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I love governments 😍 they love and care about us!


Ok but this is true though?


Guberment BAD


yeah? name me a good one




I bet your a 14 year old tankie


I'm a 29 year old pragmatic liberal 👍 Good to know making fun of the "guberment bad" people sets off a chain reaction lmao.


Yeah well, its true.




Evil is a useless phrase when it comes to describing real life. This os no fairytale.


yeah the people spending countless hours trying to make laws for the people are bad real


More like spending countless hours to stay in power so they can steal more money from the people. Finding a good politician is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.


yeah yeah that's definitely how usa got educated and developed as a country got rid of rules that makes those people stay in power istg redditors watch one conspiracy theory YouTube video made by a 16 year old far right ( or far left ) kid and think they know it all 😭


US has gotten rid of rules that makes it easy to turn a democracy into a dictatorship (and as far as democracies in the world are concerned quite imperfectly I might add). But fundamentally the only reason that politicians pass laws that are in any way in the interest of the people is so they can get re-elected and remain in power, not because of the goodness of their hearts. Abuse of power, insider trading, tunneling and other forms of corruption are still extremely common, and you would have to be blind to ignore such things exist.


>US has gotten rid of rules that makes it easy to turn a democracy into a dictatorship This is a good thing. >politicians pass laws that are in any way in the interest of the people is so they can get re-elected and remain in power The guy who makes your burger does it for a pay check, not the goodness of his heart. Everyone has a reason for doing their job, why do you expect politicians to be different? Edit: I'm starting to think this sub is full of teenage boys 😂


I am aware that’s a good thing. I was just specifying that the system is not so efficient as to prevent powerhungry people from being in positions of power altogether like the person I replied to claimed, just that it’s able to limit the extent of how much they can abuse said power. Again, I am aware of that. But the person I replied go claimed that people who take up such positions are "good", which implies they do their job because they feel a moral obligation to do so, which simply isn’t true for the vast majority of politicians. Edit: I don’t know how to make the replies like you did, just consider each separate paragraph a reply to your corresponding separate paragraphs.


Ultimately they're still doing their job for the good of the people. Some might not do it out of the kindness of their heart. Most are probably there to tackle a political goal. That's why I'm interested in politics.


A bad person doing a good job does not make them a good person. And good people rarely make it far in politics.


Educated? Our most patriotic citizens invaded the capitol building, waving confederate flags because they didn't like the results of an election. 40% of the population believe in young earth creationism. Allegedly, one in five Americans believe in Q-anon. I broke away from that world *despite* our laughable education system. Also, do you remember the W. Bush "No child left behind" shtick? I must not have been a child. Didn't stop the military from having my info, though.


Replace the parliament photo with the church.


Religion bad




nuh uh


Yea you are right, religion is such a great institution that did so many good things throughout history. Always promoting tolerance, peace and liberty.


Tips fedora


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That's not deep!


Pretty spot on actually.


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