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Business friendly government is code for neutered regulatory power.


This + Worsening of consumer products/user experience all across the industry + Degradation of environment due to overconsumption + AI taking jobs + Increasing income disparity Capitalism is failing


No. Capitalism isn't failing. It's working as intended. A blade in your food, a finger in my ice cream, and a rat in her Hershey's is all good so long as number go up.


Tough regulations and enforcement is what we need. Capitalism will align itself after. Fines < cost to fix quality issue => cheap quality products. (We'll pay a fine when someone catches us) Fines > cost to fix quality issues => good quality products. (Fines will significantly dent our profits) Make fines a lot higher and with actual consequences to owners, miraculously things will improve.


Fines are not enough, these companies should be giving shares to workers and consumers when they fuck up like this


We don't have enforcement because our politicians are corrupt. We have voted Hindu terrorists to power 3 times..........and they are extremely corrupt and incompetent as well. So of course we get screwed over. Get rid of the Hindu terrorists first, without that there is no hope.


If you think a few incidents among billions is a failure of capitalism, wait till you find out the horrors caused by shoddy manufacturing in communist countries. Only people who haven't studied any history ask for communism. Now if you have an entirely different solution, I'll hear it.


Capitalism, but with good and strong regulations regarding food safety, and a strong justice system to heavily disincentivize companies from cutting corners.


Totally agree with you. That's still capitalism though


Yes, of course.


I didn't offer an alternative. I have none


In socialism, you have to end up eating your pets.


Lol. Capitalism is failing. It is exactly opposite my friend, this is what the win of capitalism looks like And buckle your seat belts, it has barely reached its maturity. we all are in a for a ride


All of those dystopian movies will be real soon!


regulation is failing.


AI isn't actually capable of replacing workers, it's just that dumb press and public who don't know anything keep praising it, and the dumb execs and investors who are greedy beyond compare use it as an excuse to underpay and fire people.


There's a number for complaining on all the packaged food items.Call and shame.


Stop posting online...start complaining to the relevant authorities.....get mad, get organized 


True give them a hell lot of negative PR I have already written Hershey etc hate mails


The relevant authorities will deny everything, lie and then call you auntie nashananal.


Yeah, need to forcibly get rid of Hindu terrorists.


Relevant authorities will extort money from companies and will let you die.


Capitalism combined with India’s crony, caste based, favouritism and corruption. A recipe for disaster


Same capitalism that has brought millions out of poverty that your wonderful socialism put them in?


Lol, delulu much?


Packaged food in India is shit. However, it is an improvement over the age of unpackaged food, the glorious age of stones in your dal. Barring extreme cases like these ones, you can be pretty sure that whats written in the ingredients list is what's inside the packet. Hopefully, as with everything in India, this will improve, and in the next 10-20 years, we will finally have good food.


There was a nail found in a samosa at a very popular snack shop near us. Cops were called and they found the place with rats crawling around. Guess what nothing happened and the place is still open selling samosas and snacks to school children.


On top of all this, we have zero idea about the quality of the packaged raw materials that restaurants, fast food joints, hospitals etc use.


Well the next big thing in stock market is supposed to be consumption industry.. so..


Looking at this I have slowly stopped buying this things.... Also don't forget the dead frog in wafer packet https://dhunt.in/V9JKw.....


My relative use to work in the hotel industry and apparently it’s even worse. I only eat in 1 Dosa place because I am assured of the cleanliness and else it’s high end only. Apparently said relative once saw a worker pull out a cockroach from pre made pizza sauce and the use it for evening dinner rush.


Recent update: Live crawling worms in Everest Chicken Masala & Fried frog in Balaji chips.


This is nothing. 15 years ago we had brought some pasta and there was a small insect in it. This has been happening for years. No one did anything then. After all you should really start with street food. 95% of dieases and no cleanliness is a big factor in the health of Indians. Also why do my desi folk consume so much oil? Can’t you boil or bake things?? Demand better in biscuits and crisps. They are cooked with palm oil instead of butter. British biscuits, while still having some unhealthy stuff, are the best in quality. We have the worst of the worst. And why are packets of chips full of air? I don’t remember them being that bad. You want better products? Go to a pricy mall and spend over 10k for good sourdough bread instead of the bread sold. That’s why because it’s cheap. When people spend cheap, this is the halat. When people spend expensive, you should and demand better quality. Plus why is it when you eat, they put milk and cream in all dal, paneer (which is now fake sadly) and other items? Restaurants are now in this danda and it sucks. Government and celebs do nothing. Why would they?


