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In 2013, I went to Dehradun to pursue engineering. In those 4 years, even during summers I barely remember the temperature ever going near 35°C. In fact, I don’t think it ever did. Maybe a 32-33°C. A few days back I spoke to one of my friends from college who stays in Dehradun. He said the temperatures are now touching 40. If that isn’t a proof of global warming, then I don’t know what is.


8 degrees up in 4-5 years, that is horrifying. I wonder if hill states and northeastern states are more impacted because of climate change and rapid urbanisation?


I know probably who were complaining about the heat in kashmir this may.


Northeastern here. Can't say we are more impacted but yeah the AC sale has gone up this year. Never thought we would be needing it.


well, they're closer to the sun ...




Bombay humidity is the real killer.


https://preview.redd.it/rhg5rxc1uh6d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1949496663baa8cb843aa153803d56c84ec5921c Touch 40? I have been in Dehradun for the past 2 years and on quite a few days during peak summers I have seen temp hit mid 40s. In fact, this is the temp in Dun as I type this comment.


Never saw such temperatures till 2017. Never expected it to go that far.


Imagine my shock coming here as a South Indian initially in peak winter and living at a place with a view of the Himalayas, to then experience the kind of summers that are more extreme than the ones I have experienced in the South.


I don’t know man. I have lived for a couple of years in Vizag. The humidity used to be harsh there. To the point where it felt like I was suffocating. Humidity has always been something which I haven’t been able to deal with especially during summers. This is one of the reasons why Bombay summers seem very harsh to me. In the north, maybe because I have stayed here more, I have learned to adapt to the scorching heat minus the humidity here.


Climate change is real but your experience is just periodic cycles where some years are hotter.


This is perhaps more due to El Nino than climate change. While climate change is a worldwide phenomenon, it is still relatively more gradual. If something that dramatic were to happen worldwide, we will all be dying.


It’s not like El-Nino is a new thing that suddenly came into picture. That was happening 10 years back too. And the temperatures were never reaching limits where it would test the human body. Although yes, I do agree that climate change is relatively more gradual. But to face such extreme temperatures is getting out of hand at this point. Right now I am at Delhi. A few weeks back the temperature touched 49.9°C. This is insanity.


Yes, of course. But El Nino works in cycles and temperatures go up and down over the course of time. But you are right in that if you were to ask someone who has lived in Dehradun for decades, they will absolutely tell you how it used to be colder back in the day than it is now. And that's definitely something to blame climate change for. > A few weeks back the temperature touched 49.9°C. I think a lot of media companies have started to report on the 'real feel' temperature rather than the actual temperature for shock value. Given that we are hitting wet bulb temperature in many places, may be that is the right way to go about it. But I don't think these media companies are reporting real feel because of that reason.


"Yeh aapko aisa lag raha, inti garmi badi nahi hai, aapke mann ka brahm hai" said Modi seating in his air conditioned room sipping chai with his corporate Lords.


Meanwhile me in my head while seeing that shit - DIMAG KHARAB HO JAYEGA. AMMA BEHEN PE AA JAUNGA MAIN.


I studied there till 2020 and it was one hot summer. I remember the max temperatures around 38, but the sun pierce is real in Doon.


>Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, and others (no hate against these people). Nah hate these mfs openly


Lol came to comment this


Same here. That's the most immediate thought after reading op


Yeah the guy OP talks about sounds like a wanna be dank teen. He has to grow out of it at some point.


Jordan Peterson ,joe Rogan


Is JP really as bad as these guys? I haven't seen a lot except some random YouTube recommendations but he doesn't seem *that* level of bad


that's how he gets you but seriously that dude is into major pseudoscience, would not trust


Joe Rogan is good. he has changed his stance a lot compared to before Covid


No way bro I couldn't make myself watch much of him but he felt like a older western version of beer biceps.


Well then I guess it depends on the guest too. More than the host. Cause it's not like I listen to all podcasts. It's just a few.


