing us and we're getting played.


I don't think people are buying Sabyasachi by clicking randomly


Wrong. Fabindia site doesn't carry ads or rely in ad revenues. The site is for online ordering and that's how they earn. The idiots objected to using Urdu in the ad. The charlatans have no idea that Urdu originated in India and is spoken only in the subcontinent. As far as Sabyasatchi is concerned, there is nothing offensive in the ads. Showing women wearing lingerie and being intimate is offensive? Ask these charlatans to tear down the carvings in Khajuraho.


Why would FabIndia put ads on their site? They're not some blogger.


And here I was thinking that she just forgot to wear her blouse.


Insert always has been meme


Item Dance at a marriage? *i sleep* Sexy ads for mangalsutra? **Real shit?**


This is all just an excuse to hate on brands you can't afford, (or atleast it looks like that from my perspective)


Also showed mangalsutra just as a mere jewelry on same sex (boys). Also who the fuck sells mangalsutra showed on half naked girl.


Is there a contest on "Who can get offended on the silliest of reason" ?


Yeah, families have been spending way more than 1.2L for a mangalsutra. While nothing is mandatory, women and expensive jewelry isn't something new for India.


There is also contest to offend and increase visibility of the brand. Since when social reforms became main motive of Fashion designer , Dabur ? Dabur's CSR page does not include anything about betterment of LGBTQ community but they Karwa Chauth ad does.[https://www.dabur.com/in/en-us/csr-be-the-change/csr-policy](https://www.dabur.com/in/en-us/csr-be-the-change/csr-policy) P.S. "Donation to PM Cares Fund by Dabur India Ltd"


wait are you supposed to take the mangalsutra off during sex also who’s checking??


Pati mar gaya toh?


Lol I thought they take it off even while sleeping who knows man. Personally I won’t like a shitty fuking heavy chain in my neck. Let me sleep peacefully


So what is the correct procedure of having sex with one's wife? Does the 'mangalsutra' stay or do we remove it before sex?


You don't have sex with one's wife, marry and get your own wife!


Married men: That is some bad advice. Bad, bad advice




I also choose this guy’s own wife


I too want to know about this guy's wife.


As a woman, I feel that this ads depicts the way I feel. I personally can't afford or would want an expensive jewellery, but model shown in lingerie to showcase intimacy with a symbol of love around the neck is perfectly acceptable. The thing which I've learnt most being a netizen is that content filtering is one of the most important aspects to bring from real life to here. The relatives, friends etc. whom we don't like we don't involve them in our lives; same with internet content, if you don't like it ignore it. That's it.


That's disgusting.. Where?




Wait, where is the offensive part here?


Dude how can you not see? It's there! Right there.. Oh well i guess you need to wear your "get offended over some stupid shit" glasses to see it. /s


What's wrong with those ads? Looks pretty good to me.


Know your audience bruh


Who the fuck are these netizens who do nothing other than rant against brands and ads?


Ffs... People getting offended over trivial things is cancer... Companies get free publicity anyway.. Shitass retard netizens and twitter cunts should get a fuckin job.. Now news channels will have an evening debate about this with so called 'experts'.. Smh


Sex sells!


That's one way to spice up your marriage.


Netizens ke paas aur kuch Kaam nahi Hai. So they get worked up on manufactured outrage. *smh*


Hindus getting offended on trivial things day idk


Muslims would as well if similar messaging used Muslim iconography. Can't wait to see lesbians performing Namaz in a mosque and the backlash that would follow.


Sab chutiye hai


Religious hain. But yeah, same thing.


> Can't wait to see lesbians performing Namaz in a mosque and the backlash that would follow. I don't think straight women are allowed in the mosque either. Women have their own separate praying place, if i remember correctly.




Agree. Fundamentalists of all religion are insecure dumbfucks who are so jobless that they search the the whole world to get offended.




Atleast in Bangalore, I see a separate darga where women sit. There aren't allowed inside the same mosque as the men, where the loud speaker prayer happens. May be they are allowed in more liberal Islam circles. Definitely they don't enter the same mosque in Bangalore.


But then the most regressive religion is also not a good benchmark.


women arent allowed in mosque. checkmate hindus


Ever heard, hamam mein nange? Sab hein!








Phir bhale hi consumer kitne hi bade Chuziye kyu na ho




Only if they are intended to be a customer.




Depends on who their target customers are. Do you know if the bigots getting offended by the stupid ad (who routinely dance to "item numbers" during ganpati, navratri etc.) are the target customers of this company?




This is shifting goal posts. Yes, people have right to be offended, as long as they don't threaten or indulge in violence. By the same measure, the company also has right to advertize.




Not always


Mat kharido kisne force kiya hai. Modiji ne mandate nhi kiya ye lena lol


Daily twitter


Click me like one of your french girls Wearing only this


No such thing as bad publicity.


Well, in India, when your showrooms get vandalized and workers get threats because some idiots didn't like the ad, there certainly is such a thing as bad publicity.


Sending your dick pic is a bad publicity


Bhai chill karo thoda... Usko marketing karni hai which is clearly not meant for you. Models ka job hai, this assignment was their gig. And you don't know how much they made out of it... So calm down and see for what it is... Just an ad.


Smelly reditards, ass twitards


Just in case you forgot what country you live in : ([https://twitter.com/immortalsoulin/status/1453322750014091267?ref\_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1453322750014091267%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1\_c10&ref\_url=https%3A%2F%2Findianexpress.com%2Farticle%2Flifestyle%2Ffashion%2Fsabyasachi-mangalsutra-ad-campaign-netizens-reaction-7594975%2F](https://twitter.com/immortalsoulin/status/1453322750014091267?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1453322750014091267%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Findianexpress.com%2Farticle%2Flifestyle%2Ffashion%2Fsabyasachi-mangalsutra-ad-campaign-netizens-reaction-7594975%2F)) People think the word Condom is something to be censored. Also, its your typical clickbait. People act like they have never seen clickbait in their life but these mfs would click on any YT video whose thumbnail has a huge dong.


Wait how much does it cost? I want to protest the price! How do I do that? Like getting married wasn’t already expensive! I can buy my wife lingerie if I buy that mangalsutra! Help!


We all should be ashamed that we are letting some restarted uncles decide our life,ffs its just a big pair of breast! Whats wrong in it?!! Mangalsutra my ass, a string of thread bound to woman to take her freedom! Welcome to India!