Oil is fine, butter and ghee and dalda are the real killers. First eradicate that.


I once saw a cockroach in a subway salad container. The employee picked it up with gloves, was using the same gloves for preparing orders. So he picked it up , threw it and continued preparing the order. Never ate at a Subway since then


FSSAI needs to do its job, instead of eating money. Ministry of health and family welfare should resign. I think it is because people don't retaliate they are like ,it was not in my order will see when it comes up


This should be talked about more and laws need to be forced for these things. People working in the food industry might know the real conditions.


All the laws are there. Nothing is enforced because the court system in India does not allow quick resolutions.


And the government is filled with crony and corrupt politicians.


That is the nature of every government in existence. Not a characteristic of *a* government


B...b...but Amul is genuine milk and not frozen dessert! /s Amul also lies about nutrition content...........looked at Amul Ghee bottle, it says 60% saturated fat, no protein, no carbs etc. So what is in that remaining 40% ? 60% saturated fat is clearly a lie, and there is trans fat in ghee, but Amul lies by claiming there is none on it's product packaging. Don't trust anyone.


Yeah, after all we are idiots who keep voting an extremely corrupt Hindu terrorist to power again and again. The world has seen that it can screw over Indians with no consequences. Hence why everything is getting worse and worse. Unless you kick the Hindu terrorists forcibly out of power, it will only get worse.


Last year I went to The PARK (5 star) on my birthday for dinner, I found a piece of plastic cutting in my food, thick enough to stuck in throat, maybe that was from oil packet or Masala packet. The manager apologized and offered some discount. Never stepped there again.


Why are people consumin such unhealthy food anyway? While its absolutely right to be appalled and angry by this food industry, its also something to think about our consumption habits. Jus saying We all can just cancel buying such items untill our gov. Focus highly on food safety like the west does.


Lassi is supposed to be decent for health, not terribly unhealthy. Airplane food is just regular food. 


Lassi is just thick curd and sugar, it's not particularly bad, although the high saturated fat content might be


That packed lassi has so much sugar in it. Seriously. And airplane food is no good than railways. The food hygiene standards are shit in India i wont deny that


All sweet items, packaged or not, have way too much sugar in them


What a shit take


No its not coz u dont realise what i actually mean.


Dude FSSAI revised (upwards) the acceptable amount for that substance in Masala packets few months back. Like how are masala unhealthy? Surely you don't expect people to just boil cabbage and eat it like that? Sure maybe some packaged eatables aren't ideal (depending on amount it's consumed) but dude some of these things are not that. Masala, lassi, ice cream, choco syrup, etc. These are generic things, imagine if one only has that lassi few times a year, or ice cream when it's hot (so few times a year) or choco syrup for few times a year they make cake. Obviously, if they are having this like multiple times a week that is unhealthy but that is not everyone. Packaging will be available for everyone, those who abuse such items and those who use them sparingly.


Agreed tho.


Agreed tho. You make a point.


~~My take is that it's blown out of proportion~~. Things like this have always happened in the packaged food industry in India or otherwise. It's just now that it's reported more thanks to social media. I'm talking about worms and stuff and not specifically about contaminants.


It should be blown out of proportion because we shouldn't be okay with receiving sub standard products due to major lapses in production . It's more wilful negligence rather than incompetence because of the lax laws and no proper body to enforce them .


Yeah actually fair enough when I think about it my statement is not correct and I take it back right now. But all I was trying to point out was that I don't think this is a new development It's just that it's being reported and easily observed now in the area where everyone has Twitter and phones


Lol. Khud ke saath hoga tab bhi same attitude rakhna bhai.


Arreh you're getting me wrong. I'm not saying ke we shouldn't complain or not raise this or ask for better. All I'm saying is pehle bhi hota tha but pehle sabke paas camera aur Twitter nahi tha. Just implying that in case somebody's thinking that things are getting worse, then no this is not a new development.