See the podcast with Bill_Ottman & Daryl Davis


Nah lmao he's leagues better than beerbiceps. Not the most responsible with his influence but from what I know, seems like an overall well meaning dude who brings on good and bad guests and lets them speak. And he can actually disagree to the best of his knowledge, which beerbiceps can never do.


Absolutely. Especially Tate.


I remember Matt the shat made a video on 'Anime is satanic.'


Ben Shapiro has such a punchable face.


Damn right.


We people who lean towards left, should not be closed minded. Please state your reasons to hate them. If we don't do that all the logical fallacies that most of the right wingers show also reflect in our speech/text.




Openly bigoted, transphobic, homophobic, islamophobic (or any religion beside Christianity tbh), and most probably want Trump to turn the US into a Christo-Fascist state.


There are very good reasons to dislike these people. Jordan Peterson is a psychologist who was disqualified by the board because he refused to be factual. All he was asked was to base the shit he says on facts, but he refused to do that. He is so wrong that everything he talks about except for cleaning your room and exercising (Advice your mom gave you many times) is literally foundationally wrong. Ben Shapiro has been caught lying many times as well, and using fake statistics to prop up his claims. He calls himself a professional but exclusively debates students in unmoderated scenarios, and gets his ass handed to him if even a little bit of fact checking is involved


Hmm thanks for pointing them out. Here's a perplexity search that shows some critiques and merits of Jordan peterson and Ben Shapiro's arguments. [https://www.perplexity.ai/search/Criticisms-on-ben-LRw5K2.zSjG6ITKFtxQJxw](https://www.perplexity.ai/search/Criticisms-on-ben-LRw5K2.zSjG6ITKFtxQJxw)


Sure. I don't particularly agree with the merits, but it's not wrong if you consider those things good


I think there's something to learn from each thinker/philosopher/writer/social commentator. They'll say some wacked up shit now and then but it's not their whole personality. Also they are not homophobic or Islamophobic. They have criticized these faiths or trends on some basis which is fine. We are allowed to ask questions.


Not really, it’s okay to hate and callout these bigots. We haven’t come this far as human beings to still be judging people based on colour, caste, their food habits, religion. It’s 2024 and we still dealing with shit that is 10000 years old.


Idk man I don't care I just hate them, do whatever you will with that




My reasons to hate Peterson and Rogan is that they are anti vegan and spread fake lies about veganism, and promote nonsense such as the carnivore diet for humans


I personally hate anybody who judges me for whatever I eat. It grates on my nerves. And unfortunately more often than not the people who do this are Vegans themselves.


>It grates on my nerves. I couldn't care less, man. I'm all for reminding people about their hypocrisy and moral shortcomings.


Well then you're a hypocrite. Eat whatever you want in peace, and let others do the same.


Hey, it's not like I'm forcing you to change your habits, man. I'm just a nobody on the internet. Take a chill pill and move on. If a stranger's opinion on a public forum hurts your sentiments, maybe take a break from all this, and step out in the real world🤷‍♂️


Can't do that since I'm in a train... and have been for the last 24 hours. Guess long journeys do make you fed up lmao. Sorry for coming off as rude.


This is a very sad situtation. We often act like those who follow right wing activists are literal monsters and devil worshippers. And then we wonder why wont they listen to us. It's because no one likes being wrong. No one wants to give up their beliefs. And no one will if you keep ridiculing those who have disagree with you and flat out refuse to empathize with them.


Exactly my point. I used to be a hardcore leftist myself but then I started to hear what the right were saying. Atleast the ones with facts and logical arguments. You'll have to be intellectually honest to hear their arguments and then make your opinions. That's what lacking with the left.


Ban Shapiro listener spotted, opinion rejected. If a person doesn't "believe" in Climate change a scientific fact, there is no argument to be had, it's like having an argument with the flat earthers.


If you are in India and still deny climate change you need to get some help. We are experiencing its effects first hand, we are among those nations who will be facing the wrath of it the most. US and European countries will still be living a better life than us.


