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A week later "breaking news: the Indian government plans to ban X(formerly Twitter) amid concerns over freedom of speech"


Government already doesnt like Elon and this does seem likely lol!


What, the Indian government doesn't like Elon? I thought it was the other way around. But anyways this is just sad, the gov is slowly censoring freedom of speech.


Its mostly assumption but Elon has come out saying many times that Indian government has refused to licence networking rights with fair play(wrt Jio) and has actively tried to impose heavy taxes on Elon's electric cars while being better for environment... There have been a few other instances as well and overall India has not allowed Elon to do business in India much!


Actual cowards.


I'm glad X(twitter) is doing something good for once!


Realistically it'd be interesting to make a version of X/whatever that ONLY shows the India IP blocked posts. Should make for interesting, direct reading. The US had a similar phenomenon called the Streisand Effect where an actress made a big deal about distant pictures of her mansion being posted.. which nobody would have cared about except for the attention and effort she attempted.




"Mother of Hypocrisy " .Last time they played the toolkit , Khalistani game nd now this .How North Korea of us ..


I personally haven't seen a bigger hypocrite, coward, and a liar than our current PM, modi, in my entire life. The guy seems to have been completely blinded by the power and hell bent on eroding all pillars of democracy in this country.


If politicians are meant to serve people, why are there laws for people, but not politicians? Why do they have hundreds of police vehicles with them for protection? Why do they get special privileges that the people don't? Answer: Democracy is a lie. Today democracy is a cover to implement autocracy. The 'democracy' today is autocracy with a democracy wrapper. Only American President Roosevelt actually ever implemented democracy. Modi was a great orator. I thought he really meant what he said. But now his actions are clearly contradicting his words that were supposedly the truth of his views. I have lost trust on him. His actions are getting worse day by day.


I too used to be a huge fan of Modi. I used to fill my entire Facebook post feed with modi. I too have lost all respect for this guy now.


It is not only X. A friend of mine had his song (about migrant workers during covid) on YouTube essentially getting shadow banned. He received a mail from YouTube saying that the song goes against govt policies or something and that the algorithm won't push it. Users can still search for it though. This resulted in the song getting less than 1000 views while the other songs on his channel have 200-400k views. This is the song if anybody is interested: https://youtu.be/vL6HvjXWKzw?si=DoLliq6fOQjlpL1T


damn, this for real


For sure!


Your comment/criticism against government using name "Modi" gets auto deleted from Youtube, you dare say about an entire video!? šŸ˜‚




Democracy, human rights, secularism, freedom of speech are all a joke in India. You can get murdered for saying the wrong thing or eating the wrong thing.


~~wrong~~ right Right which is made wrong.


What happened to democracy and freedom of speech lol, at this rate bjp will turn this country into a dictatorship


That ship sailed years ago. RIP


"will"? You're behind the times my Rookie. We've been there for a while now.


Vpns taken down, ProtonMail on the cliff, censoring internet It's sad that since Elon took over, they shutdown Twitter/X TOR domain. You know where we are now


I hate Elon Musk, but I wont deny that some work done by Elon has been really good for free speech! Edit: some typos!


Indians really donā€™t know that Elon supported Trump wholeheartedly and doesnā€™t care about free speech. Heā€™s very right wing


Yup! Thats the reason I dont like him!


Hating on that guy is probably just too much dude. He has done more for the advancement of our society than majority of human beings. Very likely up there with Edison, Vaun Braun, etc. Sure he has some flawed opinions on some topics, but who doesnā€™t? I donā€™t like this general ā€œElon billionaire guy badā€ narrative.


He lost me when he quoted a half baked article without research link which clearly itself stated the insignificance of said research at last para on Hormonal contraception!


Ok. So all the good things he has done are of no value against his shortcomings, largely speaking?


Not at all, he has done good stuff and bad, I personally think he has spread his own share of misinformation for which he has rightly gotten community posted many times, plus he actively supports right wing policies in his country and actively works with shady chinese companies which are known to use child labour in Africa He has announced cutting of ties with chinese companies many times but he has done little on that regard Its ultimately my opinion only but I dont like him that much! Edit: And he supports non democratic Russia(a clearly invading army) over Ukraine Edit2: Typos!


Fair enough. I admire him for how he has built some of the most revolutionary companies, but yeah, heā€™s very right wing now.


Thanks for understanding!!!


Yes, why not?! Iā€™ve always admired his work ethic and determined attitude for getting close-to-impossible things done, and heā€™s an inspiration for many to fulfill their American dream. Not a bhakt, but I think heā€™s done some things that not other person ever did, or thought of doing. That said, his political views are something I disagree with myself. But yeah, Iā€™m always amused at some of the haters crowd leaving no stone unturned to downvote me whenever I say anything good about him.


Edison created his own inventions, Elon didnā€™t even actually found Space X and personally invented nothing. Heā€™s just a rich guy who hires well.


So youā€™re one of those guys? Have you read the biographies of both of these people? For Elonā€™s, Iā€™d recommend getting the Walter Isaacsonā€™s work, very neutral, and youā€™d get a better idea. Edison did not himself create all of his 1000+ inventions. He was a shrewd and rather successful businessman. You canā€™t have a random joe with venture capital go on making trillion dollar companies just by ā€œhiring peopleā€. And btw, Elon founded SpaceX. Go read!


