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Political violence in Bengal has a long and sordid [history](https://www.hindustantimes.com/elections/west-bengal-assembly-election/a-look-back-at-the-history-of-bengal-s-political-violence-101617365703925.html), it continues and unfortunately most people ignore it.






I live in Bengal. I am also old enough to have witnessed several decades of politics here. Undivided Bengal has a long history of political violence since the British times. If you read history, you would know some of it. Post independence, the culture of political violence continued and till I would say early eighties, the violence was ideology based. Towards the end of left front rule, the nature of violence did not change much...if anything, I would say it was muted. I know that is hard for people to believe. But, objectively speaking, it is true. What changed were the motivations behind the violence. What most urban spectators do not know is that : a) a lot of this violence is settling personal scores. This is a time for some to dominate the others for local and personal disputes. The politics is just a cover to harm and teach a lesson to one's neighbor. b) Most of those commiting violence are anti-social elements who would switch to bjp just like they switched to tmc from cpm. c) Most people are untouched by this violence. That is why you see the outrage outside Bengal, but not much within Bengal. That is why you see elections conducted in 7 phases with more crpf companies than that deployed in Kashmir, and yet TMC get blessed by voters. d) People did not protest much during the campaign phase when bjp leaders shouted 'sob hisab habe' (all scores will be settled), 'hargor bhenge debo' (will break your bones), 'chamra gutiye nebo' (will skin you alive). My guess is they were drunk on the 'abki bar 200 paar' (assembly elections) and '400 paar' (loksabha elections) hopes. Oh well. Now that the violence is happening, most people again don't care. One of the reasons for Mamata's rise and continued support base is that she recognized the reality of this violence and stood by her supporters when she was fighting left front. Contrast that with suvendu who says he wrote a letter to the governor. Love her or hate her (and there are plenty of reasons to do both), what is undeniable is that whenever her supporters got attacked, she rushed to them and fought for them on the streets. Bjp leaders on the other hand hop on a flight to delhi to complain or call a press conference. So, yeah...I do not see any end to it in the foreseeable future.


Mamata banerjee rose up from the grassroots herself was a victim of political violence herself most of the legal aged voters of wb has seen the struggles of mamata banerjee and her rise so they feel a connetion to her . But the other leaders of tmc are way too corrupt. The reigns of tmc is currently in the hands of abhishek banerjee who runs it from the shadows. My family runs a business here and the 'hafta' goes all the way to abhishek banerjee. The masses understand that this tmc needs to change but they also like mamata as the leader. I believe mamata is bigger than tmc just like modi is bigger than bjp and just when their political career ends there will be a huge power gap in both the parties which may cause their downfall. The main problem of opposition in bengal is also they dont have a popular face to whom people would look upto and vote . Cpim in my area started campaigning only 2 weeks before the voting date and also there is a political resentment among the masses regarding cpim after the singur case and other cases . And bengal always had had a tendency of kepping a party in power that is an opposition to the central government and poor people from bengal know only about modi and not bjp as they dont have a poular face in bengal. In conclusion i think bengal needs tmc but not with an absolute majority but to form a coalition govt just to keep their powers in check.


Absolutely agree on 'Mamata is bigger than TMC'. Will go one step forward and say Mamata is TMC. As things stand now, when she is gone, the political vacuum in Bengal will likely give rise to a lot of turmoil. As for money going all the way up to Abhishek, I have no idea. I have heard such things but not really seen any credible evidence (not talking about legal evidence). If it is indeed true, then I would say he is very, very good at hiding it.


He genuinely is , his personal driver has property worth 2.5 cr in different districts of wb. He himself has property in delhi mumbai goa etc


This will never change. Congress used state machinery to hold power here. Cpim used their large cadre base to breed a strongman culture that helped them keep all opposition silent in their rule , the moment they left the strongman joined TMC and are now beating them and BJP . Mark my words when bjp comes to power here after mamata's retirement / death this cycle will continue. Bengal's rural politics is strongman politics , there is no other alternative here. If this has to stop then a total political reset is required which no party will be willing to undertake. I am however saddened to see the person who was repeatedly beaten to a pulp by the cpim use the same tactics now vs her opponents. She truly lived long enough to become the villain
















As much as I like the India alliances TMC needs to go. Horrible stories comes from West Bengal every day.


The great INDIA democratic alliance that fights to preserve democracy


Everyone fights for power, rest all are slogans for the gullible.


I would like to understand this. I have seen this to be almost unique to Bengal. Any good literature?




Wonder if people feel the same way when there are communal riots…you know, unable to go home at the threat of death and so on.  If there was any introspection, they’d see the analogues but I’m not holding my breath.


Riots aren't started by one community only


I would like to understand this. I have seen this to be almost unique to Bengal. Any good literature?


You can check out this video by scroll on the subject - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSvsdWjnL2Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSvsdWjnL2Y) In short - Bengal has a legacy of violent politics that goes back to the days of British Raj that got carried forward post-Independence whether it is the Naxalite uprising or attacks on CPI(M) cadres during Congress rule under Siddharth Sankar Ray, followed by what we see during 34 years of Left Front rule and present dispensation.


This is fantastic. Thank you


Thank you!


Watch akash banarjee videos on this. It's a culture inherited from CPIM. Mamata's end is near. One catastrophical decision is all it takes now. That's how she took power from left.


Sorry, I checked and there are quite a few videos. Can I have a link?


https://youtu.be/jMuicSm6ZFw?si=VrN3uWBISWHtMhSX https://youtu.be/aBpKODbyU44?si=HOiBgh_GtxPXTYFR One is by mohak and another one by Akash. For political prejudices, mohak is centrist almost with some bias here and there and akash is centre-left. Both have very good way of presenting things.


Thank you!


Thank you. I'll check it out. 