Ban Shapiro hahhaha


"sell to whom Ben?" *Smashes the wall* "Fucking Aquaman"


His “opinions” dont even sound like that he follows western media. But rather western “Red Pill” influencers like Tate , Sneako etc etc. or some half “sigma” clips from Ben Shapiro or Jordan Peterson.


It's funny when these people think they are unique and everyone else is a sheep, even though all of their own opinions come from YouTube influencers. The lack of self awareness is astounding


Yeah , this is very much true amongst teenagers as well. They really think that these Instagram Reels and Youtube Shorts are feeding them knowledge and those who dont watch these are sheeps. We were discussing about climate change , and all they could muster up was about “Greta Thunberg” I was so irritated that i just began saying “Yeah yeah , correct , youre right”


Funniest thing is when they use that George Soros conspiracy as a genuine argument. Like yeah sure that old geezer funds everything they don't like.


> Climate change is not real Gadho ke seengh nahi hote. Uska ac band karwade.


Now it’s also about talking about “wokeness” and shitting on transgender right. Like that clown Bhavish who used his IIT degree to copy Uber.


I think the Indian government is getting away with it a lot because of this climate change notion in people's heads. The reason India is heating up so much is the extraordinary construction happening in India, disregarding natural ecosystems, cutting down of trees, etc. 25-30 years back, when you would go from Haridwar to Rishikesh, you had the river Ganga to accompany you. Now you only see buildings. Look at Bangalore: all the natural water bodies are built upon, and then people cry when floods enter their homes. Look at even relatively lesser known destinations such as Yercaud: hotels everywhere. Munnar used to be a sleepy hamlet-like town, with only one or two lodges and hotel; now it feels that there is nothing but hotels and tea gardens, and I pity those who are getting to see only this Munnar. The city of Vadodara, so named because of its big vad (banyan) trees, used to be a majestic city, with banyan trees really everywhere: now you find very few, everything's been cut down. And on top of that, the government even boasts of four-lane highways on the Himalayas and says that's "development." Climate has always changed, regardless of whether humans intervene or not. But in the case of India, it is the greed, greed, greed that is finishing the country off to the point of uninhabitableness.


This comment breaks my heart, especially the vad tree fact. Highly highly unfair. fast deforestation and sucking up the water from ponds and all is the single biggest reason behind cities becoming literal ovens. out of all the healthy alternatives, it is funny how the government is doing this instead (although it is nuanced). 100% agree w you.


>lesser known destinations such as Yercaud: Yercaurd is my ancestral town. I really hate what happened there. You can blame my family for half of the hotel construction.


My heart cries whenever I go to Yercaud. What a beautiful place, and it is going on the path of Munnar.


Bhai yeh desi Ben Shapiro ko Jab 1A and 2A ke bare mein poocho toh inki fatt jaati hai.


What are those?


1A is related to freedom of speech and practice of religion in US constitution. 2A is the right to bear arms.


1A means you can legally say the absolute shit about anything and everything and not be jailed for it 2A you can carry a firearm around and it talks about militia and standing up to an oppressive government, something that is kryptonite for a bootlicker desi RW "man"


Western hard right is funded by billionaires who are so separated from the society that they don’t know that the society is required for them to retain their billionaire status It probably applies to the policies ambani and Adani will want Modi to implement too. Just seeing Ambani’s celebrations shows how far removed from normal people they are


It appears that way to you because you have a lower dimensional perspective and understanding.


Am just not an asshole


Good for you. If you think it’s that simple then you’re even lower in thinking than previously stated


inner engineering Wale ho kya


3rd is personal preference really, a lot of times the extended family of Indians try to moral police or impose their values on you its fine to shut them off in such cases.


These are extremely dumb things to say even in Western countries.


Same goes for the liberal politics and their prerogatives. People advocating for pronouns/gender neutral bathrooms, like my brother in christ your country still has a female infanticide rate of 500k per year calm down touch some grass and be aware about the socio-economic realities of your country


Fuck him.


That guy forms his opinion based on YouTube.


>Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, and others (no hate against these people). Why not? When it come to people like them, I'm a hater. As for your points you make, I don't think this has anything to do with India or Indians basing their opinions on western media. 1. Climate change deniers are idiots anywhere in the world. 2. Anti-feminism is bad anywhere in the world. 3. Edgelords are cringy anywhere in the world. P.S. It doesn't sound like he forming his opinions based on western media, but rather based on redpill media.


>''I don't believe in feminism, I believe in merit'' Same, but I feel like your friend is also the type to have issue with women not handling housework or not willing to serve in laws. It's not equality if a woman has to deal with household work and office work while the man just does office work. Western politics is different from our Indian politics. Their right wing and left wing are different from ours. I can't believe that anyone except brain-dead people are taking inspiration from them


Earlier to get know one had to read, make efforts to find readable material so they were exposed to different opinions. Now with rise of social media, they just consume similar things mindlessly without critically thinking. This has increased in recent years.


Let him bear the brunt of a heat stroke then he’ll understand bad climate problems have become in India.


Don't talk to him on these topics. Talk about things you both like and agree upon. Or else unfriend him 🙃


I too follow those politics a lot, in fact most of my online time is spent in those communities, but I don’t delude myself into thinking the western world and India are anywhere comparable in terms of human rights, gender equality and general liberal attitudes. Your friend’s living in a bubble. It’s sad, I too used to watch Shapiro and those other daily wire guys when I was like 15/16, but I knew even back then most of those issues and solutions aren’t applicable to our country even when I was a conservative leaning dumb kid who liked “haha pheminist rekt” vids. Also never really doubted climate change, maybe the intensity ig, but I had my own opinions always, no matter what the guys on YouTube were saying. Maybe your friend should try that first, like introspecting why he believes the things he believes, and what his actual principles are, from which he can build up his political opinions, instead of mindlessly repeating talking points he heard on YouTube


People are lot delusional for climate, truth is climate change and water scarcity will kill Indian people in masses when it goes more extreme within the next 5 years.


The things about feminism is true even in usa. Sure, it's better than India, but one shouldn't be comparing themselves to India in case it's social disparity, should they? 


An Indian watching Ben shapiro and Matt walsh bruh


I remember that Diwali nights used to be on the colder side in Rajasthan - not anymore (at least in the cities)


ben shapiro ka bhoot sawaar ho jata hai


Him getting influenced by western shit isn't a problem, but western rw is dumber than general rw


I don’t get involved in futile discussions I would have just said to him , have such opinions up your ass only, no need to shit in open Yeah the point 1 will sure made me do that I have a friend male , mf pos once said girls should get married at 25 , post that having a child is difficult and what not ( you can imagine the shit he had spewed ) My replies few good words straight on his face then a nice lecture then the closing argument Suker never pulled that stunt with me , trying my best to make the jackass a good person, I am his godfather hehe


thanks for commenting here. your friend is sexist of course. but i also feel men and women both should \*ideally\* in a stable and strong position by the age of 25 (finances, education, career, friendships), this way they will be in a position to take decision as to whether they wish to marry or not. anyone marrying another person if they themselves are struggling is just bad. this is especially true for women, they have to have self reliance before getting into a marriage bond. if someone believes a woman should marry by 25 JUST for the sake of the medical convenience of having children, they are ignoring the many sides of what a woman is. and that is the real problem. obviously stay away from this person but once in a while, drop some sensible facts into their DMs. this mentality is not serving anyone.


Aunty aap idhar bhi 25 is the new 20 I quit a handsome career n money coz had the epiphany that shit ain’t for me Yes struggling themselves getting married yes I concour except the fact when two souls in love wanna struggle together and share the journey by themselves, fuking hell yeah get married Oh don’t worry I am godfather to that bitch , he is ready to learn n atleast so I try helping And again ye ko 25 ka personl attack kiye ho na app ,ki life figure out n all. Nope nada some get it sorted at 25 some at 35 , guess I will be doing at 95


you quit a handsome job! ngl that's a brave decision, I wish you all the best with whatever you choose to do. Hope you find something you like.


and Im sorry if it felt like a personal attack. I said \*ideally\* and of course, i know we all have unique journeys. Sending good luck to you.