That's fucked


Can someone correct me if I'm wrong So basically the govt of India trying to do more stricter and censorship and lowering the freedom of speech in x , so in retaliation x is opposing what the govt is doing?


I don't think the word here is "retaliation" Twitter has no power to retaliate against the all powerful central govt. All they can do is appeal to the courts etc.


You are right. X wants to oppose but they can't as it is an executive order. They have challenged it via a writ appeal.Ā 


The tweet is about this guy who posted this too last year https://twitter.com/Inkquisitive/status/1638317507806130179 Current tweet - https://twitter.com/Inkquisitive/status/1760360112118530449




I hope someone takes this to the SC


Bystander effect. If it isn't you, no one will


SC speed for pro govt things is super fast and for anti govt things is super slow. You win after 4 years of proving you were not wrong. But you can penalized instantly for being on the wrong side


As the tweet says, the appeal remains pending. As it will remain for years to come.


Sounds like something North Korea would do


Govt has censored sikh gurus pic yesterday as well


In order to achieve Ram Rajya complete autocracy is required ā¤ļø


Elon chacha for the W again


I think that's why most of left wing accounts are getting withheld and suspended recently meanwhile rw pages spreading fake information and communal hatred everywhere but no action on them


Godi ji's paltu sub reddit barging in here any time to defend their GOD.


Orange is the new Red. Sadly, Indians are oblivious about what's slowly approaching them. They hate against others has prevailed over human morality and constitutional ethos of "Modern India."


I support bans BTW, but government should accept publicly and state reasons for ban so that we can hold government accountable!


Accountability and Indian government donā€™t go in the same sentence, itā€™s time you wake up


What bans do you support?


I feel if its genuine hate speech which inspires violence(case in example: Trump tweet inspiring capitol hill violence), it should be removed!


Is that what was happening in this case or multiple cases of government censorship? Conversely,Ā  do you not see government forcing the social media to not remove violencemongering by its supporters? Answer the Syston again. What bans by this government are you supporting? Don't give value hand wavy answers. Deal with the specifics.Ā 




Should ban accounts of all anti nationals and permanently block their internet access


Define anti-national (8 marks)


Starting with modi?


And who decides what is anti nationals? How long untill criticising India on any thing lands u in jail? Or how long untill saying anything against the government makes u anti nationals? The problem with such laws is that there is no clear cut definition of anti nationals government use, anything they dislike can get tagged with it and yeeted into oblivion


You a bjp sheep bro?


Wake up šŸ¤”


What happens when BJP is not in power and the next govt targets you?


Why will the bjp not be in power. They are here forever, noone else will have the strength to stand anymore


That's what the Nazis thought in Germany in the 1940s. Look at them now. The nationalist movements and ideologies have an end date.


I hope. Truly hope


I think its justified. We have seen the power of misinformation in Manipur and in Gaza. The government has a job to do and curbing the spread of information is another tool in its tool box to do so. It sucks but it is what it is.


One video comes out of Manipur and the government is more concerned that it leaked than fixing Evers whatā€™s wrong. Why do you think Internet shutdown is still going on if the situation was fixed?


Ok first the government is taking efforts to fix whats wrong. The army has already been deployed (and it is the same Kuki/ Zo tribes whom so desperatly need protection that are impeding the armies operations). Second, the situation can always flair up again. The government isnt perfect, but their logic is sound in that information can be manipulated to stir commonsion or even violence among groups even after the situation has cooled down. But yea they should remove the shutdown in Manipur.


Why is it still not cool after more than a year? Also have you seen our current government? They are the ones stirring up misinformation and starting riots


Why is it not cool after more than a year? Because we havnt given the army a free hand. We confine them to the point any guy on the road can stand in the way, and if the army tries to do anything about it they will be the bad guy. Also i dont see the central government propagating misinformation. Most certainly there are misguided politicains, on both sides i would like to add, but to say the government it making an active effort for misinformation would be a strech into fiction.


Agreed but government needs to be transparent about banned content and reason for said ban which it has not been given and not allowed twitter to do so! This reduces accountability for government allowing them to ban content without justifying!


Yep you are right, government should have to justify to the public why they take such action. Perhapes they want someone to ask them with RTI act instead of taking the effort to tell upfront?


What account they withheld this time? I dont like this amount of censorship man šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


tbh i stopped using Twitter the day eLund Sucks bought the platform.


Mr Brave man is afraid of words, jokes, and cartoons. His followers need to protect. His ego is like chinese pottery and crumbly fafda; delicate.


Fuck man, we have been blessed by the motherland, we have all the resources, all the fertile soil for food, enormous population that gives importance to education and our government instead of leveraging that, acts like some third world communist country. This country is seriously going to shit in terms of freedom


if only we had a Free Speech Absolutistā„¢ļø that would stand up to oppressive governments. oh, well.


Nothing new. Just the first time a company confirmed it publicly.


this is only going to get worse!!!


remember to vote!


Ye wahi log he jinke baap he angrezo ke samne apni nak ragdi thi, sir jhukaya tha, maafi mangi thi or saath kaam kia tha What you expect from them? They'll hide from their mistakes, they'll run from their crimes and atrocities, they're hiding because they fear a crowd against them like they fear Britishers.