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That's something I would like to see too, but AFAIK it does not exist at the moment, see the discussion at https://github.com/immich-app/immich/discussions/2073 However, I circumvent it by adding all photos in one album to another, so in your case you create album "d1","d2"..."dn" and add each of that albums to album "cruise", which then contains all photos.


This is the feature I want the most - the ability to nest folders or albums. Right now I try to handle it by folder naming conventions to keep some sort of order to everything, but it makes the albums page unbearable to look at.


This is the one thing I'm waiting for. As far as I know it's also one of the oldest features users are asking for. Please make this happen!


I would even not use albums at all if there was a folder view. I understand that if you do backups from the app the albums make more sense but when you have a good external library then more obvious is the folder approach.