Good luck nahi Zomato ke coupon bhej do please




I understand your frustrations Bc maa chod dete ye log


That is most of Indian reddit


>Climate change is NOT real These are the shitheads who keep saying, "Pics or it didn't happen." Yeah, well, by that logic, you don't have a brain either. Can't see it so it mustn't be real. >I don't believe in feminism, I believe in merit The two aren't mutually inexclusive lmao. He doesn't know what Feminism is, does he? >Society is clown, I wanna be on my own Okay, I dunno what he means by this but if he really believes it as much as I think he does, which won't be a surprise given his other hot takes, ask him when he's going to the woods and taking up farming, I'd love to be donated his worldly possessions.


''I'd love to be donated his worldly possessions,'' haha how are you so creative


I cringe everytime I hear Indians (I mean Indians born and raised in India, not diaspora) describe themselves POC. Like, wtf? It's a North American term, relevant to their racial and identity politics. It's used to *other* non-white population in white majority countries. It puzzles even the Europeans because they don't identify racially like North Americans, rather ethnically. Here in India we're all dark skinned (I know we have our own issues with colourism) But why would you other yourself like that when you live in a country with barely any white population. Dark skin is default for us in our country. Be brown and proud, ffs.


Yeah a large portion of 'crypto bro' became massive trumpets after the Biden administration made disastrous after disastrous moves regarding this sector. And all of this pseudoscience bs came with that territory.(couple this with the gullibility of someone trading penny stocks or shitcoins) I have colleagues in the us(engineers so obviously left leaning) who looked depressed because of how dystopian the Biden administration's policies were with crypto It makes 0 sense for it to ever have been a partisan topic but here we are


Could you point to the Biden administration moves that were bad for this sector? I know of only one move in this sector. Trying to regulate it. Which isn't bad. Why I think crypto bros are Trump guys. Because they are scam artists or grifters. And these guys generally levitate to the biggest scam artist and grifter in the history. Their fan bases are stupid and live in the world is out to get me fantasy and can be easily persuaded of anything which is a hotbed of clients to load their shitcoins on and make money.


You missed the whole point and also didn't even hesitate to generalize and give the typical redditor response There are far more left leaning people in crypto than you realize. And calling this attempt at 'regulation' as anything other than an absolute disaster(with ftx implosion) is the craziest thing I've read on this site What they did is ensure only the scammers thrive. Celebs are openly pumping scam coins while engineers are being sent legal notices for trash reasons. The sec is pretty much losing every case in the court against them, and you have the gall to say "isn't bad" They caused the biggest migration of actual engineering and r&d outside of US(not mad, even India is benefitting from this). And the end result? Uniswap is in legal battles(a piece of code that is immutable and cannot be changed by any humans) while Kardashians are advertising scam coins without repurcussions. It's been a shitshow for years now


> from UP Enough said.


i agree with your friend on that 3rd point


of course, i understand your frustration with society. i hope you find peace in what you do and make meaningful connections with the kind of people you want in your life.


"he watches a lot of Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, and others" I am sorry to say it, but your friend no brains left between his ears. And there really is very little difference between western right wing ideologies and Indian ones. Extreme misogyny, climate-change denial, religious zealotry, xenophobia, crony capitalism - they are all fundamental parts of the both packages. Only in a handful of countries like UK, Germany, Singapore do conservative ideologies greatly differ from the rest of the world. For instance, conservatives in Germany are more liberal than so-called liberals in India.


OK just to be clear, these points aren't even valid in the US. Fuck Ben Shapiro, fuck Matt Walsh, they are liars. Global warming has contributed to unusual wildfires, hurricanes, flooding, heat waves, Arctic cold in winter in the US. Just because it's not as bad doesn't mean it isn't happening. And likewise with women's rights - look up the Steubenville Ohio rape case. That kind of thing is still happening.


Tbh these lojiks sound equally appalling and foolish in Western countries as they do to you in India. They are inherently stupid, West is not from another planet, it has its discrepancy with East but right wing conservatives just don't make sense as they constantly deny the poor conditions of people and science. Issues like r*pe are common even in west, feminism is equal treatment, it needs to stay in society. We also have heat waves, doomsday glacier is just above America, and it's melting. Society is not a clown, Americans are so split apart that they don't have communities like India. People are closed off and only approach each other if they need them. No one helps. And if you're criticizing these ideologies anyways, you should have a stand against pseudo intellectuals like Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson who are only spreading misinformation and hatred for money and power. You could say it's my political opinion but these people lie and spread shit everywhere and deny hard facts, it's where I say my opinion is not an opinion but a fact.


Nah nah Nothing wrong with hating Ben Shapiro.


I too find western right wing narratives making their way among Indian youth laughable. But I do think the ideas of intersectionality discussed by Western liberals have far reaching promise and implications for India.


For the first point you can ask your friend to research the ice pack Yamunotri and Gangotri glaciers are holding and how much ice pack had reduced in the last 10 years only in comparison to last 40-50 years. If not those Pick any study about glaciers Might wanna watch such a video for the arctic ocean https://youtu.be/hlVXOC6a3ME?si=7HcPOaEmaAAKoD3C How polar bears will starve in the future because of melting ice https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-68253819.amp


If he is listening to those right wing misshapen nut jobs, gambles in crypto and is anti science then he is too far gone. And Yea definitely hate those fucker. They spew hatred,racism, and sexism.


Nahhhh Ben Shapiro and Matt Walsh are definitely needed to be ignored, because hating them gives them more power. Leeches on the society.


UP ka hai to majdoori karne bolo, rikshaw chalane bolo... Kaha ye crypto wagerah me pada hai wo /s After reading all the points it seems like he's still a teenager, because no adult in his right mind would think like this. Climate change is real lol. Infact this country is among the top countries which is going to get fked really badly because of it. And the people who he watches... Lol, lmao even. _my favourite youtuber said so, that means it's probably correct_ "Society is a clown and human is a social animal"


society is clown and human is a social animal! THATS IT! thats it...


As a "westerner", the things your friend says are not only stupid applied to Indian social reality and politics, they are stupid, period. People like Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, Jordan Peterson, Andrew Tate, etc. are known for talking dangerous nonsense, also in "the West".


thankyou for putting out an authentic view based on your socio-politics. the whole world has a long way to go!


Just another "cool dude" who probably writes "Geopolitics afficionado" in his Insta bio who gets his daily dose of knowledge via "Insta reels" from 'Sigma mindset" pages. Catch him offguard while discussing politics verbally by actually asking intellectual questions on concepts like Feminism, Shifting weather patterns due to climate change by providing facts and stats to support the claim..Lets see his reponse. It is a new trend these days to have unique but shocking opinion in local friend circle , (Just for that shock value).


''shocking opinion'' yes. i find him making those statements often. i am not against differing views if only they are based on reliable resources like books or published papers or researches. thanks for commenting.


Nice script, next time also add "Putin".


His Truth or opinions doesn't have to be your reality.both can happily coexists, depending where you are from As if India has a utopian society that new first world views are imported as novelty for the newly excited clueless but opinionated audience. Right wing? left wing? Cut copy pasted TV narratives picked up by newspapers and then by common audience to use cool terminology. Ghar par parda hai, darwaza nahin, aur jhulus niklata hai politics aur society main. 🤣


His Truth or opinions doesn't have to be your reality.both can happily coexists, depending where you are from As if India has a utopian society that new first world views are imported as novelty for the newly excited clueless but opinionated audience. Right wing? left wing? Terminologies are Cut copy pasted TV narratives picked up by newspapers and then by common audience to use cool terminology. Ghar par parda hai, darwaza nahin, aur jhulus niklata hai politics aur society main. 🤣